“Heisenberg, Bohr, Boggs and Oppenheimer would have been pupils of Rudolf Steiner in Munich if Steiner’s magnificent Christic Physics of how Love and Light make up the body of matter itself would have been placed in Munich as Steiner had intended in the first place. The great symphony conductor, the WORD, the Logos and the Etheric Christ weaves into every crevice and cranny of matter from the most distant stars and galaxies to the the intimacy of the human I and our blood.”
“I once said, and this was truly not said rhetorically, but out of the deeper knowledge of the soul: Until our physics, our mechanics, the whole of our external science, come to be permeated by the Christ Impulse, science will not have reached its goal… A truly Christian science will not seek for atoms, not for atoms and their laws, nor for the conservation of matter and of energy; it will seek for the revelation of Christ in all the phenomena of nature, and these will thereby reveal to men their sacramental character.” Rudolf Steiner
We are going to enter into an understanding as to why the United States of America was chosen by Ahriman to introduce poisoned etheric light, destructive incinerating nuclear weapons, introduce historically into Earth evolution Anti-human and Anti-Christ light, depleted poison uranium shells to be spread around the world. (click here to the tragic confession of Oppenheimer. His failure to call back the Beast that he gift wrapped for Truman. CLICK LINK) Depleted Uranium dust carried by the wind and explosions, swept into diverse foreign conflicts and countries where they now cause genetic defects for generations in Americans who have served in overseas conflicts. Genetic damage will be passed on for generations to come in human beings residing in areas where depleted uranium shells have been used that have entered into the soil and dust of a country. Why?
We will examine why the 33rd President of the United States, Harry Truman, who won the Consciousness Soul and Etheric Christ bingo award for being the 33rd President and forced to decide like Pontius Pilate if the 33rd President of the United States should stand in judgment of the Etheric Christ Light. Should Truman press the human race forward to the crisis of the difference between poison ahrimanic light and Etheric Christ living light? Or was Truman’s common sense and reason still as stunned and stunted as Pilate’s was when he had to judge the Christ by standards of the Roman world? Was America just another Rome and Truman just another Pontius Pilate?
Christ was crucified at 33 on Golgotha and ever since then the number 33 in the rhythm of historical time in 33 year blocks, in particular 3 X 33 etc has been a stable indicator where challenges to humanities ignorance of the Etheric Christ always arise with particular tensions. Harry Truman’s number as POTUS # 33 brought us face to face with the anti-light that directly opposes the healing and living light of the Etheric Christ radiating from the Etheric worlds. It is only Michael School Intel that can sort out such Tenth Hierarchy historical studies.
“The test of the first atomic explosion in history was conducted at the Jornada del Muerto trail (Journey of Death) at the Alamagordo Bombing Range in New Mexico at 33 deg. 40′ 31″ North latitude, 106 deg. 28′ 29″ West longitude (33.675 deg. N, 106.475 deg W). The device was called Gadget, the whole test operation was code-named TRINITY.”
In this cut of Hendrix’s “All along the Watchtower” Hendrix refers to 1833. (youtube mysteriously pulled the clip). However the discussion can be illuminated by understanding one of the key world events of 1833 that has been hidden from humanity.
‘In this live performance of all along the watchtower (bob dylan), he [HENDRIX LINK] says “this songs about the year 1833, and I think its still pretty true today”?’
Hendrix played his music with the same originality and virtuoso as Steiner delivered his magnificent shattering lectures. But for Spiritual Science the entire destiny of Europe hinged upon the strangest of events in the mystery of Kaspar Hauser (See Link) — in particular, there were claims that he was the heir to the house of Baden. In 1833 the mystery deepened when Kaspar Hauser was assassinated. This one assassination plunged Europe and 20th century history into a destructive course that eventually eclipsed the rise of the Etheric Christ event in 1933. With assassinations key players through out the 20th and 21st centuries could be eliminated, cut short, and history and The Tenth Hierarchy once more thrown off course and diverted into deception.
In this essay we are going to evaluate how the Consciousness Soul, Spiritual Science and the I AM are related to the mechanics and physics system externalized in the technical creation of the atomic bomb.
In this essay we will evaluate how Spiritual Science, Carlo Pietzner, the Foundation Stone, the dodecahedron and Camphill Villages were brought together with the designers of the atomic bomb. For there is a line of karmic and destiny evaluations that shall pin-point where and how Rudolf Steiner’s research and the cornerstone of Spiritual Science, the Foundation Stone draw us into the REAL core of the I AM as it sits in the center of the 12 cranial nerves and sits as the central core of the inner eye of light at the pineal gland.
Elizabeth Boggs served on the Boards of Camphill Village Copake and Kimberton Hills and was instrumental in creating the Camphill Association of North America, serving as its second President. But what Carlo Pietzner and Hagen Biesantz knew about Elizabeth Boggs was never brought into understanding or interior grappling within the school of Spiritual Science and the higher fields of I AM cognition.
That Ahrimanic forces had designed a horrific, destructive, external and technical model of something that profoundly deals with the inner intimacy of light within the core of the I AM as it pertains to conception and perception within thinking, was never adequately comprehended by Anthroposophists and the School of Spiritual Science. For it was Elizabeth Boggs that was instrumental in creating the interior implosion lens of the atomic bomb.
This implosion lens designed by Elizabeth Boggs
takes us right to the core of the Dodecahedron and the core of how the I AM functions within the 12 cranial nerves of the brain. How the pineal functions as a receptive, recessed eye that is sensitive to interior light of the inner I AM and how the Christ Being could collect and manifest Himself within a TWELVE DISCIPLE core that matched the TWELVE FOLDNESS of the Zodiac was never deconstructed to see how Ahriman had snatched up and mimicked this process in a matter poisoning destructive technical device that produced an overwhelming flood of fallen, anti-etheric poison light.
To understand the direct attack on the etheric nature of the Earth and humanity it is important to watch the acceleration of nuclear detonations and the increase through out the globe, at a stepped up pace, as countries rush to gain nuclear capabilities. Watch this video in order to grasp the Ahrimanic assault against the etheric structure of humanity and the explosion of research, money and personal who are absorbed into a pattern of human betrayal of The Tenth Hierarchy.
“As a cynical token of “good will”, the US helped reconstruct the Fallujah hospital, in which many women now give birth to deformed babies, deformities caused by illegal weaponry used by the occupation forces during the assaults: white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and other chemical and uranium weapons. With a half-life of 4.5 billion years, DU and NDU amount to a permanently available contaminant randomly distributed into the environment. An eternal curse on humanity, inflicted by the “Champions of the Free World”.
Humanity rushes into the arms of the Ahrimanic sciences and increases the political lies and strengths of politicians who now use, the mushroom cloud, and a mass of media and political lies to support the full frontal attack on the actual metaphysical vision and reality of the Etheric Christ.
In other words, how the Cosmic I AM of Christ entered and submerged Himself with living etheric forces into the subjective interior of a single human being was technically mimicked in the making of the external atomic bomb. The human being is a constructive light bearer, a Christophorus (Click the Link to study the Etheric Christophorus), who was made to receive and give divine light and offer uplifting devachan light, back into creation. The human being is a conscious, organic, living light receiver and light giver and brings etheric wholeness and heals the rends and tears in the fabric of creation.
Rudolf Steiner
“We are going forward to an age when, as I indicated recently, men will understand what the atom is, in reality. It will be realised — by the public mind too — that the atom is nothing but coagulated electricity. — The thought itself is composed of the same substance. Before the end of the fifth epoch of culture, science will have reached the stage where man will be able to penetrate into the atom itself. When the similarity of substance between the thought and the atom is once comprehended, the way to get hold of the forces contained in the atom will soon be discovered and then nothing will be inaccessible to certain methods of working. — A man standing here, let us say, will be able by pressing a button concealed in his pocket, to explode some object at a great distance — say in Hamburg! Just as by setting up a wave-movement here and causing it to take a particular form at some other place, wireless telegraphy is possible, so what I have just indicated will be within man’s power when the occult truth that thought and atom consist of the same substance is put into practical application.
“It is impossible to conceive what might happen in such circumstances if mankind has not, by then, reached selflessness. The attainment of selflessness alone will enable humanity to be kept from the brink of destruction. The downfall of our present epoch will be caused by lack of morality. The Lemurian epoch was destroyed by fire, the Atlantean by water; our epoch and its civilisation will be destroyed by the War of All against All, by evil. Human beings will destroy each other in mutual strife. And the terrible thing — more desperately tragic than other catastrophes — will be that the blame will lie with human beings themselves.
“A tiny handful of men will make good and thus insure their survival in the sixth epoch of civilisation. This tiny handful will have attained selflessness. The others will develop every imaginable skill and subtlety in the manipulation and use of the physical forces of nature, but without the essential degree of selflessness.”
All nuclear weaponry serves the very opposite of what the I AM in the Tenth Hierarchy was designed to do. This is how Elizabeth Boggs arrived on the doorstep of Camphill Village and Kimberton Hills with Carlo Pietzner. Elizabeth Boggs karma with Carlo Pietzner and Camphills in America had to do with the birth of her son in August 1945 and her involvement in the dropping of Fat Man on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Elizabeth brought a secret back to the School of Spiritual Science but the School of Spiritual Science never shared her secret until now.
Elizabeth Boggs-Camphill Village Copake-Kimberton Hills
“The idea of explosives lenses appears to have originated with M. J. Poole of the Explosives Research Committee in England. In 1942 he prepared a report describing a two-dimensional arrangement of explosives (RDX and baratol) to create a plane detonation wave. This idea was brought to Los Alamos in May 1944 by James Tuck, where he expanded it by suggesting a 3-D lens for creating a spherical implosion wave as a solution to making an implosion bomb. A practical lens design was proposed separately by Elizabeth Boggs of the US Explosives Research Laboratory, and by Johann Von Neumann. The Boggs proposal was the earlier of the two, although it was Von Neumann’s proposal who directly influenced the Manhattan Project.”
“Whereas the ‘Enola Gay‘ had had a relatively uneventful journey to her target at Hiroshima, the same was not true for the plane picked to drop the next atomic bomb – ‘Bockscar’. Both ‘Bockscar’ and ‘Enola Gay’ were B29 Superfortress bombers. The crew of ‘Bockscar’ gathered for their takeoff at 03.40 hours, August 9th, at Tinian Island. The flight commander, Major Sweeney, found that one of the fuel pumps on the B29 was not working. 800 gallons of aviation fuel had to sit in its fuel tank – it could not be used for the engines but the plane had to carry its weight and get nothing in return from the fuel.
‘Bockscar’ carried an atomic bomb that differed from ‘Little Boy’ carried by ‘Enola Gay‘ for the Hiroshima bombing. ‘Fat Man’ was not a gun-type bomb but used the implosion method; it had a circle of 64 detonators that would drive pieces of plutonium together into a supercritical mass. ‘Little Boy’ had used Uranium 235. ‘Fat Man’ weighed about 10,000 lbs and was 10 feet 8 inches long.
It had the explosive capacity of about 20,000 tons of high explosives. By the time ‘Bockscar’ got near to its primary target, Kokura, it became clear that the weather had saved the city. The city was covered by cloud. Sweeney made three runs over the city but could find not break. With lack of fuel an issue, he decided to move to his only other target – Nagasaki. Sweeney only had enough fuel for one run over the city and not enough to fly back to Tinian. He would have to land at Okinawa.
“The weapons expert on ‘Bockscar’ was Commander Ashworth. Sweeney had been ordered that only a visual run was allowed – not a run guided by radar. Ashworth told Sweeney that radar would have to be used if Nagasaki was covered in cloud – it was. Most of Sweeney’s bombing run was done using radar but at the last minute a break in the cloud was found by the bomb aimer. He targeted a race track and at 28,900 feet, ‘Fat Man’ was dropped.
“As Nagasaki had been targeted in the past, people in the city had become blasé when the air raid siren sounded. The same was true on August 9th. The irony was that Nagasaki was well served with good bomb shelters and far fewer people would have been killed or injured if the air raid sirens had been listened to. The surrounding hills had tunnels dug into them which would have been very effective for the people who could have reached them.
‘Fat Man’ was a very effective bomb. Its blast was bigger than ‘Little Boy’s’ but its impact was reduced by the natural topography of the city. Where the bomb blast hit at its peak, massive damage was done. An area about 2.3 miles by 1.9 miles was destroyed but other parts of the city were saved from the blast. Curiously, the city’s train service was not interrupted and the fire damage that followed Hiroshima did not occur in Nagasaki as many parts of the city were broken up by water. The fires simply could not cross these gaps and they burned out.
“However, considerable damage was done to the city. The horrific injuries suffered at Hiroshima were also witnessed at Nagasaki. The city’s medical facilities were not totally destroyed by ‘Fat Man’ as at Hiroshima – but nobody was capable of coping with those who were injured in the blast.
“One survivor, Sadako Moriyama, had gone to a bomb shelter when the sirens sounded. After the bomb had gone off, she saw what she thought were two large lizards crawling into the shelter she was in, only to realise that they were human beings whose bodies had been shredded of their skin because of the bomb blast.
“Death and injury in Nagasaki and the surrounding areas, depended on where you lived. People who lived on the Koba hillside, just three and a half miles from ground zero, were protected from the blast by a mountain. People caught up in the blast came to Koba for help and Fujie Urata, who lived in Koba and had seen a large flash, could not believe what she was seeing. She described people with great sheets of skin hanging off of their bodies; grotesque swollen faces; torsos covered with large blisters.
“As in Hiroshima, many in Nagasaki died after the immediate impact of the bomb had gone away from mysterious ailments which we now associate with radiation poisoning. No-one, understandably, knew what to do to help the victims of this newest of illnesses.”
In the Consciousness Soul era, where we are today, we have the converging and colliding forces and players in history, science and art, and through the Consciousness Soul we begin to lift up vast and specific patterns of history, sort out the players and see for ourselves the I AM incarnations of individuals who have participated in history.
With our Consciousness Soul, that includes focused and sharpened observations of ourselves and our friends and how our I AM’s and others around us have discovered the secret patterns of our biographies, that reveal to any objective observer, part of the architecture of human experience from cradle to grave that are realities of the Cosmic objectivity of human biography. The subjectivity of materialistic dogma and indoctrination in education stands against the intimate objectivity of the Cosmos. Our subjective forces of pride and power as well as laziness stubbornly fight against the illumination and Etheric Light of the Logos from entering warmly as Cosmic wholesome Tenth Hierarchy objectivity.
The Consciousness Soul begins to see with clarity the individual human I AM, the Etheric Christ Being and vast cancerous Ahrimanic clusters of beings growing out of the human intellect. This vast and intimate conflict, of the politics of nuclear proliferation, places us each as global members of the Tenth Hierarchy, in a position to deny the Etheric forces of Light and defend, driven by our fear of cosmic objectivity, and our shadows need to cling to indoctrinated materialism to defend the whole web of current nuclear political lies. The Consciousness Soul brings the objectivity of the Cosmos and the Spiritual World into the subjectivity of human logic by illuminating our illogical subjective behavior.
When you know the truth, the truth shall set you free because it impacts the interior and subjective core of the I AM where we understand with our own thinking, and see consciously our own motives, we suddenly see with inner realization the true constructs of reality. Our struggles over all today are with cramped and narrow dogmas of materialism obstructing our observation of the objectivity of the Cosmos and the position of humanity as The Tenth Hierarchy.
Because Spiritual Science is accurate and because most of us cannot stand to concentrate or study for more than 3 minute chunks, if that, you’re going to have to follow something that may seem distasteful to you. You are required to return to the tip of the iceberg of the Uncertainty Principle, exactly where the Consciousness Soul first really made significant landfall. We are going to have to touch upon Shakespeare’s Hamlet once again, but from a totally different angle of how the Consciousness Soul awakens in us.
The play Hamlet and Shakespeare’s entire body of works in the English language reveal the most intimate observations and uncertainties that the Consciousness Soul encounters as it gains cosmic objectivity. Hamlet stands in the middle of the first wave of Consciousness Soul uncertainties where the objective spiritual world ruffles the reality of soldiers on guard. All along the Watchtower the dawning light of the Consciousness Soul breaks forth in Hamlet’s soul as it must break forth in every single individual human beings heart.
Nuclear America and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty
“Heisenberg comes to Copenhagen to seek Bohr’s assistance in stopping all efforts at nuclear research in the service of the war effort, that Heisenberg comes to Bohr seeking ethical advice about his participation in the Nazi atomic research project, that Heisenberg deliberately sabotages the Nazi program to keep the bomb out of Hitler’s hands”
Heisenberg and Bohr and in particular Heisenberg had vast uncertainties, sitting in the middle of Nazi Germany with the potential nuclear, incinerating, annihilating option in his hands. Heisenberg had at least as much uncertainty or more than Hamlet had at stake. The stakes for Heisenberg and Bohr and the overshadowing Consciousness Soul timing of when, if and who should gain possession of the most insidious Anti-Light and Anti-human etheric enemy to light, a weapon that shifted the moral dilemma and the timing of how humanity would cope with the dilemma of a Super Power, vaster, bigger than Germany, is left for the Michael school to evaluate.
by Tom Mellett
(First published in the
Journal for Anthroposophy,
Number 59 Fall 1994 issue, pp. 5-15)
“If Francis Bacon were alive today,
Incarnate as an astrophysicist,
Would he be prone to worship and to pray?
To find the God that Albert Einstein missed?
The God who never plays a game of chance
Who never lets the universe run down,
Who hides his hands behind the cosmic dance,
And masquerades as sub-atomic clown?
What are the proper questions then to pose?
Do we create our own reality?
Or does the seed contain the unseen rose
That overturns the law of gravity?
If Bohr and Einstein could agree on this:
The world bestows the ignorance of bliss.”
In treating vast complex forces of Beings including the Tenth Hierarchy as players in an interesting cosmic drama, the Ahrimanic dilemma that the Consciousness Soul war could take place in such a vast and dull human setting, like America, was wonderfully challenging for a cold calculating being.
Perhaps the Ahrimanic group egregore could win over a larger section of the population of America with terror and brainwashing like they did with Nazi Germany only improved, more subtle, less obvious, more lethal, addictive and more devoted to deception. If America acquired the bomb instead of Nazi Germany Ahriman could once and for all, as a world being, stand face to face, light to light against the Etheric Christ.
Perhaps the Ahrimanic forces, once the nuclear nightmare was shifted to America’s vast economic engine, larger than Nazi Germany and with whole hosts of yet to be discovered scientific discoveries in cloning, vaccines, and products to falsify the etheric, astral and I AM, perhaps if the nuclear option shifted from Nazi Germany to America, Ahriman could take down 3/4 of the Tenth Hierarchy and even infect the Angelic community. Of course Michael’s great trust and confidence in humanity and the Etheric Christ has deliberately placed humanity into this position of sink or swim.
For when humanity entered the Consciousness Soul or as another description describes, The Spiritual Soul, than humanity each and everyone would be forced to deal with the exiled band of disenfranchised Ahrimanic beings who were sentenced to a sub-sensible world within the pathetic human soul.(The entire Fall of the Spirits of Darkness lectures gives you the source of all terrorism and assault on the human psyche) And from America, the great idealistic land of freedom, Ahriman could inflict not only damage to the Consciousness Soul but to the gods themselves for having imprisoned their vast contingency in the secret subjectivity of the human soul.
In our human soul, the key to overcoming the exile of the Ahrimanic beings was hidden in the untold fortunes of addicting the West and America to a materialism that would make the Tenth Hierarchy forfeit their highly placed humanity for propaganda, terror, fears and thirty pieces of Wall Streets finest silver and gold.
One of the key problems of Shakespeare’s Consciousness Soul investigation of Hamlet, was the overshadowing awe of the Spiritual World that revealed itself objectively in the crisis of the dead in Hamlet’s Father’s ghost awakening cosmic intuition and the hidden selfish subjective motives of his mother the queen and his uncle who killed his Father. The suspicion of the murder and the cover up of the murder and the conspiracy behind the murder and how to verify the objectivity of spiritual insight becomes no less dramatic in the drama of Hamlet than it has with the real history of if JFK was killed by a magic bullet.
It was the witness, the objective witness of the Zapruder film and Oliver Stone’s painstaking research that revealed that the Warren Commission like the 9/11 Commission was a loaded Ahrimanic hoax and placed the uncle and the queen in Hamlet in the same betrayal costumes as both the historical lies of the Warren and 9/11 commission. They were rigged for a naive and easily deceived American culture.
The Spiritual World, intuition, thought and insight mingled into the observations of dead materialism and Hamlet’s Father’s ghost and uncovering the hidden motives and actions behind reality plant the seed of doubt in dogmatic theories of materialism so the Consciousness Soul age can be ushered in. Even if the Consciousness Soul is ushered in under the cover of ahrimanic darkness and loaded with conspiracies against the Tenth Hierarchy. Conspiracies are all rooted in the unseen conflicts hidden in the ahrimanic and luciferic motives that resist the Etheric Christ and the value of humanity as The Tenth Hierarchy.
Thus Heisenberg has just enough of an uncertainty principle to shift and pivot the terrible weapon of nuclear death over to the self-satisifed giant of materialism in the West. And that is truly the crux and threshold of how Cosmic objectivity reveals the hidden subjective motives of moral and immoral standpoints, murder, torture and politics that have forced the Tenth Hierarchy, to come face to face with it’s own shadow.
“In the Spring of 1924 the young German physicist Werner Heisenberg went on a walking tour with the great Neils Bohr in Denmark, Bohr’s homeland. The following is Heisenberg’s account of what Bohr said when they came to the Kronberg Castle. ‘Isn’t it strange how this castle changes as soon as one imagines that Hamlet lived here. As scientists we believe that a castle consists only of stones, and admire the way the architect put them together. The stone, the green roof with its patina, the woodcarvings in the church, constitute the whole castle. None of this should be changed by the fact that Hamlet lived here, and yet it is changed completely. Suddenly the walls and ramparts speak a different language. The courtyard becomes an entire world, a dark corner reminds us of the human soul, we hear Hamlet’s “to be or not to be.”
Here we have scientists who are looking at the brick-work of matter and somehow it dawns on them that a human spiritual being, Hamlet, actually lived here and that an enormous karmic drama, an historical event had rocked this castle, but had the living vibrations of the being of Hamlet and the events of Hamlet’s destiny imprinted themselves and left a devachan memory of itself within the stone and matter framework? Or did the struggles of the human spirit and the Consciousness Soul disappear as if Hamlet never existed? What was the nature of matter? What was the nature of the brick-work and matter, the very atoms that housed the spirit of Hamlet? Where did his Spirit and his struggles vanish to?
But even more shattering for the School of Spiritual Science was the crippled and final year of 1924, where the Initiate and Seer Dr. Rudolf Steiner brought to fruition his mighty Karma lectures, his Speech and Drama Course, where at the very moment that Heisenberg and Bohr, heirs to the fallen world of light, discuss the mysteries of Kronberg Castle, Rudolf Steiner, Bohr and Heisenberg were altogether penetrating the destiny, character and tragedy of Hamlet. For Steiner literally recites portions of Hamlet and discusses him in 1924 in The Speech and Drama Course as his life forces flame out.
It is in 1924 that the very last heroic efforts of Rudolf Steiner’s destiny are cut short and he concludes a biography that we know and understand as a human being who stood one stage above the Consciousness Soul at the stage of Spirit Selfhood. Steiner than summed up the very highest quintessence of all the Consciousness Soul mysteries of thought, matter and insight that he would have graciously brought as the most magnificent Christic Physics from Munich, and would have changed the entire course of Nazi Germany if he had been allowed, as he had planned, to build his Spiritual Science School in Munich instead of being pushed out of the way, to Switzerland.
Heisenberg and Bohr would have been pupils of Rudolf Steiner in Munich if Steiner’s magnificent Christic Physics of how Love and Light make up the body of matter itself would have been placed in Munich as Steiner had intended in the first place. The great symphony conductor, the WORD, the Logos and the Etheric Christ weaves into every crevice and cranny of matter from the most distant stars and galaxies to the the intimacy of the human I and our blood. Heisenberg, Oppenheimer, Boggs and Bohr would have understood a completely different foundation of matter than what is taught today. Instead of the degradation of matter and the etheric worlds, humanity would have grasped clearly the logic of how the Etheric, Astral and I AM function in the incarnated human being, and as well in the reality of stone, plant, animal, human and higher Tenth Hierarchy agencies.
These mighty destiny events and an Initiate who understood the mighty core of matter, light and love as no other human being ever had were concluding themselves in 1924 just as Bohr and Heisenberg wandered around Kronberg Castle. An initiate who understood LOVE & LIGHT both as a science and as a scientist and as a conscious incarnating I AM, who knew the core of the I AM; and knew the core of what the I AM mystery was in matter; and in the human soul and spirit who clothes himself in matter, returns to the stars and once more seeks the germinating ground of the I AM and Earth in the bosom of the Etheric Christ. All this and the very highest psychological research in tracing the incarnating human being through past lives, culminated in the most exquisite pure flame of his final Karma Lectures in 1924.
“Now let us consider such figures as these in accordance with the methods of spiritual science. First of all we know that these individualities will appear again; we know that such souls will return to life. We shall not pay any attention to their intermediate incarnations but look for them in the post-Christian era. We then see something of the change brought about by time, something that can help us to understand how the Mystery of Golgotha intervened in human evolution. If we say that such figures as Hector and Empedocles appeared again, we must ask how they walked among men in the post-Christian era. For we shall then see how the intervention of the Mystery of Golgotha, the fulfillment and beginning of a new age, worked on their souls. As serious anthroposophists assembled here together we need not shrink from the communications of true spiritual science, which can be confirmed by external facts.
“I should now like to turn your attention to something that took place in the post-Christian era, and perhaps again it may be said that the person concerned was a poetical personage. But this poetical personage can be traced back to a real individuality who was once alive. I direct your attention to the character created by Shakespeare in his Hamlet. Anyone who knows the development of Shakespeare, insofar as it can be known externally, and especially someone who is acquainted with it through spiritual science, will know that Shakespeare’s Hamlet is none other than the transformed real prince of Denmark, who also lived at one time.
“I cannot go into everything underlying the historical prototype of the poetical figure of Hamlet, but through the research of spiritual science, I can offer you a striking example of how a man, a spirit of ancient times, reappears in the post-Christian era. The real figure underlying Hamlet, as presented by Shakespeare, is Hector. The same soul that lived in Hamlet lived in Hector. It is just by such a characteristic example as this, and the striking way the two different souls manifest themselves, that we can interpret what happened in the intervening time.
“A personality such as that of Hector stands before us in the pre-Christian age. Then comes the intervention of the Mystery of Golgotha in human evolution, and the spark it kindled in Hector’s soul causes a figure, a prototype of Hamlet, to arise, of whom Goethe said, “This is a soul that is unable to deal with any situation and is not equal to its position, who is assigned tasks but is unable to fulfill them.” We may ask why Shakespeare expressed it in this way. He did not know. But anyone who can investigate the connections through spiritual science knows that behind these things forces were at work.
“The poet creates in the unconscious; before him stands, so to speak, first the figure which he creates, and then, as in a tableau of which he himself knows nothing, the whole individuality with which the figure is connected. Why does Shakespeare choose particular qualities in Hamlet and sharply emphasize them, qualities that perhaps Hamlet’s own contemporaries would not have noticed? Because he observes them against the background of the era. He feels how different a soul has become in its transition from the old life to the new. Hamlet, the doubter, the skeptic, who has lost the ability to cope with the situations with which he meets in life, the procrastinator and waverer, this is what Hector, once so sure of himself, has become.”
“Michael Frayn’s play Copenhagen is set in an undisclosed location, with no mention of sets, props, costume, or scenic design. (In fact, the play does not offer a single stage direction – leaving the action completely up to the director.)
The audience learns early on that all three characters (Heisenberg, Bohr, and Bohr’s wife Margrethe) have been dead for years. With their lives now over, their spirits turn to the past to try to make sense of the 1941 meeting.
In 1941, German physicist Heisenberg paid a visit to Bohr. The two spoke very briefly before Bohr angrily ended the conversation and Heisenberg left. Mystery and controversy have surrounded this historic exchange. About a decade after the war, Heisenberg maintained that he visited Bohr, his friend and father-figure, to discuss his own ethical concerns about nuclear weaponry. However, Bohr remembers differently; he claims that Heisenberg seemed to have no moral qualms about creating atomic weapons for the Axis powers.
Incorporating a healthy combination of research and imagination, Michael Frayn contemplates the various motivations behind Heisenberg’s meeting with his former mentor, Niels Bohr.”
I AM functions in Percepts – Concepts and Intuition
What Elizabeth Boggs brought back to Spiritual Science was the externalized Ahrimanic model of how the I functions when it bridges, through light, the Eureka of discovering the Concepts that reveal the hidden mysteries behind Percepts. The I AM manual for breaking down the process within the human thinking organism, has been Rudolf Steiner’s “Philosophy of Spiritual Activity”. But Ahriman’s direct assault on the interior process of thinking and what each thinking spirit can do to change the structure of matter has been reverberating in humanity since the first test bombs at Trinity New Mexico. The following essay is a companion document to the one you are reading now. It was originally titled “Trinity New Mexico and Trinity at Golgotha” by Bradford Riley
The entire interior implosion lens device that Elizabeth Boggs experimented with along with one of Ahriman’s best friends, John von Neumann is a spirit-less, raw, mechanical, ripped from the occult structure of the human I AM, device, toy, that reveals just how Light and Matter penetrate Percepts and how Concepts are illuminated in the brain.
People used to depict when an idea occurred in their brains, a little light bulb was illuminated. See the simplification. However what was discovered was that if you rip out this process of thinking that is outlined in Rudolf Steiner’s “Theory of Knowledge” and his “Philosophy of Spiritual Activity” or “The Philosophy of Freedom” you get the precise model of the first atomic bombs and how the implosion device that Elizabeth Boggs worked on operated. Ahriman’s fury that Rudolf Steiner had found the core of how the I AM functions is met with everything we see and understand as nuclear incineration, etheric poison, depleted uranium waste that, when used in weapons and as weapons penetrate all the way down to the genetic codes of the human spirit.
MASSIMO SCALIGERO“Thought seems sufficient, when it is logical and penetrating, or subtle, and to the extent that it gives explanations for the world, things, beings and for oneself, for feeling states , memories and thoughts themselves. But this is not yet true thinking: it is not yet that thinking which has no need for topics or objects to be concrete, having its own foundation in itself: a foundation looked for through itself in other entities: thought entities, without any consciousness of having them only as thought. Facts, things, beings, the world, demand not the knowledge with which man organises them – even if this knowledge is necessary at a certain level – but knowing: that which, usually alienating itself as their form, is their initial being. The existing world is the spiritual world, unnoticed: its being is denied in the thought which, in order to be ordinary thought, extinguishes its own being, and therefore does not penetrate the world, and does not realise itself as the power that thinks the world, the transcendence of the world. It does not know that its own Logos is the Logos of the entities. Mankind does not yet truly think, to the extent that it believes that thinking has been given it to explain the world, events and itself to it. But this is a matter of indifference to the world, as it is indifferent for the spirit. Mankind must be able to discover that it thinks the world, things, and itself, only so that it can be stimulated to identify the thought that penetrates the world: to notice the thought that is never noticed, because it is always mixed up in things, and used to fill the empty shell of perception. Whilst the true content, as can be directly experienced, is pure thinking, from which the thoughts which weave the form of ordinary experience, external and internal, spring.”
What this implies for thinking, is that human thinking and the human spirit and the Human Christ Being could penetrate well past the genetic structure of humanity and penetrate with the human I and the Cosmic I AM into the deepest core of the XX and XY chromosome structure to produce not only the Phantom Body but a tangible consolidation of matter that even Thomas could touch. Matter that could vanish and appear again at will by the directed forces of a new Cosmic I AM that was born from Golgotha.
The Resurrection was not a game, nor was the Phantom Body a game, but the term “Beam Me Aboard” is the attempt at an Ahrimanic joke of an actual higher process. If nothing else mockery and Ahrimanic gimmickry are constantly being introduced as special effects to stimulate and divert the imagination and thinking from an actual real process. In fact it is so hard to understand the events of Golgotha and introduce them, just because of mimicry and gimmickry that appeals to nerds, who easily dismiss that humanity are the actual Tenth Hierarchy and this is not a game.
Can we take Joe Blow or John Doe, science, and no moral development at all, and introduce the dead abstract concepts of Science into the stream of human cognition and imagination and thereby divert human spiritual understanding from actually penetrating the spiritual complexity of the events of Golgotha? That is the full thrust attempt by Ahrimanic and Luciferic forces to make every effort to confuse reality, biography, birth, life and death with a game. Detract, demean, mock, divert, deceive and oppose the true reality behind humanity and The Etheric Christ are just some of potent goals used by Ahriman to cripple all Michael Intelligence. Reincarnation, human initiation and the Science of Golgotha are not games, yet Ahriman would prefer that we thought of it all as an abstract game removed from The Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart.
But when we look at the deformities that are caused by radioactive nuclear decayed light, decayed light that arises from the fallen Devachan light from the higher worlds, we also are visibly shocked by the results of depleted uranium, where Ahriman and the Ahrimanic forces have poisoned and deformed the deep genetic material of the human being into a mockery of the divine human form.
In the illumination of intuition and the forming of concepts the human I as a functioning and thinking process reveals a miniature mushroom cloud that is contained, and that is also key to our discussion, contained within the human skull is a process of light absorption and light transubstantiation that Ahriman has ripped out of cosmic evolution and placed before our eyes as the dreaded mushroom cloud.
John von Neumann continued on the darkest path of ahrimanic matter until he felt the full eclipse of his spirit as it was absorbed by Ahrimanic forces near his death. He had partnered together with Elizabeth Boggs, who ended up on the doorstep of Camphill and Spiritual Science because she knew, most of the world and certainly Spiritual Science didn’t fully know, but Elizabeth Boggs knew that while she was pregnant with her son, David, that she had helped prepare the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki and she had helped thrust and force human cognition to the threshold where humanity would have to reexamine and reawaken exactly what a Dodecahedron was. What was the Foundation Stone? And above all else why had Dr. Steiner consistently pointed to his “Philosophy of Spiritual Activity” as a work that would outlast all others?
Elizabeth Boggs had a child that was born, a child named David who was in her womb, at the time of her withdrawal from the work on the implosion device. She knew, Elizabeth Boggs knew in her heart and soul that she was in part responsible for introducing via the Nagasaki bomb, a whole new wave of deformity, and fear that would sweep into the world. But what Elizabeth didn’t know and most of the School of Spiritual Science didn’t know was that Steiner had penetrated as Boggs had, into the secret structure of the I AM and that part of that mystery was the Dodecahedron and Foundation Stone and the most important part was that only within Spiritual Science would her hidden destiny, within the Michael School be understood. And it hasn’t yet been understood even by the Michael School.
Trained for a life of scientific scholarship in an era when
this was unusual for women, Elizabeth Boggs’ life plans
were changed by the birth of a son, David, in 1945, who
experienced a major illness in infancy that led to severe
developmental disability. She became a leader of advocacy
for people with disabilities in the U.S., participating
in the founding of the national Association for Retarded
Citizens, advising national policymakers, drafting landmark
legislation, and creating the model for state Developmental
Disabilities Councils over a 40-year career as a
volunteer, “Washington insider,” and adviser to a host of
groups seeking to improve the services to and prospects
of people with disabilities.
Elizabeth served on the Boards of Camphill Village Copake
and Kimberton Hills and was instrumental in creating the
Camphill Association of North America, serving as its
second President. The first symposium on developmental
disabilities, held 25 years ago in 1976, was spearheaded
by Elizabeth Boggs. CANA recognizes her contribution
by awarding in her name annual acknowledgments
of significant contributions of others to the Camphill
movement in North America.”
David, Elizabeth Boggs son, born within the near time frame of the dropping of the Nagasaki bomb, appeared to be ‘challenged’ not exactly whole. A heart breaking, heart rending discovery. And what lives in such a discovery? Not all of us are given the opportunity to develop and be supported via John F. Kennedy the entire foundation of those that are impaired and handicapped through-out America. But Elizabeth Boggs felt the need to do something powerful in response to what she knew, and few others guessed, what she knew and a select few in government knew and some in Spiritual Science knew, that Elizabeth Boggs and the birth of her own son David, had touched a vital, vital current, a vital nerve in her soul and spirit. A vital awakening that brought her into relation with Camphill and the only place in the entire world, where both the core research of her work on the atomic bomb and the moral tidal wave of the implications of Ahriman’s assault on the Etheric realms could be grasped.
” Elizabeth Monroe Boggs was born in Cleveland in 1915, and moved with her family to Rye, New York as a young child. She received her bachelor’s degree from Freemont College in 1935, winning a scholarship that enabled her to study in Europe. She went to Cambridge University in 1935 intending to stay briefly, but remained until 1939, completing her doctorate in theoretical chemistry and mathematics just as war was breaking out in Europe. Despite anxious pleas from her parents to return home, Boggs, who was engaged in war related research would have stayed, save for the fact that England, flooded with refugees and fearing spies, barred foreigners from all work on war related projects. Boggs returned to the United States in December of 1939 and reported to the research project at Cornell where she had been scheduled to begin the previous September. Her laboratory space had been given to a graduate student in her absence, and she soon found herself sharing lab space with Fitzhugh Boggs, her future husband.
They were married in 1941, and the following year, moved to Cleveland to continue work on war related research. So top secret was some of their work, that Elizabeth found at times she could not mention the arrival of European colleagues to Fritz, for fear that he might guess what type of research was going on. (Elizabeth’s division was helping to design the implosion device for the Atomic bomb).
David, the Boggs’ only child, was born in 1945, several weeks after the close of the War. Healthy at birth, her baby ran an extremely high fever in the neonatal period and by ten days of age had suffered profound brain damage. Ironically, if he had been born only a few weeks earlier, it is probable that he would not have survived. The close of the war, however, allowed newly developed antibiotics, previously reserved for military use, to be distributed to the civilian population. The Boggs’ son was among the first to receive the new drugs, although not in time to prevent his permanent disability.
The extent of David’s injuries however, were not clear for some time, and they initially assumed that he would not have problems. A short time after the birth of their son, the Boggs moved to New Jersey where Fritz was scheduled to begin a job. Elizabeth planned to take a short break from work as she cared for their new baby and coped with the immediate post-War housing shortage. Months turned into years however, as it became increasingly apparent that David was not developing normally. Moreover, the answers the Boggs sought from physicians and educators seemed more and more unsatisfactory. In the late 1940’s virtually no programs existed for the care or education of retarded children, particularly those who had more severe forms of mental retardation, and parents, often fearing that they would be cut off from those few programs and professionals available. were reluctant to openly advocate on their children’s behalf.
Boggs, a well trained scientist, was keenly aware that the answers she was getting were unsatisfactory and unfounded. She became increasingly active and aware. To better fit herself for the task, she returned to school while her son was still a toddler to take classes in special education and social work administration. She began to help organize classes for her son and others in her own home and in locally available church basements and boy scout halls. She and her group were trying to provide education to over fifty retarded children, their ultimate goal being to get them registered at public schools.
Her involvement locally led quickly to her involvement nationally, and a growing interest and full time volunteer involvement in issues of legislation and public policy. She was one of the founders of the National Association of Retarded Children in 1950, and in 1958 became its first woman president. She served on its Governmental Affairs Committee from 1965 to 1979.
She was a member of President Kennedy’s Panel on Mental Retardation in 1961-62, of the National Child Health and Human Development Council (NIH) from 1967 to 1971, and of the President’s Committee on Mental Retardation from 1975 to 1976.
Boggs was a leading national and international figure within the world of mental retardation advocacy and research and a key liaison with others in the disability rights and independent living movements. She regularly attended meetings, spoke at public forums and before Congress. Boggs was also instrumental in moving legislation forward for mentally retarded children and adults both in the United States and within the United Nation systems. Her early interest in education grew to include issues of independent living and group homes, the status and rights of adult mentally retarded men and women and to issues of guardianship for older mentally retarded individuals whose immediate family is no longer alive.
In 1988, Boggs became the Acting Director of the Office of Prevention of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities for the state of New Jersey. Her job was to coordinate public education campaigns and to promote expanded services and research.”
Elizabeth had come face to face with one of the most interesting problems of the Ahrimanic. On one hand by ripping out the I AM process into abstract geometry and physics, how to reproduce a 3 or 4 dimensional wave that could instantly be effective and surround the nuclear contents of a bomb, like the lens of an eye, a focused lens to surround a potent field of fallen matter, she had ventured into black occultism against Steiner’s very clear White occultism. There she met John von Neumann who was an excited, passionate, highly complex abstract thinker, like John Nash (CLICK LINK FOR NASH) only with all of Ahriman’s brilliance focused on the cutting edge of computerized materialism. In this school of Ahrimanic thinkers, there are many, but for our present considerations we can easily list John Nash, Stephen Hawking, Fredrich Niezsche and John von Neumann, who all end up with the same Ahrimanic symptoms that severs the Tenth Hierarchy from the great mystery of the Michael School and The Etheric Christ Being.
Thinking with the Spirit and Thinking without the Spirit
“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail,” said Hawking. “There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” Stephen Hawking
John von Neumann-John Nash-Stephen Hawkings-Fredrich Nietzsche
” John von Neumann’s version of the theory, games could definitely be used for strategic military analysis. Indeed, he insisted that all human activity could be predetermined by mathematical analysis, because, as he put it, the human individual is nothing more than “an efficiently organized, large natural automaton.”
“He advanced the theory of cellular automata, advocated the adoption of the bit as a measurement of computer memory, and solved problems in obtaining reliable answers from unreliable computer components.
During and after World War II, von Neumann served as a consultant to the armed forces. His valuable contributions included a proposal of the implosion method for bringing nuclear fuel to explosion and his participation in the development of the hydrogen bomb. From 1940 he was a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee at the Ballistic Research Laboratories at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. He was a member of the Navy Bureau of Ordnance from 1941 to 1955, and a consultant to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory from 1943 to 1955. From 1950 to 1955 he was a member of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project in Washington, D.C. In 1955 President Eisenhower appointed him to the Atomic Energy Commission, and in 1956 he received its Enrico Fermi Award, knowing that he was incurably ill with cancer.
Eugene Wigner wrote of von Neumann’s death [18]:-
When von Neumann realised he was incurably ill, his logic forced him to realise that he would cease to exist, and hence cease to have thoughts … It was heartbreaking to watch the frustration of his mind, when all hope was gone, in its struggle with the fate which appeared to him unavoidable but unacceptable.
In [5] von Neumann’s death is described in these terms:-
… his mind, the amulet on which he had always been able to rely, was becoming less dependable. Then came complete psychological breakdown; panic, screams of uncontrollable terror every night. His friend Edward Teller said, “I think that von Neumann suffered more when his mind would no longer function, than I have ever seen any human being suffer.”
Von Neumann’s sense of invulnerability, or simply the desire to live, was struggling with unalterable facts. He seemed to have a great fear of death until the last… No achievements and no amount of influence could save him now, as they always had in the past. Johnny von Neumann, who knew how to live so fully, did not know how to die.”
Since I went to the Goetheanum and graduated from the School of Spiritual Science, I had the good fortune to know Georg Unger, son of Carl Unger at the Goetheanum. Being very young then and now much older, I remember asking Georg about the issue of nuclear and atomic energy and why it seemed we had so few answers. In our discussion, he brought out that the sphere of thinking and percept and concept illumination and intuition were a similar process as the mushroom cloud form. Now the reason I was able to discuss things with Georg was because while at the Goetheanum I had to take odd jobs to support myself and one of them was trimming the hedges of Georg and Frau Unger’s rose bushes. Imagine that. So periodically we would run into each other and if nothing else I was craving to know and understand where Spiritual Science stood on many complex issues.
Georg Unger, Ph. D.
February 1992
Dornach, Switzerland
“Even the hectic search in the forties of this century for the properties of uranium-235 and of plutonium — both didn’t even exist in weigh-able quantities — was still straightforward experimentation of the known type even though refined e.g. to purity of ingredients unthinkable up to then. But compared with them, the more recent experiments at Livermore, CERN, Dubna have completely different goals, quite aside of their difference in method. They do not handle any longer material substances and do not investigate properties of such, they are directed to hypothetical particles like “quarks.”
These, often enough, do not “exist” in a form similar to that of a physical solid, they exist “virtually”; they are thought of first and “produced” afterwards — and by that their outcome verifies a theory or, as to that, refutes it if the particles in question do not turn up, let us say, in predicted numbers. But coming back for a moment to pure mathematics. What is said in the first lecture about the certainty of mathematical knowledge is today far more evident than in those days when still one could believe that mathematical concepts were abstracted from Nature (like John Locke’s contention that concepts are only percepts stripped of unnecessary details). Today, we know with absolute certainty that mathematical concepts are free creations of the human mind.
The problems, it is true, connected with the foundations of mathematics have raised some doubts about its “certainty” by questioning whether mathematics is absolutely exempt of contradictions. But for all scientific purposes mathematical reasoning still stands as a model of exactness. [1]
Steiner really does not just pay lip service to the scientific method of Natural Science. In this book one will find very brief and concrete descriptions of the step from the ordinary approach to knowledge to the mathematical — and from there to “Imaginative Cognition.” It is discussed how one can proceed from the study of the eye as a physical apparatus to an entity permeated with life and to form an Imagination of the etheric body in the eye. “Through imaginative activity one has grasped the etheric nature of the human being in the same way as one grasps the external inorganic world through a mathematical approach.”
With the destiny of Elizabeth Boggs I had a chance to review the global, human consequences that had torn through humanity. I was born in 1949 so I had been on the otherside of the threshold of birth, at the time of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki events. I knew that and I knew as well that I had carried this question to Earth with me and had some hidden experiences of what were the results of poison and incineration as well as etheric degradation and my soul was lucky enough to encounter the School of Spiritual Science where these pieces of a giant puzzle could slowly take shape during my life’s course.
Dodecahedron and the Implosion Lens
Finally we are faced with the abstract apparatus of the nuclear bomb and it’s relation to the inner core of the I AM. How the internal field of the human brain and heart together create a contained and beneficial etheric effect, which is a magnificent reactor built into the physiology and structure of the divine human form. It is no joke and no abstraction that humanity is built to penetrate into TRUTH that lies behind matter. If we see a human being before us, we have the objective cosmic ability to understand and penetrate to the hidden mystery that can trace their and our incarnations through actual history of ‘A’ particular I AM seed. A particular tone, note and identity is coded to each individual I AM.
“Within man matter is annihilated, and so are all the laws of nature. Material life, together with all the laws of nature, is thrown back into chaos; and out of the chaos a new nature is able to arise, filled through and through with the moral impulses we ourselves lay into it. As we have said, this center of destruction is below our memory-mirror. So that when we let our gaze penetrate deep down below this memory-mirror, there at last we observe it, though it is always within us. A man is not changed by knowledge: he merely comes to know what he is like, what his normal condition is. And he must learn to meditate upon these facts.
“When we are able to penetrate into this inner core of evil in man, and are able also to become conscious of how into this evil, where matter is destroyed and thrown back into chaos, moral impulses can find their way, then we have really found in ourselves the beginning of spiritual existence. Then we perceive the spirit within us in the act of creating. For when we behold moral laws working upon matter which has been thrown back into chaos, we are beholding a real activity of the spirit taking place within us in a natural way. We become aware of the spirit concretely active within us, the spirit that is the seed of future worlds.
[George MacDonald in his “Lilth” and “Alice through the Looking Glass” pass below this MEMORY MIRROR. Initiation and higher education requires clues, breadcrumbs, because the Intellect stubbornly refuses to explore it’s own deepest mysteries. Spiritual Science gets humanity through the Memory Mirror, to the other-side. This Initiation Memory Mirror is described by George MacDonald and it is suggested here for a reference. The Instability and the Uncertainty on which our rational thoughts cling are well placed as MacDonald goes through this Mirror. FOLLOW THE SHORT STEPS TO THE MIRROR AND THROUGH THE RAVEN WITH THIS LINK]
Rudolf Steiner continues – “How is it then, in the last resort, with a man who has completely absorbed the modern natural science way of thinking? How is it for him, when this way of thinking has been grafted on to him from early childhood? He learns that out there in the world are phenomena which arise and pass away, but that matter persists, matter is the indestructible thing. The earth may come to an end, but matter will never be destroyed. Certainly (he is told) a time will come when the earth will be one vast cemetery, but the cemetery will be composed of the very same atoms as are already there to-day. A man thus trained in thought centers all his attention on what is passing away, and even when he studies that which is coming into life, he really only studies how the dying plays into it.”
Thinking and the Transubstantiation of Matter
Thinking and our ability to have this nuclear reactor operating as a powerful Time Sweeping, cognitive potential in us, as a tool of our I AM’s, that allows us to be at one with both Nature and the Gods as well as our Angels, is not some game or a trick. The human brain system contains within itself a mushroom like form that represents the Goethean observation of the mushroom of destructive, matter annihilating force we see when we tremble before Ahriman’s PRECIOUS immoral revelation, extracted from the intimate divine I AM containment structure of our brains, that Ahriman has externalized into an arbitrary incinerating, murderous weapon. Humans midwifed this externalized Ahrimanic nightmare weapon of the empty, imploded I Am, under the tutorship of people like Oppenheimer, 33rd President of the United States, Harry Truman and John von Neumann.
“The development of the casing that held the explosive sphere together progressed independently from the work on the design of the implosion system itself — it was taken for granted that whatever the final design it would be high explosive sphere sized to fit the 59 inch case. A complex early design designated the “1222” model involved 12 pentagonal sections of the aluminum alloy duraluminum (dural), inside an icosahedral steel shell, the assembly of which required 1500 bolts. This was abandoned in the summer of 1944 in favor of a much simpler system, the “1561” model. This consisted of a spherical shell made up of two polar caps and five equatorial segments of machined dural castings, which required only 90 bolts for assembly. The overall thickness of the aluminum was 1 inch. This sphere was enveloped by an ellipsoidal shell of steel attached at the equator, with the tail bolted to the ellipsoid.”
“A) Warhead before firing; primary at top, secondary at bottom. Both components are fusion-boosted fission bombs. B) High-explosive fires in primary, compressing plutonium core into supercriticality and beginning a fission reaction. C) Fission in primary emits X-rays which channel along the inside of the casing, irradiating the polystyrene foam channel filler. D) Polystyrene foam becomes plasma, compressing secondary, and plutonium sparkplug inside the secondary begins to fission, supplying heat. E) Compressed and heated, lithium-6 deuteride fuel begins fusion reaction, neutron flux causes tamper to fission. A fireball is starting to form.”
All of this was done, not in the name of the Etheric Sciences and the Etheric Christ Being, all of this was done in the name of using humans, smart, clever, cunning little monkeys, Ahriman inspiring and using humans like guinea pigs to betray the foundations of their own immortal structure and foundation. The Tenth Hierarchy foundation and the all too REAL, human ideal of the living Etheric Christ that had shattered the mid-point of the dynamic curve of the destiny of humanity and brought through to all of us, through the great efforts of both Buddha and Zarathustra, the Earth shaking events of Golgotha. Humanity, outside the Michael School, just can’t seem to get their heads around the fact that this is not a game.
And So Elizabeth Boggs brought back to Spiritual Science the wonderful mystery of the Dodecahedron and the Foundations Stone. Why even Salvadore Dali grasped the mystery of The Dodecahedron and the Foundation Stone.
Rudolf Steiner
December 25, 1923
10:00 am in the morning
“…let us seek the power of thoughts from the heights which enable us to let shine forth in fitting manner this dodecahedral Imagination which has received its form through love!
“The proper soil into which we must lower the Foundation Stone of today, the proper soil consists of our hearts in their harmonious collaboration, in their good, love filled desire to bear together the will of Anthroposophy through the world. This will cast its light on us like a reminder of the light of thoughts that can ever shine toward us from the dodecahedral Stone of love which today we will lower into our hearts.
“…we carry forth into the world what shines towards us through the light of thought of that dodecahedral Foundation Stone of love which is shaped in accordance with the universe and has been laid into the human realm.”
Every Christian Community Altar painting and the ceiling of the 1st Goetheanum and artists everywhere understand that a TWELVE FOLDNESS runs through the system of not only the skeletal structure of each human being but that the very Urns where the ashes are kept of those who have participated in the Michael School, are kept in Dodecahedron crystal structures. That the actual Foundation Stone of how the 12 cranial nerves function in the compression of light and the enhancement of thought and the focus of how percepts, concepts and ideas pave the way, through this compression of light, into super-sensible schooled cognition are all part of the magnificent mystery of Rudolf Steiner’s “Philosophy of Spiritual Activity”.
“for the hard-nosed philosophical and scientific thinker, the critical, analytical mind, namely The Philosophy of Freedom (GA 4; written 1894, initially translated as Philosophy of Spiritual Activity as recommended by the author).
This book has absolutely no supernatural content whatsoever; it provides the philosophical and epistemological foundation for everything Steiner gave out through his lectures later: Humanism, empiricism, and monism, with Charles Darwin’s natural science as point of departure. This is the most important of all Steiner’s works. 30 years later, when asked which of his works would be best remembered by posterity, Rudolf Steiner answered without a moment’s hesitation: “The Philosophy of Freedom will survive all my other works.”
The Philosophy of Freedom, often referred to as the PoF for brevity, is quite a heavy digest, however, and may need several re-reads, at least some of the chapters. For this approach, I would recommend first reading Wahrheit und Wissenschaft, Vorspeil zu einer Philosophie der Freiheit, translated as Truth and Knowledge and Truth and Science (because “Wissenschaft” means, interestingly, knowledge as well as science.) This is Rudolf Steiner’s doctoral thesis, published in 1892 (GA 3) as an introduction to The Philosophy of Freedom.”
All these attributes met at the cross roads to the creation of the atomic bomb, just so Ahriman could play King of Fallen Devachan Light. King of failed Devachan and decayed Devachan light in order that Ahriman could at anytime override the Tenth Hierarchy and the Michael School of humanity and pull into the environment of Earth unfiltered, arbitrary light. Not in any way the type of light that can be focused for healing, uplifting or altering the complexities of Karma by a Word or a touch, because the Cosmic I AM of the Christ could SEE the efforts of a Youth of Nain or could see the intimate karmic tension between a woman with an issue of blood and another young girl that Christ healed.
“And it came to pass, that, when Jesus was returned, the people gladly received him: for they were all waiting for him. And behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus’ feet, and besought him that he would come into his house: For he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay a-dying. But as he went the people thronged him. And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.“
(Luke VIII, 40–44.)
“How can the twelve-year-old daughter of Jairus possibly be healed, for she is at the very point of death? This can only be understood if we know that the girl’s physical illness was connected with another phenomenon in another person, and that she cannot be healed independently of that other phenomenon. When this, child, now twelve years old, was born, a certain connection existed with another personality — a connection deeply grounded in Karma. Hence we are told that a woman who had suffered from a certain illness for twelve years, passed behind Christ and touched the border of His garment. Why is this woman mentioned here? It is because she was connected karmically with Jairus’ child! This twelve-year-old girl and the woman who had suffered for twelve years were deeply connected! And it is not without reason that a secret of number is indicated here: the woman with an illness suffered for twelve years approaches Jesus and is healed — and only now could He enter the house of Jairus and heal the twelve-year-old girl who was believed to be already dead.”
These were focused healings that humanity will also be able to do. Humanity can grow into the ability to focus conscious cognition to such a force that it changes the Etheric Structure of the Heart. But that is part of the great secret, that humanity must make strides in moral cognitive development against the mockery, deception and debasement that Ahriman is constantly manufacturing.
Primary course correction in thinking and important rejection of Stephen Hawking. (SEE VIDEO) Be lucky and watch it all the way through to learn how to start to think and to get, your very own get out of jail card.
Oh we are madmen and monsters in more ways than 1
The son of Man and Humanities unfortunate Son. See Video
Human hubris, arrogance, insanity are measured in the comparison charts of THIS LINK. This link shows the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb payloads against the payloads of madness, the utter insanity of a humanity that worship only the mighty military budget that Ahrimanic beings sing with glee about. (CLICK THIS LINK) and look for yourself. If we were preventing an Asteroid from destroying the Earth, we might have some of these on hand, for the just in case, last effort scenario. But NOT for the ongoing use against any, any enemy we could imagine on Earth. A large portion of the human population are clinically insane.
Hi Brad,
the picture of Ahriman as the Power behind the inside the brains of those who performed Manhattan Project- acting an “agent” of the 666 or the Beast (the Anti sun Demon) is one of the basic issues to grasp the Spiritual background of our times.
So we have , from the heights, the Advent of the Micheal Age (with the First and,according to Jesaiah Ben Aharon) the Second School) the Etheric Christ coming, the new age of the Living Thinking and the Sophianic Intelligence (whose fruits are to be mostly seen in tn the work of Massimo Scaligero and his “Graal Trilogy”) , and from the dark side of the Story the Fall of the Spirit Of Darkness, Ahriman—in-the-Flesh and the strikes of the Two Horned Beast.
And we all, as mankind, are the battlefield and target of such a powerful struggle.
What are our weapons ?
At the very core of Spiritual Science we have the Living Thinking Path whose beginning is to be found inside the five exercises and, mainly in the “art of concentration”,.
So it is very interesting the reading – in the same time – of a couple of works , for instance “The Light” , by Massimo Scaligero and the 1993’s work by Jesaiah Ben Aharon “The New Experience of Supersensible” , where JBA pictures in deep the experience of the Etheric Christ while MS gives us the basic weapons to be able not only to walk toward the Living Thinking but also toward the “Spiritual Event” namely the birth of the Second Coming into the Light Kingdom of the Etheric Earth.
There was not “pour case” that the Etheric Christ make Him visibile in Rome (the city where MS lived and worked) in the middle of the fifties of the ‘50s.
If we compare those works and try to penetrate also inside the work of a Judith Von Halle we can surely claim “…well, we really do not walk alone ….” because the great and rich Steiner’s heritage can really be enriched and developed…..
http://www.angelfire.com/journal/SunLogo/living%20thought.html The intense concentration exercises of Massimo Scaligero is the type of work that does get us inside the compressed light region of the brain, along with Steiner. Andrea nothing is so important as a concentration field where thought arises like MS has fought for his whole life. Miss you my friend!
Hi Brad,
As far as I manage (till at this moment) to dig up more and more into the content of Anthroposophy, I found that this immense offering from the spiritual worlds will remain as much as “The Hope” in the Pandora Box of humanity, if we don’t want to approach in full conscience to our past experiences and to keep watching the present interaction with spiritual worlds.
…Were these “experiences” of the past really needed …? (my melancholic question 🙂
Best regards always, Dan
Hi there,
Thank you for your exploration of such complex and profound topics.
In your piece on “Nuclear Attacks…” I was wondering if there were any typos in your text regarding the
“subjective core of the I AM” and the following sentences which at first glance, give the impression of being run-on sentences?
I’ve included the excerpt here for your convenience:
When you know the truth, the truth shall set you free because it impacts the interior and subjective core of the I AM where we understand with our own thinking, and see consciously our own motives, we suddenly see with inner realization the true constructs of reality. Our struggles over all today are with cramped and narrow dogmas of materialism obstructing our observation of the objectivity of the Cosmos and the position of humanity as The Tenth Hierarchy.
Looking forward to any clarification.
Having just now completed this article, I am amazed by the scope and network of connections you have made through your synthesis as well as focus on the subjects you present.
Have you ever considered publishing your research?
The relationship outlined between Boggs and the implosion lens was quite staggering to read and digest. Where does the Independent School of Spiritual Science stand on this subject today?
On another note, though at times I experience your tone regarding human beings, to be disdainful, (and understandably so, given the horrendous actions many of them have committed against humanity, not least due to the utter sanction of their historical and cultural paradigms), I think your love of humanity is actually implicit in the fact of your painstaking writing and dedicated collage of ideas you present us with, a thought which encourages me to continue to read what you reveal with great interest.
Its better to get mad than to stay sad, and anthroposophists could do with some more of that genuine punk philosophy…without it becoming a source of vindictiveness, which I have witnessed in some whose anarchist desires for freedom have failed to merge in a healthy way with love. No easy task…
Thank you for the insights you share and I look forward to reading the tremendous variety you’ve poured out into cyberspace for the benefit of mankind.
Brad: Great stuff. Really. I have a few questions about Boggs: Did she ever connect to the innards of anthroposophy or was she only interested in what Camphill could do for her child? And from the other side, did the major players in Camphill even know about her nuclear caree or/and have opinions about it? Did Boggs ever “repent” of her wartime contributions? Any info on this would really help flesh out the story. Best Regards,
Good material Brad, keep it up!
I like this keep it going.
in the 1930’s, the return of the cosmic word in the biospheric clouds for the spiritual hierarchies of good, catalyzed the paraclesian spirit of generic sensitivity to inspire the universal brotherhood and sisterhood of the 12-step program in america; while across the pond in europe, the veracious ferocity of a freelance occultist, valentin tomberg, became apparent in his spiritually objective translation of the “sermon on the mount”, a complement to what bill w. initiated in the west. in the east, in russia, several morally intuitive artists imaginatively wrote about the evil spiritual powers of the then present, which would crypto-fascistly mani-fest, eventually, as the mushroom laying atomic clouds of future power (and power plants): mikhail bulgakov, the creator of the novel, “the master and margarita”, is one example who subtly pointed to the atomic toxically imprisoning age that we live in now.
in the 1960’s, the cosmic word in the ether clouds arrived, this time, predominately for humanity, by intoning treasure troves of artistic wares which were presented to the public: “gypsy woman” (a magdalen-like song?), by the impressions, “a change is gonna come” (a possible story of mystic baby moses? or the day of epiphany of the incarnation?) by sam cooke. these are examples that can lead to clairaudient trans-lations of remote vistas of mythology.
in the 1990’s, the invisible powers of evil, the luciferic angel camped in the sentient part of each soul (or achamoth selfish desire), the satanic demon residentially intact in the life part of each soul (or archontic or flyer or ahrimanic demon that promotes uncorrected error), and the anti-autonomy destroying forces of the azuras attaching the moral thinking part of each soul (or titans or lords of xibalba that strives to totally destroy the collaborating, co-creating, co-evolutionary, individual autonomy, which was initially given to each soul, so that all of us deviated creatures, on the living being who is the planet earth, can progressively co-demonstrate the moral spiritual power that comes from the mother of the earth and the father of stars.
“why would anyone want another being to be just like it?”
“”where do we go before we are born?”
“the highest wisdom is practical common sense.”
“the highest wisdom is to know nothing”
“the holy grail is my all/”
– scott Jay
I must confess, the scott jay in the above comment is, actually, Leroy Jacobowski. Sorry, as I was temporary using my friend’s scott jay’s computer and e-mail system.
Sincerely, Leroy Jacobowski. AMEN.
How long has it been since your last confession???