“The ancient Norse mythology beheld this path of evolution. It saw the human god hang crucified for nine days long on the cosmic ash-tree, whose ninefold branches are indeed the nine spheres of the cosmos, and it gives the tree its true name: `YGGDRASILL’ – ego-bearer.”
Freyja reveals a very potent mystery for us in the story of THE NECKLACE OF THE BRISINGS. The Nordic seers foreshadowed the transformation of the endocrine system and Freyja’s new position within our biology. How were the reproductive forces latent in Speech to be sketched? What were the problems involved with her transformation? Why was it necessary to cultivate a school of Bards or Skalds?
A training of nearly twenty years as a Bard was needed before one could be initiated as a Druid. We can easily discern that the word seer and the other word sear are related. In this way, the fire involved with perception links itself to the higher faculties of the human spirit. To see and to know is like being branded with a hot iron, a deep impression is made into the etheric body.
Shakespeare was our English language equivalent to a well-trained Bard. Bardic training was the long road that could eventually lead to Bodhisattva and Buddhahood. This was not expected to be a single lifetime achievement but the work we were expected to do to earn our membership in the divine. The Nordic seers would agree with everything I have brought thus far including, and above all, the reality of Ariel and the higher magnetic field of light and love that brings the I.D. code of our ego and word together.
All of Nordic mythology confirms the connection made between Ariel, Freyja and the warmth ethers. Representing the head and thinking faculty, guarding the great tree of Yggdrasill, the Tree of Life, was an eagle. The guardian of the entire esoteric map of MAN was “an eagle who sits in the topmost branches, with a hawk perched between its eyes. The tree, moreover, drips dew so sweet that bees use it for the making of honey.”
“The snake Nicfhbggr lies below, by Hvergelmir, gnawing at the root.
The squirrel Ratatoskr 1 runs up and down, trying to sow discord
between the snake and the eagle who is perched aloft. The
eagle’s name is not given, he is a bird of great knowledge and
sagacity; betwixt his eyes sits a HAWK Ve&rfolnir?”
Why in heaven’s name would a hawk be sitting right between the eyes of a giant eagle? For the same reason Prospero had Ariel and for the same reason I outlined the difference between the relation of the dog to that of the loyal astral servant who begins assisting our upward quests. Under the fig tree is where Buddha received his enlightenment and that is the same spot where our own Ariel lives `under the blossom that hangs on the bough’. What information the hawk brings back must still be deciphered by the great wisdom of the eagle. What information Ariel retrieves must be comprehended and ordered by the higher spiritual faculty of the I.
Freyja, who lives in the endocrine system of our hormones and the secretions of prolactin from our pituitary glands, also has at her disposal “a falcon skin ( ) which enabled her spirit to take the form of a bird, travel to the underworld, and come back with prophecies and knowledge of destinies.” To us this simply means that Ariel is able to travel in the world of light and astral planes that are hidden from our clumsy human forms and certainly impossible for an earthly dog to navigate.
The secret of Cerberus, the three-headed dog who guards the gates of hell gives us three more reasons why we should lift our development upwards instead of letting it crash downwards below the dog. Devachanic regions of light are truer than E-mail and satellite long distance interchanges. The falcon/hawk tells us that the character of Freyja was linked to these higher mysteries when she wasn’t using her forces to get laid. Which brings us to the complications of the warmth-ethers, when raised to a vertical direction, and the story of:
“The Gods already believe she embodies at least half the heart of a whore. But for all that she needs to transform herself anatomically, biologically and strategically into the future uterus, the reproductive center for the new Human Word.”
“Freyja found the string-thin path that led in and down. Her eyes streamed from the cold and her tears fell as a small shower of gold in front of her.”
THE NECKLACE OF THE BRISINGS was part of the schooling of the Skalds and Bards. In this story, the Nordic Initiates revealed that Freyja, our endocrine system, would not be satisfied just serving our hormonal system. The endocrine system is placed in our anatomy with a desire to possess a greater treasure. Freyja has heard of this greater treasure, knows of it, it is hidden in our biology and she has a desire to attain it. These unquenchable desires that feed our love life have a supreme goal, which is why they appear unquenchable.
When the warmth ethers ascend from below they become the gold of compassion and are transformed to golden dew. A change is made from very understandable climates of sentimentality, warmth and earthly sympathies to cooler regions of thought and spirit. A polarity of climate and comfort are always briefly experienced by the developing soul. This condenses as rain or mist and falls into the region of the heart. Higher altitudes differ from low-lying swamps on the equator. A different passion, a different fire is felt on the wings of immortality. Freyja’s eyes stream from the cold and her tears fall as gold.
“The goddess sidled through the dismal cave. The sound of the tapping, insistent yet fitful, grew stronger and stronger. Freyja stopped, listened again, moved on; at last she stopped, eased her way down a narrow groin, and stepped into the sweltering smithy of the four dwarfs, Alfrigg and Dvalin, Berling and Grerr.”
The use of the word groin, narrow ledge and the relation of sexuality, puberty and the change of voice places Freyja at the scene of the four parathyroid glands, above the pounding forge of the heart. Brilliantly the seers of Nordic mythology outline a road map to the place where Speech and the mighty warmth-ethers meet. A place where four roads meet. A crossroads and an anatomical intersection. Here something is to happen to Freyja that will shape the future of the human WORD. The Nordic initiates knew this, which makes works like these so startling. Here anatomy meets the gods. What brings Freyja here, trickling through a narrow bottleneck at the forge of the throat, the forge of the living WORD?
“For a moment Freyja was dazzled by the brilliance of the furnace. She rubbed her eyes, and then she gasped as she saw the breathtaking work of the dwarfs – a necklace, a choker of gold incised with wondrous patterns, a marvel of fluid metal twisting and weaving and writhing. She had never seen anything so beautiful nor so desired anything before.”
It takes your breath away. Something that would fit round the throat. A choker. The transformation of the entire Nordic image of Yggdrasill can be overlaid with the seventh seal of Steiner’s Occult Signs & Symbols. The four dwarfs are hammering out the strange `twisting and weaving and writhing’ form of the lower endocrine system and kundalini that will finally become the great reproductive forces of speech that lifts the sign of Scorpio back up to the eagle and finally to the dove.
Freyja might just become the gateway that leads to the dove, to Sophia. Earth love and earth girls might be easy, but cosmic love and Sophia require the entire transformation of our endocrine system and what we hold most dear. In their workshop at the parathyroid base of the throat, the blueprints and designs have already been reshaped for the WORD’S future metamorphosis and Freyja has never seen anything so incredibly marvelous. The larynx is to become the new uterus and Freyja knows full well that she deserves to be apart of that mystery. She is that mystery and she recognizes her own transformation in the work that the dwarfs are doing.
Freyja understands when she looks at this necklace that the entire reproductive forces have been changed and the new center of sexuality and love will be centered in the Speech possibilities latent in the development of the larynx. She is just the girl to wear this piece of mystery art as part of her intimate apparel. This necklace must adorn her; it was made for her. She wants it at any price. It must be a part of her destiny to be wherever the transition from hormonal sexual energy moves upwards to the magnificent swirling forces round the new cosmic reproductive center based now in the throat and the heart.
What does she have to do to get it from these gnarly Vulcan dwarfs who are always technologically crafting magnificently beautiful and profound trinkets that foreshadow the future forces of humanity? How is it that nerds like these are always attached to beauty? How is it that over developed brains are always tied to lush physical beauty?
“The four dwarfs, meanwhile, stared at the goddess – she shimmered in the warm light of the forge. Where her cloak had fallen apart, the gold brooches and jewels on her dress gleamed and winked. They had never seen anyone so beautiful nor so desired anyone before.
Freyja smiled at Alfrigg and Dvalin and Berling and Grerr. `I will buy that necklace from you,’ she said.
The four dwarfs looked at each other. Three shook their heads and the fourth said, `It’s not for sale.’
`I want it,’ said Freyja.
The dwarfs grimaced.
`I want it. I’ll pay you with silver and gold – a fair price and more than a fair price,’ said Freyja, her voice rising. She moved closer to the bench where the necklace was lying. `I’ll bring you other rewards.’
`We have enough silver,’ said one dwarf.
`And we have enough gold,’ said another.”
The entire mystery of incarnation, the Devachan and the atomic table of number and weights are known by the dwarf or gnome community. They are the number crunchers of the cosmos. Genetics, in order to incarnate living human individualities must first of all, through computer chip technology and liquid crystal technology harness the silicon world of the gnomes into our computer systems.
The four dwarfs that Freyja encounters in the structure of the parathyroid know exactly how much they need, and how much they have in quantities of gold, silver and all the elements of the atomic table. Their type of nerdy accuracy depends on being exactly right in the mirroring of the material composition of matter against the blueprints of the spirit. It is especially their job and becoming our job as well to concern ourselves with a form of robbery and abduction being engineered by the human community against the higher devachan that stands behind the mystery of magnetism, electricity, vibratory physics, genetics and reproductive technology all under the guise of silicon technologies. Technological human cunning is beginning to lean dangerously close to the sacred music of the spheres. The gnome community is in serious danger.
In the music of the spheres, the planets and stars, assist the human soul in the ordering and collecting of the blueprints of the atomic table of elements around their soul spiritual being. Each individual body has a unique atomic weight and distribution of substance that cannot yet be standardized. Bodily organs are designed solely for the intended user. Electricity, intensified by computer graphics and laser technology, has surrounded our culture with stolen and intellectualized light, fragmented it; divorced it and parceled it down into commodities, from its lofty cosmic basis as wisdom. To enable humanity to do this, the dwarfs and gnomes had to be forced into human technological slavery.
The gnomes formerly used this higher spiritualized light in a legitimate distribution of cosmic effects and nourishment through the crystal strata of the earth, the plant roots etc. Humans have sucked this divine technology downward or deeper into profound dimensions of light and Devachan activity for the service of shameless egotistic and technological ends. Could we collapse the system, the finished work of the gods, into sub-natural virtual worlds? Are the gnomes being forced into this form of silicon chip slavery? If the functioning of the heavens and our incarnations are based on the harmony of the music of the spheres, could we interrupt the tonal system of nature and super nature with our disharmonies?
If just the tiniest amount of iodine in the thyroid gland is lacking or, in over abundance, an enormous change in temperament and force can impact the human being. “Make Goethe poor in iodine, and the eternally creative Olympian becomes a lazy Sybarite. If Napoleon had carried in his body two milligrams less of iodine, he would not have stormed in the ceaseless drive of deeds from battle to battle; he would not have crossed the Alps in demonic appetite for conquest, conquered the Pyramids and passed the icy steppes of Russia. He might, perhaps, have become the city commandant of Ajaccio, and the whole history of Europe would have been different. The whole history of Europe – a granule of iodine!” The gnomes and dwarfs responsible for the first teeth of the newly incarnated soul are at work with the higher blue prints that the individual has brought with them. In payment, in gratitude, we offer them the first tooth as a token of our thankfulness for assisting in the complex organization of our individual atomic, chemical and material forces.
” -Whether we draw from such phenomena the conclusion that the history of Napoleon and of the world is the result of the presence or the absence of one gram of iodine in the thyroid gland of Napoleon, of Goethe, etc., or, while admitting the significance of the presence of one gram of iodine, can say on the basis of a research into the rest of the phenomena that the presence of one gram of iodine in the thyroid gland of Goethe or Napoleon is the result of the individual history of Goethe, Napoleon, etc. This same thing is true, of course, for every single human being. The spirit of Goethe is not the product of the action of one gram of iodine, but the action of one gram of iodine results from the total spiritual-psychic evolution and the individual inner dynamics, structural forces and substances in this individual being, Goethe, determined by that spiritual-psychic evolution. The spiritual human being seeks and develops for himself the appropriate corporeality, not vice versa. …When a typical materialist observes the phenomenon `Goethe’, he ought not to forget by the side of the gram of iodine that this same Goethe came to the knowledge: `The perseverance of the individual, and the fact that a person shakes off what is not suitable to him, is a proof for me that some such thing as the entelechy exists.'”
This is the key argument involved with reproductive technology. Freyja, Speech and our cultural development are directly in the middle of these fermenting issues. The immortal individuality is not looked upon as real. Health and consensus issues of perfection with narrow egotistic motives believe fully that they can standardize and develop healthier `types’ of human beings. With liquid crystal technology and laser computer accuracy humanity expects to side step the issue of individual spiritual development of conscience and identity. This is why the dwarfs know exactly what the precious weights and metals are and more matter is not what they need. They need something else from Freyja. Analytical science needs something else to de-mystify matter and individuality.
“`We have enough silver,’ said one dwarf.
`And we have enough gold,’ said another.”
“Freyja gazed at the necklace. She felt a great longing for it, a painful hunger.
“Alfrigg and Dvalin and Berling and Grerr huddled in one corner of the forge. They whispered and murmured and nodded.
“`What is your price?’ asked the goddess.
” `It belongs to us all,’ said one dwarf. `So what each has must be had by the others,’ said the second, leering. `There is only one price, ‘ said the third, `that will satisfy us.’ The fourth dwarf looked at Freyja. `YOU,’ he said.
“The goddess flushed, and her breasts began to rise and fall.
“`Only if you will lie one night with each of us will this necklace ever lie round your throat,’ said the dwarfs.
“Freyja’s distaste for the dwarfs – their ugly faces, their pale noses, their misshapen bodies and their small greedy eyes – was great,”
What’s a girl to do? This is a very peculiar situation to be in. Should she sleep with all four Beatles or just one? Will her reputation be ruined if this ever gets out? Will she be considered for eternity a dwarf groupie? The Gods already believe she embodies at least half the heart of a whore. But for all that she needs to transform herself anatomically, biologically and strategically into the future uterus, the reproductive center for the new human word.
How is it that something as powerful and as beautiful as Aphrodite gets hitched to Hephaestus in Greek mythology? Hephaestus was the blacksmith of the gods. In the evolution of the earth, Venus and Vulcan as well as Jupiter, Earth; Moon; Sun and Saturn play significant roles. Vulcan is just another name for Hephaestus the limping, clever nerd of the gods. Gnomes and dwarfs declare their lineage from old Hephaestus. In my MESSAGE OF THE WHITE BUFFALO the relation of prolactin and milk to the Egyptian culture was made under the linkage between Apis and Ptah. Ptah was for the Egyptians the same as Vulcan or Hephaestus. But those myths centered around one dwarf, one ugly little soot caked forge ferret. Now we are dealing with four.
I have always suspected that the whole patterning of four could be traced to the Ark of the Covenant. Why isn’t it possible that the four chambers of the human heart; the four stomachs of the cow; the four seasons; the four directions in space, and the mighty cube are all interfaced with the parathyroid glands?
Here is a mystery that Empedocles and Aristotle were very hot about. E.C. Merry, when writing about King Arthur, described how Empedocles, “was the first philosopher – in the fifth century B.C. – who spoke of the four elements fire, water, earth and air, and taught that everything that takes place in matter is caused by the mingling and commingling of these four elements in accordance with the principles of love and hatred ruling in them.” Not only Aristotle but the poet Holderlin also drew attention to the mystery of Empedocles. In 1994/95 a great stage revival of Holderlin’s work on Empedocles took place on the german stage.
E.C. Merry says, that Steiner drew attention to Empedocles by saying that, “it is he who by his wisdom specially worked to bring about important conditions of the state of Sicily, and who went about trying to lead people into a spiritual life. It is an adventurous as well as a deeply spiritual life, which we look back upon in Empedocles. Perhaps the truth of what is to be related may be doubted by some, but Spiritual Science knows that Empedocles moved in Sicily as a statesman, while at the same time he was both a magician and an Initiate, just as Hector in Troy was depicted by Homer. And in order to characterize the remarkable attitude of Empedocles to the world, we have the fact, which is true and no invention, that in order, as it were, to unite himself with all existence around him, he ended by throwing himself into Etna, and was consumed by its fire.”
To throw himself into the mighty forge of nature, to offer his bodily forces of fire, air, water and earth in the immense throat altar of a volcano is a deed that has carried a clear impact through-out history[SEE CLIP]. He proved his point and in the long run the point he was trying to prove inspired Goethe to write his Faust and Holderlin to research Empedocles. Both poets were looking into the same spiritual question of how wisdom could merge with all the elements of nature in an ethical alchemy. Both poets were laying the foundations for the Romantics and their science of humanity before spiritual science came on the scene. Empedocles was certainly a guiding star for the Romantics that spread its wings to America, inspiring Nathaniel Hawthorne in his story of ETHAN BRAND.
It would not have been difficult for Empedocles to comprehend the four dwarfs that Freyja meets. He would know instantly the meaning of their four-foldness. Empedocles and Aristotle would also completely understand the medical factors of four in biology. Anatomy and biology indicate the place where four roads meet, four forces. These forces can be understood from the powerful contribution Empedocles indicated.
“The reptilian heart has four chambers, but they are not fully separated. Whereas a mammal has a single aorta, reptiles have two aortas, which are supplied with mostly arterial, oxygen-rich blood. The pulmonary artery receives mostly venous, oxygen-poor blood, but there is some mixing in all vessels. In only one group of reptiles, the crocodiles, is the division of the heart into four separate chambers almost complete.”
The study of the four temperaments is also a division of and combination of etheric forces that make up the quality of personality we encounter in an earthly incarnation. Dominating qualities clearly allow us to observe the invisible field of etheric forces. Medical science cannot disprove that these temperaments exist; instead they have stolen the knowledge Empedocles introduced and by use of very cleverly disguised testing questions, determine how corporate human resource personnel managers can graph and chart these four etheric, temperamental forces.
By side-stepping the issue of powerful etheric forces resonating as music, as imprinted cosmic tones, into the atomic table of the individual being, current physics and medical sciences have buried the knowledge of the four etheric fields that sustain the material world. It was the Norns, the Skalds, the Bards and the Druids who heard and saw, like Empedocles, the music that sustained matter. Scientists like Keely, Tesla, Walter Russell, Dale Pond and Richard Knutson have cracked the code of this music that orders the sub-atomic structure of matter.
Freyja’s meeting with the four dwarfs, inwardly, within the anatomical hieroglyph of the human endocrine system, at the ring knot of the throat, keys four streams that meet outwardly on a line of east, west, north, and south.
“Galahad, with Bors, Percivale and Percivale’s sister, was riding through a waste forest when `they saw afore them a white hart which four lions led.’ These they followed to a chapel, where a hermit sang mass.
“`And at the secrets of the mass they saw the hart become a man and set him upon the altar in a rich siege; and saw, the four lions were changed, the one to the form of a man, the other to the form of a lion, the third to an eagle and the fourth to an ox.
“` Then took they their siege where the hart sat and went out through a glass window, and there was nothing perished or broken… When they `were come to theirself again,’ the hermit explained to them that by the four lions were to be understood the four Evangelists, and that `ofttimes or this Our Lord showed Him unto good men in likeness of an hart;…”
Light ether, Chemical ether, Life ether and Warmth ether are the building forces of the cosmos. The four streams of history, which assist the cultural goals that bring about the transformation of Frejya, are needed to set the future development of Earth evolution on the right road. Parsifal or Percivale unites two of these streams into himself. Parsifal unites the Arthurian and the Grail streams, meaning that two of the powerfully streaming ether forces find in him the fuel to begin to glow. But long before there was a Grail or Arthurian stream, Freyja was already leading the human endocrine system to its new home.
Four Parathyroid seeds of the cosmic ethers rooted in the Word as the new Uterus
These four little mustard seeds around the throat are the key to transforming the sexual reproduction process into the speech reproduction forces. The second half of Earth evolution, the future Jupiter evolution, Venus evolution and Vulcan evolution are needed to integrate the ethers of tone, light, warmth and chemical life back into the Tree of Life. Instead of being kicked out of Paradise, we earn our reinstatement and membership and bring the fallen body of nature, renewed and raised, with us, as a present to the Gods. Since the Angels, Archangels, and Archai have had their human phase, to become a member of the tenth hierarchy means coming through the filter process that this human phase entails.
Freyja is asked to sleep, to merge her forces fully, intimately and completely, with all four dwarfs, in order to conceive the future of her own metamorphosis. Humans will have to unfold in stages, through immense cosmic periods of time, in order to fully absorb each of the higher cosmic ethers back into their newly minted spiritual systems. The mastering of these higher forces is latent in the future of Speech development. That is the reason why Aphrodite had an affair with Mars in the first place.
Strong Mars-Speech forces are linked with hormonal forces. Vulcan, the husband of Aphrodite, catches a glimpse of how the endocrine system of Freyja/Aphrodite, is in secret, having an affair with iron Mars. Vulcan sets up a trap and lifts up this affair to the gods, they have a good laugh. Why? Because the future of the WORD is linked both to Mars and Eros (cupid/mercury/hermes) and Vulcan. The Initiates knew that Vulcan was the place of the forge, where dwarfs crafted cunning secrets for the future, from the handsomely wrought work of the jewelled micrologos, man. To the gods, a human being is a finely crafted anatomical, biological and spiritual marvel. The gods laugh, because mysterious and humorous cosmic forces unite and combine to steer humanity towards the divine. They laugh because it is a Menage a trois in which Freyja is the key player between Mars and Vulcan.
”Thor is the son of Odin. Whilst the power of Odin is present in respiration and language, Thor works in the blood, in the rhythmic pulse-beat. Blood is the physical expression of the ego in the metabolic system. Thor is portrayed in the sagas as a choleric with red blood, quick to anger, ever ready to wield his hammer Mjolnir and endowed with a powerful will. Odin’s sphere of activity is the astral body, that of Thor the etheric body.”The alliterative verse of Old Norse (the poetic Edda), Old English (Beowulf), Old Saxon (Heliand) and Old High German (Hildebrandslied) is based on two rhythmic laws — the rhythm of respiration and the rhythm of blood. A single breath corresponds to four pulse beats (eighteen and seventy-two to the minute respectively). This ratio of 1:4 is found in the long line which consisted of two half verses separated by a caesura. Each hemistich had two strongly accented syllables. Thus in the form and law of alliterative verse is reflected the relationship of Odin and Thor. The Voluspa was written in this metre known as Fornyrthislag.”
Appendix in Mission/Folk-Souls by Rudolf Steiner.
Puberty and the change of voice are biologically and psychically integrated. But at this point in Freyja’s development we begin to see how Freyja felt trapped without further possibility of future evolution. Matter was frozen in the first half of earth development with the Mars and iron forces and Freyja Aphrodite could not get past this hardened material world, even though she is married to the far distant future of the Venus and Vulcan evolution of the Earth. It is the mercurial; second half of earth development that could produce a transformation of Eros. Sexual degeneration and the end of the endocrine system stood staring Freyja in the face. Hideously it stares us in the face and we feel all the desperation that is hidden in the atrophying endocrine system. Matter could prove to be the greatest prison ever devised by Heaven. You know it, I know it, and our endocrine system knows it. Freyja’s dislike for dwarfs was great indeed:
“…but her desire for the necklace was greater. Four nights were but four nights; the glorious necklace would adorn her for all time. The walls of the forge were red and flickering; the dwarf’s eyes were motionless. `As you wish,’ murmured Freyja shamelessly. `As you wish. I am in your hands.’
“Four days passed; four nights passed. Freyja kept her part of the bargain. Then the dwarfs, too, kept their word. They presented the necklace to Freyja and jostled her and fastened it around her throat.”
These were some happy dwarfs I wager. Not seven mind you, but four. The Nordic seers have a very important message to relate. The forge of the glow of the human heart is right below the throat. Four anatomical chambers of the forge connected to the workshop of the four parathyroid glands. Like hammers, the thunder from the Speech organs pounds away at consonants and vowels, reshaping the metals into stronger and stronger, more refined, zodiacal elements. The refinement of the ethers must be done with Eurythmy and Speech. With the bellows of our lungs blaring and the Word pounded on the anvil of our Larynx we shape and wield the new necklace for our own endocrine system. Braced around this forge are the four parathyroid glands, the dwarfs that Freyja sleeps with to gain the necklace.
Sleeping, of course, are giant acts of time. In a rhythm of four phases, by sleeping with each dwarf, Freyja manages to become the owner of the new reproductive system situated in the larynx. She manages to escape the prison of matter, which is why the gods laughed in the first place. Freyja would find a way out of the iron necessity of dense birth and death that earth has locked her into. Sex is a pure hearted and clever mistress of the divine. Love must be born upwards or die.
Pralaya is the rhythm of rest or sleep between the acts of creation. Out of each Pralaya a new phased in integration and a higher development of divine creation occurs. In our times we have use of the Warmth Ether of conscience and sympathy or empathy to investigate and comprehend. This is the importance of the Matthew gospel for our times. In this relation, during the second half of earth evolution, we are bound up with Freyja in sleeping with the first dwarf. We are rounding the bend, where the Mars hammerlock on matter is beginning to dissolve and Freyja begins turning toward her true husband.
In this development we study, with privilege, the mineral, silicon basis of word production and the force blueprints and factors involved with sounds, CONSONANTS and VOWELS. Exploring as we would the ecology of a woods, a bioregion of shapes and sounds that have the architecture and tonal history of the ancient Genius of Speech already wrought in their structures.
Acronyms and computer language severs our study of these things. Eurythmy and Speech allows us to become familiar with the amazing contours and potentials that have made LANGUAGE a living reality. That is one night with one dwarf for Frejya. The age of silicon technology and the first dwarf, or mineral kingdom, is now being slept with. That is the importance of reproductive technologies and pharmaceuticals; versus Speech, Word, and Logos integrated bio-psychic systems through the end of this century. This is the battle for the preparation of Bodhisattva comprehension. Can we imprint new etheric codes into our systems of thinking and speech development alongside our passive preoccupation with silicon technology and the Pentium processors?
When Freyja and we come out of the first Pralaya we begin our next study. From the mineral we move to how plants are prepared to be spoken in the Jupiter evolution. Animals will be spoken in the Venus evolution and Humans will be spoken in the Vulcan evolution. Freyja sleeps with the four forces and unites her warmth with their dormant creative potential. This is not something that is going to happen without our intimate artistic and hormonal participation. The Romantics were living proof of this. As humans we attempt to move upwards to Angels in the Jupiter evolution; Archangels in the Venus evolution; and Archai in the Vulcan evolution and this brings us back to square one; when we were first spoken, in Saturn evolution. Four days passed and Four nights passed in the destiny of the evolution of a goddess moving from the sexual forces of procreation to the spiritual COSMIC LOGOS forces of procreation. Our bawdy Freyja might yet become, our mid-wife to the divine Sophia.
“And what was the necklace of the Brisings (brisingamen)? These are unsettled questions. It is uncertain whether Brising is the name of some tribe or family or whether the word derives from the Old Norse BRISINGR, meaning fire… but a passing reference to the `Brosingamene’ in the Anglo-Saxon BEOWULF quite clearly refers to a necklace.”
Phosphate works directly with the parathyroid glands as a fire element. Precise chemical distributions of calcium are activated by the regular secretions of parathormone from the parathyroid. When the construction of Consonants and Vowels and speech warmth forces are generated strongly, a refined reaction of matter and mineral content occurs. The stimulation of parathormone or PTH is directly related to estrogen, prolactin and growth hormones. The building forces of the skeleton, the white milk of the breast, the white dove forces, are directly tied into chemical release signals that come from pregnancy, lactation and growth. The future stuff from which the world is built can either create stones in the kidneys or speech forms that carry the signature of our efforts as WORD-CRAFTERS.
Sunlight on the surface of the skin and the absorption of Vitamin D into the body are some of the outer aspects of the way our organism digests light and warmth in conjunction with the parathyroid and the parathormone it secretes. Inwardly however, something has begun to occur in the interior of the psyche, a sun-based light that our own Ariel is fed from, is now dawning for the consciousness of the human spirit. A new nourishment of refined etheric sunlight has intersected with the new position that Freyja has taken.
Our cardiac muscle, our brain and our nerves benefit from the calcium regulation of the parathyroid glands. In other words, nerves, bones, muscles, these four seemingly useless little glands all structurally condition the heart. Without their help our body goes into jerky uncontrollable spasms. A decrease of exterior sunlight must be counterbalanced by an increase of interior light. Idealism, warmth and ethics must feed into the great cosmic developments of Freyja. There is only one outer Sun and there is only one interior light that carries the entire nourishment of the human spirit upwards and inwards with the strength of the sun.
“At Whitsuntide King Arthur, holding his court at Cardoil, `looketh at the windows of the hall to right and left, and seeth two sunbeams are shining within that fill the whole hall with light. Thereof he marvelleth much and sendeth without the hall to see what it might be. The messenger cometh back and saith thereof that two suns appear to be shining, the one in the East and the other in the West. He marvelleth much thereat”
What of the theory that only one of the glands, one of the Dwarfs are operative for us today, culturally, from the roots of our conscience and the empathy of our warmth? How does this theory play in the Nordic seers tradition of anatomy and physiology? “…Davlin may have enjoyed Freyja but he was destined to come to a nasty end. As we learn indirectly, Dvalin was arrested by the rising sun and turned into stone. The other three dwarfs are not heard of again.” Therefore Dvalin is the warmth-ether dwarf of the parathyroid gland that concerns us for the present. As we become infatuated with crystallized silicon technology we might harden ourselves too quickly. We already sense the desperation of the atrophy of the endocrine system. Love allows our warmth and spiritualized conscience to keep pace with our greed for speed. The Grail means, gradual development.
“Dvalin was a ruler of the dwarves and one of the most powerful dwarves, known primarily for having invented runes.”
Dvalin’s name reveals to us something of the direction we must take in our creative development with this ether field. `D’ gives us the flat planes of earth and the gravity and direction of earth DEEDS. ` V ‘ gives the powerful creative wave forces of sympathetic vibratory physics followed by the `AH’ of Venus, Freyja and green growing nature and the full love and content of our souls lifted to the ` L ‘ where the life ethers swirl upwards or swirl in behind the V and the AH. With the `IN’ sound at the end of the word we have tonal resonation lifted into higher consciousness and light and a descending power that enters into the depths of matter.
In Eurythmy the Da of leo, the V of aries, the AH of venus, the L of capricorn, the half- `i’ of mercury and the cosmic force of Pisces lifts the destiny from earth to heaven and binds the two, so that what is sown on earth is also sown in heaven, the warmth in our hearts becomes our future destinies. Two fires, cosmic love as water, earth, mercury (gemini and virgo) and Pisces a water sign and the final quarter of our age. The human breast as the lion, moves to the head in aries. Bathed in Freyja forces of love, the force of the knees indicate worship and devotion raised upwards and downwards to mother earth and father sky. This carried into the E and woven into the gigantic forces of cosmic wisdom and destiny and the selflessness we need to lift the lower kingdoms of betrayed nature upwards with us as the final act of the age of Pisces. This powerful decision must be apparent to humanity before we head for the cosmic north and the reproductive and incarnational mysteries of Aquarius.
Within the mouth we have two teeth placements that DV aimed as earth and fire and thought forces at the teeth line, the dramatic and astral moved forward and bathed in wonder or the warmed epoch AH, breathing wonder into the dramatic action of our lives and the creative activity we do. L is water and teeth placement and so is N filled with the light of I am.
In this coded nordic name of Dvalin we have indications that the action we take in relation to the world must be filled with the wonder of creation and carry the imprint of our deeds and words through the living light of our immortal I AM. This word looks and sounds like JAVELIN. So in conclusion we must practice SPEECH and WORD mysteries and incorporate the spear or the DVALIN in our training or else learn to play the violin. The Dv or DW always has something to do with the creative mineralogy of the gnome and dwarf kingdom and our silicon technologies. Earth/Fire projected forwards and the AH sound stretched in space, outward horizontally, and finally vertically through the L and I and N sounds we have a tri-partitioned world.
Is Freyja’s role in this story correctly interpreted?
“In the GODS AND MYTHS OF NORTHERN EUROPE, H.R. Ellis Davidson writes, `A necklace is something which is associated with the mother goddess from very early times. Figurines wearing necklaces found in the Mediterranean area date back as far as 3000 BC, and small female figures wearing them have survived from the Bronze Age in Denmark and are thought to represent a fertility deity.’ And, in a footnote, she adds, `Students of Freud will recognize the significance of a necklace for a fertility goddess. It illustrates the familiar tendency to represent the sexual parts of the body by others higher up, and by ornaments worn on these.’ Perhaps we can reasonably postulate, then, that Sorla Thattr describes Freyja’s acquisition – her sexual acquisition – of the most salient symbol of her fertility. She is the goddess of love; and she is the goddess of lust.”
In viewing history that goes back beyond 5OOO B.C. we must view the mysteries of matriarchy that are still active out of the Finnish tales of the Kalevala. A matriarchal society, only vaguely reflected through history, existed once. The mysteries of this ancient matriarchal society had everything to do with the later Nordic, Arthurian and Grail mysteries. The Finnish language was made up of twelve consonants. At the Forge of the larynx the Finnish consonants echoed the great zodiacal powers. Much of the new mysteries of the Word, the Freyja mysteries, have to do with the shift from reproductive mysteries, fertility, so named, to Speech mysteries. My first Speech Teacher at the Goetheanum, Erna Grund, introduced the English Speaking Drama group to the Kalevala.
“A primal language once bound all people together. Differentiation came with the Fall. Language became the dividing factor through which people no longer understood each other. The loss of the unifying bond led to enmity amongst nations, now divided into linguistic groups. But the unifying element continued to live in the sounds. As soon as one goes back to their ground and origin they are the same in all languages – seven planetary vowel forces and, corresponding to the twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve consonantal powers. In some older languages we still find strict adherence to this arrangement, for instance in Finnish, which knows no modification of the vowels and does not divide the consonants into hard and soft ones.”
We shall explore in the course of these essays, an ancient knowledge that traces its roots to Genesis. Since we have lost the wisdom of the matriarchy, we lost in the process, the missing factor in biology and anatomy that clearly comprehends the dual role of the sexes. The matriarchal society was once the key to space, to understanding the mammal forms strewn in space. The connection between organic life and lifeless space was part of the mystery of the egg. Patriarchy has had the task of rediscovering the path from soulless space to ensouled space and that path is through the Freyja mysteries and the mystery of the uterus. Here, as we shall see, biology, physics, space and anti-space are the mystical treasures left over from the division of the sexes.
The Mead of Poetry
“In the course of earthly evolution, this blood passed through a process of `ETHERIZATION.’ Just as our blood streams upward from the heart as ether, so, since the Mystery of Golgotha, the etherized blood of Christ Jesus has lived in the ether of the earth. The etheric body of the earth is permeated by what the blood that flowed on Golgotha became.”
Kvasir is an extraordinary portrait out of the lore of Nordic Initiation. The problem for me is that the description reminds me of someone we all know. If I had never heard of or met someone like him in my lifetime his portrait would appear highly mythological, unlikely and fantastic. But because I have been touched in my lifetime by someone very much like him, Kvasir seems familiar. Someone we should all remember if we ever happen to meet again.
“When the AESIR and the VANIR had made a truce, and settled terms for a lasting peace, every single god and goddess spat into a great jar. This put the seal on their friendship, and because the Aesir were anxious that no one should forget it, even for one moment, they carried off the jar and out of the spittle they fashioned a man.
“His name was KVASIR. He was so steeped in all matters and mysteries of the nine worlds since fire and ice first met in Ginnungagap that no god nor man or giant nor dwarf ever regretted putting him a question or asking his opinion.”
To pursue a knowledge that outlines the history of human immortality back through the history of worlds, back through ancient Moon and the drama of the Angels in their human phase; back through the evolution of the Sun with the Archangels in their human phase; back through the evolution of Saturn with the Archai in their human phase; back to the origin of our present humans on ancient Saturn, is to think large thoughts. To discover us living like computers in the flowing courage of immortality, in the silent mechanics of living mineral architecture, where we were played upon by the gods back than, as we play upon our own little computers today, is certainly thinking thoughts that span worlds. That is what the Nordic Kvasir did, he spanned worlds with his thoughts. If asked about ancient Saturn, Kvasir might pause for a moment and say:
“The physical human eye is similar to a camera, for, as with the camera, there appears within it a picture of the surrounding world. Only when one abstracts from the physical eye everything that is not to be found in the camera, does one discover what is the specific nature of the physical eye. So too one must abstract from the entire physical body everything that is not purely physical: only then does one have what in occultism is called the physical body. In itself it can neither live, think nor feel. There then remains a very wisely ordered, extremely complicated automaton, a purely physical apparatus. This, alone, was all there was of human existence at the Old Saturn stage. At that time the eyes were present only as little cameras. What was produced as picture of the surrounding world came to the consciousness of a Deva being. In the middle of the Saturn evolution the so-called Asuras (the Archai) were sufficiently advanced to make use of the apparatus. At that time they were at the human stage. They made use of the automata and the pictures as we make use of photographic apparatus in order to take pictures of a landscape. Thus the physical body of man was at that time an architectural structure of a physical apparatus operated from outside. This is the first stage of human existence.”
Kvasir might intimate how certain unfriendly Asuras have access to the interior of our unused rotting human conscience. If anything is not used from our warmth-ethers the Asuras have dibs on it. It would be their Saturnine food, the unused forces of our immortality.( ) If they have hung behind in evolution we had better move forward. But if we listened to a person like Kvasir, we would begin to understand the very strange phenomena of why we humans sit in front of our computers and order these passive creatures around. We flood their screens with pictures of laser generated light. In other words we are repeating something here that recalls an immense memory in us. We are starting something now which in future will look to us for the wisdom we fed it and the wisdom of the universe that flashed passively before its soulless eyes. We are staring into our own ancient Saturn condition.
If Kvasir related these things to me, these cosmic and ecological pictures would disturb me. Juxtapositions of how the Angels felt in their plant condition; how the Angels felt in their animal phase; how the Angels felt in their human phase; and how the present eco-system of the earth feels as it stands before our gaze; would cause me to make some humble comparisons.
How will the animal feel towards us when they are men? What will the plants feel about us when they are animals? What will the silicon minerals understand of us, when they are men? Is this the crystal ball we are looking into now with our computers? Have we had enough of the games and the stalling and diversions from our responsibilities, to grasp our cosmic position? Are we on the trail to heaven or hell?
You see Kvasir knew the answer to all these things. The Aesir had a CUSPIDOR or SPITTOON. Cusp is a sharp tooth or edge and the CUSPIDOR is where the ashes from the fire were deposited or the cuspidor is like the spittoon or great metal urn where wild west saloon keepers asked cattle rustlers and gunslingers alike, to spit their wad of chaw and saliva. Here is a Rod Serling story waiting to be developed. The Nordic initiates shaped the foundations of where the term spitting image comes from. IMAGO. Perhaps, we might be so bold as to say we are all made in the spitting image of Kvasir. We might say that all the gods got together and fashioned a microcosmic 12 fold structure that accorded in every detail with the macrocosmic mysteries using scale, variance and calibration. Would Kvasir call these fashioners the Elohim or Spirits of Form?
The spittle or saliva had been warmed in the mouth of the gods. They did not have dry mouths but an abundance of life circulated around their tongues. Their words created worlds or caused the entire drama that Milton shapes in his PARADISE LOST and is reflected in the debris of the floating astroid belt, which represents a former boasting brother planet now in ruins. The forces of each CONSONANT and VOWEL were set in motion as the anatomy and intelligence in Kvasir. The entire contract of creation was now a living breathing microcosmic poet and walked with the gods and with men, at home in all worlds. Have we known anybody like that?
Dead center in our own historical Earth evolution stands a moment that has been carried from the mighty ancient Sun evolution down to the flesh embodiment of a living breathing man. Kvasir would tell you that this was no ordinary man who walked amongst us. If asked, Kvasir would say that this was one of the gods who spat in the council and it was actually HIS warm hands that shaped the embryo of Kvasir into shape, as if from bees wax, from the peace spittle of the gods.
“4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
6 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay…”
John 9:4-6
Kvasir could tell you who this man was. He could tell you about the light of the world vs the light emanating from our t.v.’s and computer screens. Emanating already has the word MAN in it. He could tell the whole history of how one of our human brothers began a relationship with Ahura Mazdao, the central core and crowning glory of the ancient Sun evolution, the LOGOS; and as the historical Zarathustra, Kvasir would remark that he also had the spittle of the gods, the twelve foldness of a Bodhisattva force in his veins. Kvasir could tell the difference between one man and another, between John the Baptist and St. John the Divine, between the creator and the created.
“What was his secret? It was as much in his manner as in his mine of understanding. Questions of fact he answered with simple facts. But to ask Kvasir for his opinion – What shall I say? What do you think? What shall I do? – did not always mean getting a direct answer. Sitting back in his ill-fitting clothes, as often as not with his eyes closed, he would listen to recitals of problems and sorrows with a kind, grave, blank face. He took in and set everything in a wider frame. He never intruded or insisted; rather, he suggested. Often enough he answered a question with another question. He made gods and men, giants and dwarfs feel that they had been helped to answer their own questions.”
It is hard to know what to think of a man such as Kvasir. Grateful I am for the range of history and biographies dealing with the gods and the Angels; or the number crunching gnomes that search for herds of cows, so that they might listen once more to the twelvefold symphonies of the spiritual music and chemistry of their lost homelands hidden in the cows great digestion ( ) ; or the mighty air sylphs who bathe with the Eagles in the light ether;or the singing birds who transform the astral music of nature like a tea kettle, skimming the cream off the wisdom and light spoken by humanity and sending this wisdom as song upwards to nourish heaven; Loki and Lucifer; Ahriman and the Fenrir Wolf, I am grateful for these treasures. What can we say when a man like Kvasir is real and not a myth? What can we think of such a one as Kvasir?
I should think we might try to understand why his blood was so valuable to the gods. I should think we should try to understand what is meant by the etherization of the blood. Because that is what the Nordic Initiates proclaimed in their MEAD OF POETRY. I think we should try to understand the two dwarfs, Fjalar and Galar, who cause Kvasir’s death and then drain him of his life’s blood.
“They poured honey into the jars and cauldron filled with Kvasir’s blood, and with ladles stirred the mixture. The blood and honey formed a sublime mead: whoever drank it became a poet or a wise man.”
Those damned dwarfs. Why do they want to grab something so amazing, as a human being who speaks the LOGOS and opens for all the world a universe of real names and Beings that none can gainsay?
“The stories of Kvasir’s wisdom soon reached the ears of a most unpleasant pair of brothers, the dwarfs Fjalar and Galar. Their interest soon turned to envy and their envy ( ) to energy, for they could not admire anything without wanting it for themselves. They asked Kvasir to feast with them and a large gathering of dwarfs in their cave under the earth and, as was his custom, Kvasir accepted. The table was a long slab of uneven rock, the floor was grit and the wall-hangings were dripping stalactites; the talk was chiefly of profit and loss and petty revenge; the food, however, and the tableware, all made of hammered gold, were rather more pleasing.”
All people are not made the same. All individual human spirits are not equal, therefore all men are not spiritually created equal. We have shown that the smallest amount of iodine or an unstable level in blood sugar or perhaps a disposition to cancer illuminates or foreshadows the very content of the person we are dealing with. This is to say that, with most of our lives we deal with a mere tip of the iceberg of who or what a person might really be. Astonishing or shattering it becomes, when with Angelic eyes, we truly realize that before us is a human being who has been intimate in our destiny for many, many lifetimes. Kvasir was a unique, one of a kind, divine cosmic fluke of manhood. Some of the earth-spirits are intensely wise, quick, impatient and clever when confronted with such insights. Earth elemental spirits are part of the silicon conspiracy of intellectual information and data, against which, wisdom and cosmic intelligence are caught in our present information age.
Kvasir was that rare blend of poet/seer that stood for the ideal of humankind. Humanity was meant to know the secrets of heaven and earth. Humanity, in its ideal condition, was meant to understand the riddles posed by Dwarfs, gnomes or Angels. We were meant to be conversant in the mysteries of the nine worlds and actually be able to honestly answer and outline the apparent contradictions between physics and metaphysics. It is within our grand design to be the go-between, between worlds.
Earth dwarfs and gnomes have had an attitude problem since time began. It comes with the territory of being a gnome or dwarf that they enter in close contact with hazardous materials. Gold and the poison in human intelligence are distinctly hazardous to the health of certain communities of earth spirits. In order to facilitate their job of distribution, profit and loss they have had to be strict accountants of material factors. Humans have begun merging with their kingdom through silicon technology. Speed and efficiency in running technological processes, upgrades, liquid crystal and chip development have brought us right onto the borderland of these feisty hoarders.
Their treatment of Kvasir reveals a selfish greediness involved with the earth planet that is latent in the mineral technology of the very tight fisted kingdom of creators who are associated with gold, silver, lead, quartz, mercury, tin, copper, and numerous man-made alloys. Ours is the evolution of merging and mixing divine wisdom with the mineral kingdom.
Our first stop in the Necklace of the Brisings was to sleep with the first Dwarf. This is, presently, the hormonal and psychic merging with the mineral kingdom. The details involved with that merger reveals our passage from human/cosmic intelligence into the wisdom matrix of the earth. “Into thy hands I commend my spirit”. The exchange rate has much to do with Kvasir and Freyja. While cosmic intelligence has been woven into human intelligence with Kvasir, Freyja represents a much higher metamorphosis, upwards to an entire new human and hormonal reproductive model where the power of the WORD carries cosmic reproductive repercussions.
The honey sweet sap of the cosmic LOGOS runs down the cross into the Grail and drips its sun-gold onto the parched mineral plain of the solid earth.
“If these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”
Fjalar and Galar, as representatives of the stone and mineral kingdom, were envious of something in Kvasir that stirred them down to their greedy little cores. Human history testifies as well to an incident in which the specific blood of a human mortal went way beyond the usual blend of chemical combinations. History reveals that a three-year breach allowed the most stupendous crack of light and love to enter down into the very deepest crevices of matter. If each human being does their job and sustains cosmic intelligence into the core of the earth, it can change the entire intelligence of the mineral kingdom into something very rich and strange indeed. This, we witness, is already happening in our frantic addiction to silicon technology.
Our current cultural directive allows our clever, greedy and narrow-minded I.Q. rate to merge into a kingdom vastly wiser and cleverer than our own puny self-proclaimed Darwinian monkey skulls. Kvasir’s wisdom (different from intellect) was respected through-out all the kingdoms, on every plateau of consciousness where humans, gods and demons held political opinions or hidden agendas. It was expected, predicted, and is now being fulfilled that humanity would bring this great cosmic mix, that Kvasir represented, as its bargaining chip, to the table, in our present negotiations with the mineral world. Kvasir would probably describe our silicon neighbors in glowing words. He might say:
“Now it is true that when we find silicon present in a form like quartz, it seems – from a material standpoint – of little importance for the soil and its associated plant growth. Quartz is not soluble in water – water just trickles around it. Thus, at first glance, it seems to have little to do with the ordinary, obvious prerequisites for life. But then take the horsetail plant – Equisetum; you will find that it contains up to ninety percent silicic acid. It has the same thing that is in quartz, but in the plant it is very finely distributed.
“From such things you can begin to see what great significance silicon must have. Indeed, almost half of everything we meet on Earth consists of silica. Strangely enough, so little notice is taken of silica today that it is still virtually excluded even from those areas where it could have an extremely beneficial effect… Silica is a significant ingredient in many medications, and a whole class of illnesses is treated by giving silicic acid either internally or externally as baths. These illnesses are characterized by disturbances that show up in the senses – although they do not actually originate in them – including also the inner senses, which convey pain from the organs. The senses are influenced in a remarkable way by silicon. And silicon plays the greatest imaginable part not only in the body, but also in the whole household of nature, if I may use this traditional expression. Silicon is present not only in quartz or other rocks, it is also present in extremely fine dilution in the atmosphere. It is actually everywhere.
“Half, that is, 48%, of the Earth available for our use consists of silica. What then does this silica actually do? Let’s put this question in a hypothetical form. If there were only half as much silica in our earthly environment…”
Kvasir would say that the dwarfs Fjalar and Galar wanted the earth to become saturated with silica so that it surpassed a mere 48% and surged up to 60% or 70%. Their intention was to have silicon chip personal computers in every household. They envisioned that the human community could be dominated by silica forces up at heart and head levels. They hoped to induce contact with humanity in such a way that the intelligence of human beings could be bridged and siphoned off so that cosmic intelligence might be enslaved to the tendency already infused within the gnome and dwarf community. Misdirected greed might easily translate into avarice within the human community and divert the goal of cosmic brotherhood from happening but make it darn comfortable for the aggressiveness latent in the mineral world. Kvasir might openly spell out such matter of fact activities and dangers inherent in tendencies where human and silicon kingdoms begin to make contact, merge and overlap.
“…Fjalar and Galar asked Kvasir for a word in private. Kvasir followed them into a gloomy chamber, and that was a mistake. The two dwarfs had knives hidden in their sleeves, and at once they buried them in the wise man’s chest. His blood spurted out of his body and Fjalar and Galar caught it all in two large jars and a cauldron. Kvasir’s heart stopped pumping and his drained white body lay still on the ground.
“When, after a while, the Aesir (Angel kingdom) sent a messenger to ask after Kvasir, the two dwarfs sent back word that he had unfortunately choked on his own learning, because there was no one in the nine worlds well informed enough to compare and compete with him.”
The Mead of Poetry and THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH have much to do with how we navigate the shoals of the mineral, silica kingdom, with our newly won poetic intelligence. The quartz crystal realm of silica is an hexagonal mystery. It is truly a cube when looked at in the right way. We see it when cameras catch the light in the lens at a certain angle. We see it in movies with virtual mode themes like LAWNMOWER MAN II. An hexagonal image suddenly appears formed from light.
The Bees-honeycomb is a revelation of intelligent activity raised up from the solid mineral kingdom to the waxy aspect of the plant world. The Bee creates wombs of hexagonal structure in order to form the sun-spirit bee Queen, worker and drone. The lenses on the eyes of bees and dragons flies are hexagonal and our DNA are made of specific hexagonal structures fitted puzzle wise onto the double helix. “But Fjalar and Galar were delighted with what they had done. They poured honey into the jars and cauldron (THREE CONTAINERS) filled with Kvasir’s blood, and with ladles stirred the mixture. The blood and honey formed a sublime mead: whoever drank it became a poet or a wise man. The dwarfs kept this mead to themselves. No one else tasted it; no one even heard about it.” The silicon structure is light bearing, therefore intelligence and light flow through our silicon highways.
Silica runs secretly into the plant kingdom when the bee transforms the hexagonal crystal force into the honeycomb and this crystalline system finally terminates in our bone marrow and immune system white and red blood cells. “The blood cells, especially the red and white blood cells, contain more quartz-like properties, and the nervous system contains more an electromagnetic current. The life-force and consciousness use these properties to enter and stimulate the physical body. There are various quartz-like structures in the physical and subtle bodies that augment the impact of vibrational remedies. In the physical body, these areas include: cell salts, fatty tissue, lymphs, red and white cells, and the pineal gland. These crystalline structures are a complete system in the body but not yet properly isolated and understood by modern medicine… These properties in the body magnify the life-force of vibrational remedies to a recognizable level to be assimilated. Indeed, these crystalline properties are relay points for most ethereal energies to penetrate the physical body. This allows for a balanced distribution of various energies in correct frequencies, which stimulates the discharge of toxicity to create health. In a similar fashion, vibrations of radio-wave frequencies strike a crystal in a radio.”
“Some of the effects quartz crystals are able to have upon humans relate to a particular resonance effect that occurs with our own crystalline structures… Science has recently begun to recognize a new class of crystals known as liquid crystals. They have a structure which is partially crystalline and partially fluid. Biology is beginning to understand that many substances and membranes within the human body appear to function as liquid crystals. From a subtle-energy perspective, a number of solid and liquid crystalline structures at the physical level are involved in the attunement of subtle energies within the nervous system and the flow of the life-force through the body… Certain aspects of the human energy system have the same transformational properties as natural quartz crystals.”
The infused cosmic intelligence and light in Kvasir’s blood is something that is going to work through the natural realms of biology and nature all the way up through our nine stages of being and development.
“The manner in which Odin himself worked upon his peoples in order to make speech possible to them has been preserved in a wonderful way It was described as a divine initiation. The way in which Odin gained the power to endow the souls of the Germanic and Northern peoples with languages is thus described Odin, before he had acquired this capacity, had gone through what is represented to us as the initiation by means of the Potion of the Gods [MEAD OF POETRY], that divine Potion which once upon a time in the primeval past belonged to the giants. This Potion contained not merely abstract wisdom, but it represents to us the wisdom which expresses itself directly in sound. Odin at his initiation obtained power over the wisdom which expresses itself in sound, he learned how to use it when he went through a long initiation which lasted nine days, from which he was then released by Mimir, the ancient bearer of Wisdom. Thus Odin became Lord of the power of Speech. It was for this reason that the later sagas trace the language of the poets, the language of the skalds [SKALDSKAPARMAL(Poetic Diction], back to Odin. The art of reading runes, which in olden times was thought of as being much more closely related to speech than the later kind of writing, was also traced back to Odin. Hence the way in which the soul — indirectly, through the etheric body, whilst making itself at home in the physical body — acquired speech through the corresponding Archangel, is expressed in the wonderful stories related about Odin.”
Odin the all Father is going to have to penetrate into the mystery of The MEAD OF POETRY. The Etherization of the blood becomes a concern of cosmic proportions. If it falls into the wrong hands, the entire treasure of cosmic intelligence can be wasted or frittered away by the selfish agenda of greedy dwarfs and misguided men. Intelligence that is wasted or frittered away by human beings is also part of an agenda driven power game in our battle with the giants, the multi-national titans of our so named information age. With cuddly dwarf names like Micro-soft one has to wonder if Gates is not some sort of a gate-keeper.
In bargaining for their little malignant lives, the dwarf community barters away Kvasir’s blood to the giants. Up till now I have had a problem understanding what and who these giants were until I tripped over some cryptic passages in the Ragnarök saga. In the Ragnarök saga the finished work of the gods, our eco-system and placement within the divine order of things, reaches a deadly confrontation. The giants play an important part, along with chip technology, that astonished me as I comprehended the detailed picture that the Nordic initiates were sending down to our own time.
Defining the giants role in our lives today would certainly be very helpful for all departments of knowledge concerned with silicon technology. The bigness of the giants and the smallness of the dwarfs must be something we can get a handle on. It was after all the reason why Fjalar and Galar forfeited the greatest treasure of human richness ever aged and heated in a cauldron. We can be confident that, while the Initiates were combing the horizon of their vision to see the far parameters and implications of unknown events in their future and our present, we might be able to find clues hidden in their far-reaching communications that tune us into the missing factors involved with our own present confrontation with the silicon world. I don’t think that is too much to ask for do you?
If Kvasir were asked about the impending events of Ragnarök he would be very calm and confident about the future. I on the other hand find our present social speed and density, of mixed cleverness and unethical development, a source of wild anxiety. But Kvasir knew more than dwarfs and more than mortal men like me. In fact, from the documents at our disposal it is clear that the greediest of the dwarfs and gnomes, the number crunchers of the cosmic mineral world, couldn’t really benefit themselves by becoming poets and seers. It was necessary that they give up the Mead of Poetry, but why to the giants?
Tolkien, it is said, had a conversation with the immortal shade of Kvasir the same way Dante did with Virgil and from it came the dreaded saga of THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Tolkien did not present a confident and calm vision of the realm of mortal man, the dwarfs, elves and various higher and lower spirits working in the warehouse of nature and spirit. If Empedocles could have reported his findings in the elemental world after he dove into the volcano (See link to Volcanic inner Earth Mysteries), he might have handed in a report similar to Tolkien’s. His was a noteworthy report on a life and death struggle, within the neighboring elemental communities, and the psychic and demonic world that was wresting itself away from the very fabric of decency that was the finished work of the gods. But Kvasir certainly wasn’t as nervous about the divine powers that sustained him and created him from their combined peace-spittle as Tolkien was about the present hidden drama in the underbelly of spiritual history.
Kvasir would more calmly take the subject of Ragnarök and the giants in his stride and with thoughtful brow and eyes slightly closed he would recall the pertinent Initiate information handed down by Gods, Angels and Skalds. He would then compare these vast meditations with our present world and link them in a most marvelous and undreamt of manner.
First he might say that the red cock FJALAR plays a significant role in the Ragnarök saga, when it is time to wake the giants. Indeed the Earth awakens when the cock feels the Sun forces tremble through its blood. The name of the dwarf who steals the blood of Kvasir and the early warning cock who begins the break-up of the finished work of the gods is none other than FJALAR. This cocky FJALAR signals to the giants that the time is come. The roosters red comb or the Romans crest with their kin Romulus and Remus nursed by the She-Wolf, daughter of Fenrir, has awakened in the human kingdom and begins to crow. Fjalar who fancies himself cock of the roost in the dwarf kingdom would feel this mighty pulse of anti-sun-wisdom when it awakens in the Earth caverns first.
“This night before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.”
Matthew 26:34
“Thy SPEECH betrayeth thee. Then began he to curse and swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew.”
Matthew 26:73
When the final signal was given for the ecological destruction of the finished work of the Gods, Kvasir would call attention to the fact that the giants would be crammed into a great boat with many ports. The odd thing about this boat, loaded with giants to assault the citadel of the Gods and begin Ragnarök, was that the giant boat was made exclusively of chips from dead men’s finger nails. Kvasir would say very calmly that these chips continue to grow from the finger nails of dead men and women when they are laid in their graves. Finger nails and hair are silica based and continue to grow even though the body is deceased. Naturally the Skalds could see that tiny chips of silica, grown from dead mineral forces, could make the hull and body of the ship that carried the giants to Valhalla, into a most sinister weapon indeed.
If silicon chip technology could be imprinted than the dead who have had themselves wedded through and through with silica would carry specific data that could be I.D.ed and fuse the world of the dead with the living. Dead news and dead information and things still warm vs things dead that were moments ago alive would be part of the ratings war. In point of fact an entire common culture with complete educational systems could be developed on the basis of dead information. Faith in the living research skill of human spirits who merge with higher initiation would be constantly contradicted by the reports from the world of dead information. The Skalds, the nordic seers and poets pointed to a time when these signs would be apparent to all. Cosmic intelligence would be drained and siphoned off using the magic of the fallen Devachan kingdom of magnetism and electricity to oppose the source where thought and light imprints itself from the free activity of the human spirit.
In education we can clearly observe the end of the century movement that has:
a.) forced people away from the land into urban centers;
b.) created total reliance on produce and control of products that have fallen below organic and honest standards of dietary intelligence, i.e. nature was severed from its potential upward development, and, is now proceeding in a downward second FALL;
c.) Corporate GIANTS or multi-national corporations built the 9 to 5 mode of work but family life and the human spirit were betrayed for the cultural paradigm of the consumer animal;
d.) Schools declined and human spirits who could represent to the children a living, breathing example of cosmopolitan and universal values were sucked into the `web’,`net’ or deceived by the cultural consumer animal paradigm.
e.) Home schooling allowed the virtual office and work at home ideas of modem and fax to be severed from actual classroom social spirit that might have shaped the individual with a renewed dynamic psychological structure;
The Result: `X’ Generations dilemma at entering a complex established world of political, spiritual and psychological giants but society offering them only immature, video game responses with anemic if not atrophied forces of intuition.
Poetic intuition can only be nursed by meeting the community of humanity with our karma. Instead of this, a non-flesh and blood, computer generated, karmic copy has been substituted for real communities. Education and universities fell into political and sexual splinter groups, each writing and rewriting intellectual cynicism. Nature and the environment fell and jails became the new boarding houses for our failed human experiments.
Perhaps you consider that your lawn, garden and home are your isolated sanctuaries against a violent world. But pollution, crime, crud, robbery and mayhem are our leftovers either as radioactive fall-out or as social fall-out. Abnegating our power to restore nature, restore humanity and honor the least of these, our children, giving them back a world where humanity works for the recovery of the human spirit, abnegating this responsibility is a supreme act of cowardice and betrayal. What we have bequeathed merely creates a complex video theme park of a former divine world, while we, snail-like, retreat into our own consumer generated, virtual real cyberspace carapaces.
Kvasir would say that there is an odd thing about giants, they have no sense of humor, lack the eye of courage, the wit and the wisdom that spans the nine worlds. Kvasir would say humanity is an on-line spiritual bridge to the nine worlds and all their visible and invisible inhabitants. He would say, Earth is the blend of these nine worlds and humanity is the goer between. “Monstrous as the giants may be, there is a reassuring sameness about them;… But Fenrir, Jormungand and Hel are a different matter: they are Loki’s offspring, extensions of the enemy within, the only enemy that can affect and corrupt and finally destroy the spirit of the gods.” Here Kvasir might mumble something about a text written in modern words by Robert Kennedy, something about the ENEMY WITHIN.
Seeing the confused look in my eye Kvasir would adjust himself and stare upwards for a few seconds and sigh. Where would you hide those giants? Big dumb giants? Kvasir knew, all I knew was that Kvasir was a human being with intuition and wisdom pulsing in his blood. Like a bee he could search out the nectar in any question and alight on it.
Giants aren’t good for much, he might say. But they are equipped with vast dumb memories that carry all the information but none of the spirit of the universe. Vast and slow, they can retrieve things and run simple errands and follow simple commands but they can not pierce into the vast framework of the nine worlds of heaven and earth and act with freedom. They are not equipped to carry the light torch of the mighty astral thought light-beacon that can seek and focus in on, and assimilate, the history and intentions of the spirit. Face to face and eye to eye the giants have not developed conscience but are slaves to their enormous memories. Men might think that giant memories are better then their own true spirit eyes and spirit knowing, this would be a fatal error if men were to rely on the giants bounded and contained by the chips from dead men’s nails. Kvasir might say.
The data from dead men’s finger nails, silicon chips from the corpses of dead information and meaningless dislocated facts, wisps of biographies from ghosts haunted by shame and dread are not the same as the light beacon that lives in the blood of the living, wholesome human heart. The heart of the spirit that lives and breaths as a healthy revelation of humankind, speaks and carries a different imprint/ a different slant on wisdom and idealism. If men long dead can be reignited, by programs and systems they have left behind, hidden in the chips of their nails as they sailed into the regions of after-life, then truly the giants can build an empire from the dead facts of the universe. “A third cock ( ), rust red, will raise the dead in Hel.” These dead facts will truly kill the spirit of the gods.
“Our sufficiency is of God: Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”
2 Corinthians 3:5
To use the giants to attack the gods is to marshall memory against the spirit of man. Living memory is linked to the identity of the single reincarnating human spirit who carries in each of his steps, in each of his breaths, in each of his heart beats, in each of his deeds and in each of his words, the ongoing courage of immortality. Dead memories are doomed minds who have fed themselves on dead theories and have cemented these theories into a global tomb. Memory is a wonderful personal history of heart breaking reality. Information showered in rains of giant piss is research pouring down on empty heads without a bucket. Kvasir might say.
Hammering data and crunching numbers however, is part of the gnome and dwarf’s life blood. They have a dishonorable relationship with giants because one is tiny and clever and the other is vast and dumb. The alliance humanity desires is neither with tiny and clever nor vast and dumb. But that is the exact definition and contract that has been struck. The tiny clever silicon chip of the gnome and the vast dumb memory system of the giant are what we have united with. It is also how the Nordic Initiates perceived the sell out of Kvasir’s blood by dwarfs to the giants.
The giant Suttung wades out into the deep ocean and drops the two dwarfs who stole the blood of Kvasir on a skull of rock called a skerry. Gol as in Golgotha and skull come from the same linguistic roots. Out at sea is no place for Dwarfs. The giant Suttung literally threatens the gnome community with becoming slaves to the human skull. The worst nightmare of a gnome is the possibility that if they fall asleep they might easily enjoy the water. To perhaps fall asleep surrounded by water, or ether, chained to the skull of human thinking might make these creatures become what they dread. Frogs! Frogs and toads are the gnomes worst nightmare. If they fall asleep in their incessant number crunching they literally croak, which is where the term croak came from. When a gnome or dwarf croaks he falls into the moony rhythms of the frog and becomes what Fjalar and Galar feared most they might become.
“…Suttung dumped Fjalar and Galar on a skerry, a sopping rock standing just clear of the water.
…`Since it has come to this’, said Galar, `we’re willing to offer you our greatest treasure.’
Then Fjalar described their mead, both its origin and power, with a wealth of words.
…He took the precious liquid straight to the mountain Hnitbjorg where he lived. Suttung hewed a new chamber out of the rock at the heart of the mountain and put his the three crocks in it. And he told his daughter Gunnlod that she had one duty: `Guard this mead by day and guard it by night.”
The alliance humanity truly requires is with cosmic intelligence and human blood not illicit enslavement to giants and dwarfs. Giants may contain cosmic memory but they cannot use cosmic intelligence. Humanity can use and contain within their intuitive, poetic and spiritual development both cosmic memory and cosmic intelligence. Humans, like Kvasir, are warmed through to the heart and have access through all realms of spirit and matter. Underestimating the value of the human spirit is done both by the giants and the dwarfs. As a society we have entered into a compact with Beings that haven’t the depth or level of development that is our own cosmic right. The mockery, scorn and increased greed and avariceness coupled with violence and sadism is coming from below not above.
Through the transformation of conscience and drama, Speech and the WORD, which comes from the heart, the wisdom of the world can be downloaded to the earth through the human. “Into Thy hands I commend my spirit” means into the hands of human ethical, living spirits who carry the reality of the Father in their actions, words and thoughts and are capable of divine metamorphosis, and carry in their hearts the cosmic power of love linked with divine intelligence.
One of our hands has already been linked with the Fenrir wolf, in fact bitten off by him. Our hands, presently, are used to tap typed computer glyphs. Carpal tunnel syndrome of bone aching hands and wrists fettered to the jaws of the Fenrir wolf also tell of our over played hand. Our blood must become THE MEAD OF POETRY. Through it the milk of the human throat, our WORD, becomes fertilized by cosmic intelligence. (Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan) This brings an upward evolutionary curve to all of creation. This allows the pollination of the Word.
Technology is inevitable. It is part of our evolution from ancient Saturn, Kvasir might say. It is not something the ancient Skalds felt they could run away from. The cosmic forces of Fenrir were mighty and dangerous, yet they were part of the great powers invested in the scope of the immortal gods. For humans to master the mineral plain and make contracts with the neighboring silicon kingdom of the gnomes and dwarfs requires wariness towards the unleashing of these mighty forces.
Contracts between giants and dwarfs must be viewed clearly for what they are. Chip technology is married to giant memory systems. The third factor is the user. Worshiping dwarfs or giants will not get humanity linked back to its upward evolution. What such unholy unions can promote is the virtual fall of humanity into the snares of sub-nature and dark technology. Virtual worlds outside the precincts of the eco-system and built solely on psychological addictions to sub-worlds just might be where the entire population of humanity is giddily headed. Our priorities must be invested in the noble rank and cosmic blend of blood that Kvasir and the Nordic seers represented in THE MEAD OF POETRY.
The Nordic seers knew that it was a bad day for naive and trusting Kvasir when he `did lunch’ with Fjalar and Galar. Contracts, negotiations, profit and loss, all these are consumer dreams deposited as corrupt moral impulses into the lower mineral kingdom. With the advent of faster computers the stock markets moved from their sluggish hundreds and thousand during the 1920’s to their five, six or 10 thousand average daily trading levels. Our ethical or unethical qualities are imprinted directly into the silicon world. The sudden conspiracy against human intelligence that carries cosmic intelligence is reenacted every day on Wall Street.( ) Sincerity was part of the psychological make-up of Kvasir. It was in his blood.
“Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
St Matthew 10:16
Since it is clear we must merge with the first level of the four ethers, the first of the four dwarfs that Freyja agrees to unite with, our first stop is the silicon world, along with all the other qualities of the metals and hidden forces that chips of matter or fingernail chips can convey to us. What more concrete picture could the Nordic seers have left us, but the whole context connected with chips from dead mens fingernails. We truly have embarked on a great adventure. The Nordic seers knew this and understood that the Mead of the blood in the human being was a unique and sacred blend that needed to be cherished and preserved.
Odin realizes that this great MEAD OF POETRY, this rich blend of blood and honey has become more than it was when Kvasir lived, it has aged and ripened. That is also a secret. This blood, carried in the veins of humanity, holds the rich and eternal dreams of the old Gods for their future. Fermenting out of the old recipes for making mead requires a fermentation process to make it truly grand.( ) Dwarfs acting selfishly, have in fact, once more, served the intentions of the Gods. This etherized brew of cosmic and human intelligence has fallen into the hands of a Giant and its three great jars are now guarded by Suttung and his giant daughter Gunnlod. (The giant goddess we worship today is the giantess DOWNLOAD) The three great jars of brewed Mead sit in a chamber hewed “out of the rock at the heart of the mountain”
“In MYTH AND RELIGION OF THE NORTH, E.O.G. Turville-Petre says that there is an Indian parallel to the creation of the mead of poetry from Kvasir’s blood in which the four parts of a slain monster represent four kinds of drunkenness; and in another Indian myth, soma, an intoxicating drink that stimulates the voice and gives immortality, is stolen by an eagle from an iron fortress.”
Freyja brings us into relationship with the four ether seeds of the parathyroid with her encounter with the four dwarfs over THE NECKLACE OF THE BRISINGS. Four different kinds of drunkenness or inspiration are operative at the foundations of the world in the structure of north, south, east and west, but also out of the Ark of the Covenant which focused the field of the earth plain and initiation science against the background of the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle and the Angel. Those became in the course of time our four gospels, capturing the biographical revelations of the incarnated LOGOS in the records of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. On these primal foundations lay the four parathyroid glands that raise the hormonal development of the human reproductive and Speaking Being to a new cosmic prototype. We were meant to ascend from sexual reproduction to Word, Ego-imprinted, divine speech.
In order to retrieve the kidnaped MEAD OF POETRY, the blood of Kvasir, Odin must place himself as the tenth in the nine worlds. A great work of harvesting the wisdom of the nine worlds is going on now. Nine mercenary harvesters were hired to work for the brother of the giant who holds Kvasir’s sacred blood. Odin is the tenth and enters as the tenth worker, better than all the nine put together. Odin places himself in proximity to the hidden containers of Mead by offering his services to the greedy brother of the very giant who guards the sacred THREE.
The fact that nine worlds and nine psychological and biological phases of human and spiritual development are broken into three groups of three; and that there are three containers of the sacred Blood of Kvasir, are very important to the spiritual scientific researcher. One of the containers was described as a cauldron and this cauldron must be the heart region because cauldrons were used for cooking. One of the containers is named Son.
Kvasir’s blood, the fermented Mead, has now been placed in the cosmic containers of the divine triad. The blood of Kvasir reflects this triad, and can be found in three compartments. We can easily recognize the FOUNDATION STONE MEDITATION drawing us toward our own transformation of blood. In our Thinking, Feeling and Willing; or in our relation to Truth, Beauty and Goodness; or as we apply these three elements culturally, in our society as Science, Art and Religion; we dip our ladles, our tongues, into the MEAD OF POETRY. In Speech Training we recognize these three portions as those of Lyric, Dramatic and Epic placements and focus.
“Nine thralls were working in a sloping field, men from Midgard with a taste for adventure and handsome reward. They were scything the succulent grass with long, slow sweeps, and seemed very weary.”
Earth is certainly interpenetrated by nine worlds. A harvest is underway. A gathering of collected data into upgraded and programmed systems is very much underway at present. A virtual world walk-in museum of scattered laser generated computer graphic enhanced scraps of knowledge is being offered as psychic harvest for the starving masses. A world-wide web of semi-dead knowledge is now in the process of being harvested for the world-wide dead.
Odin as the tenth of the nine represents the sharpened faculty of thinking, the eagle of our psychic development. The Native Americans and the St. John gospel would have been in complete agreement if it wasn’t for the greed and the formalized betrayals of the United States against the ecological wisdom of the Native Americans. The Native Americans had raised the fallen Scorpio forces of nature up to the Initiate vision of the Eagle. It could have been an easy step to honor that great deed and inaugurate an education of the human race that aimed for the next stage, the dove. Odin, the tenth, “drew a whetstone from his belt and began to put a new edge on the scythe, the other thralls crowded round in the hope he would hone their scythes too.”
Humanity is the tenth amid the nine worlds and the Nordic, Aztec, South American, Mexican, Mayan, Inca, Dante, Spiritual Science and the Catholic church all honored the nine worlds. This is an enormous comparative study yet to be attempted. What was the incarnating field or active differences between Nordic and South American research by initiates into the nine worlds?
Nine layers of the inner earth bring the human being into the deepest matters of life, death and evil that can be reckoned with. The tenor of moral difference between how the Aztec initiate dealt with the nine layers of the inner earth and how the Nordic seers and Initiates dealt with it makes one wonder if there wasn’t a psychic intersection where the two opposing fields struggled over the moral axis of earth evolution. There is ample evidence to prove that such penetrating initiations on both sides of the equator held different stand points on what honor and fairness were to the human spirit or to the demons locked in the center of the earth’s magnetic and gravitational workings.
“In India the wisdom of the Brahmins lay at the foundation of human life. In Europe this was indeed withdrawn into the background, but it existed in the Norse Mysteries where the European Brahmins had to make good again that which had been spoiled through the betrayal in the old Atlantean epoch.”
The sinking of Atlantis and the trail of linguistic evolution that leads us to the Inca, Aztec and Mayan cultures has to do with the abuse of the oracles of Atlantis. The initiation into the gold mysteries, the aura of gold in its present form, is a catalyst for psychic greed. A stage lower on the scale and greed becomes AVARICE, which has its own animal and serpent like rewards.
Below the black school of avariceness is sadism etc., the dwarf and gnome kingdom of silica have a moral downside which the Norse Initiates warned and defended us against. Southern hemisphere Aztec avariceness is interwoven and part of the present basis of Darwinian social engineering geared to the preservation of our psychologically adapted economic consumer-animal society. On the other hand gold is the representative of the wisdom of the Sun in the material of earth.
To sit in a virtual classroom and be taught virtual lessons by a mirage or computer generated icon of the honest teacher, geared to whatever racial or preferential image sentimentality dictates, is to re-enter, once again, the ancient Atlantean conflict. The upward development of thinking that veered away from genetic and nature manipulation by use of etheric and magical forces, was the cause of the split in Atlantean culture and the basis of a common global catastrophe that linked itself to the Sphinx of Egypt. We see the mighty Pharaohs headdress and those of Bali and Thailand and we can see the virtual world of clairvoyance that was operative as an outside eye-ball or umbilical cord, visionary plug, carried from old Atlantis through the blood as divine leadership, all the way to the GOLD crown of Kings. Now down to the last death throe of the blood, we see the so-called Royal couple, Diane and Prince Charles, dry up the last dregs of that blood-line mystery. (Obvious dramatic historical and tragic events have happened since I wrote this.)
The struggle and sinking of Atlantis came from the social rift in the upward and downward development, the abuse and misuse of clairvoyant, etheric and magical forces woven in the numbers and patterns of real nature and biology. One group developed toward the Gobi desert and escaped the sinking of Atlantis in the fabled Ark. Another group went west and developed in South America.
But the main internal social conflict of old Atlantis was between those who were considered racial retards because they were developing forebrains and strong earth spines, which were the first germs of materialistic or rational thinking, and those who built blood/genetic fusions with clairvoyant manipulations of nature. In old Atlantis, conscience and the use of human freedom in the realm of lawful, divine nature, was inaugurated by reject, retards. These `retards’ were cast off from the main stream of normal black magic clairvoyant schooling that was part of the consensus consumer development and public education of declining Atlantean culture.
The main body of dark initiates wanted to manipulate the genetic and animal-human kingdoms and dislodge the laws of nature and insert their own arbitrary clairvoyant choices for the pleasure and commerce of the Atlanteans. This plan was thwarted by the sinking of Atlantis. The laws of the stars and the biological laws in nature were to be preserved as divine factors instead of manipulated and distorted out of recognition. Today we are witnessing the reverse effects of the Atlantean fall in our own time. We are once more faced with a reverse Atlantis, a sinking of all nature’s complex species and a fall into virtual worlds and genetic arbitrariness.
Virtual reality is a growing form of materialistically induced clairvoyance that is opposed to the upward development of the Word. Using Melatonin and pituitary and pineal endocrine boot enhancers, humanity is about to unplug divine creation and plug in man-made software packages of virtual detached and disconnected consumerized giddy clairvoyant deceptions. The Logos and the laws of creation were given in the lawful model of the human form which a GOD has re-programmed upwards and a away from the fall by using the bodies higher potentials and designing a new prototype based strictly on the triadic human structure and the nine-fold human and cosmic pattern. The secret of Kvasirs divine blood, infused with Solar power, ignited the upper triadic levels of higher spiritual seeds. The higher metamorphosis of Atma, Budi, and Manna from the human psychic structure.
The new Atlanteans are splintering, again, into two groups. Those who want, arbitrarily, to create manipulated nature species under the research banners of genetics and biological warfare experimentation, while mixing hormonal psychotropic drugs, and giving semblance and clairvoyant actuality to virtual reality by diverting sound human insight and morality away from the real Fall of nature and the human spirit. While the other group seeks the upward lawful contract with creation forged by the incarnated Logos who brought the etherization of the blood and the Human WORD into its divine potential. The DNA of man the higher Angelic being; and the DNA of man the virus laden fallen god; once more stand at an Atlantean threshold, only with new stakes.
As in old Atlantis, our present majority sees nothing but harmony, idealism and joy in this path to the hallucinatory solution to our upward moral and spiritual goals. On the Christ/Buddha path nature is reunited in a non-arbitrary manner to its upward cosmic destiny and begins reinforcing the health and maturity of the human spirit based on the model of the Logos. We are the image of that Logos, which was only complete enough by 30 A.D. to allow us to receive a new upward revelation of the human prototype.
The Aztecs, as well as Philip the Fair, who tortured the Knights Templar and stole the brotherhood out of international banking, used gold initiation as a method to enter the dark circles of the nine layers of the inner earth. A corrupted version of genetic manipulation and betrayal of the Sun Mysteries was the reason behind the sinking of Atlantis. Gold, greed, sadism and avarice are clearly the global banking motto to live by today. The Nordic seers apparently were forced into spiritual pay-back to help adjust the malignant mysteries which remained active through human sacrifices and the schools of dark initiates clustered around Aztec altars dedicated to Venus and gold that remained as feeble remembrances of the conflict that sank Atlantis. The psychological toll today, in those who experienced the Templar purge and torture, remain as psychic stumbling blocks to those who face the cross roads of the this 98/99 century crossing.
Odin enters the story of THE MEAD OF POETRY as the tenth worker among nine mercenaries. We humans are the TENTH HIERARCHY, the Angels belong to the ninth. Odin has a whetstone that can sharpen the dull blade of thinking. Odin sharpens the blades of the other nine mercenary harvesters and offers his prized whetstone to them, he throws it into the air for one of them to grab and in the hustle, “the thralls jostled, they stepped backwards, they suddenly swung round; and in the end, in their confusion, they all slit one another’s throats. The nine of them lay in the long grass they had just cut.”
As members of the TENTH HIERARCHY human beings have the option of freedom, love and thinking that allows us to do deeds of freedom and enables us to keep our wits sharp because of the blending of the nine worlds, specifically arranged for our observation and thinking. That is A PHILOSOPHY OF FREEDOM. The world arranged around us acts as a whetstone to our thinking and wits. The harvesting of the nine worlds means that human beings must play a significant role in the harvest process. To say that consumer cut-throat actions and mercenary ethics have only dull blades in their thinking system and cannot compete with an Initiate who works with the divine wisdom of cosmic intelligence is an understatement.( ) Cosmic intelligence comes to the service of Initiate wisdom and this increases the ratio of divine assistance in proportion to our integration of human intelligence with cosmic intelligence. The human being who works with the divine has the strength of ten.
We have in Kvasir and THE MEAD OF POETRY a covert rescue mission, initiated by a disguised Odin. Two giant brothers with two different dull agendas must be outwitted by Odin. One giant using the nine worlds to harvest wisdom and increase its store for the autumn and winter and his brother who seems better equipped, the giant Suttung, are at unfriendly odds with each other. The harvest will totally fail unless the earth intelligence, represented by Suttung’s brother BAUGI finds more helpers. His other harvesters of the nine worlds have just killed themselves off leaving the one divine/human spirit, with one-eye,( ) Odin of cosmic intelligence, to harvest the remainder of earth’s wisdom.
Odin does not scoot around the work of harvesting earth wisdom, rather he takes on the entire harvest by himself.( ) A ratio is established here of nine to one. One free spirit against nine unfree spirits can accomplish more through SPIRITUAL ECONOMY simply by working with reality instead of against it. Odin represents the tenth or initiated humanity.
Locking down the MEAD OF POETRY that carries the imprint of the peace agreement of all worlds, the spittle of the gods and the answer to the riddles of both gods, demons, giants and dwarfs, held in three different containers by the giant Suttung, literally means that the poetic and intuitive education and initiation of humanity is to be blocked and made immensely difficult to attain by normal means. Earth society and Earth intelligence will stand like giants against the individual human intuition.
If the two giants have their way, the etherized blood of Kvasir will be exchanged on the market slowly by supply and demand. Scientists would be hired by Suttung to evaluate the substances in this strange mead and create drugs that imitate its magical power. The actual Mead is meant to nourish humanity, for our use as mediators of cosmic intelligence. Yet it is also something we are capable of creating in ourselves, through our own spiritual efforts. It is to serve as inspiration, love and wisdom for the rest of the nine worlds. To find the source of it, salvage it and honor it, as the highest essence of earth evolution, is to comprehend the mystery of the Grail and comprehend the actions of Odin to save the Mead of Poetry.
The triad of forces that come from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as the triad of containers that contain the elixir that raises thought, raises feeling and raises will up to the highest level of inspiration, stand for the mystery of THE MEAD OF POETRY. Kvasir understood how to answer and pose the questions; what to look for and how to respond to difficult riddles of human existence or divine affairs. Luckily for us such men do exist and luckier still are those who know where to find the MEAD OF POETRY. The FOUNDATION STONE MEDITATION leads one to this elixir or ichor of blood, the recipe for awakening in each of us the MEAD OF POETRY.
“Anthroposophy is the preparation for everything that will come in the future. Those who take the process of man’s evolution seriously resolve not to allow the soul’s development to come to a standstill but to ensure that its development will eventually enable the spiritual part of the earth to become free, leaving the grosser part to fall away like a corpse – for human beings could frustrate the whole process. Those who desire evolution to succeed must acquire understanding of the spiritual life through what we today call Anthroposophy. The cultivation of Anthroposophy thus becomes a duty; knowledge becomes something that we actually experience, something toward which we have responsibility. When we are inwardly aware of this responsibility and have this resolve, when we experience the mysteries of the world so as to arouse in us the wish to become Anthroposophists, then our experience is right.”
True, Kvasir is no myth. Such human beings are on the rise. We must not wait for leaders and gurus. We must take up what a living representative of THE MEAD OF POETRY has answered of the riddles of human existence. If we have understood these riddles we must continue to search for the MEAD ourselves and search for those brothers and sisters who have tasted it. It is a heady mixture of light and wisdom and not everybody is capable of sipping this magnificent brew but we of the TENTH HIERARCHY are designed, not to become drunkards but, to quietly and patiently stand as mediators in the turbulent or peaceful coordination of the nine worlds.
Honeyed words dipped in the blood of wisdom are balm for men, giants, Angels and dwarfs. The real myth is the myth we believe we live as isolated consumer-animals enjoying ourselves in a toyland of technology. By severing the community of conversation and brotherhood and replacing it with subservient silicon dwarfs and clumsy memory giants we have placed something between our hearts and our words. This also is part of THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH.
In conclusion to our study of THE MEAD OF POETRY and our much needed work towards the attainment of the etherization of our own blood, we finally enter, through the snake, the serpent, double helix, DNA or Kundalini, the stone fortress of the great Giant Suttung.
Odin disguises his true name, while working as a harvester and travels under the pseudonym of Bolverk. Bolverk means bulwerk or as the dictionary defines it, “any person or thing giving strong support or encouragement in time of need, danger, or doubt.” Saying “During the crisis, religion was his bulwark” sets the example. So Odin uses this as his code name and we might associate the twentieth century as a time when we needed Spiritual Science as a bulwark against the attacks from materialistic science.
Penetrating the mountain fortress of materialistic science, Odin uses an auger. He is able to drill into the skull like mountain fortress of Suttung, with his auger, but he requires the dumb brother of Suttung, Baugi, to help him drill. Odin needs a little crack, a tiny lever, just a bead that he can use to crack the code of materialism itself and unlock the hidden Mead of Poetry that has been hidden away and distilled from the blood of Kvasir. In the dictionary the word auger descends from the word adder or viper. A hole driller that can enter like a snake into the mysteries of earth.
“Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
St Matthew 10:16
Odin turns himself into a serpent and using the hole made by the auger, finds himself in the inner complex of the labyrinth of the mountain rock built by the giant Suttung, who is not user friendly to Spiritual Science. Suttung merely stores and selfishly hoards Kvasir’s blood for purely utilitarian interests. But his daughter, poor thing, is shut into the inner sanctuary. Very much like the core of Mother Earth herself, Gunnlod sits in the recesses of the mountain fortress on her stool of gold merely guarding the etheric treasure that could renew the planet and nature herself. She represents the pituitary gland prior to the transformation of the heart that is achieved by listening and discovering the romance between the human soul and truth.
“Gunnlod was sitting on a stool of solid gold. And at the sight of Bolverk (Odin), Suttung’s stern warning that she should guard the mead flew right out of her head. She was not sorry to have company. She sat and listened to Bolverk’s beguiling words and songs; she wrapped her arms around him; for three days they talked and laughed and for three nights they slept together. In the silent cave under Hnitbjorg, the heartless father of the gods made love to the spellbound daughter of Suttung. Then Gunnlod was drunk with passion and ready to give Bolverk whatever he desired. He asked for three draughts of Kvasir’s blood and Gunnlod took his hand and led him to the mead. With his first draught Bolverk emptied Odrorir, with his second draught Bodn, with his third draught Son. The Father of the gods held all the divine mead in his mouth.
“Then Odin turned himself into an eagle, flapped down the passage out of Hnitbjorg, and headed for Asgard.”
Everybody seems to have to sleep with somebody if they want to get something from anybody. Freyja needs to have sex with the four dwarfs to gain THE NECKLACE OF THE BRISINGS and Odin/disguised as Bolverk needs to charm, enchant, stimulate, seduce and arouse Gunnlod the daughter of Suttung. The songs he sings are songs he learned while he hung on the Tree of Life or Yggdrasill. These songs are the archetype of the nine regions for which Christ hangs on the Tree of the Cross. Nine songs for the nine worlds were learned and these great poems, were part of the seduction Odin needed to charm Gunnlod off her golden pedestal. The etheric currents come into the hidden fortress through Odin and cosmic intelligence. These refined forces stimulate the development of the pituitary in order to release the secret of the mead. These same songs were charmed by the cunning dwarfs into the making of the nine rings that Tolkien describes in his great work, THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
These same songs are included in what Christ speaks of in the Beatitudes[SEE LINK] from The Sermon on the Mount. Grand mysterious formulas that weave, enchant and charm the nine worlds and the nine fold structure of the human being. The nine layers of the inner earth are seemingly equal to the human blueprints that make the basis for our physical, etheric, astral, sentient soul, intellectual soul, consciousness soul, spirit-self, life-spirit and spirit-man. The human being is meant to find the words and the meanings to all worlds. He is the soother, the comforter, the mediator and the voice by which the divine recognizes itself and understands.
These same, strange rings that Tolkien, Wagner and astronomy speaks of, are apparently of the same type as the rings Saturn has. Only the reversed image and polarity, of that which the earth has as her layered interior core. But with Saturn they appear to us as its exterior rings.
To be a Lord of the Rings means being able to penetrate the inner earth mysteries while incarnated and after death to reach the outer Saturn reincarnation mysteries. A wave-like cosmic reverberation carries the human soul from incarnation into space toward the inner earth mysteries and outwards after death to the far-point where Saturn and the gods intone their karmic response to our individual destinies.
The waters of the etheric worlds, like the water and ripples on a pond, reveal a tightly connected system that runs from earth core to Saturn’s outer rings. The borrowing and transforming of these mighty ether fields is hidden in speech and the parathyroid glands.
A Bodhisattva can make use of these ether fields, to some degree, but the Sun-Spirit-Christus is able to step up, miracle, by miracle, from water to wine; to the raising of Lazarus; to the Resurrection, the entire nine fold integration and beyond, of that which comprises the material and spiritual both as atomic table and etheric cohesion.
Here the intoning field of matter and spirit, formerly outside of the earth, has moved its resonation field to the inside of the Earth. To build a complete dove like Resurrection body requires enormous agreements or mastery within the planetary community. A Being of immense order entered the earthly matrix. Coordination between Saturn and the intimate subtle bodies and karmic structure that each individual carries will now be under the active leadership of the Lord of Karma, the new Lord of the Rings. The Sun centered field of immortality, in progress, has shifted to an Earth centered field, in progress. The new CEO is here amongst even as we speak.
All of these delicate and shattering mysteries are clearly within the seduction of Gunnlod by Odin. The sound waves that allow us to hear reveals how Odin bored into the skull, to where the solidified gold in listening, is slightly warmed by Gunnlod sitting on it. Through our ears we hear, but ear is also in the word heart and in the word earth. Gunnlod is so entranced by Odin that she warms up on her stool of gold and begins to heat up the hidden gold that connects both heart and earth to the ear.
What is so wonderful about this seduction and this heating up is that the Fallopian tube that transports the ova from the ovary to the uterus is designed in the same way as the Eustachian tube of the ear. In listening, as Gunnlod is doing with Odin, her heart and her reproductive center not only wants to hear more of Odin’s fascinating words but while listening she becomes in the mood for the entire reproductive stimulation that mating and egg production entails for the female. How is this so? How can this be true? Because Bartolommeo Eustachio (1524-1574) connected in his research both the Eustachian tube and the uterus.(CLICK LINK FOR DEEPER RESEARCH) You can look it up in the dictionary. His colleague, Gabriel Fallopius, (1523-1562 both men living in Italy) connect the uterus with the inner ear. Fallopius looked into the chorda tympani, sphenoid and ethmoid bones.
This means that the new uterus of Freyja uses the listening ear and the warmth that penetrates the heart as a way to produce the new spoken forces. The spoken word and the listening ability, not attention span deficit, begin the actual production of new cosmic forces. Gunnlod may not yet be saying much, but she is doing a lot of listening to the rich romantic occult tales of the master storyteller Odin. For her, eggs and ova are forming and the mood to mate with the heavens, to establish and consummate a vertical relationship with the core of gold and truth that comes from Odin’s lips, are like kisses, that stimulate the passion and hormones of the endocrine system which eventually lead to either very good sex or cosmic intuition as conception. The Nordic initiates wove all these minute details into the wonderful seduction of Gunnlod guarding the portal to the chamber of the etherization of the blood. First, the initiates said, you must listen to the sound of truth till it fills your heart, later you will learn to distribute potent etheric forces that are the Mead of Poetry distilled from Kvasir’s blood.
“Passing now from within outward, that which adjoins the inward portion of the inner ear, and which science calls the stapes or stirrup, appears in the light of spiritual science as a metamorphosis of a human thigh-bone with its attachment to the hip. And the little bone which science calls the incus or anvil, appears as a transformed knee-cap. Finally, that which passes from the incus to the tympanum or drum appears as a metamorphosis of the lower part of the leg including the foot. But the ‘foot’ in this case rests not on the earthly ground but on the drum of the ear. Within your ear you actually have a human member — a transformed metamorphosed limb. You might also describe it thus: First, the upper arm (only that in the arm the ‘knee-cap’ is undeveloped, that is to say there is no anvil), and then the lower arm — the other ossicle which rests upon the drum. Just as you touch and feel the ground with your feet, so do you touch and feel the drum of the ear with the foot of this little ossicle. Only the foot with which you walk about is coarsely formed. Coarsely you feel the ground with the sole of your foot, while with this hand or foot which is there within your ear you constantly touch and feel the delicate vibration of the drum.
“Let us now go farther back, within the ear. We come to the so-called cochlea or ‘snail-shell’. It is filled with a watery fluid, which is necessary for the act of hearing. What the ‘foot’ touches and feels upon the drum has to be transmitted back to this spiral cochlea, situated within the cavity of the ear. And now once more: Above the thigh we have the inner organs, the abdominal organs. The cochlea within the ear is none other than a beautiful, elaborate metamorphosis of these inner organs. And so you can imagine, there inside the ear there lies a human being, whose head is immersed in your own brain. Indeed, we bear within us a whole number of ‘human beings’, more or less metamorphosed or transformed, and this is one of them.
“What does all this signify? If you study the origin and growth of man not only with the crude science of the senses; if you are aware that this human embryo as it develops in the mother’s womb is the image of what went before it in the pre-earthly life; then you will also realise the following. In the first stages of development in embryonic life, it is above all the head that is planned and formed. The other organs are comparatively small appendages. Now — if it only depended on the inner potentialities inherent in the germ, within the mother’s womb — these appendages, these little stumps which afterwards become the legs and feet, could equally become a kind of ear. They actually have the inner tendency, the potentiality to become an ear. That is to say, man might grow in such a way as to have an ear not only here, and here, but an ear downward too. I admit, this is a strange saying. Nevertheless, it is the truth. Man might become an ear downward too. Why does he not? Because at a certain stage of embryonic development he already comes into the domain of the earthly force of gravity. Gravity which causes the stone to fall to Earth — gravity, implying weight — weighs upon that which tends to become the ear, transforms it and re-shapes it. And so it becomes the lower man in his entirety. Under the influence of earthly gravity, the ‘ear’ which tends to grow downward is changed into the lower man. Why then does not the ear itself change in this way? Why do not its ossicles change into fine small legs right and left? For the simple reason that through the whole position of the human embryo in the mother body, the ear is protected from entering into the domain of gravity, as happens with the little embryonic stumps that afterwards become the legs. The embryonic ear does not enter the domain of gravity. Hence it preserves the plan and tendency which it received in the spiritual world in the pre-earthly life. It is in fact a pure image of the spiritual worlds.
“Now we understand how the earthly world of sound is the physical reflection of the heavenly harmony of the Spheres, and how man is a product not of these earthly forces but of heavenly forces, who places himself into the midst of the earthly. Moreover, we see how he places himself into the midst of the earthly. He would become an ear downward; and if he remained in this state he certainly would not walk, but would assume another kind of movement; for he would have to move on the waves of cosmic Harmonies, even as the tiny image, the little bone in the ear, moves on the waves of the drum. With the ear we learn to hear; with the larynx and other organs that lie towards and within the mouth itself, we learn to speak and sing. You hear some word, for instance Baum or Tree. You yourself can speak the word Tree. In your ear, in organs formed and modelled after heavenly activities, as I described just now, there lives what you express in the simple word Tree. Again, you yourself can say the word. What does it signify that you can say the word Tree? By the larynx, by the organs of the mouth, etc., the earthly air is brought into such formations that the word Tree is expressed. There in reality you have a second ear, over against your hearing. And there is yet a third, which is only insufficiently perceived. When you hear the word Tree, you yourself with your etheric body — not with your physical but with your etheric body — speak the word Tree very quietly to yourself; and through the so-called Eustachian tube, which passes from the mouth into the ear, the word Tree sounds forth ethereally, going out to meet the word that comes to you from without; and the two meet, and thus you understand the word. Otherwise you would only hear it and it would be nothing in particular. You understand it by saying back through the Eustachian tube what comes towards you from outside. In that the vibrations from outside meet the vibrations from within, and interpenetrate, the inner man understands what comes to him from without.”
Wise Odin escapes the skull like fortress of the giant Suttung as an eagle and scales the halls of heaven. A shadow eagle, the giant Suttung himself, follows him. St. John is our resident eagle who sits on the high branches of the Tree of Life. In hot pursuit of the mighty mystery of the etherization of the blood comes the shadow of the sun-spirit. “Soul conflicts and trials of conscience proclaim the new Christ-nearness; for, like a shadow, the conscience accompanies the paths of Christ” while on earth we deposit our spiritual activity into the heart of the earth. The Mead of poetry was given as a solution to the conflicts of the cosmos. The human being working on the etherization of her blood understands how the blood caught by Joseph of Arimathea leads to the strange mystery of the Grail.
“…in England the Grail wanders from place to place. On this level, therefore, it fulfills the descriptive title given to Rudolf Steiner for it by the Norwegian Folk-Spirit – `GANGAND GREIDA,’ The Wandering Viaticum. In the Valthrudismal, Odin refers to himself by the name Gangradr, the Wanderer.”
This ties together the very deep connection that exists between THE NECKLACE OF THE BRISINGS and THE MEAD OF POETRY. It is on Good Friday that the consummation of the mystery of Parsifal occurs. The wearied knight at long last returns to the holy precincts of the Grail Castle. It is in this moment when Gurnemanz, who keeps a holy hut on the edge of the Grail forest, answers the sorrowing Parsifal as to why Friday is Good. Why should humanity keep sacred a day when we slew a God? Certainly it should be considered one of the blackest days in human history.
Gurnemanz explains to Parsifal that the potent ichor or elixir of highly etherized blood fell to the earth, soaking it. This blood had become a solar power of the highest magnitude. The blood that spattered the ground from His wounds, that gushed from His side when the spear pierced Him, the same blood caught in the cup of the Grail, was received into the parched pores of the dying Earth. Nature herself, wounded by the Fall, with all her reserves from the lower kingdoms of mineral, plant, animal and humanity stood, completely depleted.
PARSIFAL- How fair the fields and meadows seem today! Many a magic flower I’ve seen, which sought to clasp me in its baneful twinings; But none so sweet as here, these tendrils bursting with blossoms whose scent recalls my childhood’s days and speaks of loving trust to me.
GURNEMANZ- That is Good Friday’s spell, my Lord!
PARSIFAL- Alas, that day of agony! Now surely everything that thrives that breathes and lives and lives again should mourn and sorrow?
GURNEMANZ- Thou see’st that is not so. The repentant tears of sinners have here with holy rain besprinkled field and plain, and made them glow with beauty. All earthly creatures in delight at the Redeemer’s TRACE so bright uplift their pray’rs of duty. To see Him on the Cross they have no power; And so they smile upon redeemed man, who, feeling freed, with dread no more doth cower, through God’s love-sacrifice made clean and pure: And now perceives each blade and meadow flower that mortal foot today it need not dread; For, as the Lord in pity man did spare, and in His mercy for him died, all men will keep, with pious care, today a tender tread. Then thanks the whole creation makes, with all that flow’rs and fast goes hence, that trespassed-pardoned Nature wakes now to her day of Innocence.
The cycle of the invisible rays of light that fed the Earth and made for us the solid mineral metal light called Gold and the liquid sunlight called honey, had finally so permeated a Human Being, Jesus of Nazareth, that His blood became the very Sunlight from which it all began in the first place. The complete cycle that runs from crystal, through metal, up the stem of the plants to the hyperglycemic sugar in the sweet honeysuckle, to the bee, to the sugars that supply the energy in the human blood, had finally arrived where the microcosmic human word met the macrocosmic human Logos.
The Plant blood of chlorophyll that uses its leaves () as hands for photosynthesis in order to transform light into plant tissue now had the same nourishing sunlight on earth with them, only now incarnated as a human being. The blood and breath from this Being, breathed the very light of the sun with every exhaled breath and beat of His heart. His blood was potent, dynamic, infused solar energy. In very fact the Sun itself was breathing through a mortal frame. The clothed CONSONANTS and VOWELS were in effect newly born elemental beings of light and love, christened by the etherized blood beating in the chest of a Human Being. (In this light it is not so odd to comprehend a being like Ariel standing guard over the work of Shakespeare or absorb a powerful new language force like Eurythmy) As the Sun-Being Christ lived, breathed, spoke, fallen nature, could at last, breath a sigh of relief. The leaf sap or blood that flowed from the Cross was literally a super-sun injection of powerful rejuvenation that tsunami wise, travelled like light to every parched quarter of nature’s weary heart.
“We understand this when we turn our eyes to the Mystery of Golgotha, to the moment when the blood flowed from the wounds of Jesus Christ. This blood must not be regarded simply as chemical substance, but by reason of all that has been described as the nature of Jesus of Nazareth, it must be recognized as something altogether unique. When it flowed from His wounds and into the earth, a substance was imparted to our earth, which, in uniting with it, constituted an event of the greatest possible significance for all future ages of the earth, and it could take place only once. What happened with this blood in the ages that followed? Nothing different from what otherwise takes place in the heart of man. In the course of earthly evolution, this blood passed through a process of `ETHERIZATION.’ Just as our blood streams upward from the heart as ether, so, since the Mystery of Golgotha, the etherized blood of Christ Jesus has lived in the ether of the earth. The etheric body of the earth is permeated by what the blood that flowed on Golgotha became.”
Here THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH had arrived at its highest goal. Ahura Mazdao, as the living divine factor of the sun, had made a contract within the heart/pineal cognition of Zarathustra. The agreement targeted a ray into the core of Zarathustra, like a living laser Holograph, this sun seed would find its way with greater efficiency than Nasa could ever imagine, into the core of Jesus of Nazareth. Both Shepherds and Kings would track it to a single geographic pin-point landing, linked to the incarnation and heart of one Human Being. If we ever wished to understand precision, tracking, targeting, voice identification or thought imprinting we must understand this event. We have sophisticated ways of determining the identification of people, through credit cards, voice and retina scans, thought patterns and the greatest is the immortal tracking of the incarnating ego spirit. We all walk like needles in a haystack, but we have an identity, we have a history, we have left a karmic trace pattern that can be researched like we pull up files on a subject.
In creating a bridge to understanding how the Initiate Zarathustra could experience the Sun-Spirit as an inner contracted fact that leads him to his incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth, we must compare St. Paul. The light of the Sun that shaped the eyes and tells us, were not the eye sunlike it couldn’t receive the sun, also can receive laser generated, man-made, virtual light. Thereby man-made hallucinations and computer programs can be generated from these degenerated forms of light. With St. Paul we can observe that this Sun-Being, who now acts in the etheric aura of the earth, blinds Saul, and knocks him off his high horse. His former sight is ripped clean out of him or is totally overwhelmed by the true light of the sun, so that he sees, like Zarathustra had foreseen, the arrival of the Sun-Spirit. The inner connection between Paul and Zarathustra must give us something to think about to be sure. Paul has no choice but to understand that his former identity has been completely erased, and he has acquired new eyes. His job into the future will be to build the concepts of the Christ that fit the new eyes that are developing in human beings.
Love, compassion and wisdom were so mixed and chemically potentized in Jesus of Nazareth that the miracles promised could be achieved. This fulfillment applied not only to how the Initiates had shaped the Nordic mysteries; why Odin hung on a cross; why we acknowledge nine hierarchies in christianity etc, but also Christ’s fulfillment applied to every form of written or spoken TRUTH from old testament prophets. Just as the Sun shines on everyone equally, give or take equatorial and seasonal axis shift, Skalds, Prophets, Seers, Bodhisattva’s, Buddha, brought the Destiny of Human Speech in line with the great Logos Sun-Mystery. When that Sun lived fully in Jesus of Nazareth, he uttered, walked, talked and performed the exact mythic text that was seen, read, and spoken of since the beginning.
Bio-creation made an enormous leap from the very base level of nature’s life and death power, to the achievement of nature’s highest physics reversal. The Human larynx, illuminated by the dove, using the dove blueprints, had so infused the blood of Jesus of Nazareth with its nurturing forces that the uterus could shift upwards and a man do what no man has ever done, give birth to himself. It is a highly complex question of divine bio-mechanics when we juxtapose the centripetal and centrifugal fields that constitute the external construct of the sexes. Can a male develop a uterus from the Larynx? Is this the strange key factor in why Jesus of Nazareth was a male, because of the possibility of reverse bio-physics and the procreative field in the deepened male voice?
The answer to this question is an amazing piece of medical insight. “Chromosomes,carrying genes, pair up like twin meeting twin. The chromosomes from the mother link with an equal number from the father, each pair determined by the type of information the genes carry. The two genes determining eye color lie at identical places on either side of the chromosome pair. This arrangement is true for all twenty-three pairs, save one. The differing pair determines the sex of the child. Females have two X chromosomes; males have an X and a Y. The mother passes on an X chromosome, and the father, either an X or a Y. Two X chromosomes produce a female, and the combination of an X and a Y make a male.” This powerful, shattering insight reveals to us that the male brings the potential for the Dove mystery of bi-sexuality in his chromosomes.
Basing our assessment on the accomplished dove mystery, my answer would be, women and men are able to approach this central mystery of the WORD equally. The WORD is an unbiased, nondiscriminatory, user friendly field that places the new procreative science of the WORD at the disposal of micro-logos and macro-LOGOS. It is an equal opportunity mystery for women and men alike. Apply within!
This tells us clearly that instead of sex divided on the horizontal plane of existence, the new sex is a vertical issue. The unified field of female and male crafters of the WORD can now approach an entirely new definition of discrimination. Those who are stuck in the politics of horizontal sexual differences, gay rights, male chauvinism, militant feminism, as well as transvestites and parents who seek earthly determined sexual bias; stand against those who have begun a-sexual relations in the vertical, between the Macrocosm and the Microcosm. Those invited to the CHYMICAL WEDDING are Grail/Sophia human beings who have been called to a new path in THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH. It is a lyrical poetic marriage of higher intuition and freedom between the Macrocosm and the microcosm. To this, each individuals heart and mind must discover the path for themselves. But the meeting ground is decidedly the HUMAN WORD.
“How can a person be born when he is already old? Can he return to his mother’s womb to be born again? Jesus answered, `Yes, I tell you this: Whoever does not come to a new birth through the formative power of the water and the breath of the Spirit cannot gain entrance into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the element of earth is itself earthly in nature; but that which is born of the breath of the Spirit is itself wafting Spirit.”
Vertical relationships draw us upwards. The sensations and moods that inspire our admiration, respect and love, come from signs, signals and joys, as we discover tips, winks and nods, even kisses of a sort. Nature and Spirit becomes our vertical affair. Divine Beings make up the essence of our contacts, but they do not require us to baby-sit their dysfunctions. On the contrary, they play in the exhalted feelings of joy and courage which awaken in us.
We discover truth as we would discover the secrets of a lover. Our interests are invigorated, and we feel as if we had been personally understood and responded to. Everyday leads us to deeper insights into the wise wonder and evident Beingness of responses that go right to the heart of our highest aspirations. We have to learn to cherish the fond higher friendships of the Spirit that are intimately loyal and fair no matter how badly we fall short of ourselves. Slowly from within our own intimate interests, Beings in nature, and Beings who love light and intelligence and love, come joyfully towards our childlike and astonished vertical investigations.
The nourishment of our own Ariel and the entire Grail mystery hinges on the etherized food that comes from our transformed blood. Our new eyes and new ears are fashioned from Kvasir’s blood or the Mead of Poetry, which takes place in the Grail or cup of our skulls. That is why the entire vintage Mead of Kvasir’s blood is stored in an impenetrable mountain fortress. That is why the Grail Castle was in such an obscure and impossible location.
The snake hole that Odin drills with his auger is the same anatomical construct as the human ear. Our ability to listen stands against the nervous disorder of attention span deficit. Can we hear and understand our formidable social issues, which loom giant like, before we are able to see? “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” The etherization of our blood depends very much on a new form of hearing and a new form of seeing. This new form of seeing and hearing evolves from our gradual, Grail-like, transformation in our hearts and our hearts blood.
“The next step is connected with warmth. Man’s activity is to be sought in what streams out form him as inner warmth. Out of what proceeds from warmth: passions, impulses, instincts, desires, wishes and so on, Karma arises. Just as the parallel organ to the ear is the organ of speech, so the parallel organ to the warmth of the heart is the pituitary gland, the Hypophysis. The heart takes up the warmth from outside, as the ear does sound. Thereby it perceives world warmth. The corresponding organ, which we must have, in order to be able to produce warmth consciously, is the pituitary gland in the head, which at the present time is only at the beginning of its development. Just as one perceives with the ear and produces with the larynx, so one takes up the warmth of the world in the heart and lets it stream forth again through the pituitary gland in the brain. Once this capacity has been achieved, the heart will have become the organ it was intended to be. There is a reference to this in words from `LIGHT ON THE PATH’: `Before the soul can stand in the presence of the Masters, its feet must be washed in the blood of the heart.’ Then our heart’s blood streams out as today our words stream out into the world. In the future warmth of soul will flood over mankind.
“Somewhat deeper in evolution than the warmth organ stands the organ of sight. In the course of evolution the organs of hearing, warmth and sight, follow in sequence; the organ of sight is only at the stage of receiving, but the ear already perceives, for instance in the sound of a bell, its innermost being {Each etheric tone of the Bell is understood in Poe’s Poem of THE BELLS-(listen now)}.() Warmth must flow from the being itself, the eye has only an image, the ear has the perception of innermost reality. The perception of warmth is the receiving of something that rays outwards. There is an organ, which will also become the active organ of vision. This is today germinally present in the pineal gland, the Epiphysis, the organ that will give reality to the images that today are produced by the eye. These two organs, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland as active organs, must develop into the organ of vision (eye) and the organ of warmth (heart). Today fantasy is the preliminary stage leading to a later power of creation. Now man has at most imagination. Later he will have magical power. This is the KRIYASHAKTI power. It develops in proportion to the physical development of the pineal gland.
“In the reciprocal relationship between ear and larynx we have a prophetic model (vorbild). Thinking will later be interpenetrated with warmth, and still later man himself will learn to create. First he learns to create a picture; then to create and send forth radiations; then to create beings. Freemasonry calls these three forces wisdom, semblance (beauty) and power. (See Goethe’s Fairy Tale.)”
The new words to be spoken by the future Bodhisattva tell us that he/she must drink of Kvasir’s blood. But the work needed before we can feel and become supercharged by these future Bodhisattva’s words, so that we are pollinated, impregnated with the new procreative forces of the Dove must come from our approach to the mystery of the etherization of the blood. In our work we must have developed the sympathetic faculty of hearing the new nature forces that the Christ Spirit is activating through the WORD.
Normally the religious leaders of humanity, and the great intellects, who either have refused or merely do lip service to the TRANSUBSTANTIATION, have not taken these words seriously or scientifically enough.
“26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, take, eat; this is my body.
27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”
Matthew 26:26-28
Body and Blood were ratios that would open an entire mystery into the powerful field of scale and variance in nature. Dr. Steiner took this ratio, established by the Christ, very seriously. Part of the research of the Science of the spirit came up with ratios that establish definite frequencies in nature’s warehouse. Four ratios, that I know of, have been given. The dog’s ratio of 10 parts body weight to 1 part blood was researched in the first part of the Destiny of Human Speech. The ratio of the bovine’s twelve parts body weight to one part blood, I examined in The Message of the White Buffalo. The ratio of the human being’s body weight to blood is thirteen to one. In this ratio, we have startling pictures that move the twelve of the last supper and the twelve of the round table and the twelve zodiacal forces upwards to thirteen, with the Lamb, with Christ and with Arthur at the round table. In the ratio of the Ass, a 23:1 ratio was established that gave us the concrete picture of why the Ass was considered, symbolically, the stubborn physical form, subject to death. This ratio of blood to body weight, was a key number that revealed the chromosome correspondences of the physical cell and DNA structure. This is my Body and this is my Blood is a powerful revelation to be reckoned scientifically and spiritually.
The pictures in nature that Christ reveals, are not merely symbolic systems, nor do they have to be taken in a passive, merely religiously dogmatic manner. The imaginations that appear before our senses as animals have been bargained with by the Logos, against Ahriman. A hell of a poker game, I might add. The forms we see are contracted pictures that preserve in their ratios great secrets of the stars and heavens. Christ did not want us to merely sit down passively with his powerful indications, his incredible Words and stare dumbfounded. It is His greatest pleasure along with Michael Intelligence, when humanity lifts the Sun-Being’s, Cosmic Logos utterances, diligently captured by eye-witness accounts, upwards to the Science of Mankind.
Odin presented these fabulous tales to dumbfounded Gunnlod as she sat on her golden pedestal made of solidified world warmth. Songs and Tales, so sensible and transparent that Gunnlod melted her solidified pedestal of gold. She felt the heat of Odin’s words tingle all the way down to her curled toes. The future Bodhisattva will speak directly out of the inspired world warmth contained in the Mead of Poetry. The CONSONANTS and VOWELS used by this person will have KRIYASHAKTI power able to imbue etherized life to WORD PICTURES. These will pollinate out from the human heart and conscience, and begin to fire up those dormant parathyroid glands into secretions. The solidified gold will begin to melt, because we are amazed, astonished and inspired by what we hear. We will begin to pronounce new elemental beings that will begin to mend the damaged fractures in our psychology and our ecology.
Etherized WORD PICTURES are constructed with CONSONANTS and VOWELS and breathing that dips into the lungs and receives warmth from the proximity of our hearts. In the working zone of the lung are the alveoli. “These areas consist of minute rounded air spaces surrounded by capillaries of the blood system of the lungs.” Out of the warmth of the heart, our words will become magnificent, the way Prospero commands a constellation of elemental beings through his thought-word speech.
The Bodhisattva’s words will be a tripled Prospero and enter into our conscience as we listen with our hearts. Preparation must be made for that type of quickening. If we have not learned to ignite our selves by then, he or she will fire us up like the forge where the Necklace of the Brisings was hammered to life by the four parathyroid seed dwarfs. The Bodhisattva’s words will heat us up like the cauldron where the container called Son held the Mead of Poetry, made from Kvasir’s blood. With active spiritual interest our hearts begin to simmer tenderly with every breath of compassion we breathe and every sun-lit inspiration that is brought to our minds eye by our personal light messenger, ariel. Marie Steiner, like Odin, loved to sing the songs of cosmic lyric. It is lyric poetry that raises the heart to the lips. It is cosmic lyric and cosmic thought that weaves and swims in the currents of Christ’s etherized blood.
Egyptian medical papyri dated from 2750 to 2625 B.C. revealed, “that the Egyptians regarded air itself as having a spiritual quality. Breathing, in their view, took air and spirit in through the nostrils and then via the heart and lungs. From these primal organs, it was thought that the vital spirit was distributed throughout the remainder of the body. The Egyptians knew about the air-filled Eustachian tube passing from ear to pharynx and surmised that the breath of death, counterpart of the breath of life, could enter the human body through the left ear.”
“Empedocles, a Greek physician and philosopher who lived from about 495 to 435 B.C., put this concept, with three other elements, into a formal framework. The four, which he regarded as the basis of all matter, were earth, fire, water and air, or pneuma;…he thought that breathing in and out served to cool the heart and blood. Blood itself was felt to carry `innate heat’ from the heart to all the other regions of the body.”
The forces of the parathyroid glands, the four seed glands that start to release their potent energies will be activated by the fact that the Macrocosmic Logos and the ever present etheric Christ will have nursed our ears and eyes to comprehend and receive the fire from the AGNISHVATTAS, the fire fathers or Saturn forces, for the new blueprints of divine creation. It is we, ourselves, that must imagine it, with Christ or with the great Initiates who work with the Science of Mankind. The nature that we see disappearing today is not the new nature that the Etheric Christ is visualizing for his children in the animal and plant kingdoms. The words that we speak today are only beginning the new schooling to become what our WORDS will eventually become.
`Where the bee sucks there suck I’ brings us to another powerful insight into the forces surrounding the pineal gland. A light like revelation that is carried by Zarathustra(), St. Paul, Goethe, Emerson, Tesla and certainly lived as Shakespeare’s Ariel, can be awakened and schooled by us now.
“These rays of light stream from the heart to the head and flow around the pineal gland. These streamings arise because human blood, which is a physical substance, is continually dissolving itself into etheric substance. In the region of the heart there is a continual transformation of the blood into this delicate etheric substance that streams upward toward the head and flows glimmeringly around the pineal gland. This process, the etherization of the blood, can be shown in the human being throughout his waking life.
“…At the moment of waking or of going to sleep, these two currents meet, and in the man of low morality a violent struggle [insomnia which is the first indicator of cancer] between the two streams takes place in the region of the pineal gland. In the man of high morality and outstreaming intellectuality, a peaceful expansion of glimmering light appears in the region of the pineal gland. This gland is almost surrounded by a small sea of light in the moment between waking and sleeping. Moral nobility is revealed when a calm glow surrounds the pineal gland at these moments. In this way a man’s moral character is reflected in him, and this calm glow of light often extends as far as the region of the heart. Two streams can therefore be perceived in man – one from the macrocosm, the other from the microcosm.”
The etherization of the blood through the warmth ether, generated by conscience, nourishes ariel. Odin felt that this most valuable elixir should be part of the Harvest of Earth evolution and preserved for the future. If Kvasir were alive he might tell us, very calmly of course, that the reason this Mead must be preserved and cultivated carefully is because “…in our present age it is important that man should learn to understand that the knowledge contained in spiritual science must be received and gradually be able so to fire the streams flowing from heart to brain that anthroposophy can be understood. If this comes to pass, individuals will be able to comprehend the event that has its beginning in the twentieth century: the appearance of the etheric Christ in contradistinction to the physical Christ of Palestine.”
“And anon there came in a dove at a window, and in her bill there seemed a little censer of gold, and therewith there was such a savour as though all the spicery of the world had been there. And forthwith there was upon the table all manner of meats and drinks that they could think upon.
“So there came a damsel passing fair and young, and she bore a vessel of gold between her hands, and thereto the King Kneeled devoutly, and said his prayers, and so did all that were there.
“`Oh Jesu, ‘ said Sir Launcelot, `what may this mean?’
“This is, said King Pelleas, `the richest thing that any man hath living. and when this thing goeth about, the Round Table shall be broken. And wit ye well that this is the Holy Sancgreal ye have here seen.”
Before the Grail enters, a dove, the lost dove of Noah, returns once more from the Ark. The dove carries a censer of gold, a light, incense. Like the olive leaf brought back by the dove Noah sent out, the elevating scent of a thousand herbs preliminarily raises the psychic atmosphere before the Grail appears.
“According to Dr. Steiner, it was St. Paul, who wandered in his ministry, within the amazing epi-center field of the olive tree. The mediterranean forces, round which, St. Paul carried the light of the new Adam, genetic revelation, was the perimeter of the same etheric field that the Christ had penetrated, at that time. His cosmic love/light epi-center was rooted as the olive tree was rooted to the deep etheric forces of the earth”>According to Dr. Steiner, it was St. Paul, who wandered in his ministry, within the amazing epi-center field of the olive tree. The mediterranean forces, round which, St. Paul carried the light of the new Adam, genetic revelation, was the perimeter of the same etheric field that the Christ had penetrated, at that time. His cosmic love/light epi-center was rooted as the olive tree was rooted to the deep etheric forces of the earth. The cavities of air where nose, ears and throat are receptive to the pituitary field of warmth, sense all of nature’s greatest herbs and seasonings that automatically engages the salivary glands which produce the `MMM” sound. Right away, the dove and Freyja, get the juices flowing in the upper senses. This is what is reported when the Grail is encountered.
Between the transformed endocrine system and the warmed human blood stand the tale of Freyja and Kvasir. The dove and the Grail indicate, reveal and substantiate various genetic and anatomical mysteries that we must comprehend in order to restore the picture of our human forms and their immensely extensive potentials. Something incredible happened on earth and continues to unfold as each of us live and breath. Who would want to be the last one to know, the last one to stand wide-eyed, opposed to the upward tug of nature, our childrens future and the greatest quest of the human spirit since the Round Table broke up?
by Isabel Wyatt
“From the dead cross the living waters flow,
Sweeping stark boughs to bud and blossom-thrust.
Into the soil is spilled the Sun; and lo,
The Earth begins to glow;
A living Grail is fashioned of its dust.
Out of Earth’s frosted flask its saps divine
Into this fruit’s globed goblet drip afresh.
Therefrom I drink a consecrated wine;
Make Earth’s elixir mine.
And thus a cup for Christ becomes my flesh.
This hallowed ichor in my being stored
Into a healing cordial is distilled-
A holy love-potion, to be outpoured
To Earth’s sick beggar-horde,
Till all Creation’s thirsty vials are filled;
Till brimming are the moon’s parched silver bowl,
The stars’ gold flagons, with the heart’s red dew-
A draught of health which streams from soul to soul
Till all that ails is whole,
The Earth redeemed, and all dead things made new.”
Odin, representing our own etheric body, regains the wonderful Mead of Poetry and for us the formula for approaching the etherization of the blood remains a crafted mystery locked in the poetry of THE FOUNDATION STONE MEDITATION. The cosmic etheric forces and the Nine worlds above the tenth, our human world, begin to be clarified through this fragment of cosmic poetry that begins to restore the deeds of Odin in our own etheric structure.
Each one of us are harvesters for the tenth hierarchy. Each one of us acts as his own Odin in the castle of the skull. Each one of us transforms, through our spiritual scientific maturity, a fermentation process that creates the MEAD OF POETRY in our thinking, feeling and willing. Each one of us begins to nurse a cosmic ariel, from our earthly intuition and intelligence. Each one of us begins our journey to Bodhisattva listening. Each one of us has the potential through the Jupiter and Venus evolutions of freeing our Angel and becoming a Buddha. Each one of us, through our understanding, gradually gains the ground of heart strung empathy and compassion to lift us to the new prototype of the Dove Mystery (CLICK LINK FOR DEEPER INSIGHTS).
It is the active Resurrected Etheric Christ who lives like the tide in all human hearts, as they flux and flow between waking and sleeping. He has won for us all the MEAD OF POETRY from the blood of Jesus of Nazareth; on the skull of Golgotha; from the Tree, on which He hung. An etheric breath that wafts and lists mysteriously as the Holy Ghost for “the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.”
For the Nordic Initiates, who else but the All-Father could assemble the destiny pieces to the giant puzzle of how to distill the elixir of love from the destiny, nature and anatomy of mortal man? Since the Mead from Kvasir’s blood was produced in our earthly world, the etheric-body of every human being who seeks the Grail has access to something that is a product both of the gods and the human genetic prototype. In naming the three cauldrons that stored the blood of Kvasir, the seers of the north named one of the cauldrons THE SON. The entire nine-worlds were woven together from this great poem of THE FOUNDATION STONE MEDITATION and with this formula we re-gained access to Asgard, the Grail castle, Hnitbjorg, the Goetheanum and the ever present Representative of Humanity, our legal guardian.
“And the gods? They had lost wise Kvasir, witness to the friendship between the Aesir and Vanir. But because of the cunning of the All-Father, they had won back his blood. Once more Odin drank some of the precious mead. And from time to time he offered a draught to one of the Aesir or to a man or two in Midgard; he offered them the gift of poetry.”
The collapse of the Finished Work of the Gods
` There are within man organs of two different kinds, those which are on the way to becoming imperfect and will gradually fall away and those which are still in the process of formation. All lower organs, the sexual organs, will fall away. The heart and the larynx, on the other hand, are organs which will be perfected and find their full development only in the future.’
“The peoples advancing from the North-East in the great migrations, encroaching on the Roman Empire, took hold of the Intellectual or Mind-Soul more in the inner life of feeling. Meanwhile, imbedded in this element of feeling, the Spiritual-Soul (Consciousness Soul) was evolving within their souls. The inner life of these peoples was waiting for the present time, when the re-union of the soul with the world of the Spirit is fully possible once more.”
Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts:
pg. 215
“The old fairy tales, which are expressions of the ancient spiritual secrets of the world, have arisen because those who formed them for the world listened to those who could narrate to them the spiritual secrets. Therefore their construction and composition are in accordance with these secrets. Hence we can say that within them dwells the spirit of the whole of humanity, of the microcosm and of the macrocosm.”
Rudolf Steiner
No matter how you slice it, the rhythm of warnings comes in three phases. Ragnarok approaches in three rhythms. These rhythms and their effects were well illustrated by the Nordic initiates in order to counter act the onward rush of a deliberate, clear, reemergence of an Atlantean crisis.
Ragnarök constantly reminds me of Steiner’s last letters. It has always been eerie for me when Steiner describes how the Gods have finished placing the Beings, numbers, nature and systems of our senses, our stars, our minerals, plants, animals and the various fixtures and cosmic Beings that are operative within our FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, and left. Some translators use Accomplished Work of the Gods, I first encountered it as Finished work of the Gods and somehow that has taken hold in my mind.
Steiner relates in his Leading Thoughts how the Gods have gone on to other tasks. The making of the human being was their crowning work and with that completed they naturally went on to other tasks. They felt confident that with all the divine indicators left blinking and the city lights on, we would certainly find our way home. I think the Egyptian pyramids and tombs reflected that exact picture with all the fixtures and treasures left for eternity, the lights were on, but they had all gone, only the sarcophagus’ and the taxidermist knew where the ghosts had gone. The haunted house of our world appears empty now, except for us and the mice. In this vein it is hard for Americans to see that Elvis has definitely left the building. They cannot comprehend Graceland as a land permeated with grace, and the revelation that we live in, as the Finished Work of the Gods.
“During his physical life between birth and death man has a world around him in which even the WORKING of the Divine-Spiritual no longer appears directly, but only something which has remained over as its result; we may describe it by saying it is only the ACCOMPLISHED WORK of the Divine-Spiritual. This ACCOMPLISHED WORK, in all its forms, is essentially of a Divine and Spiritual kind. To human vision the Divine is manifested in the forms and in the processes of Nature; but it is no longer indwelling as a living principle. Nature is this divinely ACCOMPLISHED WORK of God; Nature every where around us is an image of the Divine Working.
“…Into this world that has become empty of God, man will carry what is in him – what his being has become in this present age.”
Georg Kuhlewind in his THE LOGOS STRUCTURE OF THE WORLD, enters directly into this Finished Work and what the Gods completed when they completed the bio-structure of humanity. What was this Accomplished act, this symphony, this concerto in minor/microcosm and major/macrocosm? THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH appears as the pinnacle, the highest goal of this Accomplished Work of the Gods. Kuhlewind says, “If nature still speaks to human beings, its speaking must come from beings who are themselves I-beings or who represent I-beings – if the latter have already withdrawn from their work.” Nobody else is going to be responsible for answering the riddle of the Finished Work of the Gods other than its highest representatives. Kulewind says, “…in the world the gods have created, the human is the only being through whom ideality, word, and concept as such can emerge and flourish. The Logos-world attains its first reality in the only Logos-being of this world.”
Now we live in this vast system. The gods and seers that had placed the signposts and roadmaps to get us to the Christ Being have now withdrawn. Humans faced with this colossal creation have decided to create a miniature in a bottle. Through Cyberspace humanity appears ready to institute what Steiner found highly dangerous and distasteful, sub-nature. It appears that contemporary culture, living in the vast mystery of this finished work, are lost. They cannot see behind the veneer of things, nor do they seem able to contact the operative fields and Beings who depend on us and hope to god we grow new senses to see them with.
To know the Fenrir wolf and the intentions and dangers we are breeding in a silicon universe is to understand how technical data has gained supremacy in human culture by invading the region of our intelligence.
“The Ahrimanic Powers try to prevent evolution from taking the course here described. It is not their will that the original Divine-Spiritual Powers should illumine the Universe in its further course. They want the cosmic intellectuality which they themselves have absorbed to radiate through the whole of the new Cosmos, and in this intellectualized and Ahrimanised Cosmos they want man to live on.”
When the Dwarfs kill Kvasir and the Nordic Initiates relate to us their intentions, including Wagner’s and Tolkien’s warnings, we should pay heed. Steiner and the Nordic Initiates warn us that our merging responsibility for tainted intelligence, down loaded to the silicon world, can easily become a one-sided trap. Immortal intelligence, Michael Intelligence, individual human intelligence is part of the vertical reproductive and immortal relations that the Dove and the Grail mysteries grant us.
It is truly a Pauline experience. Light rays back at us from our computers, t.v.’s, autos, and cinemas. But this is not the inner light we see in our dreams. The sparkle of enthusiasm that ariel brings into the mind and the warmth infused in the heart carry something amazing and immortal to the intelligence of the loving human spirit. “The Divine-Spiritual of primeval times no longer shines. The primeval Light appears again in the Light brought by Christ to the human ego. In the life in union with Christ this blissful thought may shine like a sun through the whole soul: `The glorious primal Divine Light is here again; it shines, although its light comes not from Nature.’ And man unites himself, while in the present, with the spiritual, cosmic forces of light belonging to that past when he was not yet a free individual. And in this Light he can find the paths which lead him aright as a human being, when his soul he unites, with understanding, with the Michael Mission.”
Zarathustra, St. Paul, John the Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth, Buddha, Goethe, Emerson, Tesla, Shakespeare and Martin Luther King Jr., have tracked this inner light and have guided their incarnations by its beacon. Hitler, J. Edgar Hoover, Francis Bacon, poor, sad, Nietzsche, and countless others have guided intelligence down hill so that humanity might fail to awaken to the experience described by St. Paul. Ahriman/Fenrir is hardly concerned with whether or not we adjust our intelligence towards this beacon or we steer for a new world order based on the themes presented in THE TERMINATOR movies.
Ragnarök and the destruction of the finished or ACCOMPLISHED ecological, biological and psychological work of the gods seems inevitable. The warnings, which I shall deal with, come in threes. But the Nordic seers, St. John and his Apocalypse, the Aztecs, everybody who has had anything to say, said that in a three count we face a great decision for the human race. Whether we have countless mini-moments is certainly important, but humanity has a three-fold rhythm to contend with before calamity or collapse. We can map at least two of those rhythms and the third seems already here or at least it is right around the corner. And what decision? And in what manner of deciding? By vote, by consensus, as individuals inwardly? But what is the issue exactly?
The Nordic seers saw the twilight of the gods with all the noble literary nostalgia and heroism that a mighty fading vision can lend to the eyes, tongue and heart of a people. Steiner’s last letters reveal the summation of a fight to the finish as well. How could he sum up, in so short a time, the monumental wisdom, the tools, that he placed in humanities hands?
There was every indication that in the interval before his next visit to us again, things could unfold that would severely test mankind. We say that the Nordic Initiates looked ahead and gave their pictorial interpretation for the future guidance of the human race. We say that St. John, commissioned by Christ Himself, outlined the cosmic destiny of the Human community with Christ in it. Steiner fought a practical and desperate battle against the time allotted in one incarnation to establish a complete medical, psychological, agricultural and educational revamping of the way we perceive, reality with the Christ in it. Nothing in the world competes with the social healing forces in Waldorf education, Bio-Dynamic agriculture and the medical work of spiritual science.
But to tell you the truth, I don’t want the monumental finished work of the gods to fall into the wrong hand of misinterpretation. I’m certainly not alone there, who doesn’t want the same thing? I am mature enough to realize that something is coming, something is here, something wonderful and, on the other hand, something mean-spirited. I labored under the very false notion, once, that if human beings knew the right thing to do, or the right interpretation, they would of course do the right thing. This, of course, painfully for me, was really a matter of position and maturity. Therefore doing the right thing is generally not possible.
Well that hurts! Some of us were left looking into the complex working of this precious world and totally having to re-structure our entire destinies? It is very awkward in the American folk-soul to deal with your own interpretation of the schizophrenia of normality and attempt to deal normally in the process. The effort is of course good, but I went into this marvelous world kicking and screaming for the longest time.
It is a standard position to take that if you have discovered something astonishing and comprehensible to you, that you want to share it. From this arose countless aborted and failed efforts to communicate my enthusiasm to family, friends, the film community and anyone else who would listen. I don’t know what got into me, but I felt it was something great and wonderful. And it is. But it changes you and brings a sense of immense gratitude to all those who spoke, wrote, struggled and all those who today teach, garden, heal and work with the most astonishing revelation of the twentieth century.
So over all this hovers a new age kind of cloud. Every one must describe, film, produce and write about the personal and cosmic dooms we are all headed for. Think of our elders who endured the clear thunder of the World Wars. To them, the beasts were out, the journey had begun and the serious side of human history was at their doorsteps.
Someone actually developed assembly line, mechanistic genocide and felt fairly confident that all they needed was Nietzsche in one hand and a gun in the other. While that was going on, in America, parallel with Hitler’s development was J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover brought G-Men, F.B.I. and C.I.A. into the fingerprinting, voice identification, heat signatures, eye ball identification, D.N.A., genetic tagging and numbering business, of every human being. Statistical assessment, demographics and intelligence testing began finding new ways to survey, slice and dice the humanistic spirit. Personal and private lives were infringed upon and Ahrimanic Intelligence of the Fenrir wolf adopted the umbrella of, THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. Against these apparent big guns Michael Intelligence seemed paltry and puny.
The ramifications of the SUPERMAN became a cartoon comic in the United States but was a deadly nightmare come to life in europe. Christopher Reeves and anyone connected with the superman ideal was playing with cosmic nitroglycerin, but they didn’t know that. The three destiny sisters, the Norns, sneak right up behind you and you hardly know where to trace the whack. All they know is that they have been whacked. All we knew and the press knew, is that some freak accident whacked somebody.
(written before Reeves death) Christopher Reeves is a changed man, a wonderful man. His early predecessor, in the superman saga, committed suicide. Reeves himself, a wonderful man, hurled from a horse, broke his neck and his co-star, Kidder also fell into a deep suicidal depression. Behind the superman ideal stands the psychic implosion of Frederich Nietzsche; the apocalyptic collapse of the German race; the Holocaust and more than six million ghosts who hover and haunt anyone who glibly tangles with this superman idea, but omits the Christ. Facts are facts, but people aren’t listening to facts.
Entertainment has replaced Truth and along with this realization also, I have gone kicking and screaming. Great films from international artists and directors have revealed and continue to reveal high spiritual truths,(Stephen King’s THE STAND for instance) but the general American mind wants entertainment. The apocalypse is an individual as well as a cultural decision. Ragnarök and the fight with the Fenrir wolf that eats Odin and releases Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, are staring us in the face but these are entertaining stories for children. Steiner translated Ragnarök as the potential collapse of the finished work of the gods due to human misinterpretation and underestimation of what Initiation Science is capable of.
The ability to begin tracking the inner sun and inner light and turn our sexuality into higher warmth and comprehend how this great ecological mystery of our Earth is the seed of an entirely new Divine Cosmos, with all the immortal trimmings, is what the Tempest, the Grail, the Norse myths, the Goetheanum, democracy and Anthroposophy are all about. On the other hand, a certain awful suffocation and doom awaits us if the Fenrir wolf succeeds in devouring not only Odin and the finished work of the gods, but also the Logos I-beings, meaning us! This was certainly not a pretty way to end the Norse myths or a nice way for Steiner to finish up his life’s work. It is like saying that the Native Americans had to be exterminated. It is like saying, the African-Americans must be exterminated. Steiner was saying, in his last Leading Thoughts, buckle up bukeroos it’s going to be a bumpy ride. He certainly didn’t leave `em laughing, as the old show business proverb advises.
So, with uneasiness and sometimes anger I felt that no matter how we tried our doom was sealed. That is until I understood that new contracts were drawn up by the Initiates and placed in the contents of THE CHYMICAL WEDDING OF CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUZ. In this text the finality of the Ragnarok saga had taken a different turn. The CHYMMICAL WEDDING and RAGNAROK reveal a clause, a catch 22. Vidar, Michael Intelligence and the Michael Mission, salvage two germinal human seeds that, Noah like, are carried through the catastrophe.
To antidote and counterbalance so much of the diagnosis of doom and gloom, the mysterious unearthly events of the CHYMICAL WEDDING play a significant part. But even here, the Nordic seers were dead on the money in their epilogue to the Ragnarök saga. How did they know that? How could the Nordic Initiates outline their epilogue in the Ragnorok story and tie it in so closely with a text that had not even been written yet? Unless of course, true myths and Initiates are born from a much higher text.
Because there is a CHYMICAL WEDDING text, it does not automatically remove for us the warnings Dr. Steiner gave and the advice at the eleventh hour that he urged us to remember and stand watch against. However in the CHYMICAL WEDDING, an Initiate commitment can be construed that marks a new trail upwards. At the dawn of the final act, where Ahriman becomes a real threat, beginning in the fifteenth century, the CHYMICAL WEDDING makes its very mysterious appearance. All else, I have determined in my case, is fear and egotism. As Steiner so aptly said, `what must come, must come’ and we are the caretakers, nay, we are more than caretakers, we are the active miracle of what the gods intended as the fulfillment of THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH.
Three warnings were given in the Ragnarök saga and they certainly bear mentioning.
“Nothing escapes the red cock Fjalar; he will crow to the giants from his bird-wood. At the same time the cock who wakes the warriors every day in Valhalla, golden combed Gullinkambi, will crow to the gods. A third cock, rust red, will raise the dead in Hel.”
Loki, or our entire Luciferic Nature appears as the primary cause for the collapse of the finished work of the gods. Steiner depicts Lucifer’s eurythmy costume in a reddish glow. Entertainment, movies, People magazine poster guys and dolls, Los Angeles or lost Angels has become, for the American folk-soul, our far western Luciferic Kingdom where Loki lives precariously on the fault lines. It was the children of Loki who inaugurated and brought the situation of Ragnarök to a head. Immortality is an issue for everyone. Powerful tabloid personalities who think nothing of surgical immortality enter with great sarcasm and cynicism into the forces of the etheric. Today immortality in the flesh is the life-style of the rich and famous. We are all asked to copy their egotistical example.
In a film called DEATH BECOMES HER, ancient Egyptian forces of immortality, which are really part of the new Grail mysteries, were laid bare. The priests or actors and directors knew that they were mocking the ideologies of their own Los Angeles crowd. In Hollywood a designated formula for the structure of plot, catharsis and conscience has been turned into a science that Loki would be proud of. Aristotle’s’ theory of poetics based on the ancient mysteries has been freeze-dried and reduced to a bakers formula. This formula produces great works, with box office bang for the buck. This formula allows the new mysteries to gleam through them, but since economy is tied to technology and tabloid personalities, we have a magnificent formula for Lucifer/Loki and Ahriman, the Fenrir wolf to come eat our lunch.
The consequence of Lucifer is Ahriman. Star power that moves the present world rides on the engine of cinematic technology and special effects, computer and digitalized graphics. The economy is run by the same scribes and pharisees who nailed Christ to the cross. It is not a threefold social order, it is a one horse dog and pony show pulled by the singularly selfish concept of economy and immortality in the flesh. Rarely if ever, although many writers attempt to form their stories around the miracle of vision and insight the Christ Being has brought, can a story survive a formula that relies so heavily on sentimentality and the contract between Lucifer and Ahriman. This is what people want, because the concepts of entertainment and ratings are synonymous with success and immortality. Michael and Christ do not agree with this sentiment but Loki and Fenrir thrive on it.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that if a culture continues to square Lucifer to Ahriman; Lucifer to Ahriman; Lucifer to Ahriman; society is going to squeeze the Michael and Christ revelation to a mere insignificant footnote on the entertainment spectrum. Social physics is involved here and it is not just violence and its effect on society. It is raw social physics but nobody is capable of conceiving that this raw social physics emanating from Hollywood and bombarding society, is squeezing the life right out of humanity. It is a mathematical problem but not a box office problem. The box office numbers reflect the J. Edgar Hoover mind-set equation of statistics. The more people caught in the cross mixing of Lucifer and Ahriman the less they will see the Christ and Michael spirit operative in the social reality of their lives. This is reflected by the escalating numbers in box office statistics.
Three warnings similar to what Christ tells Peter before the crucifixion, occurs before Ragnarök and the Finished or Accomplished work of the gods is brought to ruin by Ahriman’s contract with the Giants and the dwarfs. Somebody had to preserve the etherization of the blood. Michael Intelligence has everything to do with the etherization of our blood, the Kvasir mystery and the Grail mystery of warmth and light. In this current battle, what will survive the titanic struggle with Fenrir and Jormungand that we are unwittingly releasing now? What are these three warnings? How do they appear in real history, real time?
If we divide 1332 by half we get the number 666, if we take St. John’s advice in the Apocalypse seriously and follow the rhythm of 666 X 3 we arrive at the year, 1998. The three warnings have powerful implications and we need to substantiate what the Nordic seers and St. John alerted us to.
“…the number 6-6-6 has historical significance and refers to the sequence of impacts, which, intensifying, take place in the seventh, fourteenth, and twentieth century. The first Soratic impulse in the seventh century proceeded from the Gondishapur academy, the center of Arabistic-Islamic culture. A wave of brilliant intellectuality reached Europe. Independent research through observation of nature and systematic applications of experiments were stimulated; Arabistic spirituality laid the groundwork for modern, empirical science, when European humanity still lived in religious ties of faith. A premature intellectual development came into being; its final consequences become evident in the atrophying of spiritual faculties, for the prematurely intellectualized human being is cheated of his higher development. The second attack took a different direction. Its instrument was Philip IV of France, who, out of greed for gold, instigated the arrest and trial of the rich order of the Knight Templars and had the knights condemned to burning on the stake. Through diabolical methods of torture, confessions of `guilt’ were extorted in which the absolved trials of the disciples of the spirit were mirrored… The cosmic due-date for the third attack is the end of this century, the impending turn of the millennium…”
The growth of Ahrimanic culture was depicted in Nordic mythology by showing how the Gods attempted to put a leash on the growing Ahrimanic menace. The Fenrir wolf, as part of the family of the gods, grew in proportion to the degree the gods withdrew from their finished work. As their creative work finished, the wolf grew stronger. Fenrir grows stronger in three decisive stages.
In the last stage, the Fenrir wolf is tethered by a mere fiber optic cable designed by another set of dark dwarfs hired to assist the gods and humanity with the growing problem of Ahriman. But in the three stages of tethering the Ahrimanic forces it becomes clear that we are observing the advance of humanities technological skills, that move from the fifteenth century of Shakespeare and Bacon, through our Industrial Revolution to our present technological age. In the Nordic Initiates vision of the threefold growth of Fenrir, we can track the emancipation of more and more technological skill until for a moment, for a period of time, the last magical satellite, fiber optic line is locked onto this growing menace.
“Odin thought it would be best if the gods themselves kept an eye on Fenrir. He seemed no different to any other wolf, and all the gods agreed that there would be no harm in letting him roam around the green and golden fields of Asgard. Even so, of all the gods only Tyr, son of Odin, was brave enough to face Fenrir alone, and give him great joints – flesh and gristle and bone – to keep him quiet.
“The gods were not slow to change their minds about Fenrir when they saw him growing larger day by day. And when Urd, Skuld and Verandi renewed their warnings, and said that the wolf would cause Odin’s death, their alarm became far greater.
“The wolf inspected Laeding. `It’s certainly strong, but I’m certainly stronger,’ was all he had to say as he let the gods wind the chain around his neck and body and legs, until there was only a small length left for them to hold on to.
“Finished?’ snarled the wolf. He planted his massive paws well apart, filled his lungs with air, then flexed every muscle in his body. Laeding’s links at once sprang apart, and the gods sprang back alarmed.
“The gods lost no time in making another chain. This was called DROMI, and it was twice as strong as Laeding. The links were larger than those of the largest anchor chain; no men could have even moved them. `If you can break this chain,’ the gods told Fenrir, `you will be known for your strength throughout the nine worlds.’
“Fenrir looked at DROMI. He thought it looked immensely strong, but then he thought that he too had grown even stronger since he had snapped Laeding. `No one wins fame without taking a risk,” was all he had to say as the gods wound the vast chain round his neck and body and legs.
“`Finished?’ snarled the wolf. He shook so that there was a terrible clinking and clanking and grating; he rolled over and arched his back and banged the chain against the ground; he tightened his muscles until they were as hard as the iron links of DROMI; he stood up again and dug his paws into the earth and strained and strained – and all at once, shrapnel flew in every direction. After this, the gods were frightened; they thought they might fail to fetter Fenrir.
“`But if anyone can make a fetter that will not break,’ Odin said, `the dwarfs can.’ And he sent off bright Skirnir, Freyr’s messenger, to the world of the dark elves, Svartalfheim. Skirnir went down under Midgard through gloomy, dank, twilit grottoes. There he found Nar and Nain and Niping and Dain and Bifur and Bafur and Bombor and Nori and hundreds of others, each one as horrible as the next, and promised them gold and more gold if they could make a fetter for Fenrir. In the gloom the dwarfs’ eyes gleamed like glow-worms; they whispered and schemed and set to work. They made a fetter as smooth and supple as a silk ribbon, and they called it GLEIPNIR.
“When he returned to Asgard, Skirnir was thanked by all the gods for going on this mission. `But what is it made of?’ asked Odin, fingering the fetter. “‘Six things,’ said Skirnir.`The sound a cat makes when it moves; a woman’s beard; the roots of a mountain; the sinews of a bear; the breath of a fish; and a bird’s spittle.’
“The gods were both astonished and skeptical of GLEIPNIR’S power. `If you doubt it, as I doubted it,’ said Skirnir, `remember the cunning of the dwarfs. After all, have you ever thought why a cat makes no noise when it moves, and why a woman has no beard? You can never prove that a mountain has no roots, but many things that seem not to exist are simply in the dwarfs’ safekeeping.’
“Then a large group of gods approached Fenrir for the third time. They invited him to go with them to the island of Lyngvi in the middle of Lake Amsvartnir.
“There the gods produced the silken ribbon of GLEIPNIR. They showed it to Fenrir and Challenged him to test his strength against it.
“`It’s a little stronger than it seems,’ said one.
“` It’s as well-hoven as the words of a good poem, ‘said another. `But you, Fenrir, you’ll be able to break it.’
Through the magic of satellite, fiber optics, laser and electricity, Gleipnir is holding the Ahrimanic on its final magic tether. Crushed crystal or silicon make up the fiber optic lines and totally invisible fields beam the satellite transmissions and transactions we make through the world. The Nordic seers had to comprehend what we see today and, take for granted. They saw how we borrowed the technology to tether Ahriman, and from whom we borrowed it. The problem is that, we, in the twentieth century, do not know who we borrowed our ideas from to invest our culture with silicon chip technology. For us the mineral kingdom is not a real kingdom, and that is a fatal error the Nordic seers did not make. The withdrawal of the gods by steady degrees has brought humanity to its third threshold. It coincides with a 1998 three-fold rhythm.
So in fact the gods have assisted in creating the inventions and steady stream of technological advancement, to the point of this final tentative tethering. After this and even now, bio-engineering is entering into the region of nature and organic life and Ahriman is beginning to break free of the final bond the gods and men placed on him. Odin knows that this same Fenrir wolf, will directly do battle with him and Odin will lose. Reverence for the All-Father has already been replaced by reverence for the hard-drive.
“…The Ahrimanic spirituality had no great power in the regions in which the Beings of the higher Hierarchies retained man as in their own sphere – when as in primitive ages the higher Beings themselves acted directly in man, or when, as in later times, they worked in him through their ensouled or living reflection. As long as this working of supersensible Beings within the doings of man continued – that is until about the fifteenth century – the Ahrimanic powers had, within the evolution of mankind, only a faintly echoing power, if one may express it so.”
The tethering of this titanic wolf is reflected also in the story of Schionatulander, the Grail Knight. We find the destiny and karma of one of the great Initiates of our times locked into a story that has much the same ring to it as The Binding of the Fenrir Wolf. Because it appears as a threshold experience that Parzival must cross, before he can reach the Grail, before anyone can reach the Grail, a comparison between The Binding of the Fenrir Wolf and the story of THE HOUND’S LEASH can be made. While the Nordic Initiates knew that the Binding of Fenrir was important, the study of the actual leash used by the dark dwarfs who secure him, was important to anyone approaching the Grail mysteries
“…Schionatulander became the regent of the countries which belonged to Herzleide. In all the countries of the world he had to endure adventures and knightly battles, fulfilling the ideal of a knight of the Round Table. One day he was brought the most precious gifts, sent to him from Bagdad by the Caliph. Schionatulander travelled once more, for the third time, plunging again into the world of Arabism.
“After his return something happened which has a legendary character; the story of the HOUND’S LEASH. Sigune and Schionatulander were in a wood when a hound, which was on one side cinnabar red and on the other black, with a white breast and white legs, broke out of the undergrowth following game. They caught the hound, which had a long and precious leash wound round its neck on which there was writing formed in jewels. When they caught him and were beginning to read the writing on the leash, the hound pulled itself free and dashed away. Sigune had then the one longing, to read the hound’s leash to its end. This knowledge became more important for her than anything else. For her sake Schionatulander had to set out on adventure, until he could bring back to her the hound’s leash. In these pictures we can recognize that it is a question of occult knowledge which concerns Schionatulander and Sigune. Then the angry Orilus came and killed Schionatulander.”
Orilus was a giant of a man. Parzival, in his adolescence, had just angered Orilus by accidentally stumbling upon Jeschute, the wife of Orilus. They flirted, Parzival did not know what he was doing but Lady Jeschute did. This was long before Parzival achieved the Grail, that was later in life. Orilus was in hot pursuit of young Parzival when he stumbled on Schionatulander and killed him instead of Parzival.
If Schionatulander had not been involved with the deciphering of the riddle of the Binding of the Fenrir Wolf or the curiously wrought jewels and writing on the Hound’s Leash, Parzival would surely have been killed and no Grail would have been won. This strange trail of the hound, the scent of the dog, the lost dog of the giant Orilus would lead to the solving of one of Ahriman’s most testy questions. Schionatulander eventually deciphers the riddle that binds Ahriman and as an Initiate he brought this secret to bear on Ahriman in order to establish Spiritual Science in the twentieth century.
It is not far to go now, before it is just us, Ragnarök and the Fenrir Wolf. The threefold rhythm of history shadows for us one form of confrontation. The three-fold meeting humanity has been having with Christ, is set in blood and stone at the mid-line of Earth evolution. Lucifer, who incarnated in B.C. in the chinese and oriental culture of the east is to be joined now by a third more than mortal Being wearing sheep’s clothing. The ultimate wolf in sheep’s clothing is about to walk onto the stage of history that he has so carefully prepared for himself. The third rhythm where even the Fenrir wolf, walks the earth as a man, just as Christ did, is very near at hand.
“A hundred years after the daring `interpretation of the signs of the time’ by Novalis, a book appeared that develops the moral aspect of history and finishes what is missing in the Europe essay. It is the `Three Discussions about War, Progress and the End of World History with the Inclusion of a Brief Story about the Anti-Christ’ by Vladimir Soloviev. In February of 1900, the renowned religious philosopher had publicly read the `Story of the Anti-Christ’ in the hall of St. Peterburg Duma. In July of the same year he died. The preface of his last work, dated on Easter Sunday 1900, states that it is the author’s foremost intention to call attention to the deceptive mask underneath which the abyss of the Evil One is concealed. Despite obvious shortcomings of the text, the proximity of his death – so he stated – made it mandatory for him not to delay to an indefinite and uncertain period of time the publishing of this work.
“In this work too, the confluence of three different streams is evident: the tradition that knows of the appearance of the Anti-Christ, involvement in the events of the day, and the spiritual experiences of which the autobiographical poem, `THREE ENCOUNTERS’, speaks. Three times, Soloviev experiences a confrontation with heavenly wisdom, with Sophia, in visionary consciousness. From this grew his Christian power of knowledge that addresses itself to the two greatest facts of history: the God-Manhood of Christ and the bodily reality of the Anti-Christ.”
Just at the very dawn of the twentieth century we have three reports from individuals who die in the year 1900. Nietzsche outlines the intentions of Ahriman. His intentions are put into practical work during the rise of Nazism. Oscar Wilde dies, giving us the tale of Dorian Grey, the double and the twentieth century dilemma of homosexuality. Soloviev outlines the signs and events that lead to the incarnation and subsequent power play on the plane of earthly history of the mythic Fenrir wolf, he names the Anti-Christ. Nietzsche also writes his work called the Anti-Christ. All three, Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde and Soloviev die in 1900 at the dawn of the twentieth century. In fact by all reports this twentieth century has shaped up to be a confrontation between these two Beings with humanity acting as the voting body.
Steiner says pointedly; “…these Beings have sent Christ from the Sun to the Earth. For the welfare of humanity Christ has united His being with the dead part of divine-spiritual existence in Ahriman’s kingdom. Thus two things are possible for man, and through this possibility his freedom is guaranteed: – to turn to Christ consciously in the spiritual frame of mind which he possessed subconsciously during the descent from the vision of supersensible spirit-existence to the use of intellect; or to wish to feel his severance from spirit-existence and thus fall in the direction taken by the Ahrimanic powers.” But the point Nietzsche, Soloviev, and Steiner agree on is that “…Christ will be there; through His great sacrifice He will live in the same sphere in which Ahriman also lives. Man will be able to choose between Christ and Ahriman.” That is why Nietzsche is considered such a great martyr to knowledge, because he literally had the two forces on the knife edge in his immortal ego and Ahriman won against his incarnation as Nietzsche; this time.
Steiner, like St. John of the Apocalypse, drew this sword edge on which we are precariously balanced now, with Ragnarök and the FINISHED WORK of the Gods, in his Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts. To witness, as Steiner did, a powerful thinker like Nietzsche go down on the wrong edge of his sword reveals to us the immense struggle that now haunts us all. Steiner said, “I can truly say that in my soul I bled, when for the first time I read Nietzsche’s writing on the WILL TO POWER…”
Imagine, if you can, how St. Paul must have felt when he realized that his own vote on the high council of the Sanhedrin had condemned the Christ to crucifixion and that his certainty, his arrogance had missed the intersection and fiddled, like Nero, as the Sun-Messiah bled out his life on the cross. The pride of Saul and the damage he had caused and the upstream battle to correct the cosmic error, he had had a hand in, might very well have made Paul’s soul bleed. This powerful spiritual moment, so insignificant to the majority of humanity, so overlooked, is the source of every great transformation, catharsis and dramatic rehabilitation.
How are we to understand our times, our twentieth century, when the fatal decisions we make can act so catastrophically? How can we truly assess what Steiner went through or comprehend what Nietzsche went through as he wrestled with issues that were truly Apocalyptic in scope? Nietzsche had no Anthroposophy to fall back on like we do. Standing next to him, was this young man and next to us in life are many young people, who are they and can we ever again underestimate the significance of one human being?
Nietzsche had Ahriman cooking inside of him. Nietzsche’s sister wanted someone to edit Nietzsche’s works. On her sick superficial soul hangs the deeds of the Holocaust. Another editor, Steiner for instance, would have antidoted Ahrimans effects on the twentieth century. But the surviving sister of Nietzsche wanted the tabloid fame and glory that she felt she was due. She suffered as so many of us do, from the fatal disease of quick fix, instant gratification. It was her subjective anti-semitism that set the stage for Ahriman’s lethal activity with the lives of six million Jews and shattered the complacency of the world. My parents never completely awoke but their generation certainly was roused from their stupor. But most of them were not capable of comprehending the catastrophe, so they quickly fell back asleep in the fifties.
Nietzsche’s sister wanted Steiner to do for Nietzsche what Steiner had completed for Goethe. Steiner had edited Goethe’s works and midwifed the reputation of the great Goethe into the Folk-spirit of the german race. But the sister did not want to steer humanity away from the current german attitudes swirling around Darwinian and Aryan racial prejudice, she wanted to capitalize on the current trends. She desired instant fame, maximum publicity, by stirring up the issues fermenting in Nietzsche’s work. She was running a public relations campaign for Ahriman using her dead brothers work. Steiner could not cooperate or even live with her dangerous people magazine style sick search for instant fame. He was caught between sucking up to this sick woman and ruining his reputation in the process or going ahead with his work. Her attitude made it impossible for truth to glimmer through. Today we have a million yuppies with the very same attitude.
Ahriman did immense harm to the twentieth century. Steiner brought immense good to the twentieth century. Two human beings, side by side and the superficial intellect of the sister of Nietzsche, that had no discernment, felt no need to weigh up how opening salvos of Ahriman could shatter humanity. If we are the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, and we lose someone like Nietzsche in the battle, would our souls be capable of weeping? Is this weeping the way Christ sweated blood before He laid down his life? Did His soul bleed?
Thinking dramatically, we have look at what Steiner saw. Ahriman looked right back at Steiner as he raised his inner vision into the core of Nietzsche’s soul and spirit. There staring Ahriman in the face was the vulnerable young man with the Michael Spirit looking directly down the double-barrel load of Ahriman’s icy mockery. Ahriman might have said to Steiner, `I can do this to the best of them, what can you bring me, in thinking or feeling in human beings that I cannot crush!’ And Nietzsche was the best of the thinkers of his time! `Young man’, Ahriman might have said, `worlds are colliding and if I were you, unless you want to end up like him and have all your sick fan club, end up like him, you had better back off while your hair is still black. I could breathe fear so deeply into your soul that your soul would turn white like frost!’ As Hamlet had warned Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, it was unhealthy to place themselves between the deadly tension of two fell points. To this powerful event Steiner was not only a witness but was spotted by Ahriman and had to withstand a cosmic Being, an Archangelic force, an impact, a shock of cold, knee-knocking terror that would rip through the twentieth century. Here Steiner was Hamlet between the fell points of Ahriman and Michael.
Picture the well-respected Saul/Paul offering his voice and attitude to the rumors and misunderstandings billowing around Jesus of Nazareth. How flippant and obnoxious they all were, the high jewish council that Paul was on. As formerly trained and educated initiates they thought they were protecting the true dignity of the Hebrew Race. But with that accusation, `Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’ he is knocked off his high Sanhedrin horse. Because of his powerful and trusted influence on the council, the horrible impacts of history have been magnified ten-fold. Now, instead of humanity turning their attention, education and authority to the greatest expected mystery of planet earth, they have turned their backs on it. Paul must take the blame for what in the future arises when the greatest minds are stymied by and refuse the staggering revelation of the Incarnate Word.
Steiner knew the meaning of such a denial, he pointed to the legend of Ahasuerus. “It leads to a man who sits at the wayside when a great Leader of humanity passes by. He however rejects the ideas of the Leader of mankind. He repulses him and thinks: `I will know nothing of thee, who wouldst guide the kernel of my being into future incarnations where mankind will be outwardly more perfect. I wish to be united with my present form.’ A man who thrusts from him such a Leader of mankind will appear again in the same form. And if this attitude hardens, then he will also thrust from him the Leader in the next incarnation.” And so on and so on until this spirit is thrust into the Jupiter evolution as an elemental being, similar to what we have now in the gnome and dwarf community. Many of these were left over from the evolution of the Old Moon and are given over to wisdom, which was the meaning of the entire Old Moon evolution.
If Speech is the sword; the tongue where in the word is wielded, studied and immersed in the etheric forces, we must see what this sword is in its microcosmic picture and in its macrocosmic picture. How does the sword of denial and the sword of truth appear from on the tongue of a WORD-CRAFTER. The macrocosm, where from, the Logos wields the sword of the Word, knocks the hot air right out of the petty conversations, prized by polite human society.
“His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire: And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. and when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.”
This powerful impact of the two-edged sword gives the tongue and speech extraordinary relationships that whip up the fires of the Macrocosm into our microcosmic vessel. If we wish to gradually tame this powerful speech and Logos system, we must learn to balance ourselves between the forces of good and evil. This is like walking on a tightrope or the edge of a sword. How does Excalibur play into this training that must be undergone by the student of the word?
“A legend shows us the direction in which we should go to discover its meaning: On one occasion Merlin placed the sword in its white stone in the lake, and left the scabbard on the mainland. Then he built a perilous bridge of iron and steel only six inches wide, which had to be crossed between scabbard and sword. This is nothing else than the drawing forth of the fire of the Word of Inspiration and Intuition. The Word is uttered through the occult media of `Fire’ and `Water’ – the spirit and the soul. To attain the power of the Word the bridge of blood and nerves – likened to iron and steel – has to be crossed; in other words, the forces in the body which are subject to death, in the physical and moral sense, must be overcome. The Father-force – out of which man is born – bears also that opposite pole of man’s being which is destructive; but this same force in its aspect of `LIFE,’ is able to exist apart from the scabbard of the body, and can be drawn from the transmuted forces of death, the `white stone,’ as the creative wisdom of the spirit.
“The White Stone is the `philosopher’s stone’ of alchemy. Its whiteness, seen in the spirit, is the translucent light of the etheric world where the drawn sword of wisdom `flashes like the light of thirty torches.’
“Rudolf Steiner has said that the Knights of King Arthur could be called `Knights of the Sword,’ but the Kinights of the Holy Grail `Knights of the WORD.'”
With what Spiritual Science offers in Eurythmy and Speech training, KNIGHT OF THE WORD once more becomes a meaningful life question. The path to our immortality and salvaging this grand finished work of the gods and developing from it, a new seed of a cosmic system, becomes the real Ragnarök battle for each of us. The battle lines were drawn way back of course, to the misinterpretations of the Logos in the Atlantean times. Steiner says clearly that, “In India the wisdom of the Brahmins lay at the foundation of human life. In Europe this was indeed withdrawn into the background, but it existed in the Norse Mysteries where the European Brahmins had to make good again that which had been spoiled through the betrayal in the old Atlantean epoch.”
The great flood, as evidenced by the countless Noah like sagas that exist world-wide, indicates an early catastrophe that ties itself to an Omega or ending catastrophe. A catastrophe happened back in the Atlantean times due to our misuse of divine creative forces. The same intersection at a new level looms up before us now in the choice we make between two different forms of cultural seership. We are balanced precariously on the two-edge sword that swings between Christ and Ahriman. In other words, what vision and working relation will we cultivate in society to the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS? Will it be the faulty Ahrimanic version that caused the Atlantean catastrophe and faces us now, once more, in our relation to the Fenrir wolf in the Ragnarök saga?
To find out what the Atlanteans faced that was similar to what we are facing now we must look at the hands on the big cosmic clock that we live in. If we can find the hour that struck over Atlantis and find the hour that is striking now we might have a match. Here is what Newsweek Magazine says about the clock and the time and the hour of our intersection with our Atlantean ancestors. Newsweek, April 1, 1996:
“Hyakutake came from the Oort Cloud, too – originally. But it’s brightness indicates that it has passed this way before. A comet `cooked’ by a previous trip emits the dust and gases that create its luminous coma, or atmosphere, later, explains Brian Marsden of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Hyakutake last came through 18,000 years ago, calculates JPL astronomer Donald Yeomans, whose 1991 book `COMET’ presents the lore and science of these celestial streakers.”
I happened to be in the exact position to view with my naked eye this incredible first hand experience of the wide flowing green tail of this comet as I visited my dear friend Brian Lynch in the north Georgia mountains. I was to arrive much earlier from Atlanta in order to load a refrigerator, washing machine and stove onto a pick-up truck I borrowed from my computer jockey and helicopter pilot Robert Mckorkle. Everything got delayed and delayed and finally I was able to arrive at 1:30 a.m. outside the house of my friend, Mr. Lynch. These delays caused Mr. Lynch and I to be in a position on his porch to see the Hyakutake comet pass right across the face of the North Star, earth axis, that is set with the conical angle of 46 degrees.
The Earth axis ego field holds its spinning twenty-four hour clock around Polaris and Vega. The axis’ spinning cone of 46 degrees, neatly divides itself into 23 degrees, and in this number we find a great mystery connected to our Chromosome structure and what the Nordic Initiates described as due North. It is no accident of course, that the Nordic peoples were in the land of the midnight sun, contemplating the amazing magnetic light that swirls around the fontanel of the earth. The aurora borealis. This position allowed them the opportunity to develop the vision needed to overcome the damaging effects of the Atlantean catastrophe.
“Every great period of civilization is connected with the currents of magnetism of the Earth. In Atlantis these currents flowed in a North-South direction. Speaking in the sense of occultism, this North-South influence is connected with the forces that built the human body… `North’ was the birth-place of Time (or Saturn) and was the source of Light, so the human head is the `North’ of the body; it is born first into the physical world and into time out of the womb; it is the place of Intelligence, or `Light.’ From this `North’ streams the spiritual substance of the bodily nature, which is then filled with the activity of the earthly forces. On the other hand the South (and this was so also in certain states of historical evolution in wars and conflicts), played its part in the slow upbuilding of man, but as the source of all darkness and oppositions.”
Steiner indicates that the ratio of blood to body weight in the Ass is 1:23. But the powerful thing is, that Christ, on palm Sunday, rides an Ass and pulls behind him the colt of the Ass as the crowd cheers him. It is here he says that if he should tell the crowd to be quiet, the stones would shout. But the meditative picture becomes clearer when we realize that the Ass always represents the foundational physical body structure. St. Francis refers to his body as Brother Ass.The Bremen Town musicians refer to the Ass, the dog, the cat and the cock, which in their appropriate order reveal the fourfoldness of the physical, etheric, astral and ego structure. The cock’s blood-red comb and biological setting is keyed to the twenty-four hour axis of the earth/sun relationship. It must crow with the movement of the earth. The cock represents the ego structure of man that lives in unison with the twenty-four hour spin of the earth on her axis.
When the Logos road to His death on the old Ass and drew behind him the young colt of the ass, it was a literal enactment in the physical world of the new seed of the new cosmos, the one we are building now. Such a picture indicated to the men of that time a clear relation of 1:23 and the stubborn ass of the old physical form. The chromosome structure of the old human being would be remodelled and a new cosmos and a new model of the spirit-form put on the assembly line.
Luckily for us, the genetic ideal He was creating from the Dove mystery was not going to be some weird combination never before seen, it was to be built from the already existing structure, refined upwards, more innocent, before the Fall form, as the colt was more limber before the finished work of the mature ass. In His final last week on earth and with his final breath Christ would personally Initiate and impregnate a new central sun seed and cosmos from the plane of the Earth.
The FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, means for me the last words from the cross. IT IS FINISHED. The last sun-breath was infused into the new cosmic uterus, the seed was planted and the Divine I AM of Love was impregnated. This immortal Sun-Spirit, with His WORD broke the old genetic codes that had locked the old chromosome ass of the physical body. His new pregnancy shook the foundations of the world to its roots. I stood gazing at 1:30 in the morning, with my dear friend Brian Lynch, on an event that clocked in right over the northern axis of the earth. I stood observing with my own eyes the hour when the misinterpretation of the UNFINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, exacted the catastrophe that brought about the condition of the flood and created the opportunity for the lost dove that Noah released nearly 18,000 years ago.
“Christ died and was laid in a rocky tomb, and Joseph of Arimathea gathered up his blood in the crystal cup. Ancient clairvoyance and inspiration were extinguished. The spirit penetrated through and through the skeleton. The world lay dumb and blind, bereft of vision. The sun was darkened and the earth trembled. The power of the light, the power of spiritual vision, penetrated into the very depths of the mineral kingdom.”
The Atlantean era was not like our seasonal synchronicity with time and our line up with the star Polaris. Atlanteans lived in mists and waters and rarely if ever saw the stars. Nifelheim was a land of mists. The sinking of Atlantis brought the contract of the rainbow and the clearing of the sky. Twenty-Three became a highly important number to reckon with for several reasons. The “…diameter, the axis of the world, passes through the local sphere at two fixed points, the poles. One of these, the North Pole, is located in the vicinity of a star in the constellation of the Little Bear which is called, for this reason, the Pole Star (Polaris). There is no remarkable star in the vicinity of the South Pole, diametrically opposite the North Pole on the celestial sphere. Around the axis of the world, which runs from the South Pole to the North Pole, the diurnal motion occurs in retrograde direction in a sidereal day, divided into twenty-four sidereal hours. When we say that the rotation of the sphere of the fixed stars is uniform, we are implicitly assuming that we have at our disposal a uniform scale of time in relation to which we can record the rotation of the sphere and verify that it is uniform, i.e. that the sphere turns an equal number of degrees in an equal amount of time.”
The mystery of the Emerald Tablet, that gives us the sense of unity between that which is above and that which is below, makes for an interesting link with Merlin and the round table, as the tiny circle is inscribed by the earth in her northern tilt. Our little watches tick out the twenty-four hours but what we once knew, before nano-seconds and digital time, was a twelvefoldness in a circle. Human time, spun round on a miniature round table. In Fiona Macleod’s Beyond the Blue Septentrions, we gather through the vision what Arthur beholds;
“Arthur, closing his eyes, felt himself `ascend the invisible stairways of the sky’ until he stood on the verge of Arth-Uthyr, the Great Bear. There he saw with spiritual sight – the `Light of the North’- a company of majestic figures seated at a circular abyss of darkness… And then a voice that `rose and fell through the eternal silences,’ like a mighty ocean, proclaimed: `Comrades in God, the time has come when that which is great shall become small.’
E.C. Merry, in the same essay on Arthur, draws our attention to how, “Persian mythology shows the Peri Morgiana, or Morgana, who is identical with the Fairy Sister of King Arthur, Morgan le Fay, to have been rescued from the Mountains of Kaph and taken to the `new Europe’ – i.e. after the destruction of Atlantis – by Tahmurath. The Mountains of Kaph were, to the Persians, the mythical boundary of the world in the farthest North of arctic regions.” Since the Atlantean mysteries were matriarchal, embryo, and water mysteries, where biology and the rear brain, were connected to the work the Gods were doing in the biology and reproductive structures of nature, Morgan le Fay’s role makes some sense.
“The Fairy Morgan (in Welsh tales `Mary Morgan’) can be either good or bad. She is to be found under various aspects all over the world and wherever she is she creates a beautiful and glamours fairyland. Some legends represent her living in lakes or streams and luring people into the water.”
In Steiner’s COSMIC MEMORY, he says of the Atlantean, “…that the physical nature of an Atlantean was quite different from that of contemporary man. The Atlantean took into himself water which could be used by the life force inherent in his own body in a manner quite different from that possible in today’s physical body. It was due to this that the Atlantean could consciously employ his physical powers in an entirely different way from man today… An Atlantean settlement – as must be evident from everything we have described – had a character which in no way resembled that of a modern city. In such a settlement everything was, on the contrary, still in alliance with nature.” The ability to merge with nature and shape the watery forces would give us more the impression of Kudzu growth, only shaped, formed and organized consciously.
The watery mist, the rear brain activity and the nature ability, (green thumb) revealed, “…that then the cover of air which envelops the earth was much denser than at present. Whether in face of current scientific beliefs one can easily imagine such greater density of air, must not occupy us here. Because of their very nature, science and logical thinking can never decide what is possible or impossible. Their only function is to explain what has been ascertained by experience and observation. The above mentioned density of air is as certain for occult experience as any fact of today given by the senses can be.” No ancient civilization or monuments from the Atlanteans will easily be discovered. Water, the moon, the mist, made for extravagant powers of growth. Stages in the embryo can reveal far more accurately the early Atlantean than our wishful thinking on the subject. Of course, when the mist cleared, there was allot more dense water to be accounted for and allot more flooding and thickening of the waters, from the matriarchal soup.
“Equally certain however is the fact, perhaps even more inexplicable for contemporary physics and chemistry, that at that time the water on the whole earth was much thinner than today. Because of this thinness the water could be directed by the germinal energy used by the Atlanteans into technical services which today are impossible. As a result of the increased density of the water, it has become impossible to move and to direct it in such ingenious ways as once were possible. From this it must be sufficiently clear that the civilization of the Atlantean period was radically different from ours.”
We have continued to make assumptions about the biological condition of human life forms and civilization based on what we observe today, whether geologically or archaeologically. “In the early Atlantean age, man was composed of a substance no more dense than that of certain jellyfish now living in the sea and scarcely distinguishable from the surrounding water.” When we imagine culture, intelligence, life and atmosphere, more than 25,000 years ago, we get a bit of a shock. Certainly, at various points around the globe dense solidification of the human form was beginning but those Neanderthal skeletons we find are not the soft unfinished transparent forms and delicate beings that most of humanity consisted of. Hardening was faulty and haphazard but Neanderthal’s were not the basis of the advanced spiritual culture of Egypt or ancient India. Those did not arise from Neanderthal’s but from the slow densification and incarnation of highly refined, unfinished, human prototypes.
When the skies finally cleared, time, numbers, scale, variance and calibration became a religious revelation for those who had escaped the Atlantean catastrophe. The Aztec, Mayan, and even the illustrious Persian star gazers that culminated in the three Kings were obsessed with the numbers and the revelations that came from the stars. The number twenty-three revealed also the degrees that separated the summer solstice from the equator and the winter solstice from the equator. Seasonal time and the North Pole were nailed with a twenty-three degree variable.
“Similarly, the line connecting the poles, or the earth’s axis, which is perpendicular to the equator, is not fixed either, but describes in 26,000 years a cone whose axis is a line perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic ( ) leading toward the center of the sphere of the fixed stars and intersecting this sphere at two points, the north and south poles of the elliptic. The half-angle at the summit of the cone equals 23 degrees 30 minutes, and thus the North Pole of the earth’s axis is not fixed in relation to the stars, but moves along a small circle.”
Prior to the sinking of Atlantis, the majority of souls were employed, educated and obsessed with the inner biological clairvoyant revelation of nature which they saw through their highly developed rear brains. “In the morning when the astral body and ego draw again into the other members they make use of the physical organs and consciousness lights up. This condition of daily waking in consciousness, nightly sleeping in unconsciousness, did not exist formerly.” The hour by hour degree turns that make up our patriarchal twenty-four hour day did not exist then. A bio-psychic school of Atlantean matriarchy held the inner construct, a DNA construct, as its own mythic core.
“At that time man was still aware of the spiritual processes and spiritual beings around him, not clearly and exactly as in true clairvoyance, but with a last relic of ancient clairvoyant sight. Man lived by day in a world of hazy, nebulous outlines, in the night he lived among spiritual beings who were around him as we have the various objects around us today. There was thus no sharp division between day and night, and what is contained in saga and myths is not some fold-fantasy but memories of the experiences which early man had in the supersensible world in his then state of consciousness. Wotan or Zeus or other supersensible spiritual divinities who were known to various peoples are not fabrications of fantasy as is asserted at the council-board of erudition. Such assertions can only be made by someone who knows nothing of the nature of folk-fantasy. It does not in the least occur to early peoples to personify in that way. Those were experiences in ancient times. Wotan and Thor were beings with whom man went about as today he goes about with his fellow-men, and myths and sagas are memories of the ages of ancient clairvoyance.”
The Nordic Tree, with its twining serpent forces that loop from Asgard to Hel was the model used by the Atlanteans in their biological, matriarchal culture. The simplified version, meant to throw humanity off track and protect us from premature intrusion into the bio-ecological mysteries, was handed down to us as the serpent wrapped around the Tree, tempting Eve. Eve obviously had a strong role to play in how paradise would develop. Her role and complicity in the double helix, DNA nature mysteries, precedes the patriarchal Adamic culture of males. This serpent, in all its various forms was the double Helix.
Later, as the spine and forebrain developed, the capacity to understand the Tree of Yggdrasil, “whose ninefold branches are indeed the nine spheres of the cosmos,” became the nervous system that twines around the spine or tree. The patriarchal Tree of Knowledge, tied to the rhythm of twenty-four hours was needed to allow humanity to achieve freedom, culminating in the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, as an external revelation of full mathematical wisdom in every arena of life. When the sky opened up, after the terrific volcanic catastrophes, the clear stars, the seasons and the ordered sequence of numbers became the religious obsession of those colonies of souls who had survived the Flood.
The Atlantean culture and ancient Initiates had a powerful working relation with the Unfinished Work of the Gods. The Nordic sagas are the positive reflection of that working map that the good Atlantean Initiates used. The deeds of the Nordic heroes were part of the anatomical biological work going on down in the depths of nature with the Tree of Life. Asgard, Midgard and Jotunheim contained the double Helix map of the entire spectrum of rear-brain Atlantean biology. But the Atlanteans had started playing god themselves.
After the flood the earthly ego and earthly egotism was to be managed by real-time, not mythic bio-psychic time, but by the suns rule of twenty-four hours. In this rhythm, still today, you can find how your inner clock regulates its life forces to your exits and entrances on the map of sleeping and waking. If I stay up till four in the morning, twelve hours later at four in the afternoon, I’ll start to feel my second wind. I can feel my ego dawn in me, as if I owned a personal relation to the twenty-four hour rhythm. And we do own it. After the sinking of Atlantis we became religiously serious about the festivals and seasons and saw now outwardly, in pristine space, what the Atlanteans formerly viewed only inwardly, in the realm of clairvoyant biology.
When then, we consider the Ass or the position of the Pole star and the circle cut by the earth’s rotation, it should be little wonder that our physical incarnation and reproduction is based on the peculiar number relationship of 23. Our seasons, at least in the northern hemisphere, stand as a revelation of how the 23 degree variable gives us our four rhythm count in four seasons, four chambers of the heart and four parathyroid glands.
“In the formation of sperm and egg cells the usual 46 chromosomes per cell are reduced to 23. When the egg and sperm cells fuse at fertilization they form one cell that again contains 46 chromosomes.”
The cell structure that forms the beginning to the male and female sex, regroups as a cell, with the same number of chromosomes as there are degrees that form the basis of the cone that the earth inscribes around the North Pole. The male supplies twenty-three and the female supplies twenty-three making up the forty-six of the cell. When you look at the cell under a microscope or you look at what the earth inscribes in space you see, like the cell, a wide circle and a little circle within it. Twenty-three is the Cabalistic word CHOKMAH or CHAIAH.
“The power of the Cabalistic `Father’ is the power of the second aspect of the Life Power, the Sephirah named CHOKMAH (Wisdom). CHOKMAH is named AB, by Qabalists, and the special power of CHOKMAH, the secret force of Wisdom, is named ChIH, CHAIAH, the Life-Force. This that same CHAIAH that, when multiplied by Ehben, is 23 X 53, or 1219, which in Greek Gematria is Ichhys (the Fish)-NVN, NUN, the letter corresponding to Scorpio.”
The Emerald tablet is based on the idea that there is a match between the numbers above and the numbers below. “He created His Universe by the three forms of expression: Numbers, Letters and Words.” Fifty-two weeks of the year (X) the cellular chromosome structure of a woman or a man; or the 23 degree variable that sets our seasons; or the northern circle of the cone, locks in our estimation of time and biological growth to the sacred word for the etheric body, CHAIAH. Scorpio/the Eagle Initiate John, the guardian of the Tree of Life is the result of 53 (X) 23. Numbers linked to the word appear to be the new basis for all physics issues. Hardly new, but the ancient, newly rediscovered basis. However it is here, that the Atlanteans made a fatal mistake that cost them dearly 18,000 years ago. It is here where the Noah myth takes on the dimension it was meant to have since it was first inaugurated.
“…scientists knew that each animal or plant cell contained a nucleus and that within the nucleus were a number of minute thread like structures called chromosomes. But it was not until 1903 that two scientists, the American Walter S. Sutton and the German Theodor Boveri, independently suggested that the chromosomes were the carriers of the information which offspring inherited from their parents. They said that chromosomes exist in homologous pairs, one from the father and one from the mother in each pair.”
With these pairs, two by two, Noah could escape the Atlantean catastrophe with the appropriate biological structures that would ensure the completion of THE FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS and THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH. For it is not only with numbers, but with letters and words, consonants and vowels that relink the Tree of Life to the Tree of Knowledge. Like Noah, we are faced today with a boat load of endangered species. But unlike Noah, no one is going to step in and tell us not to meddle with the divine genetic numbers or not to collapse the environmental sustaining principles that support all the species, animals and plants of the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS. Because the divine work was finished with Christ, it is now up to clarified and dignified human intelligence to create the ark of integrity and spiritual insight needed to complete the work of Christ and nature.
“Thus, in terms of European mythology, the head of the human being contains, above, as it were, Asgard, the castle of the gods; in its middle part, Midgard, man’s earthly home; and, below, what also belongs to the earth, Jotunheim, home of the giants.”
The entire Nordic mythology was based on the Tree of Life model used by the Atlanteans. The Nordic seers knew how the Finished Work of the Gods, the entire realm of life, culminated in the Human form. The Gods were active inwardly and the Atlanteans could see them and name them with inward clairvoyant accuracy. But the Atlanteans started restructuring the inner codes of the numbers and distorting their relationships with the gods. The Atlantean society, unable to orient outwardly in space, unable to see the star frequencies, became rather loose in their relations to the twin serpents, the double helix that we now know as the Tree of Yggdrasill or our DNA. The Nordic seers revealed in their myths the relations to the gods that were once held by the Atlanteans. The Finished Work of the gods, was very unfinished at the time of Atlantis, when it was suddenly disturbed by a powerful Ahrimanic presence.
“…a single central power whom all followed and obeyed, a kind of spectral spirit, a descendant of the `Great Spirit’ of Atlantis, was revered. This spirit had gradually assumed an ahrimanic character because he still worked with forces that had been right in Atlantis or were already ahrimanic there.
“When the Atlantean spoke of his `Great Spirit,’ he expressed it, as we have seen, in a word that sounded something like the word `TAO,’ which is still preserved in China. An ahrimanic, caricatured counterpart appeared in the West as opponent of the `Great Spirit TAO’ but he was still connected with him. He worked in such a way the he could only be made visible through atavistic, visionary perception but whenever they desired his presence, he always showed himself to those persons connected with the wide spread mysteries of this cult so they could receive his instructions and commands. This spirit was called by a name that sounded something like TAOTL. TAOTL was thus an ahrimanic distortion of the `Great Spirit’ – a mighty being and one who did not descend to physical incarnation. A great many men were initiated into the mysteries of TAOTL but the initiation was of a completely ahrimanic character. It had a quite definite purpose and goal, which was to rigidify and mechanize all earthly life, including that of humans, to such a degree that a special luciferic planet,…could be founded above earthly life. The souls of men could then be drawn out to it, by force and pressure.”
It would be crass and silly to say that this would be PLANET HOLLYWOOD( ) but certainly such a silly idea has for its background something much greater. The aim and the intersection that we are faced with today brings us once more to the goal that was understood as Ragnarok or TAOTL by the Nordic seers and some of the Atlantean Initiates. The goal of the Ahrimanic forces that began bending Atlantean culture back then, are now in the same way, bending our culture toward it’s twisted mission, which is not the Michael or Grail mystery at all.
“The goal they aimed to achieve was to make the whole earth a realm of death, in which everything possible would be done to kill out independence and every inner impulse of the soul. In the mysteries of TAOTL the forces were to be acquired that would enable men to set up a completely mechanized earthly realm. To this end, one had, above all, to know the great cosmic secrets that relate to what works and lives in the universe and reveals its activities in earthly existence. You see, this wisdom of the cosmos is fundamentally in its wording, always the same, because truth is always the same.”
Now let us return to the actual Ragnarök text and penetrate some of the initiate’s observations. Their observations were made with the intention of piercing ahead, scouting ahead with their vision. They were scoping out for us, and for themselves as well, the coming confrontations, the ramifications of what had started with the Unfinished Work of the Gods back in Atlantis. After the Atlantean catastrophe, the Christ Being in 33 A.D., took a position opposite the Ahrimanic standpoint presenting humanity with the beginning dawn of the Sun-Revelation from within our own I Am logos structure.
If we imagine a slithering Darwinian beginning as the outward sun heated the swamps, the Christ brought the full essence of the sun into the grasp of each individual. With Ahriman, nature, ecology, biology, technology, and humanity are set on the auction block of consumer marketing. In the Ahrimanic world, conscience has been bled out of the multi-national marketing of earth’s precious resources. Humanity is caving in to a cyberspace world and letting the whole of nature become an on-line museum which we can all fondly remember.
“Then the brothers Fenrir and Jormungand will move side by side. Fenrir’s slavering mouth will gape wide open, so wide that his lower jaw scrapes against the ground and his upper jaw presses against the sky; it would gape still wider if there were more room. Flames will dance in Fenrir’s eyes and leap from his nostrils. With each breath, meanwhile, Jormungand will spew venom; all the earth and the sky will be splashed and stained with his poison.”
We have established the identity of Fenrir and he handles the surface, the corporate consuming of the entire earth and all her resources from mining to air traffic, from satellite traffic to planetary exploration. Jormungand reveals the biological and viral forces that are locked, serpent like, helix like, into the matrix and intertwining of all ecological interrelationships. As we tamper and distort the environment; as we biologically experiment and loosen the linkages of connected species and manipulate these into new and strange genetic combinations, Jormungand becomes a free agent ready to attack the human immune system.
The concept of as above so below has far reaching consequences. By unleashing, unfastening, and recombining different genetic codes below, in nature, we set off a reverberating scale and variance disturbance that begins to go upwards. The serpent power worshipped in every ancient culture as the dragon forces, the flying dragon, were clearly what the Atlantean saw in its spirit when it looked with its rear brain eye into the warehouse of nature and the gods. That was the unfinished work. Because it was unfinished and the Atlanteans started to unravel the scale and variance in the codes, the flood came crashing down on their heads.
Adam had been naming the Logos keys of the animal world from Paradise, from the roots of the Tree of Life. But Adam was tossed out of the warehouse of biology, along with Eve, tossed out because of that double helix DNA meddler, the snake. It all fell apart, when apparently Eve got blamed for saying, `lets try something different this time.’ But the Book of Adam and Enoch’s record reveals that naming, visualizing and naming, stamping the etheric impression onto new species emerging from the assembly line of the unfinished work of the gods, was part of Adams Logos structure. To achieve the perfected Micro-Word Being of mankind, nature forms had to be tossed out and off the Tree. The Tree of life, leading to the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, had numerous branches, all of them sacrificed for the ultimate finished product.
Species and nature forces were not divorced or separate from the I AM of Adam, they actually came out of him and he named them. The scale and variance of the etheric body was being reduced and maximized as the gigantic and the fragile compendium of nature was systematically removed from the Adamic body to become the body of nature. Adam was meant to represent us. Nature was spun off from us. Adam could give the names and inner identity of the things around him because they were part of him. His training, in the warehouse of biology and nature was that of the percept/concept Logos maker in training. Christ brought the difference between the Logos maker in training and the Logos I AM capable of representing the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS. This is key to our understanding THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH.
We are living in the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, it can now be manipulated to the detriment of earth’s ecological basis. Plant, animal and mineral forms and forces can be set into shattering number frequencies that can alter all the coding on up to the highest level of the planets and stars. It is so, because of the resonance in morphogenetic fields that are interrelated, as the numbers reveal. Stars will fall out of the sky if we oscillate the infrastructure of species and genetic codes off their foundations. If we rock the foundations the house will collapse. The Atlanteans were cut short in their efforts to do just that, but we must actually choose not to do what they did, as tempting as it appears to us. Contrary to popular slang and language, let’s not rock!
A tremendous immortal suction must occur if we do begin rocking the Noahtic boat. Meaning that human attention must be shifted to a cyberspace world vacuum where nothing really exists. Our focus is beginning to shift and beginning to create the vacuum that sucks the foundations of nature right out from underneath us. Species begin to go extinct and their animal folk-spirits, invisible behind them, become operative forces in our new virtual vacuum in cyberspace. A further betrayal of Noah, of Adam, of the Native Americans and a further crucifixion of Christ is now in the hands of our scientific community. As we alter and manipulate group-souls of animals and species of plants, all of which have futures ahead of them, that are not arbitrary, we begin a cosmic undermining of our own Finished world.
Before Christ, Zarathustra and the Nathan Jesus child completed the FINISHED WORK of the Logos Being, humanity was an Unfinished Work. The Atlantean errors would have prevented the finishing of the great work. Constantly in the course of human development, humanity tossed between Luciferic and Ahrimanic forces, needed intervention from the Sun-Spirit to keep the goal of the Finished Work on track. The Atlanteans had to be prevented from screwing up the entire ecological and genetic system that was in the process of completion. Nature would have veered way off course and our immortality would have been distorted beyond recognition.
Now we have the Sun, the light of Ariel, the light of St. Paul and a light brighter than our digital laser graphics locked into the living forces of the planet. Instead of computer access we have thought and spirit access. But this means that humanity can now go into the foundations of nature, with Ahriman’s assistance and screw up the entire ecological world. This part of the saga is just beginning. Reproductive Technology has begun to interfere with the incarnation of human spirits. A one-sided technical clairvoyance is being prepared through virtual reality and psychotropic drugs, that interferes with the pituitary and pineal glands by introducing serotonin and melatonin imbalances, giving confused people, apparent euphoric and opiated states. Remain calm folks, take some more Ridlin the worst is yet to come, no need to be nervous!
Now that the work of the gods is FINISHED, Ahriman and Jormungand can be let loose on humanity. Instead of running with open arms to the point where the new inner sun illuminates and lights an ever clearer pathway to the mystery of the Dove; the new-found freedom from the gods, has let humanity run straight for the old Atlantean dilemma. One of the greatest secrets of the Atlantean power of mass hypnosis is carried over to us in the epidemic of the yawn. One yawn can unleash a hundred yawns, unless one is conscious of ones bodily and psychic organism. Lulling us to sleep as couch potatoes truly brings on a vegetative state of soul. We can be passively shaped, by the emerging post Atlantean coma-like clairvoyance, into a virtual world, cyberspace trance condition.
“…In those days of dim clairvoyance mutual understanding was based upon a subconscious influence passing from one to the other. Especially was there still present to a high degree something we know today only in it s last misinterpreted and misunderstood surviving form, namely, a kind of suggestion, a subconscious influence from man to man, appealing but little to the active cooperation of the other’s soul. Looking back to early Atlantean times we see that a powerful effect was exercised on the other’s soul the moment any image, any sensation, arose in a man’s soul, and he directed his will upon the other person. All influences were powerful, as was also the will to receive them. Only traces of all this still exist today.
“Picture to yourself a man of that time passing another while executing certain gestures. If the observer were even slightly weaker of the two, he would have felt impelled to imitate and mimic all the gestures. The only surviving remnant of this sort of thing is our inclination to yawn when we see another person yawning.”
18,000 years ago, the comet Hyakutake did a fly by over the culture of Atlantis. A comet is one of the members of the solar community who have refused to be part of the ongoing plan of the gods. A comet has a cyanide core and cyanide is the shattering poison that can actually chip immortal pieces off our immortal prototype. The comets behave in such a way, that they remain aloof from the ordered symmetry and numerical scale and variance which has given us the solar community, the twenty-four hour ego rhythm and the reproductive forces connected biologically with our moon.
“On ancient Moon the substances which are today poisonous played the same role as do the plant juices on Earth, those juices which agree with man. But why are the poisons still present today? For the same reason that Ahriman is present. They are what has remained behind, something that has remained behind in physical forms. So we now have what agrees with man, that is, whatever has progressed in the normal way, and certain other substances which have remained behind at the Moon stage, which is now the stage of poisons.”
The comet Hyakutake has given us a wake-up call. It is a subtle cultural parallel to something that occurred when humanity was Unfinished and like the Nordic Balder, the gods were very proud when he was finally finished. In the Nordic Balder tale, it was mistletoe, a plant that made no agreements to be part of earth life, that killed Balder.
Like the comet, the mistletoe lives like a twining parasite on the tops of trees. Mistletoe is not a part of this earth evolution and because of this, the beautiful finished work, called Balder could be killed. He is killed by something outside the interrelationships established by the Sun-imbued Logos. Nestled in the branches of the stars are these cyanide cousins to earth development, the comets, who have refused to go easy on poor Balder ( ). Loki, like our entertainment world, has given a lot of good ideas to the bad guys. The adrenalin pumping as destruction, mayhem and murder, are strictly outlined in cinematic clarity. We thrive on this, but not what Loki cannot tell us.
Since we are living in the Finished work of the gods, our meddling, which had caused the Atlantean catastrophe, is now just going to harm us and the various kingdoms depending on us that go through the animal, plant and mineral worlds. Loosening the genetic codes of the Midgard Serpent now begins to unsettle the weather, the patterns of migrations and stability that the unfinished work kept us from having to face.
“The sea will rear up and the waves will pummel the shore because Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, is twisting and writhing in fury, working his way on to dry land. And in those high seas Haglfar will break loose – the ship made from dead men’s nails. The bows and the waist and the stern and the hold will be packed with giants…”
Here we see the result as fierce waves of resonation and oscillation, are set off, from the re-setting and fixing of new genetic frequencies in nature. On top of that, the world we have created from the chips of dead men’s fingernails or silica, will be jostled free. The film STRANGE DAYS is beginning to outline what the Nordic Initiates already knew would happen. Meaning that the cyberspace vacuum we have created by shifting our compassion and loving interest away from nature to sub-nature is going to loosen the moorings on planet earth. As we lose the experience of nature we become entertainment vampires, seeking ever more sociopathic avenues of gratification.
Our planet could remain tethered to a fixed axis and be linked concretely with current chromosome and genetic fields, but once we start unscrewing the Finished work, the whole thing can collapse and we as humanity would need to prepare to download our souls into cyberspace. With the tantalizing possibility of game worlds inside of cyberspace we are being fattened to go to the planet prepared for by the Ahrimanic and Luciferic forces. Do you want this to happen? It is on its way whether we like it or not?
Think of this, “The bows and the waist and the stern and the hold will be packed with giants.” In the last letters, Steiner describes Midgard, where men live. “Man is a being who unfolds his life in the midst, between two regions of the world. With his bodily development he is a member of a `lower world’; with his soul-nature he himself constitutes a `middle world’; and with his faculties of Spirit he is ever striving towards an `upper world.'” Not only was the Nordic world threefold, but it represented the three-fold structure of the human being. Asgard, Midgard and Hel. It stood as the chromosome DNA map of the physical and spiritual structure of the human being. If the bow, the waist and the stern are fused into high technology, reproductive technology and viral technology, all locked into the giants memory that runs our silicon world, what has become of the threefold human society? Thinking is splintered into nerd tech; Rhythm or breathing is severed and attacked through viral tech; and the will forces are shattered in repro-tech.
“The original divine humanity first descended upon the earth at the Pole, and the polar and neighboring regions formed the first habitation of mankind. The Greeks, too, describe this land as that of the Hyperboreans, a land whither Apollo, god of the spiritual power of the sun, returned again and again. Gradually, and through long ages, the human race spread from thence over the face of the earth. The other and opposite pole only later entered into the story of evolution. This occurred when the development of humanity of the earth reached the equatorial region. All this is found in the conceptions of the primeval East. When humanity had developed so far that it had attained an existence which, according to our scientific investigations, we designate that of the warm-blooded organisms, then the other side of the world began to play its part. The Germanic peoples called this other side of the world the southern `Muspelheim.’ It is the polar antithesis of the northern `Nifelheim.’ The Persians said that the Ahuras – who were gods of light like Apollo – inhabited the north, and the Devas – gods of darkness – streamed against them from the south. The beings whom the Persians called Ahuras and the Indians Asuras, were addressed by the Germanic people as Asen, and the Indian word `Deva’ (in the Persian Daeva) we find in the Germainic as Wanen (pronounced V). In the name `Wanen’ we have the human soul in dream and in presentiment or dim feeling; while the Asen of light were met with in waking life.”
Between the Aztec world of the south and the Nordic world of the north, we begin to see a mighty inner battle field between those who worshipped the Light and those who were drawn into the center of the earth with darkness. This war is the Ahrimanic war we face now. Gold and Cyanide, Zyklon B, Hydrogen Cyanide was used to decimate and gas the immortality from nearly six million jews. Here an Aztec mystery drifted far north, as the north forgot that they worshipped the light instead of the darkness. On this subject I will have more to bring later.
We have already dealt with the fact that the Nordic Initiates could only describe our current chip technology as part of a great ship. An independent ship, cut off from the great ship earth, a separate vessel that was constructed from the clippings, the chips, of dead mens fingernails. Having a fingernail torn off is not fun in the least. The Aztec’s thought it the height of cultural courage to flail and wear the face of a defeated enemy. Do we not wish to wear other men’s faces instead of our own? A planet where busy fingers and busy fingernails tap, tap, and the chips from the fingernails of dead men, with their silica imprints are used in conjunction with giant memories to run information and data against the picture of the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, was the warship described by the Nordic seers.
“…Haglfar will break loose – the ship made from dead men’s nails. The bows and the waist and the stern and the hold will be packed with giants…”
With cyberspace we feel we can embrace safely a severed field of wisdom and light that has been filtered through the labor of dead mens nails. This ship, described by the seers, is crammed to capacity with giants. Gigantic memory is crammed into this ship and linked as it were, to a whole network armed for full tilt attack mode. Our fatal error in underestimating nature is that nature is a picture, spread out in space, of our own Immortal I-Am. Like Steiner, I have distaste for the trendiness which views our wonderful and mysterious world as some sort of video game where we train our children in the fine art of mockery, cynicism and betrayal of natures profound secrets. Loki or entertainment has led the way to a world divorced from the Gods. It is not the awesome FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS but the sick and puny cyberspace world of men that has begun sucking intelligence down into a yawning cosmic sink hole.
“Loki too, free from his fetters, will take to the water; he will set sail towards Vigrid from the north and his deadweight will be all that ghastly crew in Hel.”
If deadweight can throw the axis of the earth off, it would be because of all the errors we have made and errors planned by Lucifer and Ahriman to bring the captured booty of humanity, to their new world. Our North pole axis is needed because our chromosome incarnation and immune system forms must not be tampered with. Yet who is to say that we cannot play with all this stuff in nature anyway we want to? The gods are gone, mom and dad are away, lets party! But the variable, oscillating wobble in the roots of creation is that viral spewing rascal Jormungand. Dare we take these warnings given by the Initiates lightly?
“Orpheus brought forth Eurydice from the netherworld, from which man had to take his leave when he turned his soul’s attention to the heavens, to the stars. The Orphic songs, preserved, for example, by Apollonius of Rhodes, are a description of geological events, which in their turn were a terrestrial echo of the changing constellations, the varying positions of the axis of the Earth in its relation to the fixed stars.
“Stage by stage, the universe was bereft of living soul. The first to fade away were the great pictures of the heavens and of the constellations, which at long last became dead symbols – `signs of the zodiac’ as we now know them. But in an intermediate period the planetary gods still spoke to man, until they too at length grew dumb, one after another. The realm of Chronos of Saturn fell away when Zeus or Jupiter began his reign. Thereafter came the epoch of Mars or the Titans. Comparative study of all religions will prove that the dream-picture-world of mankind drew nearer and nearer to the earth, while stage by stage the farther reaches of the cosmos faded away – their Word is reduced to silence.
“It was as though the gods descended to the earth to unite with men. And at last, the Logos himself became flesh. The cosmic distances were now unpeopled of the gods, and the time came when John the Baptist had to prophesy: `Change the way of your thinking, for the distant realms of the heavens have now come near at hand.”
“I have reason to believe that on the dissolution at death of a human being, its forces may still persist and continue to act in a blind, unconscious fashion. As a rule they speedily dissipate themselves, but in the case of a very powerful personality they may last a long time… And, in some cases…these forces may coalesce with certain non-human entities who thus continue their life indefinitely and increase their strength to an unbelievable degree.”
In this mystery fragment from Ragnarök, where Loki brings the ghosts and demons of Hel into the game, we really have another powerful image to meditate on. The archives of all the old film ghosts that have haunted the screens and hearts of several generations, have been chained to Lucifer. When Walt Disney had his body frozen so that he could be reawakened after they found a cure or could implant his soul/spirit structure into another younger model I knew there was trouble ahead. When primitive people were afraid to have their pictures taken because it apparently stole their souls, something spooky awoke in me.
When we execute a sinister and psychologically deranged criminal as portrayed in Silence of the Lambs, (of which more and more are coming) something far worse can be generated, because the psychic and intellectual cohesion of the personality does not dissolve with mere execution.
In the case of John Wayne Gacy, a mass murderer from Chicago who killed nearly 34 people, a strange and foolish blunder was made in the timing of his execution. In May of 1994 at midnight John Wayne Gacy was sent through the gate of death by lethal injection. The actual passage and expulsion of his soul from a confined body in a Chicago prison cell to the release and expansion of the subconscious contents of his criminal psychology was timed to a total Eclipse of the Sun. It would be interesting to note the trajectory and path of the effective eclipse across north America at that time.
By examining such details and measuring our statistics on criminal surges over the next 21 years something could be observed. In any case, observing it or not, the dumping of the toxic waste of John Wayne Gacy into the cosmic field of a Solar eclipse merely sends the toxic waste back, into the psychic structure of seething seeds of potential, already latent in the subconscious of living personalities here on earth.
Unhatched intentions and incubating psychic diseases are far less lethal when the life force, life sentence, has not terminated the criminal. If the life forces, biographically and biologically are left over, if the criminal or psychopath has not died of old age, in solitary confinement, but is killed with life force still unused, the remainder goes to feed incubating psychic disease fields in others. If the life forces are still there, then the psychically charged, disturbed field seeks another or other hosts. Loki is gathering all these dynamic forces that make a new heaven and a new hell, as well as the meaning implied on the opposite spectrum of a new heaven and a new earth. We have to decide what new heaven and what new hell we would rather have. These are some of the decisions worth thinking about, when we are faced with Christ or Ahriman.
“…we proceed to the influence of Loki on the physical body, in which he brings about sickness and death. His third off-spring is, therefore, that which produces sickness and death. That is Hela. Thus you have, in fact, expressed in a wonderful way — in the figures: Hela, the Fenris Wolf, and the Midgard Serpent — the influence of Loki or Lucifer, in the form in which the old clairvoyance, which we may describe as a dreamy clairvoyance, perceived it. If we were to go through the whole history of Loki, we should everywhere find that these things throw light upon the matter, down to the smallest details. But we must clearly understand therein that what the clairvoyant sees is not merely an allegorical symbolical description, but he sees real entities, Beings.
Diagram 5
Click image for large view
Now the Germanic Scandinavian did not know merely of Loki, of the Luciferic influence; he was also aware of the influence of Ahriman which came from another direction; and he knew more, he knew that the exposure to the Ahrimanic influence is the consequence of the Loki influence. You must now transpose yourselves back to the time when man did not look at the world with external physical vision, but contemplated it with the old clairvoyance, and you will then find that this myth is formed for that clairvoyance. What does the myth say? Loki’s influence has come upon man, and this is expressed in the action of the Midgard Serpent, the Fenris Wolf and Hela.”
By using the spring-board of a Solar eclipse, the moon re-ignites these unused immoral astral intentions and re-injects them back into souls on earth who carry an attraction to similar deeds in their already disturbed psychological structures. Parasitical astral forces quantum leap up to legion in no time at all. The ugly and diseased psychology does not disperse when life force is still running, rather, it rains down into already infested psychological pockets that are latent in living people. A multiplication of psychic criminal inspiration is projected and diffused over a wide territorial field. The math and physics of the soul here is called Legion, in biblical terms, the swine used by Christ to absorb the deadly psychic toxins were pigs.
If we expel and dislodge the demonic forces, as in the example of Christ and the madmen, the force and dynamic does not angle out away from the earth, on the contrary, it fuses and leaps back into the most receptive field. Using the moon to project it back into the psyche is horribly dangerous form of enhancement. When Christ used the swine, they buffered the damage of evil and could assist in absorption of the negative psychic forces. These demonic infestations appear as viral fields in human epidemiology as well as tendencies toward dark pathologies. Here lies an amazing clue that could be used medically.
In a TIME magazine cover story of September 12, 1994, titled REVENGE OF THE KILLER MICROBES, swine were depicted as an integral part of human diseases. “Perhaps the most ominous prospect of all is a virulent strain of influenza. Even garden-variety flu can be deadly to the very old, the very young and those with weak immune systems. But every so often, a highly lethal strain emerges-usually from domesticated swine in Asia.”
We have not progressed far enough to allow us to vacuum clean the incubating psychic illnesses in individual criminals and guide them into a heavy and neutral medium like that of the swine in the biblical story. It is wiser for us to consider not killing the psychotic infestations that have leached themselves onto the bodily/psychic structure of our various killers. It is better that they serve life sentences and have their life force dry up, so that what they carry may not prematurely find new hosts that are readily available in our already sickened society. It might even be suggested by means of sympathetic transfer, to inject the blood of these criminals into selected herds of swine. These of course would not be used for human consummation.
What I am saying now, about the nature of Hel, that is part of Loki’s booty from all the maladjusted disturbances from the murders, wars, ethnic cleansing and unacknowledged spiritual agony that has left its fatal mark in our psychic atmosphere, has a precedent. The initiate Algernon Blackwood has something to add to this picture.
“You do not quite gather what I am driving at; and it is not to be expected that you should, for you, I suppose, are the nominal Christian with the nominal Christian’s lofty standard of ethics, and his utter ignorance of spiritual possibilities. Beyond a somewhat childish understanding of `spiritual wickedness in high places,’ you probably have no conception of what is possible once you break down the slender gulf that is mercifully fixed between you and that Outer World. But my studies and training have taken me far outside these orthodox trips, and I have made experiments that I could scarcely speak to you about in language that would be intelligible to you… I cannot explain to you in a few minutes the nature of such things, for you have not made the studies that would enable you to follow me; but I have reason to believe that on the dissolution at death of a human being, its forces may still persist and continue to act in a blind, unconscious fashion. As a rule they speedily dissipate themselves, but in the case of a very powerful personality they may last a long time… And, in some cases…these forces may coalesce with certain non-human entities who thus continue their life indefinitely and increase their strength to an unbelievable degree. If the original personality was evil, the beings attracted to the left-over forces will also be evil... thought is dynamic, and that it may call into existence forms and pictures that may well exist for hundreds of years. For, not far removed from the region of our human life, is another region where floats the waste and drift of all the centuries, the limbo of the shells of the dead; a densely populated region crammed with horror and abomination of all descriptions, and sometimes galvanized into active life again by the will of a trained manipulator…”
This quality of Hel, can be galvanized and infested, down, into the world of cyberspace. It comes through magnetism, electricity and light. Our programs and computers all run on magnetic field and light and the astral world, not only is attracted by the disturbed emotional illnesses we produce in our psychic structure, but now they can find islands. Islands of digital discs and graphic laser illuminated violent video games and virtual reality mind benders, can all be populated on the head of a pin down into the sub-nature world of cyberspace. Loki can bring all this and more from his commitment with Ahriman to lift us out and away from this miraculous Finished Work of the Gods. They want us elsewhere and not to be reminded or bothered about all the creatures and stranded beings who are calling out to us not to betray their futures.
Medicine and the Justice system have failed to understand the eclipse factor in the moon, nor the full neutral alignment of swine biology with human biology. Medicine may view swine as incubators of viral factors but they do not link viral factors to borderland entities that might gain force from a polluted psyche like that of John Wayne Gacy.
Humanity seems not yet mature enough to consider the escalating viral fields and their relation to swine as gateways, doorways or neutralizers. Swine are themselves poison absorbers that closely resemble the structure of human beings. Blood plasma is still made from swine because of the human affinity. The Hebrews abhorred eating swine because they knew that they absorbed these intense parasitical and viral forces into their systems. There certainly is a way through injection, not lethal injection of the psychopath, but injection into animals like swine that would re-direct the parasitical astral beings into something we can control. Contained by something that demons cannot feed off of, that is, an active human psyche with immortal potential for damage.
“When he came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes, two men who were possessed by demons came out of the tombs and stood in his way. They were exceedingly dangerous, so that no one could pass along that road. And see, they called out loudly: `What is this power between us and you, Son of God? Have you come here to discipline us before the time is fulfilled?’ Far from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. And the demons begged him `If you cast us out, send us into the herd of pigs.’ And he said to them: `Depart.’ And they fled and went into the pigs. And see, the whole herd rushed down the steep incline into the sea and perished in the waters.”
St. Matthew 8: 28-33
What has been imprinted into the psychological structure of the personality dissolves after death or is condensed. To execute a concentrated psychological killer is to spawn forces into the subconscious of ten thousand potential serial killers, who, because of their affinity of disposition, attract and feed off the diseased remains in the psychic field. Adolf Hitler was gassed in world war I and suffered near fatal illness from the trenches and their unsanitary conditions. What incubated in Hitler later went unobserved and hidden for years. His example was a viral, biological warfare hazard. We have ten thousand of them coming up on us every day, including the Gulf War Syndrome victims.
When we speak of execution and the death penalty, we must be very clear what this means. Executing and thereby releasing, through their deaths, super-charged viral forces that go rushing towards the putrid immune systems and weak psychic structures of individuals, amounts to sinister sub-entity invasive virology. This is the reason why the death penalty has inherent and ghastly dangers in it. Loki and Ahriman thrive off this disturbing population and with our laser disc technology we have managed to provide mass-produced island homes for them. Devachan forces are eroding while we slowly suck down the light which belongs to a much greater mystery. Hell can truly be sucked down onto Earth and earth can be sucked clean out from under humanity.
Is death and the silica from dead men’s nails really the end of our social problems? In light of these facts we must question the sudden and premature deaths of Jeffery Dahmer, murdered by an inmate and the death of the British mass murderer, West (and his House of Horror, with his backyard strewn with buried bodies of women including his own daughter and wife). West apparently hung himself in his prison cell in England. All of these events occurred in the year 1994.
If humanity refuses to watch and stay alert, other beings will step in while the astral fizz is still crackling and popping, and crack open the shell of a person and release the toxins. For certain beings of the universe, we are beginning to look like lunch. We need to know that we are part of the dynamic Finished Work and we carry the Immortal Logos, and as such, if we refuse our mission, we become part of somebody elses food chain. We must not be too blind to see, amid the ruins of the Finished Work of the Gods, where these dynamic systems of Hel can reemerge.
This is why Christ came, to give us a fighting chance within a potent spiritual environment. This is why Steiner spoke up. Down to the details, science and present education have very much underestimated and left unprepared a society living on Elm Street. The endangered Elm tree is what the golden statue of the Representative of Man is carved from.Because we are ignorant of these things, we are beginning to live in a Nightmare on Elm Street. This is what the Nordic seers saw as Loki’s Hel.
Copies and duplicates of disturbed psychopaths and their psychic structures are now available for demonic multiplication through the premature deaths of their bearers. Such copies reveal that dark forces are using cosmic techniques, on the demonic field, for incubation and hatching via the human psychic plane. That which can be used in a healing manner by the highest essence of Christ development can also be used by dark agents of Ahriman.
But even in children, so unprotected, violent forces are wandering close to their innocent cribs and for them astral beings were playfellows before they incarnated here. Now their innocent imitation can suddenly take completely unexpected turns. If what Loki can do, with the beings of Hel, and what was meant by a new heaven and a new hell frightens you a bit, we might better pony up to the present compassionate version of the Finished Work of the Gods, and cease enlisting the mighty conspirators who stand against us.
With the Finished Work of the Gods, and humanity just beginning its intercourse with the mineral kingdom, we see how these Ragnarök potentials can come up all the way to the shores of a new heaven and a new hell. The Necklace of the Brisings taught us that the parathyroid glands, centered around the larynx, have a seed capability to release warmth ether, light ether, chemical or tone ether and life ether. As we are about to embark on the expedition to develop a new heaven and a new earth, who and what do you think would like to steal these ethers from us? In the future a Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan evolution stretch out before humanity. This makes the achievement of the Necklaace of the Brisings possible for Freyja. But she must begin intercourse with the primal etheric stages, whose keys are the parathyroid glands or four dwarfs she sleeps with.
At this intersection, humanity is in the silica mineral world and our position to this world, as we crack it open, sets us up to fulfill the dreams of Ahriman and Lucifer by creating an anti-logos world, through our betrayal of the four ethers. Meaning that we allow Ahriman and Lucifer to divert these forces to create an Anti-Jupiter development and an Anti-Venus development and an Anti-Vulcan development. It would be better, in my opinion, to lift the entire Finished Work of the Gods, with Christ, upwards and lift ourselves with it.
Humanity, with the Logos christened from the plane of earth, can lift themselves and nature upwards. Humanity can lift the group souls of the animals to human; the plant spirits and insects to their rightful animal development and even move the stones upwards. By midwife assistance in the help and completion of the Finished Work of the Gods, humanity can attain the equivalent level of development of the Angels; the equivalent level of development of the Archangels and the equivalent level of development of the Archai. This can all be achieved from within the I-Am structure because the Sun will grow ever brighter from within our spiritual cores.
“Odin and Fenrir were the first to engage and their fight will be fearsome. In the end, though, the wolf will seize AllFather between his jaws and swallow him. That will be the death of Odin.
“At once his son Vidar will stride forward and press one foot on Fenrir’s bottom jaw – and the shoe he will wear than has been a long time in the making; it consists of all the strips and bits of leather pared off the heels and toes of new shoes since time began, all the leftovers thrown away as gifts for the god. Then Vidar will take hold of Fenrir’s other jaw and tear the wolf apart, so avenging his father.”
Here the foreshadowed image of St. George or St. Michael and the dragon is clearly illuminated from behind the veil and mists of the message of the Nordic seers. And the shoe he wears, what of that? We see how wonderfully they captured the image of Michael long before ST. George and the dragon became common. What of the shoes that he wears? Shoes are worn by souls. Feet travel to their destinies. Scraps are taken, not from the middle part of the arch, but the toes and heels. Thinking and Willing forces that have been salvaged from unused destiny, makes one wonder about the true nature of spiritual economy. Steiner gave whole lectures on Spiritual Economy and they are fine, fine works. Nothing is lost, not one jot or tittle is lost, all efforts and apparent failures assist Michael in holding the closing jaws, the closing gates of the Finished Work of the Gods, opened just enough for humanity to scrape past.
As I have portrayed, is there a potential for a new heaven and a new hell created by the forces that stand against humanity? Yes indeed and we are beginning to entertain the techno-feasibility of such an anti-place. What did the Nordic seers think it might be like?
“But there will be another hall on Nastrond, the shore of corpses. That place in the underworld will be as vile as it is vast; all its doors will face north. Its walls and roof will be made of wattled snakes, their heads facing inward, blowing so much poison that it runs in rivers through the hall. Oath breakers and murderers and philanderers will wade through those rivers. Nidhogg, too, will outlive the fire and the flood and under Yggdrasill he will suck blood from the bodies of the dead.”
Magnetic north, as with magnetism, electricity and stolen computer generated laser light, gives cyberspace a look like NASTROND, a no-place on a strand of nowhere that must always face a magnetic north or it will be doomed. In cyberspace the magnetic field must be in place in order to suck the psychic forces off this, our real world. In other words a gigantic vampire field of suction is created from the existing magnetic forces. It is legitimate Devachan light that is skimmed off today to feed the illegitimate bastard son of light called cyberspace.
Nature tells us clearly that there is a learning disability for light in moths and a cosmic ability of digestion of light in butterflies. Further, nature tells us the difference between the night radar of bats and the navigating, migrating frequency of day loving birds. Even the homing pigeon can navigate intelligently, through its specialized locator frequency of day mapping, warmth, love and light.
The cyberspace junkie should study the suicidal stupidity of the moth and the dingy robes it wears, compared to the garment of light that the butterfly is dressed in. The butterfly does not fry its senses in useless computer generated glow. The butterfly is the freest, most incalculable creature in nature’s warehouse. Love and light will be the essence of the Jupiter evolution and the butterfly already lives that future.
“When in the future the Earth planet appears as Jupiter, the Jupiter dwellers will direct their gaze upon love as men on Earth do upon wisdom. …And just as we wonder at the wisdom in all that surrounds us, so he who will one day inhabit Jupiter will feel wafting towards him the love that will lie in all things. This love will stream forth from all beings and speak to us, as the wisdom speaks to us which is secreted into the Earth through the old Moon existence.”
We do not want to condemn ourselves to a world where we have been magnetically addicted to a false world of light. We want to develop in all its wonder, the ability to absorb what all the universe emits as sort of sweet and wonderful sap, sugar, which is condensed light for the butterfly. We want eyes and hearts that can digest compassion and love as if it were light, from all the surrounding universe.
One of the trademarks of the film, THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, was a night moth slipped inside the mouths of its victims. But why be obscure about the deadly disposition we are encouraging today with our addiction to stolen light? Why force our children away from the incredible model of nature by forfeiting the nature that exists now for the polluted, crime infested world of night, that is invading every segment of society? We live in a MOMO ( ), nightmare and we still want to play with symbols and art and movies as if we don’t get it. If we got it, we would be more than a tad concerned, our hair would stand on end.
Do we have the capability of utterly destroying the Finished Work of the Gods? The Nordic seers fully saw that such releasing of egoism, astral poisons and manufacturing sub-standard illusionary worlds below this one, plus tampering with the scale and variance of creation would clearly be too tempting for our human brothers and sisters to pass up. In Hel the fixed position of the twenty-three chromosomes locked into the 46 degree cone of the north pole axis, without the dove, becomes the nightmare of the human race. Cell demonology replaces dove-like morphology of the human prototype. Since the ethers around the larynx are to be whored, by Freyja, than they could be marketed by the shadow of Freyja, the Whore of Babylon. The Nordic seers, standing at the summit of their Atlantean insights saw into our present and heroically said;
“The nine worlds will burn and the gods will die. The Einherjar will die, men and women and children in Midgard will die, elves and dwarfs will die, giants will die. The sun will be dark and there will be no stars in the sky. The earth will sink into the sea.”
Walter Johannes Stein in his THE DEATH OF MERLIN, adds, “The ancient Norse mythology beheld this path of evolution. It saw the human god hang crucified for nine days long on the cosmic ash-tree, whose ninefold branches are indeed the nine spheres of the cosmos, and it gives the tree its true name: `YGGDRASILL‘ – ego-bearer. Humanity is crucified upon the tree that bears the ego, and indeed, only by this means attains the turning-point of individualization. But at this turning-point, the ancient gods of nature die. It is the twilight of the gods. One god alone outlives the world wide downfall, namely the god who himself took human form. By the power of the divine-spiritual WORD, which in him underwent humanity, evolution will be guided back to its divine origin, albeit this time in full consciousness and egohood.”
But there is a beautiful catch 22 in this vision of Ragnarök before the human race steps into cyberspace. Our catch 22 is a vision that is updated by the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz and brought completely into practical life by the healing insights of Rudolf Steiner. There is certainly hope. Earth and the Finished Work of the Gods is certainly worth fighting for, or they would never have sent their best Initiates into the twentieth century to assist us.
The Ragnarök saga is in full agreement with the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz. Out of the unique procreative forces of the Holy Ghost, the Dove mysteries, those same upgraded chromosome structures that we have followed from Paradise, through the Flood to the Resurrection are locked inside the very sap of the Tree of Yggdrasill as the entire Finished Work goes down. The Blueprints of the Tree of life, down to the realm of Earth, have been saved by the Christ Being.
“The two humans who hid themselves deep within Yggdrasill – some say Hoddmimir’s Wood – will be called Lif and Lifthrasir. Surt’s fire will not scorch them; it will not even touch them, and their food will be the morning dew. Through the branches, through the leaves, they will see light come back, for before the sun is caught and eaten by the wolf Skoll, she will give birth to a daughter no less fair than herself, who will follow the same sky-path and light the world.”
In the commentary on the Ragnarök story made by Kevin Crossley-Holland, he says that he, “pointed to parallels with Iranian mythology and these occur again here. An Iranian myth describes a terrible winter which will put an end to life on earth, with the exception of a few men, women and animals who will escape by hiding in a shelter built by the bisexual Yama.” We have dealt now historically with the moment at 33 A.D.where the bisexual forces of the DOVE entered and conquered the Wolf Lupa who had nursed the children Romulus and Remus.
But there is hardly anything more powerful than the link that goes back to Sophia and Soloviev, or forwards to present day Astrosophy and Anthroposophy. The last lines of the Ragnarök saga reveal something incredible. The Sun gives birth to a daughter no less fair than herself, who will follow the same sky-path and light the world. The amazing untapped inverse physics that we cannot see from our exterior perspective is clearly linked to female reproduction and the female womb. If we could see from inside the womb, the world where souls, spirits and the very truth and light that weaves behind sense reality ushers a child in, we would be in the world of the wise Sophia. To develop the new eyes, ears and thinking forces needed to gain access to this new sunlit revelation has been the reason for exploring the work of the Nordic Initiates.
In this fragment, one has to ask the question, if the Christ Spirit came from the sun, is there an androgynous sun? The Logos on one side of the visible and Sophia on the other side of the invisible, seem to represent the laws of the manifest and as yet unmanifest world. The creations of the Logos appear as percepts in the visible world, the spiritual Beings and identities, or qualities appear to us as concepts. The Philosophy of Freedom, Steiner’s master work, draws the inwardly lit world together with the sunlit world in his concept and percept alignments. The outer sunlit world is now transiting to the inwardly lit world where Ariel and the Sophia sun are awaiting the homeward journey of their children.
Could it be possible, that this journey, with the lost Osiris fragmented in the wide universe, torn to pieces as percepts must be gathered by the mourning Isis as the conceptual spirit of the inner sun? The mystery of the sexes is a mystery of Daughter, inner Sun Sophia and the outer Sun, Christ. Brother and sisters Freyja and Frey or Apollo and Artemis reflect the curious relations of light and reflected light or the relationships held between inner beauty and the outer glory of the sun.
“Long, long ago Persephone, the power of clairvoyance, had disappeared in the dark realm of Pluto. Isis, the human soul, wandered a widow through the world, filled with longing for the realm of Light and Imagination – for Osiris, her husband. The time had come when this universal realm of Light and spiritual Imagination was dismembered into so many isolated symbols. Sadness and grief spread out among the seekers of the spirit. The fair world of their dreams receded ever more, and the plain, matter-of-fact everyday world alone remained.”
The legitimate journey to an inward world of light, that allowed Shakespeare to speak of Ariel and St. Paul to speak of Christ, apparently is laid down in the foundations of the world. We must supply the concepts. Light must be drawn from an inner world, a Sophia imbued world, and a bridge built to the outer world of the Finished Logos to the inner world of Sophia. In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s PARZIVAL, the Nordic Initiates and the Grail come together with Shakespeare, Ariel and St. Paul over the bridge of light.
“These glad tidings tell of the True Lover. He is a light that shines through all things, unwavering in His love. Those to whom He shows His love find contentment in it. His wares are of two sorts: He offers the world love and anger. Now ask yourself which helps more. The unrepentant sinner flees God’s love: but he that atones for his sins serves Him for His noble favour.
“He that passes through men’s thoughts bears such Grace. Thoughts keep out the rays of the sun, thoughts are shut away without a lock, are secure from all creatures. Thoughts are darkness unlit by any beam. But of its nature, the Godhead is translucent, it shines through the wall of darkness and rides with an unseen leap unaccompanied by thud or jingle. And when a thought springs from one’s heart, none is so swift but that it is scanned ere it pass the skin – and only if it be pure does God accept it. Since God scans thoughts so well, alas, how our frail deeds must pain him!”
In the CHYMICAL WEDDING and THE GREEN SNAKE AND THE BEAUTIFUL LILY, such a cultural bridge is built out of mere fairy tales. From the Finished Logos a new birth, a higher second birth of the dove, brings the human logos being into a renewed world where Sophia lives. We emerge from our Freyja developed uterus, saturated with potent mead, drawn from our own etherized Grail blood, enriched by the Being of Light Himself. We are enriched because we lit the inner torch of our thinking. Instead of breaking the water and coming from the womb outside in, we emerge from the new uterus inside, out. Instead of traveling from Beingness into space our space has digested I AM ness and we are born into Beingness. An inversion of cosmic physics brings us into the sunlit world of Beingness.
Slumbering in the darkness is nothing- She, wounded by human nothing is veil upon veil of everything. One speck of her nothing delivers worlds from agony. One speck of her nothing and the earth is made new. One nod from her, one touch from her, one moment in her embrace – And brittle-feeble human nothingness becomes a new world of infinite loving light. Now darkened we sense nothing.
Under the Bodhi Tree is where Buddha had his enlightenment. Through the leaves of the tree he traces the experiences and wisdom that brings him the gift of becoming a Bodhisattva. He is on the verge of re-entering the lost world of Sophia/Isis. He is a human being who is following the right genetic, biological and spiritual maps that bring him through the new uterus to the sunlit, inner world of Sophia, St. Paul, Zarathustra, and our own uncultivated little Ariel.
“This is most aptly expressed in the Buddha legend. It says in the legend that Buddha remained seated under the Bodhi tree until he attained illumination in order to rise to higher stages, to Nirvana. For this Buddha had to place himself under the brain, under the organ of consciousness. That means the paths he had previously traversed unconsciously he had to traverse again consciously. Under the large brain there lies, more toward the back of the head, the small, tree-shaped brain ( the cerebellum). Under this brain Buddha placed himself. The cerebellum is the Bodhi tree., This shows how what is said in such profound legends is actually taken from human evolution.”
“Under the blossom that hangs on the bough”
In the last fragment of the text, a new world, where the Sophia Sun dawns, and a new inner kingdom of the Logos is revealed, is exactly where little Gunnlod, the daughter of Suttung sat. Gunnlod sat on a pedestal of solid gold, or solidified world warmth condensed from the heart. This region of the pituitary is where Buddha received his initiation into the Sophia world. It is where the eagle sits in the Tree of Yggdrasill.
In the text, the new children of this new world, that have emerged from the collapse of the Finished Work of the Gods, see the birth of a new sun through the branches of a tree. The text says; “Through the branches, through the leaves, they will see light come back,…” By then, many of you who have read or heard of Anthroposophy will have become as Buddha became, a magnificent human Angel. Earth allows us the privilege to graduate from the school of the outer Sun, the Logos. Buddha had won through suffering and reincarnation, the degree of Human Angelic Being. He serves the Mars forces now in THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH.
Like Ragnarok, the goal of the Chymical Wedding is to achieve the birth of a new humanity able to exist in a new world. Christian Rosenkreuz and various initiates assist the Virgin Sophia in giving birth, through various sophisticated phases, to the higher prototype of humanity established by the Christ Being.
In the Chymical Wedding it is clear that this birth is a community effort. Certainly the rudiments of laboratory technology and higher mathematics is used in each of the phases. While our present scientists dig deeper down into matter with stronger and stronger microscopes, Christian Rosenkreuz tells us that in building the new human prototype and perfecting the design module that Christ developed, the researchers ascend.
Most esoteric comprehension agrees that deeper is higher, but this only applies if you know what higher is. But deeper can just as well mean digging our own graves ever deeper. Pisces plays an important role in the fifth epoch. One fish is positioned deep the other high, like the reversed astral mirror that presents itself as . Robert Powell says in his CHRONICLE OF THE LIVING CHRIST, “…at its present stage of evolution, is just over one-quarter of the way through the fifth cultural epoch, which is related to the zodiacal sign of Pisces. As I have indicated…the fifth cultural epoch began in A.D. 1414.” The CHYMICAL WEDDING, Shakespeare and Bacon began the contrasting counterpoints of high and low riding research beacons.
“…the possibility of finding a true relationship to the Ahrimanic civilization has escaped man. He must find the strength, the inner force of knowledge, in order not to be overcome by Ahriman in this technical civilization. He must understand Sub-Nature for what it really is. This he can only do if he rises, in spiritual knowledge, at least as far into extra-earthly Super-Nature as he has descended, in technical Sciences, in Sub-Nature. The age requires a knowledge transcending Nature, because in its inner life it must come to grips with a life-content which has sunk far beneath Nature – a life-content whose influence is perilous.”
The Virgin, the supervisor in the CHYMICAL WEDDING, is a fairly strict task master, who seems to know what she is doing and how to produce it and who to assign tasks to. Virgo and Pisces act as the healing virtues of sunrise and sunset, again two polarities, but healthy in their mutual relationships. We don’t know who this mid-wife female Initiate is except that through the constellation of Virgo is an ancient secret passage to god. We know that this individual acts as the cosmic Virgin in some mysterious manner, midwifing the new prototype Dove children. Pfeiffer, in his commentary on the Chymical Wedding, says, “It is the mission of Christian Rosenkreuz in particular to combine the Spiritual World and the outer practical and technical world.” Pfeiffer describes the Chymical Marriage as,
“…a document written by Valentin Andrea on the direct inspiration of Christian Rosenkreuz. It describes the initiation of Christian Rosenkreuz in the year 1457. This initiation took place in seven steps or seven days. On the sixth day Christian Rosenkreuz and his eight companions in the process of the initiation brought it about that the higher spirit could enter the physical body of the new or resurrected King and Queen. The King and Queen are representative of the higher ego of the human being. In their work the goal was attained that the spirit could enter the higher ego after the lower had first died.”
Historically, souls that were seeking for a central point to keep up their spiritual work, focused their incarnations on Tübingen, where this updated Atlantean document, written by Valentin Andreae first made its appearance in 1603. We learn that Andrea,
“…in 1601, when he was fifteen, his widowed mother took him to Tübingen so that he might pursue his studies at that famous university of Wurtemberg. Whilst a student at Tübingen, so he tells us, he made his first juvenile efforts as an author, on the themes of `Esther’ and `Hyacinth’, which he states that he wrote `in emulation of the English actors’, and a work called CHEMICAL WEDDING, which he describes deprecatingly as a ludibrium, or fiction, or a jest, of little worth.”
Souls of the stature of Goethe, Novalis, Fichte, and three room mates and students, who bunked together at the university of Tübingen, Hegel, Schelling and Holderlin, all sought out this new Atlantean news flash about 200 years later. The Romantics were launched from this Wurtemberg location by Schiller, Goethe and Novalis.
Andreae eventually hooked up with Comenius and Bacon, the founders of the present deductive, non-intuitive public and university based educational system. From this strange work of THE CHYMICAL WEDDING an enormous intersecting knot of karma and destiny, education, science and Art exploded. Shakespeare lay on one side and Bacon on the other. Clear lines were drawn, clear streams of individual karma and destiny sorted themselves out and inaugurated the very shattering powers that have collided in this, our own twentieth century. This seemingly insignificant work of Johann Valentin Andreae had clocked in just as the Wolf was getting really hungry, nearing the fifteenth century.
We know the wolf is hungry for light, spiritual light. Its counterfeit version, stolen and diverted off the main source in the Devachan, has come through our world as magnetism, electricity, laser and computer generated light. Humans are a rich source of this light, and it would grow stronger and stronger in the thinking and upright spiritual human being if it weren’t for the atrophy clause. Ahriman can suck the light out of us by creating an outer dependency on media driven light.
The real food is based on Gunnlod’s solid gold pedestal under the Bodhi Tree or Cerebellum where the pituitary is located. The real light, the real vampire blood, is rich mead, the etherized transformed Grail Blood of Kvasir. It is this light and this love that the Fenrir wolf is bent on devouring. In this booty lies the entire future states of human evolution and the ichor of immortality needed by such a divine menace as Ahriman/Fenrir. If humanity does not use its own higher spiritual food, Ahriman is forced to make use of it by default. Not one jot or tittle will be wasted.
Walter Johannes Stein revealed the order of contraction of the divine mysteries, “But in an intermediate period the planetary gods still spoke to man, until they too at length grew dumb, one after another. The realm of Chronos of Saturn fell away when Zeus or Jupiter began his reign. Thereafter came the epoch of Mars or the Titans.” Buddha begins the transformation of the planetary community on the same path of ascent that was described by Stein as the shrinking from the mighty active vision of the stars to the mere symbols of the zodiac to Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and at Ephesus, Diana, until the Earth received the veritable Sun. Thus began the work of outwardly civilizing and humanizing, in a Kavasir and diplomatic manner, the planetary rings, so that each member of the human race, like Christ and Buddha might become a Lord of the Rings.
In THE CHYMICAL WEDDING OF CHRISTIAN ROSENKREUZ, Ragnarök is changed to a well-ordered burial liturgy and Christian Rosenkreuz plays a significant role because, “Christian Rosenkreuz was initiated into the Jupiter Mysteries in the Atlantean Period.” In the CHYMICAL WEDDING, the old gods are solemnly beheaded and the Finished Work of the Gods and our future, within the Freyja/Aphrodite/Magdalene/Venus, Dove mysteries, proceeds in a dignified, orderly manner. The CHYMICAL WEDDING was the long awaited update to the Grail mysteries. The sub-text in human evolution, that was being carefully monitored by the Initiates, resurfaced again in the CHYMICAL WEDDING.
Christian Rosenkreuz was to remain on the job, during the second half of earth evolution, to assist humanity and the work of Christ in penetrating and preparing earth for the Jupiter evolution. Somewhere back in time, Anchises, Aeneas and Rome certainly met the Aphrodite mysteries head on. Human beings were definitely implicated, tied in to the Venus mysteries that poor Christian Rosenkreuz stumbles upon in one of the most sacred and hidden chambers described in the Chymical Wedding tale. But this hidden chamber is a mystery designated for our times. We must study it with great care to understand its significance and counter-significance.
“It is a peculiarity of Christian Rosenkreuz that he is very curious. He wants to see everything. We recall that once before he almost got into trouble through going into a room the entry of which was not permitted. Now they find a staircase to the basement. They come to a subterranean room and stand before an iron door, which has an inscription which I cannot decipher. They enter another room through this door, a room which has a very beautiful vault. The guide tells him that he is particularly blessed by fate to see what no human eye has seen but only immortal eyes, those of the Kings and Queens. There is in this vault a kind of altar. On it is a triangle and within this is a large bowl of copper. Standing in this bowl is an Angel holding in his hands a tree on which there are constantly growing fruits. These fruits drop into the cauldron and dissolve to liquid. The cauldron has three openings under which are three smaller bowls of gold. It is the Tree of Life, the fruits of which dissolve into the etheric. The Altar is supported by a statue with the forms of a lion, eagle, bull and man. This refers to the four fundamental forces out of which the cosmos was created…I referred to the Sun State where four Cherubim hold the four corners of the world. This is found in all mythologies and also in the Book of Daniel. In the Rosicrucian Teaching it is taken a step farther. On the basis of the Four Beasts there is the triangle symbolizing the Trinity of God. Within it is the forbidden Mystery of Paradise. We have in us the Tree of Knowledge, not this Tree. The Angel of Paradise holds the Tree of Life. The three golden cups are part of our human nature, they represent our thought system, our will system and our feeling system. We can say that we carry these cups in our thought system, our heart system and part of our metabolic system. This experience of Christian Rosenkreuz takes place on the Fifth Day which means early in the Fifth Cultural Period. It is a knowledge that can only be perceived by means of a study of Nature. This is why in the beginning of the Fifth Period natural science developed so greatly even though it completely misunderstood its task. We can see this by the Book of Nature. The Chymical Marriage means that later we can bring about a similar process in our own selves, as we will learn on the Sixth Day. After this Christian Rosenkreuz looks around and sees that the cauldron and Tree are perpetually heated by lights that look like stones. As a result of their fire the tree is constantly melting and in melting renews its fruits. When the Tree is completely liquid, Venus will awaken and become the mother of a new King. This will be the end of the earth state, pralaya and the beginning of a new phase.
“On the other side of the vault is a copper door to which the youth guides him. He opens it, and there is Venus in her bed, sleeping. Rosenkreuz is stunned, seeing Venus in her nude beauty, for the curious youth also lifts the cover of the bed. It is explained to him that this is a vision which no mortal eyes can have. It is something that appears to his supersensible perceptions. There is an inscription, which I believe refers to an initiation in the realm of nature…
“As Christian Rosenkreuz withdraws from the deepest secret of Nature, Cupid appears…Cupid is suspicious, because he does not want any human to see the deepest secret of Nature. Rosenkreuz tells an emergency lie. He says, ` We did not see anything at all.’ Cupid, still suspicious, takes an arrow, dips it into one of the lights to heat it, and shoots it at Christian Rosenkreuz, wounding him in the hand, so that a little blood drips out. It is interesting regarding Christian Rosenkreuz that although he is a high initiate he still has a little vulnerable spot. The day he was drawn from the tower with a rope he hurt his head, and now that he is wounded by the arrow, he tells us this old wound opened and began to hurt again.”
We understand that it is in our own age of science that Rosenkreuz penetrates to the Tree of life, Yggdrasill. We see as well that it is the crystal world of the stones that supply the continuous heat from the roots of creation. That is why the dwarf and gnome layers of reference were included in the Nordic vision of the stratum of active spiritual forces humanity needs to contend with in our alliance with silicon technology. We have no moral or ethical guidelines, if we consider the silicon-mineral realm unattended by any divine agencies. They are fully attended by the type of being Wagner, Tolkien and the Nordic Initiates warned us about and as well as those included in Steiner’s Mystery Dramas and his numerous comments. Every other culture, including the Native Americans, pay homage or respect to the stratum of forces and beings operative from this mineral kingdom.
When Rosenkreuz tells the typical Fifth Epoch lie, that every politician uses to avoid the responsibility for his actions, Cupid dips the tip of his arrow into the hot stone of the silicon world and nicks the palm of Rosenkreuz with it. Aphrodite we know was pierced in the palm in the fifth book of the Iliad and her immortal ichor of blood flowed because of a mortal. Once more a mortal is messing with Aphrodite/Venus only this time it is a mortal that is wounded, not the goddess. In the same spot where Christ was nailed to the cross, where the palm of His hand was wounded on Good Freyja’s day, Christian Rosenkreuz is also nicked.
We have seen how one of our hands was comprised when the Fenrir wolf ate the hand of Odin’s son, when he left it in the mouth of Fenrir for a guarantee. The guarantee was that the gods would release ravaging ahriman if he couldn’t break the bonds. It was a lie, because the gods wanted a way to bind the forces of ahriman/fenrir and therefore when the dark dwarfs made their fiber optic leash that held fenrir, they refused to release him and fenrir snapped off one of the hands Tyr, the son of Odin.
In the Atlantean epoch Christian Rosenkreuz was initiated into the Jupiter Mysteries. We know that Noah escaped the Atlantean catastrophe with a two by two endangered species passenger list that resembles, by description and fact, our chromosome and DNA model. We can establish fairly clearly that the double Helix is our biological map, but also the Tree of Life, Yggdrasill, as represented by the Nordic Initiates. The Jupiter mysteries have much to do with the consolidated vessel of life carried over from one evolution of the earth to its next phase, or condition, that of Jupiter Evolution. The lock, stock and barrel from animal species, plant species and mineral worlds all the way to the human kingdom, was salvaged, almost like the stolen secret plans from a clandestine initiation school, operated from its hidden base in the Atlantean culture. These secrets were carried to safety by Noah out of the dangerous political and ahrimanic intrigues that toppled ancient Atlantis.
These viral, genetic and divine nature blueprints are now the potent weapons of the Fifth Cultural Epoch. These are the very core of the Noah mystery. Christian Rosenkreuz, having seen the mysteries of Jupiter evolution and the transformation of Venus, under her bed coverings of nature, must now become the guardian of the threshold for the Fifth epoch, where science begins to dig its claws into the mysteries of nature’s genetic structure.
As early as April 5th of 33 A.D. Magdalene/Freyja, in the initial hours before dawn, witnesses the etheric distillation of the entire super-structure of nature. In order to carry the scale, variance and physics field-systems, of the human form, fully over into the Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan evolutions, a pivotal event must occur. This event must connect from Noah, to Christ and it does, with the mystery of the dove. From the dove-milk, distilled from the quintessence of natures forces, emerges everything that Earth Evolution and the Atlantean catastrophe was about. It was all about completing the finished, calibrated, refined, prototype. This phantom prototype hovered visibly around the Christ Being in his last twenty-four hours as a man on earth.
When Christian Rosenkreuz lifted the veil of Venus, a veil that no man dared lift, natures secrets were uncovered. It was an Isis veil, Novalis deals with this in his Disciples of Sais. The `Veil of Isis’ which no mortal could dare lift without pathological damage was captured in a story written by Novalis called `The Disciple of Sais’.
“The statue of the goddess at Sais in Egypt:- `I am she who was, who am, and who shall be; my veil no mortal has lifted.’
Novalis, Paralypomena: – `To one it chanced; he raised the veil of the goddess at Sais. But what did he see? He saw – wonder of wonders – himself!’
Novalis, The disciples at Sais : – `And if no mortal, according to that inscription there, lifts the veil, then we must seek to become immortal; whoever does not will to lift it is no true disciple of Sais.'”
“Other allusions to the myth occur in Novalis’ earlier prose parable THE DISCIPLES AT SAIS: `is it not true,’ one of the disciples asks, `that stones and forests obey music and, tamed by it, submit to every will like domestic animals?’ And the enigmatic Teacher is described in these words:
`…He watched the stars and imitated their course and positions in the sand. Into the ocean of the air he gazed incessantly; and never tired of observing its clearness, its movements, its clouds, its illumination. He collected stones, flowers, beetles of every kind and arranged them in various patterns in front of him. To men and animals he gave his attention, on the shores of the sea he sat and looked for shells. To his own heart and thoughts he listened intently. He did not know where his longing would lead him. When he had grown up, he wandered about, viewed other countries, other seas, other atmospheres, stones that were strange to him, unknown plants, animals, men; descended into caves, saw how the earth has been built up in shelves and many-colored layers, and pressed clay into curious rock formations. Now he discovered familiar patterns everywhere, only weirdly mingled and combined, and in this way often the strangest objects fell into order in his mind. Soon he looked for analogies in all things, conjunctures, correspondences; till he could no longer see anything in isolation. – All the perceptions of his sense crowded into great variegated images; he heard, saw, touched and thought at the same moment. He loved to bring strangers together. Now stars were men to him, now men were stars, stones were animals, clouds were plants; he played with the powers and phenomena, he knew just where and how to find this shape and the other, to make them appear; and thus he himself drew tones and passages from the strings.'”
The simple gesture of lifting this covering, the veil, and seeing what no one has ever seen is a stinging indictment laid on Christian Rosenkreuz. But his relation to the Jupiter Mysteries of Atlantis makes him a prime candidate for assisting the Virgin through the difficult stages that require the focus of humanity to move forward, working together, on the design model and prototype that the Christ Being executed in His thermal-solar incarnation as the Cosmic Logos.
What warmth flowed from the Breath and Life of the Living Word is captured most clearly in the CHRONICLE OF THE LIVING CHRIST, by Robert Powell. On Saturn’s day, July 26, A.D. 32 Lazarus is brought out of the tomb by Christ. With his warmed cosmic breath and solar spiritual forces, “The apostles formed a circle around Jesus and Lazarus. Lazarus kneeled before Jesus who blessed him, laying his right hand on Lazarus’ head and breathing upon him seven times. Thus, he consecrated lazarus to his service, purifying him of all earthly connections and infusing him with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit…” In His warmed breath, as indicated through out this document, not only Consonants and Vowels issued forth from his breath and were shaped into life to become new elemental forces and beings, but also a genetic THERMOGENESIS occurred laying the ground plan for the future metamorphosis of nature. Lazarus is the first embryo in the new THERMOGENETIC Christo-biology.
We have prided ourselves on our thermonuclear reactions through out the middle of the twentieth century. We wanted to prove that we could produce the most destructive weapon in the universe. We had for our basis the theory that energy and matter were really locked up light. By cracking the seed of matter, like a walnut is cracked with a nutcracker at christmas, we PROVED something. Materialism always wants proof that spirit exits. Somethings are better left unproved but acted upon in the deepest reverence of the heart. This theory didn’t fly with the materialists who wanted insanity to prevail and wanted proof that energy and spirit, without moral content, without love, is the foundation of matter. With the destructive power of the atomic bomb, every little yuppie heart and materialist had a proof. It proved that by wounding matter by force we can soil, poison and annihilate nature and mankind from the planet. But what can be done with love?
THERMOGENESIS, the living Solar power of Light and Love walked the Earth. What massive effects could we expect from such a Being? We were lucky enough to have had, for so short a time on Earth, a Being who acted creatively, as the Cosmic Logos, within all the gentle and lawful frameworks of earth. He did not come to detonate the planet and force it to submission, but rather, seeded it, in the three years of his life on Earth, with the quintessence of all nature, the completed distilled miracle of the new chromosome metamorphosed model of the future Tenth Hierarchy. The cradled new embryo of Lazarus, lay close, under the breath of Christ in the picture of the Last Supper. Lazarus lived alone by the sustained warmth and love of the Christ Being who gently, with the nurturing power of a Cosmic Mother, cradled Lazarus near his heart. Lazarus lay his head directly on the pulsing heart of the Living Sun-Word and with each breath the Christ Word sustained him.
With each breath, with each day, with each word, with each touch of human, animal, plant or mineral; rocks, waters, plant saps, elemental forces, gold, silver, copper, refined elements that make up nature and the human form, were alchemized and changed. The Cosmic Alchemist, the synthesizer and weaver of all natures numbers, calibration, scale and variance walked the hills, tasted the waters, blessed the food, the bread, the fishes. What detailed array of forces were consecrated and transformed through the power of His THERMOGENESIS? This is what science should ask itself everyday when it wakes. What other numbers, what other miracles, what minute details can we discover today that will reveal how brilliantly, how compassionately and how lovingly the creative Logos rewove and rebuilt our dilapidated system?
The laboratory work done by Christian Rosenkreuz and the community who rise, level by level, stage by stage, through the matrix of forces that were mapped by the Christ in building the new cosmic prototype, is based on the ingredients of Freedom and intuition. It is the joy of the Cosmic Logos to allow the intelligence of its creation to discover for themselves the logical and stunning truth behind the transformations given in the CHYMICAL WEDDING. Do these truths link to the Dove-Milk mystery of the human skeleton?
“We need more purification so that we may differentiate the true from the false, the real from the imagined, the good from the bad. This process takes all afternoon. Then on the fifth floor there is the final process of purification, so that the possibility of judgement may be implanted. This means that a purely spiritual state is reached, no longer subject to astral illusion. On this floor the bird is placed in a big bathtub with a small fire under it, a white powder is placed in the water so that it becomes like milk. This white powder is purely spiritual thought which changes the way of thinking so that it becomes modest and objective and not colored by emotion.”
“Twelve nuns came in to them, bringing Galahad. They said: `Sir, we bring here this child, the which we have nourished. And we pray you for to make him a knight.’ `Sir Lancelot beheld that young squire, and saw he was seemly and demure as a dove;”
“The new soul is not at all complete when it is born, so it is nourished with the sum of past experience and our present-day knowledge. As a result of this nourishment it loses its feathers and obtains new white ones. This is to say, the false and illusionary thought from the past is replaced by free thought.”
The intricate working together of the nine, under the supervision of the Virgin, is far more complex, detailed and wonderful than I am able to comprehend at this time. We can say, as Sergei Prokofieff has indicated in his book, ETERNAL INDIVIDUALITY that, “the zodiacal region of the Virgin is the source of all the forces of virginal purity in our cosmos.” It is indicated by Willi Sucher as either the navel or central key to the location of God. But it might just as well be the source where the blueprints that the Virgin is following, like a recipe, are located. In that case, as a Virgo, I am doubly honored to have descended to earth with some of her virtues. It would take me many, many more years to comprehend how the future forces, the upper stages of the Chymical Wedding, finally achieve the cultural ability to produce what Christ ultimately produced on April 5th, 33 A.D. Part of the answer may lie in the constellation of Virgo.
The further course of earth evolution is not just a gift, it is an adventure in knowledge that will steer the entire course of nature to a new reality. Each individual piece of the puzzle, from each individual contribution, from each mineral, plant, animal and human are needed to bring to fulfillment this staggering cultural gift. This is no free ride, mainly because it stands with humanity to choose between the two courses. This is the moth and the butterfly mysteries. Each of us must put in the time and effort to give our thinking a new white garment. Dove-White objective thinking, Logos thinking, that can stand, without all the emotional baggage we bring, before the face of nature and the mystery of humanity.
“13 And one of the elder answered saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the lamb.”
Revelations 7:13-14
The tribulation is all about who is qualified to unseal the book of nature? Will it be Ahrimanic science or Spiritual Science with its beginnings in Anthroposophy? The catastrophe that changed the landscape of the earth and nature in Atlantis was mainly due to the question of who would bring to conclusion the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS? The Finished Work or Accomplished work was brought to fulfillment on April 5th 33 A.D. It is shrouded in mystery and unapproachable unless we have the tools to decipher the moral, ethical and cosmic forces that have brought about the transformation. These tools can only be comprehended when spiritual science comes to the aid of material science. Material science alone is the doomed vessel of a severed cosmic system that must drift like a corpse away from the main body of Earth evolution.
Who is capable of unsealing the book of Nature, is certainly not Ahriman, but he is presenting a fascinating and addictive technological picture of spit and polish against the image of the divine. What is lacking is the essence, the warmth, the true human and compassionate sympathy that Christ walked the Earth with. It is friends, not profits; it is brotherhood, not military capability; it is empathy and curiosity about every detail of species and nature forces, from the stars to the depths of the earth, from the Sun and Solar System; to the variable and scaled up numbers of the Milky Way that the Mayan and Aztecs tracked. Inhumanity, deceit, disrespect to the environment, water, plants and animals and the enslavement of the silicon world, without any ethical application of technology, is Ahrimanic.
To follow the recipe and produce what is finally propagated in the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz is to gather up the entire Earth evolution and carry it to the Jupiter evolution. This is the job of humanity, Christianity and science. Transformations and changes in the material structure must follow what Goethe understood as `exact sensorial fantasy’ and we understand in Goethean Science as metamorphosis.
Each liberating match we make in the Emerald Tablet of nature allows us to complete one more step in the recipe that Christ has left for us to discover. The morphogenetic field that links things together will undergo, through our compassion and love, a THERMOGENETIC change. We must dump the concept thermonuclear and replace it with THERMOGENESIS. The new eggs of conception must roll from our listening ears to our speaking larynx.
“Approximately by the fifth millennium (that is, by the beginning of the second half of the sixth epoch), the capacity will again develop – albeit on a completely different plane – of exerting a magical influence upon the world through the word, a capacity which in the early stages of Atlantean times, and to a lesser degree even until the beginning of the third post-Atlantean epoch, had – in a completely different form – once been possessed by mankind in full measure. By this time the human larynx will have become so spiritualized that the spirit-permeated word will again be able, to some extent, to influence the processes and beings of the surrounding world, awakening in human souls now no longer abstract thoughts, as is the case today, but wholly new, moral impulses. Thus the human word will gradually become a force that can serve as a new creative element in earthly evolution. It will then, in its effect, become truly akin to the influence of the Macrologos in our cosmos, it will become a micrologos.”
But in our Fifth Epoch, we must decide which cosmic being is capable of opening or unsealing the genetic and chromosome book of nature and commence meddling with the Finished Work and fouling it up for the Beings who seek their development from humanity. Ahriman, up till now, has been the faithful xerox copy and cloner who has woven together the numbers and blueprints of the Divine Logos with the matter and material of earth. We gaze in nature, with our eyes, upon the testy agreements made between Christ and Ahriman. The array of nature beings are all imaginations wearing Ahrimans cloths, but with fairly accurate cosmic physics and numbers in their make-up.
Christ’s deed on Earth jarred the former system of nature and put Christ and a Christ-like blueprint over Ahrimans. It must never be forgotten that the foundations of earth and the solar system were actually initiated from the blueprints of the Divine Logos and Ahriman was only hired as a material bean counter. Humanity must decide either to go with the dead and faulty version that Ahriman has faithfully upheld since the beginning of earth evolution or unite with the ideal and spiritual blueprints that were always intended for us and the beings of nature. It is time for Ahriman/Fenrir to play its trump card. What does the Fifth book of Revelations, reflecting our Fifth post-Atlantean epoch, have to say about our meddling with the unsealed book of nature?
“1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?
3 And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.
4 And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
6 And I beheld, and, lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
7 And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.
8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.
9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.
…13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.”
Revelations Chapter 5:1-13
Just as in the myth of Balder, all of creation had voiced agreement with the Cosmic I AM. This is heard by the writer of Revelations. The mystery that was enacted and created from out of our human environment, using the forces that exist from our own nature bank account, was completed here on earth. The shattering event that was so long-awaited, when Ahriman’s grip on nature would be loosened, and the Christ would assume the direction of these brand new nature forces, is agreed upon through out all worlds. It is a true Grail Mystery. It is a true dove mystery. It is an environmental mandate. It sets humanity up in our Fifth Epoch to make some shattering decisions.
If these decisions are wrong, the Finished Work of the Gods begins to collapse around our heads. Nature goes through an agonizing period of cosmic suffering and delay. Jormungand and Fenrir rip into the environment, dislodging the numbers in the foundations by creating arbitrary genetic connections.
Jormungand, further unleashes viral poisons that serve ever more awful forces that shatter the DNA and Chromosome model and attempt to freeze the human genetic model and perfect it into a simple biological machine. Forces moving through Cyberspace, by harnessing the hidden group-souls of extinct and endangered animals, plants and minerals and using pharmaceuticals to supplement human spiritual well-being, begin the kidnapping of earth.
“It is a world which emancipates itself from Nature – emancipates itself in a downward direction.”
Steiner Leading thoughts
A great portion of hell on earth, subtle psychic fields and choices that include brothers and sisters torn from one another will begin to drift apart. A writer in an Atlanta newspaper hit the nail on the head as he captured the cosmic drift away from the centered field of human spiritual activity into sub-nature.
“to swim with dolphins in a cyber sea, to imagine a future of perfect technological order, to put the imagination in the control of inauthentic images (the Virtual Cliche).. is to abdicate a genuine vision of the future. It’s like programmed dreaming or being given a coloring book that someone else has completed… I sputtered incoherently about Faustian agendas and technological theft of the soul. Mostly, though, I was aware that Mind Wave only accelerates a process that is pervasive in our society – the psyche’s abdication of control to an environment of false images. Whether through the mind-numbing assault of television or hours spent in cyberspace (my own addiction) or roaming malls for decoration, the imagination is at risk of losing self-consciousness and self-generacy… Of course, it’s totally uncool to think such things in the world of WIRED magazine readers and `Brady Bunch’ rerun watchers (who regard their hip, ironic self-commentary as an antidote to pixil-lobotomy).”
Earth and the karmic field that binds innocent ecology to the forces of the human (alchemical) atomic and psychic structures will slowly be ripped from the healthy ongoing cosmic development in Christ. Weeping and gnashing of teeth is an understatement to the world tragedy we are setting in motion during this fifth epoch of the information age.
Safe fun in Cyberspace with Cyberpunks and `puter geeks is a loaded deck and Steiner rightfully uses the word perilous to describe the addiction. All of the bundled sickness of cultural vampirism and nihilism was collected in the film ADDICTION, because there is hardly anyway to describe the philosophic death trap that will pull, rip and tear the body of creation away from its central and supreme mystery. The outer Sun flowed inwards through the reversed physics of the inner Finished Work of the Gods. From within now, the new blueprints can lift humanity and nature upwards to an ever more profound spiritual metamorphosis. This is one of the staggering revelations in THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH.
“And so in the distant future, when a more spiritual condition of the Earth has become a reality, and the final goal of both these mysteries is attained, the human being will, through the working together of the transformed larynx and heart, be able to give birth, out of himself, to beings of like nature to himself.”
Christ as Alchemist and Architect, as is His custom, has left a method and a path to the attainment of His higher spiritual Prototype. A wide Goethean path, full of mysterious connections and hidden insights, that when pulled together, the wide design of the upper worlds becomes clear under the scrutiny of our microscopes. As humanity penetrated deeper and deeper during the fifth epoch into the map of Asgard, Midgard and Hel, higher and higher patterns of the design work were revealed. Floor by floor, period by period the assistants to the Virgin in the Chymical Wedding mount higher and higher as humanity digs deeper and deeper.
“The nine enter the seventh floor. The four who came by way of the staircase are asked to work with the ashes of the bird. The ashes were moistened with the Water of Life, heated on the fire until they melted and then poured into two moulds to be cooled. The others who had to climb from the sixth floor were meanwhile stoking the furnace, blowing air into it, etc., all the time considering themselves to be the preferred ones. These were still in the material realm. When the forms were opened they were seen to contain two beautiful images of the male and female state of man. Those performing the process now looked at the primeval image, out of which man was created. That is, if we reach a purified state our own image will be shown to us, namely we will see the ideal of the human state. These images were only four inches high but perfect. Now the blood of the bird in the golden bowl was given drop by drop to the images. This is the life blood of knowledge. They grew rapidly and visibly. Now white velvet was wrapped round them. White velvet is the new etheric substance.”
The blood of Kvasir, the Grail blood, the etherized blood is the substance that feeds these miniatures from our X and Y Chromosome structure. The Dove-Milk that we have cultivated from our transformation of the Freyja forces of our endocrine system are ignited on the four ether burners of our parathyroid glands. We gain reproductive, magical forces, as a preamble to the growing forces that are lifting themselves free of our atrophied sexual organs.
As we purify, socialize and stabilize the forces of nature, the beings already developed from the imprinted Christ Words spoken daily, and thought by Him as light messengers on earth, find new nesting places in our hearts. What warmth and knowledge, such as biodynamic agriculture achieves, is felt throughout the body of nature as warm infused, collecting and harmonizing qualities, inviting the elemental elves, Tree Spirits, stone wizards, water undines and air-sylphs to rejoin our etheric feelings, our light transformed objective thoughts and our fiery-salamander wills into a reunited, magnificent and Christ directed scientific harmony focused in the WORD.
Nourishment, plant and vegetarian refinement suitable for true human consumption; an elevation of sensitivity to the reception of inner light; the sound and form of words that carry truth to the inner ear, will all be strengthened and reawakened from their slumber and atrophy. Instead of brute force and power as the ruling patriarchal qualities we cultivate, forces of synchronisity and coincidence that reverberate throughout the fiber of nature, will respond to our needs.
Medicine would change, Agriculture would change, Astrology to Astrosophy would begin pulling in the wayward physics marauders and tie the higher worlds back together in number and word to the middle Kingdom of humanity. We can find the secret companion to each bug and flower, each favored sister plant to each brother plant. We will know the reproductive numbers that reveal the hidden codes of where to search for the Animal-Group souls.
Earth 365 days horse 360 days
Moon 28 days rabbit, 28 days
hare, rat
Venus 584 days two cows 292 X 2 days
Mars 780 days Elephant 780 days
I want to know about the Milkweed plant. Who sends the Monarch to the Pine tree as a messenger to ask the immortal Pine, who is ruled by ancient father Saturn, to convey to the Monarch the dream that sustains the plant world? What does the Monarch say to the mother MilkWeed, be patient humans still sleep? How is the airborne pod of the Milkweed seed related to the flight strength of the Monarch, allowing it to travel over 2000 miles? What are these mysteries? Is the Milkweed the mother cow of the plant world? Is the Monarch the living visible bio-heart and intuitive organ of the plants? Why was the Indian, Hindu version of Venus, pulled in her chariot by two cows? I want to know these things.
Since Buddha has entered the solar system as a Mars savior is it not odd, that The Indian god Indra, feared as a god of war, is said to ride an elephant. The two moons of Mars are named after the mythical horses of the god Mars. What is the truth behind the idea that the ear is the form of the human being as he was curled up as an embryo in the womb? Are thick long ear lobes the sign of stored spiritual light from past incarnations? Is the focus on Buddha’s ears due to the transformation of Speech that makes the Eustachian tubes and the pituitary the new source for the eggs of light that were once the work of the Fallopian tubes, source of the eggs of the human spirit form? Is Buddha revered for his long ear lobes because of the Elephant or does the identification go much, much deeper into the Indian culture and its relation to the transformation of Mars forces.( )
The Earth weighs in at 6 sextillion tons and it takes 333,000 earths to fill the Sun. This number of 333,000 is the same variable that brings the 33 1/3 or 3 1/3 years that Jesus and Christ entered the karma strewn field of Earth evolution. Since His incarnation on the Earth the 33 1/3 years that runs through history and the intensification periods of 3 1/3 years, when the Christ walked the earth and imprinted His own rhythm, have served ever since then, to signal humanity of the Etheric intensification and the presence of the Christ Being in the culture and Karma of humanity.
“Rudolf Steiner spoke of the resurrection as the `birth’ of Christ Jesus as the Risen One, and referred to the importance of the 33 1/3-year rhythm of the life of Christ Jesus leading up to this `birth.’ The time interval of 12,173 1/4 days is 33.329 years and is therefore almost exactly 33 1/3 years. The exact period of 33 1/3 years equals 33.333 and thus the life of Christ Jesus differed from this by only 0.004 years, which amounts to 1 1/2 days – that is, the exact length of the life of Christ Jesus from birth to the resurrection was 33 1/3 years less 1 1/2 days. Rudolf Steiner pointed out that, in addition to the various cosmic rhythms (the one-year rhythm of the Sun, the 29 1/2-year rhythm of Saturn, and so on), since the beginning of the Christian era a new rhythm – the 33 1/3 year rhythm of the life of Christ Jesus – has become one of the most important rhythms in the unfolding history of humanity and the Earth.”
The volume and weight of the earth is placed as a ratio, with the Being and Destiny of the Christ Being, against the weight of the Sun. Remarkable as it appears, Christ was on the clock, by the book, running on schedule and passing through the human events of the Trial and Crucifixion with deliberate cosmic steps. This was no accident. Even more remarkably, this body, this person, this living and walking Sun Spirit, in the flesh, now acts with the power of a planet. In effect it is an alchemical equation that has set a new standard rhythm above Saturn’s.
Based on the raising of Lazarus, we would expect that Lazarus would be maintained as a kind of anchor point on earth as a new cosmic being solely sustained by this new rhythm. Lazarus was raised so that the base point within the system could be anchored. In the CHYMICAL WEDDING, Christian Rosenkreuz is weighed and we find out that he weighs in heavily and surprises everyone. In Egypt the soul was weighed by the feather of Mut.
“Two hundred Knights come into the hall and erect a scaffold with a large pair of scales and seven weights. Only the person who was heavy enough to balance the seven weights passed the trial. One after the other they got on the scales. Some of the clever people who had told of their experiences did not pass at all, but were lifted up with very light weights on the other side. Very few really passed this examination. It is humorously described, the people there had a lot of fun out of it… There is quite a symbolism of numbers involved in this scene. The seven weights correspond to seven properties of the soul which are a hindrance to spiritual development…There are 126 combinations of weights and 126 people who are tried for admittance. There are seven who do not pass the first weight, twenty-one who do not pass the two weights, thirty-five the three, thirty-five the four, twenty-one the five, seven the six, and one who did not pass the seven weights. The companion of Christian Rosenkreuz passed in the fifth group to be weighed, Christian Rosenkreuz passed in the eighth group…”
The seven mighty planetary forces and a frequency of numbers is indicated in the weighing in. Saturn weighs heaviest in the personal destinies of each human being, but now a new Lord has broken the Omega gate of the Saturn vice grip. The Native Americans were the Saturn race and now another race above the Saturn race is being formed. A monumental new, cosmic pattern that places its formal frequency just above Saturn’s is the foundation for the new Lord of Karma. The Christ Spirit is literally the new Lord of the Rings. Formerly Saturn rang heavily on the karmic slate reflecting the weight of tragedy that existed in the old cosmos. This formal rhythm of Saturn is still intact, but now a new rhythm, above and beyond the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, evil terrorist style justice of Saturn, is now being managed and regulated by the Super-Human Christ Spirit.
As history and destiny have moved forward in time, the seemingly insignificant, the fairy tale, the myth, THE GREEN SNAKE AND THE BEAUTIFUL LILY kept an attentive humanity abreast of the passage and incarnation of the transforming community of the Grail family. We must know where our friends and relatives are. A new race founded on the 33 1/3 year cycle is developing slowly. All of humanity is invited, but not everyone is ready. The Grail community has always formed itself out of both the historical factors around Arthur and the Round Table, the twelve individualities connected with the Last Supper and their widening karmic circle, as well as the mythic interconnections with the Grail Castle and communities centered around England, France and Spain.
Everything described in this section of THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH has been merely catching glimpses of the updated vision of the Grail mystery. The CHYMICAL WEDDING embodies an enormous update to this mystery. The entire body of Anthroposophy and Spiritual Science is a realignment of our earth sciences, through Aristotle, over to the blueprints of a new humanity and nature inaugurated by the Christ Sun Logos as he lived and spoke as a human being from the core of planet Earth.
“Today a Message alights upon the Gral governing its highest virtue, for today is Good Friday, when one can infallibly see a Dove wing its way down from Heaven. It brings a small white Wafer to the Stone and leaves it there. The Dove, all dazzling white, then flies up to Heaven again. Every Good Friday, as I say, the Dove brings it to the Stone, from which the Stone receives all that is good on earth of food and drink, of paradisal excellence – I mean whatever the earth yields. The Stone, furthermore, has to give them the flesh of all the wild things that live below the aether, whether they fly, run or swim- such prebend does the Gral, thanks to its indwelling powers, bestow on the chivalric Brotherhood.”
The reach, that sets up a constant rhythmical center, in inner proximity with the etheric forces of the Earth, off sets a terrible alchemical process that the Nazis and the present field of repro-technology have introduced. The robbery and abduction of the psychic forces of the human community and the group-spirit-soul development of plants and animals is underway. This activity is made less feasible with the Christ-Spirit on internal, inner etheric duty. Saturn, as the bearer of lead, weight and karmic error, like the pitiful state of the Native Americans from their former grandeur, could be slowly transformed to gold through an alchemical spiritual change brought about by the Christ Being.
In the Ahrimanic picture of the universe, without Christ, the gold of immortality, compassion and substances in the atomic table of the human being, controlled by the gnome and dwarf community at the incarnation of an individual, would become of supreme importance. Like Gunnlod, we sit on powerful solar forces. In a manner of speaking they lie frozen, unused, within our inner anatomical and psychic field. If the Ahrimanic forces keep us centered on the external trappings, the supplemented and exteriorized media, cyberspace and virtual worlds, than the gold can be psychically mined from the human shell.
If on the other hand, humanity begins to listen, to learn, to see, to generate the compassion and brotherhood that stirs these inner transformations around the larynx, pituitary and pineal organs and actually begins to feel and see the working relation with the etheric Christ Being, this gold will flow back into creation. A great new inner circulation would be enlivened that would penetrate every corner of creation and rebuild, through the active Solar forces of the Sun-Word of Christ in the etheric, the karmic damage, weight and lead that is accumulating and poisoning the destiny of humanity and the solar family. The Ahrimanic forces and actual Anti-Sun forces see gold as something externally representing the Sun.
The Aztec’s knew how to use the avariceness and sadism that is stirred into life by external gold, as a counter-point to the compassion and active listening and learning that leads to the inner-sun gold of Paul. Greed, avariceness and sadism have done terrible alchemical damage to the earth. By hoarding and creating solid gold bars and by generating forces with one-sided economic mandates, deep into the body of society, by creating a false and selfish struggle for survival instead of a generous sharing of spiritual and social wealth, we have tarnished our inner gold.
In all this cyanide plays a major role. The ability of hungry cyanide to dissolve everything but gold or distill gold, reveals a powerful poison, an Ahrimanic force, that wills to devour, hoard, conserve and lock out the true gold from which the Sun is only the outer symbol. The true gold, is the wisdom and love that walked the Earth for 3 and 1/3 years.
A science, that when unleashed, was capable of production line, socially engineered, genocide, using the chemicals of hydrogen cyanide to actually distill the cosmic and immortal gold out of mortal human beings, came with a global, sticker-shock, price tag of millions dead from World War I and II. This was the nature of Zyklon B, used to gas the race that produced the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS. The same type of cyanide based gas was used in the subway bombing in Japan. Since comets have a cyanide core, we must be clear, why humanity would be suffocated in just this manner. By using ahrimanic cyanide against the sun-gold in the human being, the Nazis began to play with the Sun, Saturn and Earth as an alchemical mystery. This was not an Alchemical Wedding but rather an Alchemical nightmare.
While writing this section of the book from Atlanta, during the Olympics, a commentator compared the pipe bomb made of lead piping, used in the Centennial Square bomb blast and the quest for the Gold. He contrasted lead and gold and the striving of humanity for the gold and all that that concept means to the human spirit. Gold represents the sun and lead represents Saturn. Bullets and newspaper print were made of lead. Saturn is also the graveyard of distilled and dead substance, in that, uranium, actinium and thorium, as the three families of decayed light and matter, finally terminate in non-radioactive isotopes of lead.
Saturn was used as a shield against radioactivity. Without the new rhythm of 33 1/3 being inserted, our apparently dead solar system, could be played like a roulette wheel. If humanity remains sealed within the dead system and image of the solar family, with only the outer fields of the sun-earth-saturn and the planets, Ahriman will distill our denial into his own golden brew.
Before Christ introduced His new cosmic pattern into the system we were trapped within a dying cosmic body. Saturn was the spiritual place where humanity terminated its expansion into the spiritual hierarchies, where all its inner spiritual elements were completely and finally absorbed. Out of this, a distilled karmic future was decreed by the powerful metaphysics of the reincarnation of matter. Recycling has always been part of the inherent alchemy of this material/spiritual mystery within the planetary family. Now the same vast system remains functionally intact but a new cosmic outlet, a valve, a system loop in the helix, takes humanity upwards, like the the story of the CHYMICAL WEDDING, moving ever upwards, to higher levels.
Steiner had described how the ancient Egyptians knew about a point where the Earth crossed into and through, where the Sun had once been. There was a spiral dance, a helix like spiral lift point, where the earth, passed through the same space that was once occupied by the sun. In Walter Russell’s work such a helix like spiral not only exists in the elements of the atomic table but acts like a an incredible fountain that spills, dish, by dish into the lower fields of matter. The rhythm of 33 1/3 years now allows us to pass through the wake of the etheric sun.
The Grail knights had a great problem with the dark forces of Sicily. Wagner brought this up in his opera on Parzival. All the GODFATHER series deals with the Sicilian forces of anti-brotherhood and anti-sun. One of the greatest opponents to the Knights Templar was none other than the anti-sun spirit, who runs his own rhythm every six hundred and sixty-six years. This same spirit leaped with glee into Philip the fourth or `The Fair’ as he is known in history. Torture and Sadism were the key to his reign of terror, which lead to the hostage of the Catholic Church and the voyages of gold glut that headed into South America. As the invasion commenced the entire poisons of a viral infested europe were unleashed on the unsuspecting Incas and served as the first model of biological warfare. These anti-sun forces powered up around 1332, they are now powering up again for the year 1998.
It was the terrible weight of earthly karma that flowed directly out of Saturn that crippled Anfortas, the Grail King. It was a wound in the groin or scrotum that agonized the Fisher King. On the other side of the spectrum, the Sicilian, Klingsor had an equally traumatizing experience that made him as sinister and dark a magician as Empedocles was an Initiate of the white forces. Klingsor and the Grail knights were Shadow and Light to the constant forces that centered around the endocrine system and the reproductive forces shrouding the Grail in myth and mystery.
Of Anfortas we can understand how the mystery of love and Freyja played out against the background of the Grail story in no uncertain terms.
“When my father Frimutel lost his life, his eldest son was summoned to the Gral as King and Lord Protector both of the Gral and its Company. This was my brother Anfortas, who was worthy of the Crown and its dominion. At that time we were still quite small. But when my brother approached the age at which the first bristles begin to show, Love assailed him, as is her way with striplings – she presses her friends so hard that one may call it dishonorable of her. But any Lord of the Gral who seeks love other than that allowed him by the Writing will inevitably have to pay for it with pain and suffering fraught with sighs.
“As the object of his attentions my lord and brother chose a lady whom he judge of excellent conduct – as to who she was, let it rest. He served her with unflinching courage, and many shields were riddled by his fair hand. As knight-errant the charming, comely youth won fame so exalted that he ran to risk of its being surpassed by any in all the lads of chivalry. His battle-cry was `AMOR!’, yet that show is not quite right for humility.
“One day- his nearest and dearest did not at all approve – the King rode out alone to seek adventure under Love’s compulsion and joying in her encouragement. Jousting, he was wounded by a poisoned lance so seriously that he never recovered, your dear uncle- through the scrotum.”
The youthful forces of courage and sexuality are not meant to be squandered or wallowed in past their appointed time. Responsibility for Grail or Dove insights, today in men and women, requires an ability to see the seriousness of reality. We who attempt to follow the new revelations of the Grail must see the seriousness of the world as well as its beauty.
Beauty and love must not come as blunted dogmas into the power of imagination and joy with which the new virginal forces begin to awaken the inner light and compassion in us, when we begin working as Prospero did. We must joy and command in ourselves the fugitive forces that Love lets loose in order to direct them and recognize the new transformation of Freyja and the first inklings of the dove. In Christian Rosenkreuz’s enthusiasm and intensely kindled interest in Venus, his eyes had intercourse and his knowledge awoke, and for his karmic relation to the Jupiter Mysteries of Atlantis, Cupid, justifiably, snaps an arrow at him.
With the shadow side of our nature we are subject to the forces that befell Klingsor, the sworn enemy of the Grail. This Shadow of us is our own magnetic double. In the story of the Grail, we have the reproductive center of two males that are wounded, each embroiled in a real mid-life crisis of the blood. The conflict between the atrophy of the endocrine system and its transformation to the Necklace of the Brisings and the seed, the male chromosome factor, that bears all of Saturn’s human karma and error in it, opposes the normal instincts of man, family, brotherhood and bonding.
Both Anfortas and Klingsor have these urges. But in our male bonding, echoed in the activity of the mafia, we have a continuation of blood and instincts that have refused to take up a new position and a new revelation to our blood that only the Grail can satisfy. Therefore the selling of drugs, and drug trafficking, trading destructive weaponry, biological warfare and technologically sinister arms deals, are now the publics, open mystery of Klingsor.
“His kinsman Clinschor did as follows. His capitol was Capua. The paths he trod in pursuit of honour were so lofty that honour did not elude him. The name of Duke Clinschor was on the lips of men and women till disaster overtook him – in this way. There was a King of Sicily called Ibert, and the name of his wife was Iblis. She was the loveliest person ever weaned. Clinschor became her Servitor till she rewarded him with her love. It was for this that the King put him to shame. If I am to tell you Clinschor’s secret it must be you good leave, since it is improper for me to name the circumstances in which he turned sorcerer. – With a cut he was made a capon.
“…Clinschor suffered this supreme humiliation…up in Kalot enbolot, famed fort its strength. The king found Clingschor with his wife, he was asleep in her embrace. If his was a warm bed, he had to leave a deposit for it – he was levelled off between his legs by royal hands, the sovereign deemed it his due. The king trimmed him in his body to such effect that he is unserviceable to any woman today for her sport.
“…-it was in a place called Persida that magic was first contrived. Clinschor repaired there and procured the means of bringing to pass by enchantment whatever he fancies. Because of the dishonour to his body he no longer bears good will to man or woman, I mean those of worthy disposition, for it gratifies his heart to deny them any happiness he can.”
One unanswered question that haunts me in this study is the spear that pierced the side of Christ, the lance, that allowed a gush of blood to pour out of him. This lance appears connected to the wound that Anfortas suffers from. My question pertains to the issue of blood that marks the menstrual cycle of women.
In Anfortas a cycle that has to do with Saturn brings him into something that is much more than cramps, more than agony, as if all of creation rested on the agony of Saturn and the groin of Anfortas. Indeed, the closed system of Saturn’s former cosmic rulership has been breached. Instead of the 29 1/2 year rhythm of Saturn the new 33 1/3 year rhythm of Christ, begins once more to pull creation back towards the matriarchy. Anfortas is stuck with an open wound that cannot be healed, while Klingsor, on the opposite side has locked down, and cut off any exit to the new divine rhythm through castration. It is as if Anfortas caught between the transition from patriarchy to matriarchy while serving the Grail, suffers intensely as if he had acquired a portion of the matriarchal cosmic mystery while in his male body.
“Now tell me, did you see the Lance at Castle Munsalvaesche? We knew from the wound and the summer snow that the planet Saturn had returned to its mark… The advent of certain planets which stand so high one above the other and which return at different speeds, gives the denizens here great sorrow; and the change of the moon, too, is bad for the wound.”
“…never before or since has the King been in such pain as when the planet Saturn thus announced its advent, for it is its nature to bring great frost. Laying the Lance on the wound as had been done before failed to help us, so this time it was thrust into the wound. Saturn mounts so high that the wound sensed it before the other frost that followed;”
Pain was excruciating for Anfortas because he could not die, even though he begged the knights of the Grail to kill him and end his misery, each sight of the Grail sustained both his agony and his life. The shields and armor of the Grail community are marked with TURTLE DOVES as their sacred emblem. The bleeding lance and the suffering Anfortas was the key to the great question. The great question has to do with the ability of a person to awaken in themselves the sense for the suffering that is felt in creation. Each person is now in a position to ask why the situation here on Earth is so desperate. You would have to recognize that as a fact and not be in a state of denial before the question would come from your heart to your lips. You would have to have some hope in your heart that there might be an answer to that question.
Today we would have to be blind not to see the condition of our earth, as the Finished Work of the Gods, no longer as a haven of woodlands and forests filled with nature’s many marvels, but as an eroding nightmare with nothing in society getting better, except the band aids and excuses we make. The earth should be loaded with millions of Parzivals all asking the unasked question. But you see from this work, that the pieces of the puzzle have to be put together and made sense of and even then the staggering reality of Solar physics in each human soul as well as in nature is hard to believe. It is easier to simply not ask, not seek, and whine complacently to authorities who have not asked and who seek not nor believe that they can become effective.
Writing appears on the Grail cup. Words, concepts, riddles, names, appear on the Grail. This makes me tend to believe that it is an internal, interpretive, intuitive and emotional field that lights up within the mind’s eye. A question we carry intensely becomes answered through the interior medium of light and gold that we consciously carry in our development. In the Grail community, unconsciousness, un-thought, unasked doesn’t count. It is what you weigh up inwardly and how much you weigh up inwardly that determines your association with the Grail community and the rhythm of 33 1/3 that has established itself as a new reality through the Christ.
Poets, like myself, have a new mission. Both science and art must compliment our intuitions in order to catch the Christ Spirit. It is not a world of vague feelings, left over from the middle ages, that can satisfy me anymore. Only my colleagues or my own conscious and growing discoveries in this new world can bring me closer to the rhythm that now exists and is establishing itself as a new race. Bit by bit and not always byte by byte we are gathering new knowledge to take with us over to this new creation. It is we who must gather the mysteries and the clues to load on board for the Jupiter evolution.
Christ, and His most loyal divine defender, Michael, an Archai, made so, through the ascension of Buddha from human to Angel, raises the most noble feelings and lets one know in so many different ways, what Frank Capra described in It’s a Wonderful Life. A mood, like a bell or an inner light and warmth, that sounds like what ZuZu said at the end of the movie when the christmas tree bells tingled. ZuZu’s petals, were the ROSE petals that saved Jimmy Stewart’s or George Baily’s life. It is the task of Christian Rosenkreuz to do just that, pull individuals back from the brink. It is a Rosecrucian mystery and it is the continuous job of the guardian of the threshold to dramatically throw the opportunity out to join the Grail Community.
“The Fountain of Life was placed in the center, and all were standing around in proper order. The Virgin opens the box. It contains a globe wrapped in green cloth. This is the earth in springtime when the plants start to grow. It is also a symbol of the Holy Grail at springtime. The Holy Grail was a half-globe of green color. Only when it was filled with spiritual substance, did it become transparent, red. The cup shown at Valencia, Spain, which was used for the celebration of mass by the Knights of the Grail in their castle in the Pyrenees in the sixth and seventh centuries, was considered traditionally to be the cup used by Joseph of Arimathea. It is of green, semiprecious stone.”
In the CHYMICAL WEDDING the mysteries of the Grail continue to surface. This is not the sixth and seventh centuries but the fifteenth century. The CHYMICAL WEDDING continues to work powerfully into the undercurrents of the growing industrial age and scientific age that came rushing upwards in human evolution. Spiritual Science clocks in as the twentieth century dawns. Anthroposophy carries all of the ancient mythologies and the seeds of the new sciences and the new creation that contains the Christ blueprints in them. Humanity, now in the twentieth century, is mature enough and must comprehend a scientific world that has in it incredible new biological miracles, because of the Christ event. How do those miracles sound in the DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH? They sound the way Sergei Prokofieff outlined them in his work, ETERNAL INDIVIDUALITY.
“This high ideal of a future, purely spiritual means of reproduction, that is, in the highest sense, of `immaculate conception’, was from the early Middle Ages always represented in the mysteries of esoteric Christianity through the image of the Holy Grail. In later times, the knowledge of this occult mystery, which has so fundamental a significance for the entire future evolution of mankind, passed over to the Rosicrucians. In their mystery schools the goal of human evolution, referred to above, was spoken of in the following words: `See how the plant inclines its calyx innocently towards the Sun, how the sunbeam kisses its blossom. This was called the chaste kiss of the sunbeam, the holy lance of love. In the chaste kiss of the sunbeam, the holy lance of love, to which the calyx of the plant opens, there was seen to be an indication of the ideal of a future age, when man will again lead the evolution of his organs towards the chastity of the plant. In our time, man is evolved to the stage where he is permeated with desires. His evolution will continue to unfold to the point where he has transformed his desires, where he is once again kissed by the spiritual sunbeam, where he brings forth his own kind at a higher level, where the power of reproduction is spiritualized; in the mystery school this was called the Holy Grail. The true ideal of the Holy Grail is an organ that man will have when his reproductive power is spiritualized.
“This new organ of reproduction, called her the Holy Grail, will, however, as we have seen, be made up of the activity of two transformed organs: the heart and the larynx. Rudolf Steiner speaks about this as follows: ` There are within man organs of two different kinds, those which are on the way to becoming imperfect and will gradually fall away and those which are still in the process of formation. All lower organs, the sexual organs, will fall away. The heart and the larynx, on the other hand, are organs which will be perfected and find their full development only in the future.’ In another lecture he speaks about this with full clarity: `Above all there will be a transformation of the larynx and the heart. In future, they will be the organs of reproduction.’ The heart and the larynx are the new spiritual organs of reproduction whose interaction, in the far future, `will bring forth beings similar to man.’ It is they that are engraved, as symbols of the future evolution of a humanity which has overcome earthly birth and death, in the imagination of the Sun Chalice and the lance of love, the transformed heart and larynx.”
We can take our evolution in the Gradual sense, as Walter Johannes Stein indicated. “The word `GRAIL’ is derived from the Latin word gradalis, signifying a gradual or step-by-step descent.” We can pursue, slowly and carefully, what is indicated by Freyja. She must sleep with four mega-phases of evolution, each releasing a potent key in order to perfect something very profound that has to do with sex, reproduction and Speech. We now know something of this mystery, but we should enjoy the possibility of learning everything we can about these “ascending seven steps to a `source of wisdom’, the `highest architect of the world.'” The CHYMICAL WEDDING forces us to look into this ascending potential that has for its end the production of a new human race and a new nature.
We can go the other route, which is not wrong, the Tantra route, but not exactly on track either. That is we can focus all our attention on sex and conclude, with our new-found twentieth century faculty of “Instant Gratification” that keys itself off sex, that all we need do is to cultivate that cultural prerogative. After the sixties, when it became too dangerous to enjoy sexual gratification without guilt or fear, consumer gratification came into society as metamorphosed lust. You can have it all! Now. This is really a form of sublimated sexual drives, refocused and aimed directly into our consumer driven society.
Sex twists around in many forms, but for Ahriman, it is well positioned in the market place and at the mall. We can gloat, we can charge it, we can play in world that feels full of gold, and loaded with material desires. These political and cultural impulses were all prepared ahead to divert the culture of the nineties and the sixties from continuing the true course that love and brotherhood leads to.
“This could be interpreted as meaning that the rose of perfection can only be plucked when mastery of the sexual force has been attained.
“Whether any Europeans practiced anything akin to Taoist alchemy is difficult to establish, but it seems unlikely that the tradition of sexual alchemy was completely unknown in the West. If anything of the kind did exist in Europe it would account for the extreme care with which alchemical secrets were guarded from the profane – for the use of sex in this way would have been regarded with almost universal abhorrence in Europe until recent times.
“Very often we find a sexual dimension to Rosicrucianism The Comte de Gabalais speaks of `marriage’ with elemental spirits. Elias Ashmole and Thomas Vaughan appear to have used sex in a magical way, and later Paschal Beverly Randolph was to do the same. All this leads to the conclusion that there was a sexual strain in Rosicrucianism which was stumbled upon by some, though not all, of its practitioners.”
The problem of course is that way back with the Nordic Initiates, the pitfalls and pratfalls of Freyja were known. They shared, with Freyja and with humanity a vision that the sexual organs would atrophy and that Freyja must do something different and perhaps unpleasant to her normal sense of erotica.
Freyja desires a piece of jewelry, THE NECKLACE OF THE BRISINGS, isn’t that quaint. Ahriman conceived of the idea of moving desires up a notch into a form of consumer addiction. After all Freyja had to move upwards in some manner and the sixties generation had the peace symbol of the dove and we all know where that leads. Freyja and the factors in our own endocrine systems must sleep with four misshapen cosmic dwarfs who were pivotal, if not disgusting, in order for us to attain a new position over sexual idealism. Ahriman said, to hell with idealism, Freyja wants to look pretty, in her pretty new necklace and is willing to pay any price to get it. Sex therefore translates, for Ahriman, into consumer lust and it is indeed a downward step.
The Nordic Initiates knew that we would have to have sex with the mineral kingdom first. Our culture today would have to have sexual relations, become seduced, and begin a long process of intercourse with the silicon world. While this was distasteful to Freyja it was the only way Freyja could lift herself free of the impending atrophy merging with the future human endocrine system. This seduction is part of the last half of earth evolution but most importantly in the rhythms of three, we must look to the final temptation of Christ in the wilderness, where Ahriman presses Christ to answer the riddle of how to make STONES into BREAD. This matter merits closer attention because this is the mystery of our own information age.
“Sweet Honey and the Rock”( )
Our work in this part of the DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH is to come into direct contemplation of the entire silicon-mineral conspiracy and extract its most intense and powerful implications. We are making enormous amounts of bread, money, drachmas, dinero, from hi-tech silicon systems. We know that in the human realm, humanity has been shy to examine the moral codes that exist in this silicon world.
These codes have been delivered in myths and fairy-tales and for this reason humanity, and good protestants sail along with a lot of Biblical vagaries that scarcely touch the mystery of our information age. Therefore, without conscious clarity on the subject, humanity can go to church on sunday; and on monday dive back into the shark pool and feeding frenzy with very little reflection on their true ethical position. In other words, the church has given very little ammunition to humanity, so that we might stand tall in the midst of the oncoming tidal flow of the information age and not have our reality, morality and the entire genetic structure of nature and mankind be swept away. If they knew this was at stake, if good spirits knew that this was the decision of our time, in our age, from now till the year 2047 we must culturally answer what Christ was asked by Ahriman; they would have a key to this cultural enigma.
“2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered.
3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
Matthew chapter 4:2-4
Before we obey any silicon seduction, any technological mandate, humanity is obliged to obey the path of the WORD. The path of the WORD is what I have sketched here and others, of greater learning, have also sketched before me. But in this temptation, Jesus, the high initiate, remembers something that has been written about this very subject, before him, and knocks Ahriman flat with it. We must learn to hit ahriman in the head with his own facts. Where was this written?
“3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live.”
Deuteronomy chapter 8:3
The above tells us things about hunger, about economy, about truth versus lies, about putting technology above the revelation of the divine. These issues are tightly bound together with this visitation by Ahriman. But this visitation multiplies exponentially as we move with the Christ rhythm through time and arrive, exactly where the first seed of this encounter was met with the full force of the I AM.
The seed of this encounter was laid in the soil of time but it has now arrived in the cycle of rhythms that places humanity head on with the intensity of the issue of; upon whose blueprints will we lay our foundations? Upon whose blueprints will we base our new universe? Will Ahriman be our foundation, the foundation of our new world order, our new Atlantis, our new genetic genie? Will the Christ, as the WORD, and all that the WORD entails be able to support humanity through this very harrowing cosmic question? Is the Christ authorized to be the foundation stone? First of all, we have to see the question and slip our thoughts into the stream of time.
We have attempted in these essays to enter into new master physics of the ethical Christ Sciences. We have established that the Christ has become Lord of the Rings, by placing a rhythm into the center of the earth, that reverses and bends the karmic pull and weight that Saturn held on the human spirit. Now a force, totally humanized and emanating with the strength and love of the Sun, able to transform the poisonous forces of karmic error we have accumulated, has set a rhythm pattern of 33 1/3 years within the earth. With this new rhythm, greater than Saturn, but wisely mature, an entire new race and a new nature field is being taken on board a new Noah vessel. Indeed Lazarus/John is asked to stay here on duty, until the fulfillment and return of the Christ Being. In the CHYMICAL WEDDING of Christian Rosenkreuz we saw that the new prototype of the new human race was clearly underway.
Robert Powell, in his work called, CHRONICLE OF THE LIVING CHRIST, outlined what the Christ Being set in motion as he entered our history with the mighty spiritual and human forces of the Sun. To understand this, we might be able to grasp the concept that a new planet or dense cosmic pattern is now moving through the earth plane on a thirty-three and one-third year cycle.
To understand this we have only the myths and the sagas of the ancient gods, Zeus, Odin, Aphrodite, Apollo, to indicate to us what the possibility of such a strange planetary event might mean. In THE DESTINY OF HUMAN SPEECH, we must stand within this new myth as the Greeks stood within their ancient world. Through Spiritual Science we must once more converse in the terms of matter, anatomy, spirit and the gods. Our DNA, the Tree of Life, Yggdrasill, the north-pole axis and the cellular structure must all agree, sensibly and scientifically.
We need also to know that, as the Christ Being walked the Earth for 3 1/3 years, the living penetration into the Earth’s aura of his deeds and life, could still be observed, shimmering in the etheric, like the wake of a great boat caught in the golden splendor of a sunset. We might compare it to a host of gold coins dropped in a rushing river, as the Christ moved, step by step, and Word by Word through his journey on Earth. The coins, metaphorically, were impressed into the stream of time.
In the case of Christ, Heracleitus of Ephesus ( ), was wrong. Heracleitus said something to the effect that you can only cross a stream the same way once, because the water and the pattern would never be repeated. But the steps Christ took, were each sealed into the stream, like a yellow brick road, because He was the stream and the etheric. The coins are still there but the waters of our culture have disturbed our vision of them. Anyone who is trained and follows the trail can make an identification of the COSMIC WORD as it walked as man. We proved that Mary Magdalene made voice identification, even though the Being she heard speak to her at the tomb, did not resemble the one she had known on earth.
I AM identification, is the last line of defense for the human spirit. Fingerprints can be traced, voice patterns can be identified and traced, handwriting can be traced, credit card numbers and social security numbers can be traced. Eyes can be clearly used as identification. Our heat signature can be used as identification. In computer games and programming even our thought signature can be identified. This type of identification told the Nordic Initiates that chips of dead men’s nails, loaded with the biographical data of the human being, like his DNA pattern, could as well be used for both information and tracking of the human being. Lastly, but pre-eminently, identity of a human I AM, who carries a specific identity through time, can be traced consciously, without the use of hypno-therapy or past life regression. I reiterate this because the gospel writers could still read the imprint that the Christ left in the world. Up to a certain time after Christ, there were still a few men and women, including Anne Catherine Emmerich, who were able to see this sun-trail through the earth.
The faculty to read this trail and follow the ever-present and living Architect of the new cosmos, the Builder, is what the etherization of the blood and the Grail were all about. The ability to read this for ourselves and not depend on the church and not depend on faulty, frail materialists, to do our reading for us, as is their scanty and limp custom, but develop ourselves concurrently along with the actual tide of the true path that leads creation back to the Father, through His Son’s sun-gold wake, is why we are here on earth.
“We are now in a position to reflect further on the question of the significance of the Saturn time equation in relation to the future. Once again, thanks to Rudolf Steiner, it is possible to grasp something of what this means: for on numerous occasions, Steiner spoke about two streams of time. Every human being stands in a flow of time extending from the past to the future. This has to do with the etheric body, which is the bearer of the memory and biography. The second stream flows from the future into the past and has to do with the astral body, which is not only the bearer of passions and instincts, but also prophetically guides a person to the fulfillment of his or her destiny. Against this background of the two streams of time, it is evident that, whereas the 33 1/3-year rhythm is that of Christ Jesus’ etheric body, the 29 1/2-year Saturn time equation has to do with Christ’s astral body.
“…Historically – that is, `biographically’ with respect to the Being of Christianity – we are still today living in the period that correlates to the forty days in the wilderness and are, in fact, even now moving towards its climax. Christ Jesus spent the forty days in the wilderness on a mountain east of the Dead Sea – a lonely, deserted, and barren place. Here he fasted and was tempted three times. Indeed, the entire forty days was a period of trial leading up to the `three temptations’ – culminating in the third temptation, representing Satan’s final, concentrated onslaught.
“Now, the forty `embryonic days’ signify, historically, forty revolutions of the planet Saturn or 1,180 years (40 times 29 1/2).( ) Adding this to 869, we see that the end of the forty days, projected historically, will occur in the year 2049 (more precisely 2047, since Saturn’s exact orbital period is slightly less than 29 1/2 years). Clearly, then, we are now living near the close of the historical correlate to the forty days in the wilderness; in fact, we are in the last two `days’ of the temptation! Two `days’ only -two Saturn cycles- remain.”
It is the obligation and necessity of Fenrir/Ahriman to play a game of poker with the Christ Being, alone and in true Bergman style, over the fate of the human family. Ahriman/Fenrir can turn stones into Bread. He can take the body, which is really called the Bread, the substance of the Logos, and use this etheric value, robbing it of its living Freyja qualities and channeling this etherized blood and body into lifelessness. In fact Ahriman can take bread and turn it to stones or through silicon technology and genetic engineering turn stones into bread. Facing the Sun-Spirit was the question that is now hitting us all with such force. Does the WORD have forces and potential in it yet undiscovered, unused? We know this is absolutely true, but it remains unheard and unused in our present seduction with the silicon world. We are busy, like Freyja, having intercourse with one of the dwarfs, the first one.
But are we busy, assuming Freyja is at the mall, shopping for goodies in a fit of consumer addiction? This is not what Freyja is doing but this is what Ahriman and Lucifer have placed as a cultural plot of glut and lust before our eyes, as the boon of the mineral/silicon world. Americans are surrounded with more luxuries than have ever been produced on the planet. This glittering, shining thing is not the Necklace of the Brisings, this is the numbing of our sense of ethical discernment on a grand cosmic scale. This is external gratification without torching up the inner burners of our own spiritual forces.
We are surrounded by an externally induced form of clairvoyance perpetuated by an ever-deepening addiction to media-technology. Our inner ability to Love does not have to be fueled up, we can rely on mere externals, we coast along with the slowly atrophying forces of the Finished Work of the Gods. We inwardly atrophy, while externally culture and technology seem to outstrip our humanity, and they have. Einstein’s greatest worry was that our technology would overtake our humanity, and it has. This was the theme of the wonderful film, called POWDER. Jeff Goldbloom uttters this profound truth. If we were deprived of our unethical technological toys, we would whine hysterically. The third world is condemned to eat our left overs, the scraps off the masters table, after we have polluted, imprisoned and glutted ourselves on the remaining resources of the world.
Because we are super-physics constructs, having immortal components linked to our bio-psychical forms we are subject to the food chain of the gods. Higher, more frightening, devastating Beings can come and insinuate themselves into our psyche’s as parasites and begin feeding off our immortality. But for those who want to plunge deeper into the anatomical and biological stimulants, opiates and relaxants that take over the work of our pituitary and pineal, there are great addictive drugs, like melatonin, coming down the pike.
“Melatonin helps to set and control the internal clock that governs the natural rhythms of the body. Each night the pineal gland produces melatonin which helps us fall asleep.”
“Melatonin accentuates dreams. If an individual’s dreams are usually pleasant, they will continue being so, but more intensely. If dreams are normally unpleasant, then it is possible they will be worse.
“…For a detailed approach to mood improvement and enhancing the quality of life, thus more pleasant dreams, please refer to my book BE HAPPIER STARTING NOW.”
The fact that, through the work of listening with the heart and hearing the WORD, comprehending bit by bit the stimulant of compassion and truth that is generated through the ear, we awaken the Grail forces in us and we begin to melt the golden pedestal that Gunnlod was sitting on. This means we grow to comprehend and see the etheric Christ. I watched a man, read aloud, everything to his child, so that it annoyed his wife. I asked if he also read fairy-tales and stories to his child. She said he did. I said to her, attention span deficit would be less of a problem with the child that learned to listen.
It was known, statistically, that in America only 5% of family life was spent talking and listening to one another. The media and the T.V. and computer do all the social interaction for us. Speaking, reading and listening have become so devalued that an atrophy and suffocation of hearing is presenting pathological problems. The future organs of the uterus, in the Eustachian tubes, are being deprived of their inner transformation. Frejya has a goal and she does not want to be deprived of achieving her goal because of a lazy anatomical and psychological conceit. We produce Ridlin to counteract the cosmic numbing we have grown to accept. Stress and fatigue syndromes are unconscious barometers of our denial.
To not acknowledge our anxiety and nervous fears underlying the grave and awesome decisions we are caught in, between Christ and Ahriman, creates a need to sleep better at night. But this anxiety is real not imagined. Nervous anxiety illnesses are racking our children so severely that well over fifty percent of them must go around, through their childhood, with a pharmaceutical medicine cabinet attached to their necks. By activating visual opiates dream stimulants, we are beginning to induce a deeper level of hypnosis and psychosis into the social body.
The Hong-Kong, British Opium wars had severe karmic effects for humanity and our social life. These effects have been registered through Saturn. How is it registered? The simple life god has given us, is a sacred part of the equation of the universe. The Opium addicts spent 3/4 of their lives in Opium dens. The karmic effects of having lived in the sunlight, leading a humble fishermans life, raising children, enduring the squabbles and stresses of existence, feeling the rhythm of the sun and moon through ones heart, mind, digestion and absorbing all the fine details that make a human being equipped for love and admiration, were lost. Instead, dark dens, exactly like our video-game dens, cut themselves away from the light and forced another form of light into their anatomies.
Opium eaters, that go back to the Odyssey of Homer, are now entering as an epidemic of the former Atlantean period through the advent of our media addictions. These culturally accepted, `lite-addictions’ have betrayed the cosmic potential of Freyja’s thermogenesis. Our mild and severe opiated addictions require stiff penalties. Saturn consequences are required, which we would rather not think about, because they have planetary implications that wound our whole planetary family.
We don’t want to become socially mature in America, we want to be comfortable. Camp Hill Villages were the Christ answer to a human karmic error that satisfied the financial greed of the British empire. Heroin, opium or the stepped up addiction between media and psychotropic drugs has an historical precedent, only we avoid looking at the cosmic implications of reincarnation and the atrophy of our spirits that reveal themselves when we follow the logic of the Logos all the way through the cellular structure and the karmic psychic toll or talent cooked up in the mix.
Today in films like TRAINSPOTTING, heroin has become idealized by casualties of the punk and rock world. It is not only hip but it is the height of sheik social copy-catting to rush out to your neighborhood junkie and get the same mix that some rocker O.Ded on. Heroin use is climbing rapidly back up the social ladder as the coolest method of sticking your thumb down against the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS. It is the perfect way to give god the finger. The film, ADDICTION, has already been mentioned, as the philosophical black-hole that young people are given as an education today. The needle that seeks the vein is the perfect anti-Grail mystery, but for the wasted and the lost, reading or hearing something like this is inconceivable.
Parallel with the development of technology and virtual worlds, alongside comes the pharmaceuticals that step in for our own inactivity in the pineal and pituitary region and thus repossess our dormant faculties and begin steering them far from the Grail or the dove.
The ancient Atlantean clairvoyance, which was not individuated, but under the supervision of THE UNFINISHED WORK OF THE GODS, forced us to pretty much go along with the whole. It was only later that the journey to individuation and freedom forced us to claim our individual immortal destinies and biographies. Through our individuation, we have had to develop a time sense that we are rhythmically learning and growing in a reincarnating, complex system. The system itself and the Christ spirit requires us to penetrate into the whole structure. Our freedom would be a joke if this were not the aim of the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS.
Ahriman requires us to let somebody else do the research, let somebody else do the grunt work, let somebody else create a cushy universe for my children to live in and this literally translates into building anxiety that we are being dragged back towards a mind-soul made of techno-clairvoyance and media isolationism.
Ahriman’s universe does not, and will not supply the THERMOGENEIS that is created, partially from the compassion with all of creation that grows in our hearts, and partially reinforced by the actual new Sun-Being who can generate, from within our anatomy and psyches, the Bread of Life. The Christ etheric forces are designed to carry us to the higher metamorphosis of the Word. The blueprints of our immortality and the planetary system, with the role of the outer sun, have not been revealed in our information age. Ahriman is not designated by God to be the foundation stone of the new cosmos. If in this temptation we face now, we slide back to our standpoint as babies of the unfinished work of the gods, and do not play our cosmic role in the drama, nature and humanity and our world will gradually be ripped, both psychically and ecologically, apart.
Through this eye of the needle, eustachian and larynx transformation of our endocrine and SPEECH system, we are active in the warmth and compassion that is the bonding agent of the universe. We have the ability to hear and speak this new world warmth. We have the ability to be players in this new THERMOGENESIS. Matter is not merely light and a toy of thermonuclear babies, it consists of love. Our human love, quantumly raised by the literal force of Cosmic Love, invested within the earth as an actual rhythm and planet that is greater than the force of Saturn. A literal Bread of Life has been made available to us.
We are capable of feeding more than five thousand with this knowledge, but in feeding the five thousand, we again have to do with our Fifth epoch and the Words that launch us into it. We live by the WORD, art, drama, speech, poetry, myth, anatomy, from the CHYMICAL WEDDING, Shakespeare, Bacon and the entire documentation of the WORD that has revealed, globally, the great swath of history from the sinking of Atlantis to the year 2047.
“…They had eaten the bread without the physical act having taken place. Hence Christ Jesus could later throw light on what had occurred by saying,
`I am the bread of life. (6:35)
“What, then, had the people eaten? They had partaken of the power of Christ’s body. And what could remain? Only the power of Christ’s body; and the effect of this was so strong that afterwards one could gather something up.
Charles Victor DAREMBERG (1817-1872) et une histoire positiviste de la médecine
“According to occult teaching, every body consists of twelve members. The one uppermost is called the Ram; the adjacent one, the Bull; the one with the hands, the Twins; the chest is called the Crab; everything in the region of the heart is the Lion; below it-the trunk- is the Virgin; the hips, the Scales; below this, the Scorpion; and still farther down: the thigh, the Archer; the knee, the Goat; the lower leg, the Water-Carrier; and the feet, the Fishes.
“The human body, then, is divided into twelve members – and with good reason. Now, if the fragments were to be gathered up after the power of Christ’s body had been used to satisfy hunger, they would have to be gathered in twelve measures.
`Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. (6:13)
“They had not eaten the barley loaves. They had partaken of the power emanating from Christ. They had been satisfied by the power that radiated from Christ through His thanksgiving when He appealed to the Spheres from which He had descended…”
The only way Ahriman can sustain and merge with what already exists in the human community as the divine Finished Work, is by robbing the foundational substance of the etheric forces from humanity. Instead of humanity building upon, including and adding to their weak forces, a mighty force that was and is the sustainer and creator, the life giver of the cosmos, we withdraw our account from the divine order of the universe. This means depositing our frail and weak cosmic forces into a no interest account. We gain nothing by this. Christ in a parable talks about burying the talent that we have in the ground, making nothing of ourselves and not adding anything new or wonderful to the existing universe.
Christ is an interest bearing account for the human community. If we have a small amount of THERMOGENETIC material, belief or a mustard seed, we can plant it in a Christ Science centered universe of our anatomy, and our abilities and our joys will prosper twelvefold. Because, as stated much earlier, the Finnish language consists of twelve consonantal forces. These forces and their nature will be discussed in the third part of this book, but for now we must have an ability to discern the WORD as more powerful than the stone. The pen more powerful than the sword. That is a silicon mystery, but it also requires us to look more carefully into the meaning of the stone.
Ahriman claims to be able to tempt us to rely on a system, cyberspace or virtual worlds, that consists of nothing but a silicon mirage. While the actual Foundation Stone of the World consists of the architectural and structural reality of the etheric blueprints that merged in a human being as THE FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS. This is where the Foundation Stone, must be discovered, not in the mirage of techno-productivity that is, with great commercial fanfare, proclaimed as superior to man. The computer is superior to man. The camera is superior to the eye. The body is a machine… These are Ahriman’s favorite slogans and are much cooler to mouth than the ones where the shattering decisions around the destiny of nature and humanity must be uttered.
Courage and truth, versus being cool and a liar, are all part of Ahriman’s pronged cultural attack. Young people are bombarded and overwhelmed in the debris field of consumer trash. To this day, in the year of 1996, centered in Atlanta, with the powerful global and cultural force of the Olympic’s rushing in, remembering the wisdom of the Greeks, our educational institutes have failed to produce a profound and intimate link between the external world of space and the tiny world of the atom. These were ancient Greek problems. Science is riddled with so many half-truths that students come out of our universities with no-truth and no way to link the entire system we live in back together. When our students graduate we give them the Humpty Dumpty degree of a shattered universe.
The Grail was called a stone. The place where the Mead of Poetry was hid, was a giant rock mountain. The two dwarfs who killed Kvasir are taken out to a lone rock in the middle of the sea by the giant Suttung. The mystery of Golgotha, as the John gospel rightly says, “And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha: where they crucified him…” Even Odin had to penetrate the rock fortress, where the Mead of Poetry was hid.
We are, with the end of this century and the beginning of the next, in the fatal position of culturally sharing the last temptation of Christ in the wilderness with Fenrir/Ahriman. It is due to the proximity of the Christ and the cosmic rhythms He imprinted in His life on earth, that we have these powerful rhythmical waves of human/cultural tests. The 3 1/3 years, and all that it entails, have been magnified into the entire history and destiny of earth and humanity. It was here and it is here on this earth that these mysteries were planted as powerful sun seeds.
We must decide on what stone we build this kingdom. Shall we abuse the silicon world of the mineral kingdom and foul up the goal of Freyja? Shall we leave the Mead of Poetry to rot inside our heads, as they blindly do in present universities? Shall we let the Finished Work of the Gods, the Word that was in the beginning with God, the foundation stone of existence, slip from our grasp? Will we inaugurate a counterfeit heaven and a counterfeit hell and allow this substitute to replace nature and human life through our abuse of the silicon world?
“Now, in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the words of Jesus Himself are reported as comparing Himself to the `Stone rejected by the builders,’ mentioned in the twenty-second verse of the 118th Psalm. In Acts 4:11, St. Peter tells the Jewish rulers that Christ is this Stone, and the same thought is repeated in the second chapter of St. Peter’s first Epistle… Rauch Elohim, the Spirit that brooded over the deep at the beginning, and a central point of Christian doctrine is that this same Spirit is one with Christ. Also published in 1609 was THE SOPHIC HYDROLITH, an alchemical text that declares:
“This tried, blessed, and heavenly Stone Jesus Christ was longingly expected from the beginning of the world by the Fathers and Holy Patriarchs; God-enlightened men prayed that they might be accounted worthy to see the promised Christ in His bodily and visible form. And if they rightly knew Him by the Holy Spirit, they were comforted by His presence in their lives, and had an invisible Friend on whom they could stay themselves, as upon a spiritual fulcrum, in trouble and danger even unto the end of their life.
“But although that heavenly Stone was bestowed by God as a free gift on the whole human race, the rich as well as the poor (Matth. 11:6); yet to this very day comparatively few have been able to know and apprehend Him. To the majority of mankind He has always been a hidden secret, and a grievous stumbling block, as Isaiah foretold in his eighth chapter: `He shall be for a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence, a gin and a snare, so that many shall stumble and fall, and be broken, and be snared and taken.’ The same was revealed to the aged Simeon, when he spake thus to Mary, the Mother of the Corner Stone: `Behold, He shall be for a fall and a rising again of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be spoken against.’ To this St. Paul also bears witness (ad Rom. 9.): `They fell from the Stone of offence, and the rock of stumbling. He that believes in Him shall not be confounded.’ This Stone is precious to them that believe, but to the unbelieving `a stone of offence and stumbling, seeing that they are broken against the word, and believe not in Him on whom they are founded (Eccl.43).’ In all these respects the Precious, Blessed, and Heavenly Stone agrees most wonderfully with our earthly, corporal, and philosophical Stone; and it is, therefore, well worth our wile to compare our Stone with its Heavenly prototype. We shall thus understand that the earthly philosophical Stone is the true image of the real, spiritual, and heavenly Stone, Jesus Christ.
“…Jesus is also called the Stone at the head of the corner, or the Stone at the summit of the angle. This is just what is suggested by the union of the hypotenuse of the Pythagorean Triangle with the upper extremity of its vertical side.”
In their language in 1609 the use of biblical references apparently still created the obscurity of meaning that makes comprehending our silicon struggle such an obtuse impossibility. They use the word `prototype’. We have no model or prototype of the universe, with our current university sciences, that works comprehensively and culturally in a healthy manner. We have nothing in our current external cultural medical work that includes the bio-psychical and anatomical mysteries of the human body. We have not developed a comprehensive education that can center the hopes and dreams of incarnating human beings on the sacredness of our planet. Yet we intend to take our half-baked prototype and our silicon system, that is practical, yet useable, fit only for the level of economic prostitution we are comforted by, and build from this a second heaven and a second hell. This is a big, big issue; a big, big question; and a big, big mistake. How do the comments of 1609 compare with those of 1996?
“…In the sequence of three temptations, the archetype of which is to be found during the forty days of temptation in the wilderness, it is the temptation `to turn stones into bread’ (Matthew 4:3) that is the keynote of the counter impulse during Period 3, extending from February, 1996, to September, 1999. This is the temptation to substitute lifeless matter, or stones, in the place of living substance, or bread; this applies not just on the physical level but also on other levels. The whole phenomenon of virtual reality, for instance,is a clear example of this: lifeless, computer-generated images are substituted for living reality. All in all, at the close of the twentieth century an exceedingly powerful temptation is being presented to humanity by the powerful means of technological science. In part, this temptation opposes – directly and also indirectly – the central thrust of the new Christ revelation, which is concerned with unveiling the living being of Nature…”
In the twentieth century we have endured three powerful temptations and we now face the last. As Robert Powell has projected, this twentieth century has been an ordeal in the wilderness and we are at the point of the third temptation.
“Period 1: June 29, 1929 – January 8, 1933
Period 2: October 27, 1962 – May 9, 1966
Period 3: February 24, 1996 – September 6, 1999
“…In Period I (1929-1933), Christ was working to inspire an awakening to the Divine Presence within each human being and to usher in a new era based on this awakening. Instead of awakening to the Divine Presence within, a temptation came from without, in the form of the FUHRER (leader), who promised the German people everything, `If you will fall down and worship me’ (Matthew 4:9). This was the temptation of the `will to power.’ “
The forces of the Word, condensed in Hitler, as demonic shadows to the words uttered by the Christ Being. A cosmic being attached itself to the personality of Hitler that was well below the Sun-Rank of the Christ Being, but managed to tear down and poison the entire spiritual strength of the German race. Prior to this anti-word force impacting an entire race, Steiner had countered the shadow demon of the words of Hitler with his own conscious coining of language, and Spiritual Science, brought in by the Michael Spirit. Steiner offered through Eurythmy and Speech the anti-dote to the demonic words that came through Hitler.
In America, we had J. Edgar Hoover, who ran parallel to Hitler’s development, whose insidiousness, we failed to see at the time. Hoover’s work was much more in preparing the mind-set of our culture to be impressed with external data and to become so enchanted with statistics and false identity, that we would lose the true inner name and being we carry. His was the age of the secret agent. Hoover’s twisted psychology clung to his job through three or four presidents. When the sixties finally came the Kennedy’s, which had all the earmarks and the feel of the Arthurian, Camelot mysteries, that should have led to the Grail quest in the nineties, was partially extinguished through the background machinations of Hoover.
“In Period 2 (1962-1966), the Etheric Christ was active in awakening love and community between people. This was the time in the 1960s when `flower power’ was born. At the same time a new and powerful temptation arose in the shape of the drug culture. This temptation can be characterized as that of `casting oneself down from the pinnacle of the temple’ (Matthew 4:5). It is the temptation of a hedonistic self-surrender to instinctual urges, often with the help and powerful inducement of intoxicating substances, to obliterate the clear light of conscience and reason (`pinnacle of the temple’) and to cast oneself down by abandoning ego consciousness in favor of subconscious drives and impulses.”
Counter to Hoover, came the words of Martin Luther King Jr., speaking as the Spirit-Word of the African Americans. John F. Kennedy, entered in support of the Spirit-Words of Martin Luther King Jr.. Kennedy entered in support, as well, of a new Civil Rights view of society and fairness to all and lent the Identity of the American Nation its twelvefold sense of the Round Table. His were Profiles of knightly Courage and a chance to join the Peace Corp. instead of the Marine corp. At the very moment when southern racism, and evil as usual, was about to quietly kill Martin Luther King Jr. in the rural south, the president of the United States, stepped in from the North and opposed, the social forces of betrayal encouraged by Hoover.
The melting pot of races, the brotherhood of Philadelphia, were unified by Kennedy, along with his brother, Robert Kennedy, against the dark and sinister background forces of Hoover. The youth of the sixties felt the power of courage running through a thoughtful and heroic, if not imperfect man. A trinity, Martin Luther King Jr., John Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy, along with the Beatles four, a sevenfold force that included John Lennon in the mix was opposed on the field by Hoover and Nixon.
Massive poetic idealism, Woodstock and tremendous forces of community awoke in the young people of America. Each person, with their long hair and hippie communal life-style, felt the model of the Etheric Christ underscore their gentleness. The Arts and Artists flourished in this renaissance environment. The Kennedy’s of the north, like today, were either loved or hated. Technology had not overcome our humanity yet. Our humanity, witnessed in the Cuban missile crisis of the Kennedy era, with the Russian Kruschev, caught up with our technology in a delicate state of global balance.
In the sixties the Arthurian twelvefoldness of the Round Table or the community of the free and open disciples that formed the twelve of the Last Supper, were all richly reinvigorated through the powerful sixties. Kennedy made the fatal error of challenging our economy to eat, like the Wolf of the nordic saga, the moon. Technology, under economic pressure, and Kennedy’s imperfections and our own social immaturity, allowed technology, to once more overtake our humanity. It was a difficult beast to ride and we were lucky we didn’t annihilate ourselves and the planet with the legacy of Einstein. Global extinction was a severe pressure to live under during the sixties. Drugs seemed an alternative an escape, a further place where we could mingle our sleeping psyches with the wonderful flowing forces of the Etheric Christ. But we were not meant to sleep through these times. Nobody incarnates to sleep through his age, his crisis.
In the sixties there was an echo of the commune and free love ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. There was an echo, in the sixties, of the flip-side of the French Revolution. The horror and disappointment, the let down of the disastrous French Revolution developed a counter point, a flip-side. The scales swung in the opposite direction as souls from that period, with their enthusiasm and political intelligence, incarnated back in the 1960s.
It was the Count St. Germain, who was born in Transylvania and was active in the forces surrounding the French Revolution that really was responsible for the sixties in American culture. In effect, to focus a whole idealism of a period of culture, on something that failed, gave the opportunity for those souls, disappointed by the French Revolution, to achieve it’s true spiritual ideal, when the next rhythm of time occurred. Christian Rosenkreuz knew these rhythms and swung culture and focused it, not on the failure of the French Revolution, but on the gamble that the sixties would counteract the third temptation that would face humanity. By then, humanity would be ready to live up to the ideals of Fraternity, Equality, and Liberty. Thus overthrowing the cultural temptation to turn stones into bread through politics and technology. The martyrs of the sixties and seventies were meant to awaken us, not to put us back into a social coma.
It was the Count St. Germain, as Christian Rosenkreuz, who has worked consistently with the cultural awakening of humanity to the etheric Christ. It was during the sixties that our struggle was the most intense, between technology and our humanity.
“Another alchemist active at this period was the mysterious Comte de Saint Germain, who became so much of a legend that it is difficult to disentangle fact from fiction in the reports of his life. After travelling around Europe under a number of pseudonyms – including the Marquis de Montferrat, Chevalier Schoening, Comte Soltikoff and Graf Tzarogy – he ended up as a permanent guest at the castle of the Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel, where he died in about 1780. He was reported to have possessed an elixir which had kept him alive for 400 years, and when he was in Dresden his coachman was asked if this were true. The coachman replied that he did not know exactly, but in the 130 years he had been in his master’s service the count always looked as he did now.”
The Mead of Poetry, made of the etherized blood, the transformed blood of the Christ Being allows Christian Rosenkreuz to weigh so much in the scales. It is a potent cosmic mix. Someone had to remain as the anchor point, in our environment, as the solid weight of the Christ Being. This someone, we understand, was Christian Rosenkreuz. But what we haven’t understood was that the Transylvanian Count Dracula was the shadow image, a convenient cultural myth, designed to disguise the etherized blood and historical revelation of the true Christ Being in the background of history.
It is in fact, the Count St. Germain, who was this strange and mysterious person, who acted very ardently during the time of the French Revolution. He worked at the time of the French Revolution, in order to seed into the cultural forces of our time, the power needed for the sixties and the nineties. All of our counter-Grail images, our anti-word forces, anti-sun forces have focused on the undercurrent relations of the Dracula mysteries, the vampire mysteries, pitted against the Dove and Grail mysteries. How odd that it is not Vlad the Impaler alone who hails from Transylvania but also the mysterious and eternal figure of the count St. Germain or Christian Rosenkreuz.
“…Period 3, extending from February, 1996, to September, 1999. This is the temptation to substitute lifeless matter, or stones, in the place of the living substance, or bread; this applies not just on the physical level but also on other levels.”
This is why the Nordic Ragnarok warnings came in waves of three. Why Peter denied Christ three times. Why three cocks crowed. This pattern of numbers has impacted as historical factors. The Aztecs measured up a time frame for the universe that runs from 3000 B.C. to the present time. We have indicated that the rhythm of 666 has impacted history in the most severe manner through 1332, when international banking was stolen by Ahriman, and now 1998, when creation and humanity can be stolen by the unleashing of Jormungand, the Fenrir wolf and the programming of a new heaven and a new hell.
These rhythms are close to our own cultural responsibilities that weigh in for the nineties. The opening question of, whether we could decimate the FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS and cause the final betrayal of this magnificent ecological system and build our own puny vampire community in a parasitically infested cyberspace silicon mirage, is now squarely facing us.
So far the seduction of humanity against the WORD, against the Bread and against the etherization of the blood, the Dove and the Grail mysteries are an already settled economic mandate. Our frozen leaders are caught between a rock and a hard place and they haven’t the education nor wonder left in their hormones to stop this bad music and step into harmony with the new etheric technology available to them.
There is a way, through sympathetic vibratory physics and technology, to develop a beneficial relation to the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms. But each of us must have understood, as Parzival was painfully made aware of, that there is a horrible exile in store for us if we fail to ask the obvious question. That which Parzival failed to ask when his hormones brought him to the Grail Castle, had to wait and wait for an answer and a solution that would only come later, through his maturity and after much suffering. Why is the emperor not wearing any cloths and why must I get a degree from a university that qualifies me to be one of the soldiers and kings men, who cannot put Humpty-Dumpty together again?
Bacon looked into the future of the perfected human race and saw a market place called THE NEW ATLANTIS. “This was the kind of Utopia visualized by Bacon, Andreae, Comenius and others.” Anthroposophy first started making its appearance in 1650, Thomas Vaughan, who continued in the traditions of Robert Fludd, published a work under the pseudonym of Eugenius Philalethes. The work was titled, ANTHROPOSOPHIA THEOMAGICA.
Immediately he was attacked by Henry More (1614-1687) the Cambridge platonist in a work entitled, OBSERVATIONS UPON ANTHROPOSOPHIA THEMOMAGICA. The sides had to be drawn clearly, Bacon or Shakespeare. From the fifteenth century, as Ahriman began to loosen his bonds, science and history began to reflect the actions of two opposing forces. Science involved with the Christ mysteries under the flagship of Michael and Steiner’s Anthroposophy, or; Arabistic science, under the flagship of every university in the country, from MIT, Yale, Harvard, Oxford, all considered by consensus, as the best schools in the world.
In the mid-century of the twentieth century Robert Powell and I had a chance to attend the Goetheanum together. There was a wonderful group of international survivors who had gone through the sixties and were now washed ashore at the Grail School. We were to become Knights of the Word. But only now can I see, with the help of my colleagues, how the Arthurian sixties should have led to the Grail forces. It has taken many, many years, in the quest, for me to comprehend the mysteries of the Dove. The Christ Being was far too big a picture and one which I knew I could not hold together in my pea-brain. I still can’t. Glimpses and stunning insights that rock me off my metal continue to steer my soul towards this remarkable science of the soul.
Either THE CHYMICAL WEDDING or the divorce of heaven or hell are at stake. The choice for schools of thought are Christ and the Science of the Spirit or Ahrimanic cosmic severance. The great Initiates are very aware of the dilemma and the dilemma is now rather personal. Each of us must look carefully over the issues and spin nature and mankind back on course. The other choice is to turn the other way and pretend that the Christ event did not happen on this planet and if it did who cares, or, as the slang runs, whatever!
Now the X-generation, the Doom Generation, the clueless generation faces the onslaught of the mighty forces that can, in and of themselves begin to dismantle the Finished Work of the Gods. The real thing, or the reel thing, cannot be distinguished from the lie these days. Navigating the rapids of the information age can leave one addicted to non-light and non-truth. Atrophy and vampirism is rapidly creeping up as cyberspace suction is extolled and trumpeted by the same morons who gave you your diplomas. Educators who haven’t the ability to weave sincerity and truth, from the chaos of technology and humanity, are wrapped up in political and sexual schisms that are meant to tie the soul in knots and make the nineties generation beg for relief with some new opiate.
Each generations decisions and actions in the courage of their era help and have helped to wage a mighty war on a counterfeit demon. A new heaven and a new hell is in the making. A deadly betrayal of creation and humanity is being asked of this generation. Why they must face this storm-cloud of glossy mis-information and data sludge must mean that they have in them the power to see through the illusion, the silicon mirage and hang onto the majestic mystery of THE FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS. Silent creation, that has no words of defense against this titanic onslaught is in silent terror of the outcome. Whole worlds of gradually endangered species and plant forces, whole complexes of nature and the very parasitical attack of criminal psychic forces are waiting in the wings and slowly surrounding the once grand, epic mystery, called Mankind.
17 Replies to ““Norse Mythology and Spiritual Science” (early draft) by Bradford Riley”
great work, Bradford
ib Kasper, as you have wisely noted, our elders and our betters have looked deeply into the very important issues of Norse understanding. “the book SOLHJORTEN(Sundeer) by the the old Norwegian WILLY BUZZI who lived his life in JÄRNA SWEDEN. Together with his NORDENS IDE(the Nordic Idea) a work in three parts, he has made a tremendous and inspiring study into this theme.
Johannes Hohlenberg (Norwegian who lived his life in Denmark, and anthro-chairmann for many years have given a series of lectures on the subject as well(Edda i antroposofiens lys/The Edda in light of Anthroposophy). “
This is really great newsThank you for sharing it with us!
Dan Mateescu http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Botticelli,_marte_e_venere,_01.jpg
”This which goes on in the Universe between the populations of Mars and Venus — this everliving interplay in the spiritual Cosmos, the deeds of Mars and Venus fertilizing one another — all this again has its relation to man. Even as the S…aturn-memory is related to human Karma, and the physical Lunar forces, left behind on Earth, to the external force of reproduction, so is the hidden spiritual interaction between Mars and Venus related to what appears in earthly life as human speech. For we could never speak by virtue of physical forces alone. It is the eternal being of man, going on from earthly life to earthly life, living in effect between death and new birth, which radiates into this outer world the gift of speech. Whilst as a spiritual being we are on our way from death to a new birth, we come into the sphere of action of the mutually fertilizing life which goes on between Mars and Venus — between the spiritual populations of Mars and Venus. Their spiritual forces, raying to and fro, co-operating, enter also into us ourselves upon our way from death to a new birth. This too is reproduced on Earth as in a physical picture, out of the innermost being of man, entering into the organs of speech and song. Never should we be able to speak through these organs if they were not physically kindled by the forces we receive into the depths of our being between death and new birth — forces derived from what is ever streaming to and fro in the Cosmos between Mars and Venus. ” RS – Man as a Picture of Living Spirit
Hey, great post. Great blog. It is clean and to the point. I have bookmarked it for future reading. You know it is rare to find quality content on these things…
Thank-you Bradford for your gift of Norse Mythology and the Dove Mystery. This is a monumental work of most significant importance.
I will never view a necklace the same again!. Folks may also want to see your Fourth Grade Norse play from your list of works. I hear you , “buckle up”…
You set the journey before us with amazing skill.
I had just typed in my search engine this morning the words “esoteric properties of olive oil” and in several minutes I was wandering delighted and inspired in the “grove” of your website, to where I shall return again and again!
Dear Brad,
I still need to read this another three or four times, but my head is spinning, and my heart grateful to you for entering without abandon into these mysteries, and summoning your prodigious power of the Word. This morning I read this from my friend Claudia McLaren Lainson, in the Journal for Star Wisdom commentary for today, the day of the Full Moon: “Mars opposite Saturn during this full moon. Each full moon is a new moon from the perspective of the angels. . . Mars and Saturn were close to opposition at the birth of Novalis, the great poet who spoke with and through the Saturnine portal into the kingdom of our Divine Mother. . . Novalis exemplifies a spirit united with the Word (Mars) to form (Saturn) Sophianic inspirations (Virgo). The slang of ‘teen talk’ and technological devices is splintering the Word. As all things were created through the Word, we can only ponder the deeper metaphor of tearing the Word apart. This is a day to practice the art of the Word. . .”
Reading your tour de force felt like a fitting way to if not practice the art of the Word, at least be a witness to it. May your words ring out far & wide; especially in light of this, which I just came upon yesterday:
Type “Rudolf Steiner” into the text box and watch and listen to what happens. The Fenris wolf’s breath gets hotter and stinkier every single day, but thanks to Dr. Steiner, I know that Christ has already won. With your help to be sure, friend.
I am so thrilled and awed to have found this blog.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You have validated and linked many things I have come across and held in my heart’s knowledge of the Word, but now I have something in writing to refer to, on one page as it were.
DEAR Rileybrad, Oops! My Bad! Clairaudiently Corrected, IT’S THE RILEYBARD!!!!,
Thank You!, Thank You!, Thank You!, AND Thank You!,
Speaketh Marduke, Indra, & Michael, for The FATHER,
Says Isis, Sophia, & the Daughter of the Living God, for The MOTHER,
Sayeth the Tortured Hack Novalis, for The HOLY SOUL,
Sez the Count of No-Account, for The PARACLETE-COMFORTER,
You Are An Ever Impeccable, Spiritually, & Courageously, Tactful, and Trustful, Friend; With Divine Love, & Super-Tapestry Cognition, & Ever Beautiful, & Masterful, Artistry (on your own “heaven to earth” parallel track,) NONPAREIL; While Consistently Demonstrating, Your Altruistic, Pillar Groundings (while occasionally smoking a fine cigar, after enjoying a likewise meal with a true friend, and appropriately, and simultaneously, saying, a most, spontaneous, “FUCK YOU!”, with righteous anger, to the evil deviated human perps, the SocioPaths, that are the EconoFreak, evilly dumbs, of the MammonInc world, of division, deception, and destruction, of Nature, Human, & Divine, on the earth plane),
So, AMEN, (generic, or epi-genetic) BROTHER!!, Thanks for representing The ETHERIC CHRIST & THE HOLY SPIRT (among infinitely other Most Unusual (Sweet Smelling, Etherically, Doggy,) Prospects: Divine, Nature, & Human),
Hence, Impeccably, Ruthlessly, and Couragesouly, True Friendship is your (infinite,) multi-point personalities (of unendingly unique, vertical, “hierarchically grounded onto earth” demonstrations, of your specific (i.e. your very own you (i.e. your “I AM w/Soul”): you, & you, & you, & you, ever etcetera, throughout eternity, and infinity,) human species, grounded, not only in the Alchemical Friendship, of Nature, Human, Divine, but, also, most importantly, on this little ole dynamic blue marble in a Vortical, and Vectorial, lemniscate,
Your Humbled, Lowly Toe-Jam-Scrubber,
Megalomaniacal, Common Weed, Me,
The most annoyingly disturber of the false peace on earth, whether to foe, or for friend, alike(!),
Ah Fish!? For I do not know whether I am telling the truth, or a higher truth,
ThanXs, infinitely, again, Leroy Jacobowski.
I noticed by your wide wake and rippling waves and eddies of fickle flattery that your great vessel passed through these waters, creating crests and rocking small crafts nearly to capsize. They tell me your vessel is a Man O’ War heavy laden and ready to fire upon hypocrites who over boisterously fall into the trap. And thus your legend spreads like Captain Jack Sparrow..
great work, Bradford
ib Kasper, as you have wisely noted, our elders and our betters have looked deeply into the very important issues of Norse understanding. “the book SOLHJORTEN(Sundeer) by the the old Norwegian WILLY BUZZI who lived his life in JÄRNA SWEDEN. Together with his NORDENS IDE(the Nordic Idea) a work in three parts, he has made a tremendous and inspiring study into this theme.
Johannes Hohlenberg (Norwegian who lived his life in Denmark, and anthro-chairmann for many years have given a series of lectures on the subject as well(Edda i antroposofiens lys/The Edda in light of Anthroposophy). “
This is really great newsThank you for sharing it with us!
Dan Mateescu
”This which goes on in the Universe between the populations of Mars and Venus — this everliving interplay in the spiritual Cosmos, the deeds of Mars and Venus fertilizing one another — all this again has its relation to man. Even as the S…aturn-memory is related to human Karma, and the physical Lunar forces, left behind on Earth, to the external force of reproduction, so is the hidden spiritual interaction between Mars and Venus related to what appears in earthly life as human speech. For we could never speak by virtue of physical forces alone. It is the eternal being of man, going on from earthly life to earthly life, living in effect between death and new birth, which radiates into this outer world the gift of speech. Whilst as a spiritual being we are on our way from death to a new birth, we come into the sphere of action of the mutually fertilizing life which goes on between Mars and Venus — between the spiritual populations of Mars and Venus. Their spiritual forces, raying to and fro, co-operating, enter also into us ourselves upon our way from death to a new birth. This too is reproduced on Earth as in a physical picture, out of the innermost being of man, entering into the organs of speech and song. Never should we be able to speak through these organs if they were not physically kindled by the forces we receive into the depths of our being between death and new birth — forces derived from what is ever streaming to and fro in the Cosmos between Mars and Venus. ” RS – Man as a Picture of Living Spirit
Hello, I think your blog is epic. Congrats.
Cool Online Games
Love your site man keep up the good work
Hey, great post. Great blog. It is clean and to the point. I have bookmarked it for future reading. You know it is rare to find quality content on these things…
Thank-you Bradford for your gift of Norse Mythology and the Dove Mystery. This is a monumental work of most significant importance.
I will never view a necklace the same again!. Folks may also want to see your Fourth Grade Norse play from your list of works. I hear you , “buckle up”…
You set the journey before us with amazing skill.
I had just typed in my search engine this morning the words “esoteric properties of olive oil” and in several minutes I was wandering delighted and inspired in the “grove” of your website, to where I shall return again and again!
Dear Brad,
I still need to read this another three or four times, but my head is spinning, and my heart grateful to you for entering without abandon into these mysteries, and summoning your prodigious power of the Word. This morning I read this from my friend Claudia McLaren Lainson, in the Journal for Star Wisdom commentary for today, the day of the Full Moon: “Mars opposite Saturn during this full moon. Each full moon is a new moon from the perspective of the angels. . . Mars and Saturn were close to opposition at the birth of Novalis, the great poet who spoke with and through the Saturnine portal into the kingdom of our Divine Mother. . . Novalis exemplifies a spirit united with the Word (Mars) to form (Saturn) Sophianic inspirations (Virgo). The slang of ‘teen talk’ and technological devices is splintering the Word. As all things were created through the Word, we can only ponder the deeper metaphor of tearing the Word apart. This is a day to practice the art of the Word. . .”
Reading your tour de force felt like a fitting way to if not practice the art of the Word, at least be a witness to it. May your words ring out far & wide; especially in light of this, which I just came upon yesterday:
Type “Rudolf Steiner” into the text box and watch and listen to what happens. The Fenris wolf’s breath gets hotter and stinkier every single day, but thanks to Dr. Steiner, I know that Christ has already won. With your help to be sure, friend.
I am so thrilled and awed to have found this blog.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You have validated and linked many things I have come across and held in my heart’s knowledge of the Word, but now I have something in writing to refer to, on one page as it were.
DEAR Rileybrad, Oops! My Bad! Clairaudiently Corrected, IT’S THE RILEYBARD!!!!,
Thank You!, Thank You!, Thank You!, AND Thank You!,
Speaketh Marduke, Indra, & Michael, for The FATHER,
Says Isis, Sophia, & the Daughter of the Living God, for The MOTHER,
Sayeth the Tortured Hack Novalis, for The HOLY SOUL,
Sez the Count of No-Account, for The PARACLETE-COMFORTER,
You Are An Ever Impeccable, Spiritually, & Courageously, Tactful, and Trustful, Friend; With Divine Love, & Super-Tapestry Cognition, & Ever Beautiful, & Masterful, Artistry (on your own “heaven to earth” parallel track,) NONPAREIL; While Consistently Demonstrating, Your Altruistic, Pillar Groundings (while occasionally smoking a fine cigar, after enjoying a likewise meal with a true friend, and appropriately, and simultaneously, saying, a most, spontaneous, “FUCK YOU!”, with righteous anger, to the evil deviated human perps, the SocioPaths, that are the EconoFreak, evilly dumbs, of the MammonInc world, of division, deception, and destruction, of Nature, Human, & Divine, on the earth plane),
So, AMEN, (generic, or epi-genetic) BROTHER!!, Thanks for representing The ETHERIC CHRIST & THE HOLY SPIRT (among infinitely other Most Unusual (Sweet Smelling, Etherically, Doggy,) Prospects: Divine, Nature, & Human),
Hence, Impeccably, Ruthlessly, and Couragesouly, True Friendship is your (infinite,) multi-point personalities (of unendingly unique, vertical, “hierarchically grounded onto earth” demonstrations, of your specific (i.e. your very own you (i.e. your “I AM w/Soul”): you, & you, & you, & you, ever etcetera, throughout eternity, and infinity,) human species, grounded, not only in the Alchemical Friendship, of Nature, Human, Divine, but, also, most importantly, on this little ole dynamic blue marble in a Vortical, and Vectorial, lemniscate,
Your Humbled, Lowly Toe-Jam-Scrubber,
Megalomaniacal, Common Weed, Me,
The most annoyingly disturber of the false peace on earth, whether to foe, or for friend, alike(!),
Ah Fish!? For I do not know whether I am telling the truth, or a higher truth,
ThanXs, infinitely, again, Leroy Jacobowski.
I noticed by your wide wake and rippling waves and eddies of fickle flattery that your great vessel passed through these waters, creating crests and rocking small crafts nearly to capsize. They tell me your vessel is a Man O’ War heavy laden and ready to fire upon hypocrites who over boisterously fall into the trap. And thus your legend spreads like Captain Jack Sparrow..