“All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart. But if in your fear you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.” Khalil Gibran, The Prophet
“In our time there are certain changes taking place in the heart, by which gradually a fifth chamber will develop. In this fifth chamber man will have a new organ which will allow him to control life forces in a different way than is possible at the moment.” “All that happens in the moral life, and all that happens physically in the world…the moral and the physical….are found in their real union when we learn to understand all the configurations of the human heart.” Rudolf Steiner
“The radiation from this etheric organ of the heart is
actually developing into a spiritual sense organ. A new
sense organ is developing in this etheric heart, and this
is the only organ by which man is able to sense and to
recognize the Etheric Christ”.
Ehrenfried Pfeiffer December 17, 1950
Our first hurdle in opening the window to the occult understanding of “THE FIFTH CHAMBER” of the human heart is to grasp where in nature we have found a five chambered heart. It so happens that Bees have a five chambered heart. This sets the tone of our research.
Cardiac Stimulus the Blood and the human I AM
“This ego-organisation is active in the blood; actually, it brings the blood into movement, and in accordance with the movement of the blood, the heart beats. In text books you will always find the facts quite falsely stated, for it is represented as though the heart were a kind of pump, and that this pumping of the heart sends the blood all over the body. This is nonsense, because it is in reality the blood which is brought into motion by the ego-organisation, and moves throughout the body. If anyone asserts that it is the heart that drives the blood, then he must equally assert that if he has a turbine, it is the turbine that sets the water in motion, though everyone knows that it is the water that drives the turbine. Man has the same kind of points of resistance in his heart; the blood comes up against them and sets the heart in motion; thus it is that the ego-organisation works directly in the circulation of the blood.
“Now it is actually the case that this ego-organisation is in a mysterious way present in the poison of the bee; it is a similar force to the force that circulates in your blood that is present in the bee-poison. It is of great interest that the bee should have need of this poison within her. The bee does not merely need it in order to be able to sting; that is merely incidental. The bee needs the poison throughout its whole organism, for it must have the same force of circulation that man has in his blood.” Rudolf Steiner
There is a stage by stage upgrading power that is on it’s way to lift the human heart up to it’s fifth chamber. However this will cause immense problems in how we feel and how we connect to reality. In other words as we embark on the awful and necessary task of evolving a Fifth Chamber to our human hearts we encounter shattering, earth changing difficulties.
“Honeybees have an open circulatory system formed by the heart and the aorta. The blood is pumped from the five-chambered heart into the aorta. The chambers of the heart have ostial valves which allow the blood to enter into the heart but backward movement to body cavity is prevented.
The blood is poured into the body cavity below the brain at the anterior opening of aorta. The organ systems freely bathe in the blood in the body cavity. The muscle movement of dorsal diaphragm helps in pumping the blood, whereas ventral diaphragm beats in backward direction.”
One of the hurdles in developing a five chambered heart in humanity is that our powers as human beings would be spiritually and morally altered. Our connection to the living forces of nature, as the Bees experience the living forces of nature, would plug us into our own feelings of LIFE and Etheric life and the critical psychological, emotional and karmic health of our fellow human beings and the poisoning effects we have inflicted into nature due to our sterile emotional, intellectual distance we maintain, as the safeguard to our freedom to think in whichever way we please about anything. Even if the way we think about nature and the human heart is a grotesque error of education and judgment. (CLICK LINK FOR VERIFICATION)
There are sensitive forces of etheric light, plants and the lymphatic system of humans respond to forces of light that are linked in kind, in the moral sciences with the Sun Forces and these Sun Forces can but hardly ever penetrate into the deeper layers of our etheric, astral and physical body system. That is the moral streaming Light and Love, not decayed lower Devachan light, but the streaming of higher light and love that arrives in an invisible, thought and emotional, even religious experience.
Experiencing the damning up of the flow of living love and light from entering recesses in the human heart and also experiencing the crippling and contracting soul pain that others are strangled by, because of a lack of Living Light in both attitudes and emotions is to still celebrate our darkness. Also crippling mental standpoints laced with lies, cannot, by merely paying lip service to a simple ‘born again’ – “Jesus Saves” entrenched dogmatic solution, solve anything without an opening of the heart. In fact such false solutions fail to penetrate down into the deeper layers of our psychology and in reality surrounds the soul with stifling subjective dogmas.
Since humanity presently, with few exceptions, and there are a few, with few exceptions most of humanity have a four-chambered heart. We can move up from cold blooded to warm blooded creatures and as we do we can move from two-chambered hearts to three chambered hearts to four chambered hearts and of course our considerations presently, of an etherically sensitive five chambered heart. The Fifth Chamber being a new flux and influx of etheric streaming forces which catch the higher forces of etheric nature and human nature in it’s sensitivity.
“Now I have some answers, not all, though! In 1932, Harvard
University scientist, Bremer, filmed blood flow in embryos
before the heart was formed, but did not realize its great
impact in demolishing the pump pressure theory. Steiner
of Goetheanum in Switzerland used to teach his medical
students that the heart is not a pump – even as early as the
1920s. He alluded to the blood flow in vessels before the
development of the heart in the embryo as a spiral flow
propelled by its own biological momentum in the same
tubes that later became the heart. The heart, he taught,
was only aiding this process. Pressure, he thought, was not
making the blood to flow but was only interrupting the
flow! Etherisation and pneumatisation (or ensoulment) of
blood flow was thought of by thinkers centuries ago but
was all but laughed at in the last three hundred years by
the champions of the mechanical pump theory. “The
power of God (God’s energy) sends blood into all parts of
the body through the aorta” was the description of the
cardiac physiology in the Narayanasookthani of the
Dashasookthanis in Indian wisdom of the Vedic times. One
could visualize the similarities of wisdom at all times!
Lots of simple questions should baffle anyone when told
that the heart, an organ which weighs about 300 grammes,
could pump about 8,000 litres of blood daily at rest, which
goes up exponentially on exercise, without tiring.
Converted to mechanical energy, this amounts to lifting
100 pounds of weight to a height of a mile, write Ralph
Marinelle and colleagues in that remarkable article in the
Frontiers Perspectives [will appear later as link with reference to the heart as a pump]. They have given
extensive literature references to substantiate the claim
that the heart can not, by any stretch of imagination, be
just a simple muscular pump. More amazing is the
concept that the heart could pump blood, five times
thicker than water, through millions of miles of capillaries
where even a single RBC might not pass through those
capillaries but for its capacity to change shape. More
intriguing is the idea that a central organ, which weighs
around 300 grammes in all, could generate so much
pressure as to maintain pressures for blood to flow millions
of miles down the stream through capillaries.”
Since the Bee family already have Five-Chambered hearts, we have before us a remarkable series of insights called, “Nine Lectures on Bees” by Rudolf Steiner. These are highly unique and they bring before us what we are and what we aren’t as human beings with a four chambered heart. The Bees have a five chambered heart and the descriptions of the Colonies of Bees and the Hive life are simply stunning as Steiner reveals it as a science that makes us wish that every scientist had the good sense to understand Spiritual Science.
Key to the life organization of the Bee is the reality of what the Bee represents as a physical organic creature here with us on Earth, sharing the etheric, blossoming, nectar bearing and essential honeycomb, HEXAGONAL life system and cellular foundation structure of matter itself. “Nine Lectures on Bees” span a vast swath of insight into the insect colonies and communities, but stunning to considerations of THE FIFTH CHAMBER of the human heart, is that the Bee is locked into having its roots in The Sun itself.
In considering the Hexagonal systems structure that runs through the blood and through the plant and through crystal structures and bee honeycombs, we have to pause and consider the tiny miracle of the six legged insect. This is such an astonishing design, so that while observing the six legged insects, not so the eight leggeds, but the six legged insects, we
are looking directly at a walking, living, specific servant and tool of the hexagonal flow of life and light through the system of nature and the system of the plants chlorophyll and green blood and our own circulating human red blood.
All of these forces and systems are dominated by the vast hexagonal structural basis of life itself and the very hexagonal eyes of the bees.
The Bee community is rooted and locked into the Sun forces circulating in the Earth and the Sun processes in the plant communities.
The Sun takes approximately 25 to 27 days to turn once on it’s axis. 25 to 27 Earth days is considered one rotation or one day of the Sun and our gestation cycles on Earth and in particular the Bee community are set on the basis of the rotation of the Sun.
Our Earth turns on it’s axis in 24 hours. So the Bee sets it’s life functions, not by the facts of Earth exactly, but through the fact that the Bees are literal Sun Beings in our midst. The entire wisdom of the hive and the Bee colony and the five-chambered bee heart is locked into the wisdom of and efficiency and reality of the Sun forces streaming and hidden in the matrix of the Earth.
The Sun
Diameter…. 1,392,000 km
Mass (Earth = 1)…. 332,830
Rotation period (length of day in Earth days)…. 25
Mean surface temperature…. 5527 (C) … 9981 (F)
This erupting and eroding Sun Force in the Human Heart sourced as the Risen Christ, the Sun Being that is commonly dismissed as a made up story, patched together out of human error and church dogma, cannot be dismissed because it is an actual new force in the lexicon of forces that will continue to grow and disrupt the complacency of human beings. The Christ Being is not a faith it is a fact of the spiritual nature of the Earth.
The Sun Life of the Bees, is documented by Steiner in his “Nine Lectures on Bees” with such vividness and clarity that we are obliged to make a bridge from the Sun-Life of the Bees themselves and bridge over to the central mystery of the human heart.
“Michael shield of the Sun”
“We have called this book the ‘Book of the Bee,’ because we have gathered of the blossoms of the two Testaments and of the flowers of the holy Books, and have placed them therein for thy benefit.
As the common bee with gauzy wings flies about, and flutters over and lights upon flowers of various colours, and upon blossoms of divers odours, selecting and gathering from all of them the materials which are useful for the construction of her handiwork; and having first of all collected the materials from the flowers, carries them upon her thighs, and bringing them to her dwelling, lays a foundation for her building with a base of wax; then gathering in her mouth some of the heavenly dew which is upon the blossoms of spring, brings it and blows it into these cells; and weaves the comb and honey for the use of men and her own nourishment: in like manner have we, the infirm, hewn the stones of corporeal words from the rocks of the Scriptures which are in the Old Testament, and have laid them down as a foundation for the edifice of the spiritual law. And as the bee carries the waxen substance upon her thighs because of its insipidity and tastelessness, and brings the honey in her mouth because of its sweetness and value; so also have we laid down the corporeal law by way of substratum and foundation, and the spiritual law for a roof and ceiling to the edifice of the spiritual tower. And as the expert gardener and orchard-keeper goes round among the gardens, and seeking out the finest sorts of fruits takes from them slips and shoots, and plants them in his own field; so also have we gone into the garden of the divine Books, and have culled therefrom p. 3 branches and shoots, and have planted them in the ground of this book for thy consolation and benefit.”
The Sun Being Christ apparently is a bridge point to the human heart and how the human heart, in order to enter the Sun Community of the Risen Etheric Christ, will eventually shift from a Four-Chambered heart to a Five-Chambered heart and humanity will slowly and painfully reconnect through their hearts to the very core of the etheric forces in nature. Now contrary to sentimental beliefs, this will not be entirely pleasant.
“A beautiful story tells us that when Christ hung on the cross, bees came and drew honey from his bleeding wounds, as from red roses otherwise. The blood’s composition had changed through the sacrifice and had become like the sap of red roses.” Rudolf Steiner
Will this be a pleasant transition? No. Will it happen anyways? Yes. What are some of the symptoms of suddenly or slowly beginning to tap into the very healing and etheric forces, karmic forces, thinking errors, LIFE ISSUES that connect to both Nature and Spirit? Well for one thing, and this is certainly part of the painful change that is in store for us, the painful change that humanity will go through entails that we slowly start to experience the immediate sufferings of any human being in our proximity. JOHN COFFEY AND THE FIFTH CHAMBER OF THE HUMAN HEART (Click Link to grasp the Etheric changes in the Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart) We gradually lose the intellectual distance, the sterile icy vacuum we rely on to compartmentalize and isolate others woes and sufferings from our own as if all life were merely a t.v. screen in front of your couch potato eyes.
“Bee Boy” Born With Bee Heart
“Posted by Cole Gamble When new parents are awaiting their first child, they get very concerned about numbers. All they want is a child with five fingers on each hand, five toes on each foot and five chambers in their heart.
Oh, wait a sec.
Russian baby Vanya Maryin was born with a five chambered heart, a structure only found in bees. Oddly enough little Vanya comes from a family of bee-keepers.
Of course, such a condition is not a desirable one. Being perpetually doubled over was the only way Vanya’s heart could pump oxygen to the rest of his body.
Fortunately, a six hour heart surgery was able to transform Vanda’s bee heart into a four-chamber and little Mr. Maryin into a normal boy.”
Already there is a preparation and build up to intercept the etheric and astral forces slowly changing in the foundations of human experience. Sterile materialistic distance from our crimes against our selves, our children and humanity and objective laws of nature and nature herself, let alone the crimes against the Spirit itself, will be medicated and vaccinated to prevent people from experiencing this new alteration of the Heart.
Through sudden disruptions of the currents of the flow of the Etheric Heart, through karmic shocks, and biographical incursions of stroke, the flow of the etheric life forces in the entire aortic geometry at the very core of the heart, can be temporarily shattered. There is a living, spinning core of Angelic geometry in the core of the heart, but up to now it had only been observed clairvoyantly. That is until Frank Chester slowed down the process so we could see and understand it. Therefore a shock to the heart obviously can come from without and from within.
In the film “Kill Bill” such a karmic shock returns in the form of a karmic lesson that runs straight to the heart of the very forces that make motherhood, love and destiny anchored to the stars and the organic form of humanity. Bill’s heart is stopped by the very karmic forces of love he tried to kill. It rebounds back on him hits him directly in his heart.
“In Kill Bill Vol.2, there is a death move called the Five Pointed Exploding Heart Technique and it is said to be “quite simply, the most deadliest move in all of martial arts…”
If you haven’t seen the movie, this is how it works. The person hits you with his fingertips in certain pressure points in your heart and lets you walk away. But once you take your first five steps, the power of the punch and the location of the punch causes your heart to explode inside of you.”
Here is the nature of the problem, the new forces developing in our hearts will press forward and opposing powers are already prepared to push back with opposing measures to insure that the magical Fifth Chamber of the human heart is oppressed. If human beings begin to experience the Sun Like flow of compassion out from their beings to all creatures and especially to the nearest, our own human family in brother and sisterhood, the entire power and scope of nature and the effect that humanity can have on nature will change and whole new forces in nature and in humanity will start coming to the surface.
To let flow from our hearts to our hands forces that the Etheric life of the Earth need, and that the Heart forces of human beings experience with such shattering forces – OUT – than we will all become healers and experience, not in sentimental Biblical terms, oh it was a miracle! No we will experience rather the amount of forces of love and shattering compassion that will literally alter the axis and position and interior structure of the heart itself.
Crack by creaking crack the hidden underpinnings of Nature that were left completely out of the equation of nuclear physics will come rushing up through the human heart.
And as the new etheric chamber in the heart arises the suppression, the medical vaccinations, like mercury that has disturbed the astral/nervous system, amounting to autism and whole segments of children being disrupted from HARMONY OF THE HEALTHY HEART AND NERVOUS SYSTEM will slowly become governmental policy to prevent hallucinations, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and whole hosts of uncomfortable disruptions of the status quo.
The battle against humanity enlarging and encompassing a vast change in cultural consciousness and values as well as a concrete psychic and psychological reality emerging from a change of heart, a change in the structure of the heart, is already underway and the entire disasters ahead for humanity are due to the failure to grasp the Science of the Etheric Christ as a reality existing in the new Sun Forces of nature and the Human Soul.
In the future all children will be inoculated against encountering such disturbing new sets of insights and this will be part of the ‘beasts’ attempts to stifle and suppress, divert and deny that such changes in the structure of the heart are not only possible but we will show in what follows, how this comes about.
Rudolf Steiner had made indications of a fifth chamber of the heart. He spoke of a time when certain changes would take place in the heart, by which gradually a fifth chamber will develop. In this fifth chamber man will have a new organ which will allow him to control life forces in a different way than is possible at the moment.
The radiation from this etheric organ of the heart is actually developing into a spiritual sense organ.
In researching the geometry of the human heart, Frank Chester has discovered how a fifth chamber can evolve. The heart will have to rotate just five degrees and a new valve will form.
“Balancing” says Frank, “is the primary function of the heart. Our inner work improves balance. When we are able to see ‘periphery’ and ‘center’ simultaneously; when we see ‘self’ and ‘other’ with equal equanimity, then we give the heart a loosening quality of balance that allows it to evolve etheric forces.
Frank summarizes some of the details:
“The heart is not a pump, but an organ in which etheric space is created, so that the blood is sucked into the heart rather than pumped”(1). January of 2000 a new form was uncovered with 7 equal surfaced areas. After four years of study it was found to be the geometry behind the human heart. Based on the precise objective nature of geometry it can now be shown and validated by this lawful 7-sided form that many of Rudolf Steiner’s statements concerning the human heart are true.
FOLLOW THE FORMTHE HEART FORM IS PRECISION IN BALANCE between inversion and reversals, suction and pressure, concave and convex, right and left, backwards and forwards, below and above, three and four, asymmetrical and symmetrical, acceleration and deceleration, clockwise and counter-clockwise, geometric and organic, and two different vortexes, all of which today can be demonstrated to be lawful. These polarities are found to be active in the human heart.
1.The heart is a brake, “The heart is not a pump; it is a sense organ, a damming up organ”(2) You can observe the chestahedron in a vortex generator balancing itself between accelerating and decelerating.
2. The apex of the heart is paper-thin. “The apex wall is so soft and weak that it can be pierced with the index finger”(3) The geometry of the mitral valve opening will not allow a moving vortex to reach the apex inside the chestahedron. If the heart is a pressure pump, the apex would balloon out. The new form shows why this ballooning does not occur.
3. The chestahedron’s geometry consists of two vortexes, one inside the other. “The musculature of the heart and arteries all the way down to the pre-capillaries is spirally oriented, and both the heart and arteries move spirally to augment the momenta of the blood.”(4)
4. After creating a vortex in a clear receptacle of water with the chestahedron on the end of an electric drill, there remains three spiraling vortexes. “Dr. Pettigrew found three columns of spiraling blood in the left ventricle.”(5)
5. By using the chestahedron geometry of 22.5 degrees of arc found in the center of the conical form, we now have an answer to myocardial layering design that has eluded Dr. Pettigrew, Lawrence Edwards and all present-day heart researchers.
A design that allows counter clockwise and clockwise forces to work together in a balanced way and at the same time promote blood vortex movement.
6. The chestahedron was developed from a tetrahedron turning inside a cube whose axis is centered at the squre root of 3, and the square root of 3 in the cube is 36 degrees of arc from the horizontal plane. This explains for the first time why the heart is located on the left side of the body. The human heart position in the body is 36 degrees, which is the perfect balance between above and below, right and left and forward and behind. Not knowing about geometry, many studies indicate the heart sets at 45 degrees.
7. When the tetrahedron reaches the midpoint of the cube the resulting form is an octahedron with one invariant point. Putting this form back into the original tetrahedron and spinning both at the same time in the cube again, you get the inside left ventricle geometry.
8. The inside left ventricle geometry turns 40 degrees during systole and sits in the cube at 15 degrees. Altogether you have a 55-degree spiral movement.
If the ventricle twists another 5 degrees a fifth chamber develops complete with a tri cusped valve.
9. “In our time there are certain changes taking place in the heart, by which gradually a fifth chamber will develop. In this fifth chamber man will have a new organ which will allow him to control life forces in a different way than is possible at the moment.”(6) “All that happens in the moral life, and all that happens physically in the world…the moral and the physical….are found in their real union when we learn to understand all the configurations of the human heart.”(7)
Stage by stage by stage the discovery of a whole new dynamic form of geometry, living geometry, has been applied and discovered, so that Frank Chester, in particular, has penetrated to a mystery of how the active dynamic of the heart flow, the blood flow, the actual precise geometry of the heart is actually a higher dynamic form resonator that is, by the actual flowing form of the blood and heart together a spinning oscillator of higher developing thinking.
The Heart is a profound micro-field of higher dynamic forces which are linked to human spiritual development. Yes but this discovery has shattered the deadening concept of the heart as a pump. It isn’t, it is an active spinning, kaleidoscope of individual human karma, a vortex of consciousness and an Angelic/Human Time System bridging the Etheric Life worlds, the Holy Grail of the Blood where the I AM of the Christ Being reside, (we’re not done yet) the entire time codes of both the inner and outer starry/astral worlds, a fountain-head for both artistic/poetic and scientific realms of emotion and thought. In other words the Heart the Frank Chester Heart Form is one of the central mysteries of the new human Grail Community.
From Verses and Meditations
by Rudolf Steiner
In the human Heart
there lives a part of Man
which contains matter
more spiritual than in any other organ;
also a part of Man
of which the spiritual life
is made more manifest in matter
than that of any other organ.
Hence in the Microcosm that is Man
Sun is the Heart,
and in his Heart is Man united
most of all with the deepest fount-
the fount of his true Being.
Frank Chester, as humble a guy, and quietly working out of Spiritual Science and Sacred Geometry has opened a riddle into the seven sided spinning cathedral of the heart, where all paths and all roads intersect because we stand as living, pulsing, human spirits on the earth. All the worlds come together, not with a dull dead drop of a static stone or a simplistic mechanical pumping mechanism, or the dead tick of an uncaring clock or pacemaker, but rather a central point where all cosmic and earthly roads merge.
All roads meet at the center of the Human Heart and precisely and accurately retrieve and transform intimate data hidden from any external source but gathered up from the heart vortex of the human soul. Forces of the soul, hidden nature mysteries, Karma threads and streams, imprinted forces in the ethers, a refined record and reading library of emotions, thoughts, impressions, higher beings, deeds, imprinted in the sensitive akashic ethers of the eternal records of each human incarnation, meet at the crossroads of the human heart.<
But all we see is a static pumping system that can indeed be jump started like a car when the battery is dead. We certainly have managed to comprehend the use of jumper cables. But we are afraid to consider the living super system that our blood is powerfully, immediately, constantly imprinted and tagged in a continuous flowing Time Organism that bridges past-present-future physics and Angelic worlds even as we move through the present.
The swirling living geometry, the cathedral in every human heart, that is the living thinking, feeling and willing resonator, that FRANK CHESTER rediscovered has a remarkable reference point to which we are obliged to pay homage. Christian Rosenkreutz (link here) and the early scientists had awakened the key to what Frank Chester has re-discovered for us.
It is not that this was completely unknown, this magnificent spinning SEVEN SIDED GEOMETRY of the human heart is now something that can be delivered openly to humanity. It is the striking portal to the Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart, but the strange and amazing details of being able to translate and utilize as well as study the powerful dynamics that Frank Chester has opened to us, can also be approached through another doorway. Through this other doorway is the passageway to understanding the foundation of “Goethe’s Theory of Color” and the deep bridge to the seven-fold spinning form, that we now know is the inner Cathedral and gateway of each human heart.
by Jack Courtis
“The seven sides are all alike in size, shape and subdivision, and the forty squares on each side bear the same symbols. But the colouring is varied in the extreme, no two sides are alike in tint, and none of the squares are identical in colour excepting the single central upper square of each wall, that square bearing the Wheel of the Spirit. The Seven Walls are under the planetary presidency, one side to each planet. The subsidiary squares represent the colouring of the combined forces of the planet. The symbol of each square is represented by the ground colour, while the symbol is in the colour contrasted or complementary to that of the ground.
“Each of the 7 walls is attributed to one of the astrological planets. The wall attributed to Venus is actually the door through which we must enter. That is because Venus symbolises desire. We usually misinterpret that as sexual desire. In fact it is desire for life which ultimately, is desire for God. Note also that each wall has 8 horizontal rows. They can be attributed to the Ptolemaic spheres of the fixed stars (top row) and the astrological planets from Saturn for the second row, through to the Moon for the bottom row. The five vertical columns can be attributed to the alchemical elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and the Quintessence. Thus the astrological and alchemical attributions form a grid which can give extended meanings to the symbols.
“ Now these planetary sides are found to be in a special order, neither astronomical nor astrological. The common order of the succession of the planets is that defined by their relative distances from Earth, putting the Sun, however in the Earth’s place in the series thus: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. Saturn is farthest from the Earth, and the Earth is between Mars and Venus. Beginning with Saturn in the case of the Walls of the Vault, the order is Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon. Here Mercury and Venus are transposed.
“The order of the planets is very significant. The order given here is not the usual order, but a different order. Why is this important? The planets are a “blind” for the chakras and this is not the usual attribution of planets to chakras.
“ But there is something more than this. For Saturn, the farthest off, is neither the door nor the East, nor anywhere else that is obviously intended. For it is the corner between the South and the southwest sides. Nor is Luna, at the other side of the scale, in any notable position on the old lines.
There is, then, a new key to their order to be found and used, and such as are very intuitive see it at a glance. The planets are in the order of the rainbow colours, and in colours because of the Adeptus Minor grade is the especial exponent of colours.”
We don’t want to confirm that nature, our dogs and cats, plants and everything living in and through us, are not dead to the sympathies and forces passing through our human hearts. And that such tsunamis of compassion could so change the flow of humanities perception of others, through the suffering of others that we would change the structure of the heart. Will we remain static as a dumb mechanical pump? If not are we destined to press matter and human life to the complete oppression and denial of reality to the extent that the forces of the human heart rebound on itself and crack a mighty new current in the heart that becomes shattering compassion and powerful I AM truths?
That is the ultimate reality of our wrestling match with the new Etheric Christ forces, which are not likely to remain peripheral, rather there is just so far that the human soul can push itself out of and off the grid of the Logos and the living forces of nature and the Risen Christ, without the pivotal and most sensitive human system, the blood and heart system, recovering the balance of the human abuse and denial of its soul and spirit roots and realities.
That is why, such a Fifth Chamber of the human heart is such a deadly threat to the general beast forces, so that the heart must be dumbed down, medicated and diverted away from the truth of the Etheric Christ. Tsunami like sensitive disturbances arising in the human psyche and emotions will be channeled to more and more brutality.
Medical intrusions and entire fascist plagues, against what is certain to arise in the heart of humanity sooner or later must be pre-empted and stopped (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LIST OF HUMAN COLONY COLLAPSE AIMED AT MURDERING THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE FIFTH CHAMBER OF THE HUMAN HEART). External culture will make up any excuse, poverty, pandemics, nuclear war, invented terrorism, RFID chips and drug tracking identity and crime balancers, the heart is a mechanical pump and there is no immortal I AM and if you imagine such a thing it should be medicated out away and into oblivion in order to preserve societies sanity. Which amounts to preserving the insanity we see arising in society. Pre-crime potential, like pre-emptive war protects a minority. That minority are those whose interest is best served by denying that there is any kind of true spiritual world or that human beings are living imaginations of the Gods themselves.
The math and Geometry reveal it’s reality and the expansion and elaboration of those intimate forces of the human heart, are set to incorporate into themselves an even higher resonation of the ethers in order to produce, not without immense emotional maturity and disturbance of our settled, dense and static materialistic theories, shattering new changes. If one thing is for certain the heart and the spinning forces that meet in the heart, they are not ever static, nor is the universe we live in and the spiritual impulses around us ever static, dead or mechanical. They are dynamic, dramatic, surprising, sometimes incalculable, but for certain the human heart hides a mystery that will open, with painful truth to all, The Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart.
Our worst enemies today and in the future to come will be the medical professionals who have been educated to consider and believe that the heart is merely a pump. Both the pharmaceutical industries and the medical and military communities will find ways to numb, distort and control the new forces that will rise from the unused portions of our consciousness which cause shattering alterations in our hearts and our psyches.
This means that currents running in the Etheric foundations of the Earth and Christ Sun experiences will gradually creep into our astral and etheric experiences. We will encounter nature in an entirely new integration and relationship. When the Queen of the Sun meets the elemental spirtus-loci queens of nature we shall awaken to a whole new perception of living nature awakening from the fifth chamber of our human hearts. We are going to become or fight becoming Sun Beings in the Community of Christ.
“We have lost in this country alone in America, about five million colonies, each one of them having 20 to 50 to 60 thousand individual honeybees,” he said. “The bees are always telling us all kinds of things we have to learn. They are giving us messages and their crisis is our crisis definitely. We could call it the CCD of the human being, too.”
Our teachers in the interconnected efficiency of an invisible and etheric current of reality behind nature, connecting everything to the healthy forces of human Body-Soul-Spirit, will be tiny beings who live for and by the invisible Aura of Light shed by the Queen, within the hive colony. Steiner reveals how a tiny revelation of etheric light, borrowed from the Sun itself, is part of the hive Queen’s emanations. (CLICK THIS FABULOUS LINK)
Let us Review some of the issues Frank Chester has raised
“The chestahedron was developed from a tetrahedron turning inside a cube whose axis is centered at the square root of 3, and the square root of 3 in the cube is 36 degrees of arc from the horizontal plane. This explains for the first time why the heart is located on the left side of the body. The human heart position in the body is 36 degrees, which is the perfect balance between above and below, right and left and forward and behind. Not knowing about geometry, many studies indicate the heart sets at 45 degrees.”
In examining the position of the heart at 36 degrees we come to how the human being as a Star form represents the position of the heart, and why the heart sits at 36 degrees and not 45 degrees. This contemplation of the Star Form and how the human form is in a mathematical star form, presents us with the amazing understanding of the Christmas Star and the human heart. Since the heart is at 36 degrees and Frank Chester has brought these insights clearly in the video tapes you can review, and review his research sites, we are faced with how to confirm this 36 degrees and how the Human Form represents a Star Form.
When a five pointed star is drawn using points of equal length along with 36 degree angles at each point, then the five pointed star is often referred to as a golden five pointed star. The pentagram is the simplest regular star polygon, containing ten points. Five points make up the tips of the star, and five points make up the vertices of the inner pentagon. The pentagram or five point star also consists of fifteen different line segments. By joining the collinear edges of the five point star together, a pentagon is produced.
So the human heart will set at 36 degrees in the human chest with the human being standing erect and his arms and legs stretched out like a star. The flow of etheric forces
that arise through Eurythmy and Waldorf class room work, promote the flow of the new etheric forces of the heart and prepare the human being, who by the time they are mature enough to understand Spiritual Science and choose to do Eurythmy or open their cognitive forces in order to grasp the foundational science and reality of The Etheric Christ in our environment, are also prepared to understand the Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart as a new opening into the hidden etheric forces that underlie Nature Herself.
In my first play produced at the Old Reliable Theater off, off, B’way, I brought out the five elements. “The Fifth Stage of Humanity” would incorporate, Fire, Air, Water, Earth and the new element of the Etheric Christ. Since that play was produced in 1970, the film, “The Fifth Element” starring Bruce Willis, was an expansion of the themes of my original off, off B’way play.
When we place the human Heart as the central Sun of the flow of the etheric forces within the single human body, we begin to grasp a model of the mighty forces of Etheric life that circulate out from our souls to the whole of humanity. Not only do we have Twelve Cranial nerves, but the Human Heart as the Sun force in the body reveals, just how the Five Pointed Star, the Heart, sitting at 36 degrees, and the Heart in a human beings known as Jesus Christ, could shrink and radiate into the TWELVE disciples the potent healing and etheric forces of the cosmos condensed into the anatomy and structure of the human form.
Immense consolidated and condensed divine forces swept through the Words that were spoken, the hands that touched the sick and healed them, these new forces were elaborated by the Christ when He flooded through the human form of Jesus.
“The Human Heart in human form, the human form within the 12 fold Zodiac”
For three years these forces flooded through and re-adapted and remodeled the human form so that from the head, in Aries to the feet in Pisces, to the outstretched arms, of Gemini, to the Chest and heart of the Lion and our legs as Sagittarius, the entire micro form is a condensed model of the vast, vast Zodiac where the Sun creates the TWELVEFOLDNESS of Months, hours, minutes and seconds, and the entire integration of the Star forces hinge as well on the vast measurement of the circle.
36 degrees is 1/10 of a complete circle. Ten fingers, ten toes and our heart placed at an angle of 36 degrees to the frame of the star form of the body reveals just some of the striking math and geometry that Frank Chester, Spiritual Science and Sacred Geometry bring to the journey of our discovering ourselves as Imagination in Artistic Sensual forms individually hand crafted and designed by the Gods themselves.
Sun, thou bearer of rays,
Thy light’s power over matter
Magics life out of the earth’s
Limitless rich depths.
Heart, thou bearer of soul,
Thy light’s power over spirit
Magics life out of the human being’s
Limitless deep inwardness.
If I gaze upon the Sun
Her light speaks to me in radiance
Of the Spirit, filled with grace,
Wielding through the beings of worlds.
If I feel within my heart
The Spirit speaks its own true word
About the human being, loved by him
Through all time and eternity.
Looking upwards, I can see
In the Sun’s bright disc
The mighty heart of worlds.
Looking inwards, I can feel
In the heart’s warm beat
The human Sun ensouled.
These Imaginations of the new etheric forces of the heart and it’s delicate unfolding captures something of the secret hidden in the breast of humanity that no one yet understands. The first is THIS ONE, watch it now. And next try a different perspective. Watch this Animation. Bluebird animation based on Charle’s Bukowski’s poem.
Before we get to the 12-lead electrocardiogram which is a very fancy heart monitor; before we leave you with the deadening terminology of our current medical and life saving techniques, even as the electrocardiogram has TWELVE leads, even in this unique electrical monitoring device, of the TWELVEFOLD ZODICAL micro-sun system of the human heart, medical science makes attempts to follow the flow lines and outreach of the mighty etheric blood system with rather primitive but essential apparatus for those who prefer to cling to materialism. So before we leave you with that note, there is one last Etheric Portal that reveals the strange mystery of the 36 degree angle of the human heart and our relation to the vast worlds of the Stars.
Here is something that is right out of The Foundation Stone and the Dodecahedron all wrapped together into the secrets of the human heart and the secrets of the hidden Fifth Chamber of the Etheric Heart.
Our Repeating Pentagonal Universe
From New Scientist via StumbleUpon comes a finding that may be just weird enough to be true.
Here arises the strange understanding of an etheric gate, seemingly a watery, shimmering etheric portal to the otherside of the universe.
This is what the film “StarGate” was all about. This is what the film “CONTACT” (SEE LINK) was all about as well. Now since science is betting on the 36 degree angle of the powerful portal into the etheric universe that is coming alive in the Fifth Chamber of the human heart, if the military and medical sciences and the beasts’ fascists representatives do not resist the flow of mighty streams of compassion, cognition, precise etheric sciences, with how the Etheric and lymphatic system functions in conjunction with the physical form; how the nervous system and the astral body functions in relation to feelings, thought and the starry destiny of sleep; how the I AM in humanity functions as it is saturated with the Etherization of the blood itself; – providing that medical science grows up and begins educating students and humanity in the Fourfold Structure of the human being – Physical body ~ Etheric Body ~ Astral body ~ I AM, there is a strong potential that humanity can make the transition to the Etherization of the blood and the harmonization and integration of the Soul and Spirit without a hitch.
Under the rich tapestry of all the depth of our research into the human heart there is an aggressive attack on the hearts of our Children,(CLICK LINK HERE) it is lethal and part of the Anti-Etheric poison designed to suffocate the forces arising in humanity as the Fifth Chamber of the Human heart. HERE IS A SONG (click link) that thrusts us once again into the core and matrix of all we could be if we didn’t misunderstand the depth and virtuosity of our hearts. This essay answers the riddle the song poses, a riddle every human heart as it progresses must face.
1. A method of deriving a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram
comprising the steps of:
attaching a plurality of electrodes for sensing and measuring body surface potentials on positions that constitute a subset of a standard 12-lead system;
measuring electrocardiographic waveforms for said subset from potentials sensed by said plurality of electrodes;
calculating waveforms of remaining leads of said standard 12-lead system from said measured electrocardiographic waveforms; and
deriving the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram based on said measured electrocardiographic waveforms and said calculated electrocardiographic waveforms,
wherein a heart vector is obtained from said measured waveforms based on an inherent relationship among said heart vector, lead vectors of said subset, and said measured electrocardiographic waveforms, and
wherein said electrocardiographic waveforms of said remaining leads are calculated based on said heart vector and lead vectors of said remaining leads.
Electrocardiographic (ECG) Scanner™ is a new patented instrument for non-invasive cardiac diagnosis. Let’s see how it works.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a record of the electric activity of the heart. A standard ECG is produced by sensing electric potentials in six leads from the limbs (I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF) and six leads from the chest (V1-V6).
Electric signals of the heart spread in all directions. However each standard lead can accurately represent only a small spatial sector around its axis (axes are shown as green arrows). When projected onto an imaginary sphere surrounding the heart, such a conic sector would look like a small circle or an oval.
When an ECG is taken, twelve standard ECG leads may produce normal tracings (gray ovals) while a pathologic focus (black spot) may remain unnoticed. This happens, because electric signals (red arrow) from the pathologic focus do not propagate along (are not collinear with) the axes of any of standard ECG leads and therefore their magnitude does not reach diagnostic thresholds to be properly detected. In such cases a correct diagnosis is missed.
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Arizona man is first to go home with a total artificial heart
May 28, 2010 by Lin Edwards
The SynCardia Total Artificial Heart
(PhysOrg.com) — An Arizona man has left hospital with a completely artificial heart beating in his chest. Father of three Charles Okeke, 43, from Phoenix is the first person to leave hospital with a Total Artificial Heart keeping him alive until he receives a donor heart.
This is the most important research on THE ETHERIC HEART we have on record. And next to it, along with our other references that are linked in the above text there is Mr. Pfeiffer’s magnificent research on the HEART HERE.
This is a warm hearted look at the wonderful work of Bees, Pollination, their dances, hive life and the workers are all girls. It could be a Waldorf School skit on the study of the Bees. It is lovely, simple and charming. (CLICK LINK HERE)
ADDENDUM 3 The result of Ahrimanic forces penetrating the fortress of the Etheric Heart reveals this and for further study in relation to the Ahrimanic forces that infect the Heart, we can study this link: The first is Dick Cheney’s New Heart and the Second link is a crystal clear tale of the Heartless Giant that applies to all servants of the Ahrimanic forces of the Earth.
Hi Brad.
Do you remember me? The wicked witch of the West? ( Remember when I tried to talk you out of leaving Susan to go to Virginia’s Dornach speech school?) I’m glad to see you’re up and about. I have a “manuscript” I think you would be very interested in because it shows how to develop the “new 5th heart chamber”! It’s called The Earth-Star Service Manual by anonymous, 240 pages, originally published on St. John’s Tide 1953. It starts out with this quote:
“To altruistically free and heal or not to altruistically free and heal?” is the primary question that each person confronts when meeting another being. Yet how a person chooses to answer this most significant question will not only determine its progressive creative life, but also its very survival. For a more shocking way to pose it is: “To be murdered or not to be murdered by thy neighbor??!!”
And ends with this quote:
“Whoever does not enter the Dance, does not know what is happening. (excerpt from the Gnostic manuscript The Acts Of John, circa 93 AD)
“Whoever does not enter the Dance, ends up a mud flap on Ahriman’s asshole!!!
(the same excerpt as before but retranslated into appropriate modern-day freelance dancer junkyard-dog terralingo, circa 1993 AD!!!)
I’ve been hoarding a few extra copies (not really, just haven’t found out the true “junkyard dogs” who should have them).
To me —The Earth-Star Service Manual is the fitting completion of the RS-VT trilogy!!!
Ok, here’s the deal. I’ll send you a copy. I’ll even pay for shipping as I’ve garnered a few extra hard earned dollars for that. And when if you know it’s the “real McCoy” send me $100. Or if not, no problem send it back soon (and you pay shipping). I just don’t want to see it lying on the shelf somewhere collecting “rust”!
Also I would be “mucho” interested in your response…you old goat, still sniffen’ and kicken!!
Love, Nina
Nina I would never forget you and am so happy we found each other again. Let me see how do we follow up on this book that has you on the edge of your seat. I am interested of course and just as interested to see…shoot do we have any old photos of the Demeter play or Spring Valley days that I can gather up… I am on FB, but certainly wish you merry and Susan is up with Christal in Washington State, I think….I mean visiting. Christal and I and Silver are yapping on FB… and am so glad you found me you swee and wonderful thing. Afraid ask, Bud?
Great. Thank-you. Attended a Frank Chester workshop a little over a year ago in California. I’ve just returned from India – orphanage assistance. Jet lagged and have a sinus infection from the terribly polluted air in Delhi, so please forgive me today for writing in short statements. I look forward to reading this material. There’s no question in my intuition that there is a new space opening in the heart. I deeply appreciate those who are helping to bring intellectual consciousness to this shift.
Blessings. Yiana
This is truly remarkable stuff. The way you have efficiently and coherently brought sooo very much together is quite moving. This blog be spot on mate. Thank you for doing the intense inner work to accommodate these truths, and for crystallizing it in your being so as to spit it out the way it ought be done. What is more, thank you for making it free to all; that’s quite neighborly of you.
Peace — R
Thank-you ‘R’ that was a well weighed evaluation and it was a thrill for me to know you got it. Thanks mate!
Another well thought out study.
You wrote:
“When Aphrodite’s blood was shed on the Trojan battlefield, it was her palm that received the strike from a mortal. Love was severely wounded here in the palm, and from Good Friday on, the marks of the stigmata, on the palms, are clearly the sign that the contract with Freyja and Good Friday are fulfilled. It is in St. Francis Assisi that we can closely observe and study how this immortal contract was fulfilled. It is in Grunewald’s painting of the Isenheim Altar that we comprehend the radiance of light that comes from the palms of the hands of the Christ. It is in this most powerful painting that the palms, where the nails were driven in on Good Friday, appear afterward, as if they were Lilies opening with pure spirit-light pouring out from their centers.”
Rudolf Steiner:
“The Hearer should remind himself daily that he is setting before himself as his immediate object in life the entering on the Probationary Path. To this end he aims at gaining control of his mind and purifying his life….Meditation: sit cross-legged on the floor, or sit on a low chair with two hands palms downward on the two knees.” 1904, History & Contents, p 135. “Palms down” guards the meditator against the incursion of negative entities.
The Brothers:
“But in the palm there is the direct road to the heart – and this is the great significance of the handshake!”
Five fingers, five chambers- it’s all coming together!
What an amazing work, thankyou! I smiled to think how aptly named Frank Chester to reveal the secrets within the chest.
Your article impresses on me the urgency to cry when I hear news that a mother has lost her child, or children their parents, or natural disasters creating fear and turmoil etc. If we each work with the forces of morality, conscience and compassion in our own being we will assist Christ to displace the beast – which he will. Yet there is a certain sense of powerlessness that comes with this task, powerless that leads to despair which we must embrace if we want to experience the etheric resurrection. In October 16, 1918 Steiner spoke of this http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/FndChr_index.html
great work
I don’t generally reply to content but I will in this case. Wow a big thumbs up for this 1 [url=http://www.squidoo.com/c-class-ip-hosting]C CLass IP hosting[/url]!
Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting…I will be back again to read more on this topic.
This content deserves to be applauded as it makes us believe as it true. I follow quite a few blogs but I have never gone through such an astounding post earlier. Honestly speaking I love to follow your work as it inspire me a lot.
Its my pleasure to tell you that your article has fascinated me. You are doing a great job. Keep the spirit high.
Dear Rileybrad,
During contemporary university research in the States (around the last quarter of the 20th century), scientists have found that the HEART is the “Missing Lnk” — THE INTERMEDIARY MORAL DIRECTOR — that completes the “circuit” and solves the current, “left brain-right brain” paradox. Also, the higher and lower egos, I’s, selves, and souls, etc, are analogous to the TEMPORARY DUALITY of the battle between good and evil. For in the distant future, and concurrently with the vast collaboration in the Alchemical Friendship of Nature, Humane, and Divine Beings, there will gradually be NO duality, that is, there will be a futuristically, morally radiant ego, an encompassing holy radiant soul, and a point to periphery, form-principle, reflective, plane-interweaving, eternal and infinite, radiant spiritual body.
Thanks for your great Moral Heart-Blog Rileybrad.
True friendship is Divine Love Altruistically Blazing from the Future to the Present — to help free, heal, and liberate — the Past, all the while accruing ever Newcomers (Moral Individuals) in the Alchemical Friendship!!!!
Thanxs, again. Leroy Jacobowski. AMEN.
You wrote “… the TEMPORARY DUALITY of the battle between good and evil. For in the distant future, and concurrently with the vast collaboration in the Alchemical Friendship of Nature, Humane, and Divine Beings, there will gradually be NO duality, that is, there will be a futuristically, morally radiant ego,” I love your thoughts on this and with love is also discernment. I am working on a Manichean research piece now, so it is TRUE that Spirit-Self is up the road, the hurdles we are going to go through to get there require us to pause in our considerations of Good and Evil as this Fifth Epoch we are in is going to bear some nasty, nasty fruit and a couple, small colonies of good fruit. We need to road-block Ahriman as well as create the synthesis of Anima and Animus Sexless goodness as part of the complete HEART picture. Human Beings begin to grow the Fifth Chamber and develop their stubby shoulder blades into highly sensitive forces. A lot of Ahrimanic testosterone is gonna put a lot of us against the wall to get through this. We ain’t gonna get a free ride through our confrontation with good and evil.
DEAR Rileybrad,
This is one of the most significant occult, and esoteric, adventures of the Spirit-Soul-astral-etheric-physical-principle-form-body-cosmic-reflector-phantom-fractal HEART, that I have stumbled across, since the expulsion of usin’s, deviated human creatures (DHCs) from Da’ Gaarrrdin (and I don’t even want to infer to the New Yawkers’ Madison Square Garden, or MSG, anti-brain, and anti-soul, heart food, in the least!?). So, it is with no great fanfare, that I freely give the following Etheric Five Chamber “Spirit-Soul” anti-vampiric, anti-zombism, Etheric Silver Bullet Ammo, that can benefit, any genuine truth-seeker, that discerningly comes to your magnificent, tip-top,, and spinach-beatin’, Five-Chamber, Heart, Blog Sight (ever) Word Soundings:
Touch (F) / Cancer-Crab/Chest
Life (M) / Leo-Lion/Heart
Movement (F) / Virgo-Virgin/Trunk
Equilibrium (M) / Libra-Scales/Hips
Smell (F) / Scorpio-Scorpion/Lower Trunk
Taste (M) / Sagittarius-Archer/Thighs
Vision (F) / Capricornus-Goat/Knees
Warmth (M) / Aquarius-WaterCarrier/Lower Legs
Hearing (F) / Pisces-Fishes/Feet (Verbal, or Silent, Listening*)
Speech (M) / Aries-Ram/Crown (Verbal, or Silent, Word*)
Thinking (F) / Taurus-Bull/Head (Altruistic, and Anonymous, Objective Concept*)
Ego (M) / Gemini-Twins/Hands (Altruistic, and Anonymous, Corporeal Body-Free “Other” Objective Experience/Perception*)
The Crown Chakra: 8-Petal:
I AM the resurrection and the life.
The Brow Chakra: 2-Petal:
I AM the light of the world.
The Throat Chakra: 16-Petal:
I AM the good shepherd.
The Heart Chakra: 12-Petal:
I AM the bread of life.
The Solar Plexus Chakra: 10-Petal:
I AM the door.
The Sacral Chakra: 6-Petal:
I AM the way, the truth, and the life.
The Root Chakra: 4-Petal.
I AM the true vine, of the tree of life.
The Divine Fire Chakra: 14-Petal (within all of the chakras):
I AM the altruistic, and anonymous, proto-creative word.
ThanXs, warm-heartedly, again, Doc Rileybrad, for your etheric work,
Your long lost annoying pal, Leroy Jacobowski.
Rare occurrences, not in the neighborhood of annoying, maybe uplifting, escalating, exhilarating. Altruistic friendship is such a warm and deepening gift. Or – or from incarnations long ago- U go gurlfriend!!!
DEAR Rileybrad,
Huh?! Last time I checked my anima, it was a dynamic part of the full body package that I dynamically collaborate with to incarnate in on this hyarr beautiful, blue, earthly planet: male, corporeal, phat-body; female-tit-knocker-etheric-water-bag-hag-body; feminine-principle-astral-sentient-water-windage-soul-food-smelly-body; and masculine-principle-spirit-ego-causal FBN (i.e. Fly-By-Night) body. As far as I knows with clear, tonically, touch-o-pathic, pingings, and prongings, and near-sighted, telescopic, etheric-ray, akashic, surround, through, and surface, clamorings, and feelies, the whole last bunch of my Incarns, have to do with male, chauffeuristic, ugh, ugly, corporealnesses!!! (Yeah! I know almost all of my incarna-tions, goin’ ways back, almost to The Garden, and sum of your entelechyical Romantic, innovative (left-right-left-meter-fragmenter-poetervator,) beauteous, and frightening, screamings!!!
ThankeYYY, my cool cat friend, RileybradeYYY!!!,
Sunburningly, Leroy Jacobowski.
PS-the X, in ThanXs, represents the full-time divine love affair that I was freely powered/empowered with, a couple of kilos, ago.
Brad, can you tell me how to contact Nina (in Santa Paula, CA, I think)? I heard Bud died earlier this year (2013). It’s been a long time. Thanks,
In Hindu tradition the sound of the sacral chakra which is depicted as a six pointed lotus – of course – is “Like that of a buzzing bee”…so as Kundalini is Imagination – there will be a place- where Imagination – in it’s Truth Vehicle Form (a la Barfield) – will meet -and join – the Heart – in that Fifth Compartment- which seems to me- will be quite close to the beginnings of the base of the throat which means that the Creative Voice will be neighborly to the New Communing Heart in a sort of semi Rear Window “We can see it all from the neighborhood point of view” -hopefully with Grace Kelly assisting…all of this of course from a rather Platonic vantage point…I’ll buzz off now…all Blessings BEE to you and many thanks!