100 Years of Eurythmy
Part ONE took up the Introduction to Eurythmy with an emphasis on the CONSONANTS. (CLICK LINK)
Part TWO-A took up a study in SATURN and Western Cosmology (Part TWO-A Completed click this link)
Part TWO–B of the Vowels (not completed)
Part THREE- This is – “Dramatic Arts, Film and the Destiny of Humanity” (part 1)
(part 2) of the Dramatic Arts (not completed)
“After every incarnation a new page is added to the Book of Life” Rudolf Steiner
Three harmonious film directors, Lana and Andy Wachowski, and Tom Tykwer
“Cloud Atlas” gives basic insights
into the workings of reincarnation
and karma. Here’s to hoping
that the next Wachowski
cinematic endeavor is a series
of films titled “Rudolf Steiner’s
Mystery Dramas.” (click link)
“So he keeps going, and ultimately he meets her again in the far future, and he gets to really, really change. He gets to change perspective. He becomes this new being who sees the moral consequences of things.”
“Cloud Atlas” Reincarnation and “The Mystery Dramas” by Rudolf Steiner
“The weaving essence of the light streams forth
Through depths of space to fill the world with life;
Love’s grace doth warm the centuries of time
To call forth revelation of all worlds.”
Living Imagination that covers “six story-lines, spanning five centuries.”
An enormous Stride forward for Humanity – (Click Review of Film Here)
“Reincarnation and karma. These two words have grown rapidly more popular in the last 50 years as humanity expands its understanding of the mysteries of the universe. Rudolf Steiner wrote four plays in 1910–1913 that he called “mystery dramas,” which are similar to David Mitchell’s “Cloud Atlas.” Steiner was a Western seer who founded the now hugely popular international Waldorf education system, as well as the (literally) groundbreaking biodynamic agriculture movement that purports to work in harmony with elemental beings (such as fairies) existing in the “etheric” dimension. The difference is that Steiner was clairvoyant. (Clairvoyance has been proven scientifically valid.) He was, therefore, able to follow all these actual, existing characters through the so-called Akashic Record in other dimensions and personally witness their various incarnations. In other words, it’s the real deal. That subject matter is probably not yet ready for prime time. However, we’re getting close; from the directors who brought us the game-changing film “The Matrix” comes another paradigm shifter—the powerful “Cloud Atlas.”
“Cloud Atlas” explores how the actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another throughout the past, the present, and the future”
“Thou wilt give humanity the possibility of Dramatic Art!”
The Nature and Origin of the Arts
A lecture by
Rudolf Steiner
Berlin, October 28, 1909
“Moreover, thou wilt be able to compass something that could never be represented by any outward physical event. Thy messengers will be the skalds and the poets of all the ages. They will put into their epics the compact history of human epochs, and thou wilt be able to lend a magic life upon the stage…” through cinema, film, screenwriting, novels, plays, poetry humanity shall “…..behold and hear the things that human creatures all the world over speak about when they have had a dim inner intimation of realities that can be experienced in THE WORLD OF IMAGINATION.
Art Itself, in the human soul, hears amid the chorus of human voices the utterances sung by the noblest among us, representing our conjectures about matters upon which we are in no wise informed by IMAGINATION, but which we let pour out of the innermost depths of our souls – as a Beacon for Mankind. DRAMATIC ARTS, “…. hears the voice of the poet who has apprehended the majesty of the experience that can come into the human soul out of THE IMAGINATIVE WORLD.”
The spirit of DRAMATIC ARTS understands now that she must act as the savior of what upon earth is half frozen knowledge; she understands that she must warm it and permeate it with her own nature, especially with her ART nature, and that she must recount the memories of her dreams during the night to humanities half frozen knowledge. The Spirit of Dramatic Arts observes how that which was half congealed can thaw into life again with the speed of the wind, so soon as knowledge accepts in the form of perception that which is brought to it in the form of revelation.
David Mitchell author “Cloud Atlas”
“I think words operate like musical notes that the eyeball hears. That is at the root of why writers take these micro decisions about maybe and perhaps, which after all mean the same thing…. I think it’s because of this: You get to know the tastes or musical tastes of words themselves, and this informs your choice, whether you use them or not.”
Drama and the unveiling of higher capacities developing in humanity can be tracked rigorously and flash points can be highlighted. “Cloud Atlas” is such a flash-point and Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas are a flash-point.Our human intuition and our ability to artistically capture living intuitions and give them a Tenth Hierarchy referral, home, stage, incorporation, and range of reference from our human past, our human present and our human future has infinite possibilities.
Rudolf Steiner “In these twelve men who came together to perform a special mission, the twelve different streams in the spiritual development of mankind were represented. The fact that all true religions and all true philosophies belong to twelve basic types is in itself a mystery. Buddhism, Brahmanism, Vedanta philosophy, materialism, or whatever it be — all of them can be traced to the twelve basic types; it is only a matter of setting to work with precision and accuracy. And so all the different streams of man’s spiritual life —
the religions, the philosophies and conceptions of the world spread over the Earth — were united in that “College” of the Twelve.”
“…TWELVE musical meditations are based on the TWELVE tones of the chromatic music scale, and incorporate the pure healing harmonics of harp, Australian didjeridu, voice overtones, and Tibetan bowls, all instruments used by ancient cultures in healing.Each of these TWELVE tones correlate with specific physical conditions, organs of the body, emotional states.
“The frequency range that one can hear depends upon the size of one’s eardrum.
Those people with larger eardrums hear lower frequencies than those with smaller eardrums. Those people with smaller eardrums hear higher frequencies than those with larger eardrums. Most men have a lower hearing range while most women have a higher hearing range.
“Music was not invented. Music was discovered. It is more than just the human ear’s recognition of coinciding pulses. It is literally mathematics as sensed by the ear. Music is confined to a series of pitches in the sound range of the human ear. These same pitches exist in the octaves below sound, the octaves between sound and visible light, the octave of visible light, and the octaves above visible light. If frequencies sensed by the pineal gland or any other biological sensing mechanism can affect the hypothalamus, then other octaves such as those of sound and light, working through our ears and eyes, can also affect it. So music was discovered by humankind, probably due to its noted effect upon the emotions.”
We want to set the tone of our explorations of Drama and the future of Humanity with several sharp examples. We want to penetrate the region of karmic intuitions attempted with the book and film ” Cloud Atlas” (click link). The future of The Dramatic Arts revolves around the reality and the ability of the Tenth Hierarchy to show how interconnected groups of human beings who have incarnated out of a living spiritual world in order to find each other, fulfill each other, complete each other, carry each other and awaken each other on Earth, how we are all seeking to unfold a new Karmic Organ of perception.
Film crews, scripts, grips, costume designers, writers, actors, directors, make-up, stylists, set designers, catering staff, stage-hands, producers, dancers, choreographers, special effects, stunt people, ALL OVER THE WORLD, like gypsies or old pirate crews, all those and many more gather together under contract agreements to unravel a mystery of plot, dynamics, intimate interpretations, performances, discussed and hashed out, scripted, story-boarded, staged, rehearsed, blocked, all these wayward clusters and groups consolidate for brief intense periods, like a Roman Army, like Spartans, up at dawn, till late, late into the evening, they march forward into the realms of IMAGINATION and the laws and design codes of Human Relationships.
The unstated mystery of this intense form of uprooted living reveals hundreds of thousands of souls bent and focused, no less than Vincent van Gogh himself, and his vast human tragedy, are all profoundly swept into the true nature of the ARTS. The Dramatic Arts are a schooling that awakens the dormant organs of karmic perception.
“Cloud Atlas” (CLICK LINK) starts with a tight cluster of karmic souls gathered together, not only on an island, but within one of those obscure microcosms of humanity, on a ship together. How this microcosm projects out over time into the field of human karma, from such a small cluster of souls, captured in a journal, is the beginning of a great voyage. It could have been Charles Darwin’s five-year voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle which launched the distortion of how humans arose from apes (CLICK LINK). Those journals and that voyage utterly changed the perception of the world and education as we know it.
“Cloud Atlas” brings about one of the first cinematic attempts to juggle the complexities of a vast Karmic Group, incarnating through time that skips like a stone thrown across the Etheric waters of the vast tableau of human destiny. It is a spiral cinematic unfolding, focused on intense knots and intense moments in the karmic history of a group of Souls. This spiral law was distinctly designed into “Cloud Atlas” by Lana and Andy Wachowski and their brilliant co-director,Tom Tykwer.
Rudolf Steiner -The Seven Great Mysteries- “Karma is the law of cause and effect in the spiritual world; it represents the spiral process of evolution.“
Cause and effect, Karma and Catharsis in the human soul is the very essence of Aristotle’s law of the Dramatic Arts. Human moral catharsis and the schooling of humanities intimate awakening to the spiritual world around us, is written into the script of each human beings destiny. Catharsis is the primal law of Drama and it is intimate to the word CATHARI. Later I shall examine the relationship between the prime directive of The Dramatic Arts, Catharis, and the nature of the Cathari. (prime directive- is the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution which are bound by the laws of karma)
In “Cloud Atlas” the critical driving theme is not the usual destruction of humanity, or a linear plot. What drives the plot is the unusual moral and karmic laws of Reincarnation and Karma within a specific set of individuals incarnating through history. Their earthly moral and dramatic choices, their moral developments, drive the plot through spiral karmic loops of the Earth’s, humanities and the fall of civilization’s future developments. Nothing like it has ever been attempted in Cinema or film history.
“Mitchell’s book is not a simple read, with its interlocking stories and a multitude of characters, distributed across centuries and continents. Each story line has a different central character: Adam Ewing, a young American who sails home after a visit to an island in the South Pacific, in the mid-nineteenth century; Robert Frobisher, a feckless but talented Englishman, who becomes the amanuensis to a genius composer in Flanders, in the nineteen-thirties; Luisa Rey, a gossip-rag journalist who rakes the muck of the energy industry in nineteen-seventies California; Timothy Cavendish, a vanity-press publisher who finds himself held captive in a nursing home in present-day England; Sonmi~451, a genetically modified clone who gains her humanity in a futuristic Korea, ravaged by consumerism; and Zachry, a Pacific Islander who struggles to survive in the even more distant future, after “the Fall,” which seems to have endangered the planet and eradicated much of humankind. These characters are connected by an intricate network of leitmotifs—a COMET –shaped birthmark crops up frequently…”
Mark Twain was born with Halley’s Comet and predicted his own death coinciding precisely with the return of Halley’s comet as it swung by again on it’s 75 year cycle. Rudolf Steiner also presented a theory where he proposed that comets are the living representation of higher spiritual entities to whom it is assigned the cosmic tasks of purification, catharsis and adjustment.
Comets were the cyanide laced Ahrimanic marauders, renegades. Orbits, Suns, galaxies, planets, Moons, all conform to very objective mathematical fields, we can say there is a status quo for Constellations, Planets and these directly impact Life and Form on Earth. Comets refuse to conform to the order of upbuilding living cosmic systems. They follow their own law and we find the Cyanide of Comets and the Gold of the earth and in the Human Soul, as well as the cyanide that fractures the cohesion of the soul and spirit, used on Death Row, Gas Chambers and instant death for Spies, linked to the Alchemical core force of Gold in the Human Soul.
“Acquaintance with these Beings who draw their past after them like a spiritual comet’s tail, has a shattering effect.” Rudolf Steiner Karma and Reincarnation Studies (click Link)
Lana and Andy Wachowski have moved together through film history and individual creativity like comets. Comets are the “nomads” of the universe which capture the lost souls and direct them back to a place of reassessment, purification and, perhaps, recycling. The star laws of reincarnation, and the earth laws of human destiny, are part of the Science of Karma and Destiny that is the highest mission of the Dramatic Arts.
“Cloud Atlas” represents an artistic skeleton key to the Karma of Charles Darwin, his former incarnation as Tariq in 711 to the Transcendent System of Karma Cognition that is part of Spiritual Science and The Dramatic Arts. The classic foundations of the narrative tale of the Pequod, Queequeg and “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville , a voyage of Initiation and a microcosm of our human search for the Titanic powers that shape the universe below the waves of consciousness, are raised to the transcendent level of the Philosophy and Science of human Karma in a “Cloud Atlas”. And we find Cinema and Humanity unprepared for such a leap.
A leap of great courage by three directors working harmoniously together, unheard of, an harmonious triad of constructive intents, a spiritual trinity who ask themselves over and over and ask us, what is Karma and Destiny really about? These three directors carry humanity, philosophy and the science of film making into the virgin territory of Karma Cognition and The Dramatic Arts. Three harmonious film directors, Lana and Andy Wachowski, and Tom Tykwer along with the writing of David Mitchell take unwilling humanity to an entirely new threshold of The Dramatic Arts and Sciences. Move over Shakespeare and “The Tempest”!!!!
“Sonmi was a human like you’n me? I’d never thinked so nor’d Abbess ever speaked such loonsomeness, nay, Sonmi’d been birthed by a god o’ Smart named Darwin…”
It is this Science of Human Karma and Human Destiny which towers above the overwhelming delusion that shaped human cognition, education and materialism through Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory. Moby Dick and the Pequod, “Cloud Atlas” and the H.M.S. Beagle turn the wheel of the titanic forces that shape cultural Imagination and the Science of Karma Cognition. All three of these shattering moments of Art – Literature – Science and Imagination, all began with a voyage, a ship and a moment seized, held fast and examined as, magnificent karmic sequences, moving through Time.
Film, stage, novels are all primed and ready to reveal the passionate and powerful fields of Time where each human individual and each Karmic Group of Individuals have vividly, tragically, heroically incarnated in the sequence of Time. There are karmic sequential laws, there is the law of entering a real Spiritual World after death, what stars and time features marked our deaths and from the vast divine system of the stars, a new course, a new destination, a new life is plotted out (CLICK LINK FOR PRECISE STUDY) and the very stars that marked our death sequences are transformed and bring us to the stars that mark our birth entry, back into Space. We plan our destinies to meet and recoup the progress of the souls we have been connected with for hundreds of sequences of Earth History.
Rudolf Steiner
“What I want to do is to give you a picture of certain historic connections, presenting it in such a way that at every point some light is shed on the workings of karma.”
The highest mission of the Dramatic Arts and potential forming of the organ of intimate Karma Cognition arises clearly from how a “CLOUD ATLAS” takes shape. Rudolf Steiner continues – (THE SCIENCE OF KARMA COGNITION CLICK LINK) “…events do not take the form in which they reveal themselves in external history. The really significant streams run their course beneath the surface of ordinary history and in these streams the individualities of the men who have worked in one epoch appear again, born into communities speaking an entirely different language, with altogether different tendencies of thought, yet working still with the same fundamental impulse. In an earlier epoch they may have accomplished something splendid, because the trend of events was with them, while in a later they may have had to bring it into the world in face of great hindrances and obstructions. Such individuals are obliged to content themselves with much that seems trivial in comparison with the mighty achievements of their earlier lives; but for all that, what they carry over from one epoch into another is the same in respect of the fundamental trend and attitude of soul. We do not always recognize what is thus carried over because we are too prone to imagine that a later earthly life must resemble an earlier one. There are people who think that a musician must come again as a musician, a philosopher as a philosopher, a gardener as a gardener, and so forth. By no means is it so. The forces that are carried over from one incarnation into another lie on far deeper levels of the life of soul…”
…… “The aim of the Arabians in their campaigns was most certainly not that of mere slaughter; no, their aim was really the spread of Arabism. Their tasks were connected with culture. And what a Tarik had carried into Spain at the beginning of the 8th century, he now bears with him through the gate of death, experiencing how as far as external history is concerned it runs dry in Western Europe. And he appears again in the 19th century, bringing Arabism to expression in modern form, as Charles Darwin.…
….”Read Darwin’s writings again with perception sharpened by what has been said and you will feel: Darwin writes about things which Tarik might have been able to see on his way to Europe! — In such details you will perceive how the one life reaches over into the next.”
“Cloud Atlas” could have been Darwin’s journals, but instead, and thankfully so, we are about to go tracking the story below the story of which the vast story of humanity is really all about. Instead of Darwinism, what we gain from “Cloud Atlas” is some of the first awakenings to the dormant organ of Karma Cognition as the highest schooling of The Dramatic Arts.
Reincarnation – Casting – Characters and the Dramatic Arts
Rudolf Steiner (CLICK LINK) – “….we are too prone to imagine that a later earthly life must resemble an earlier one. There are people who think that a musician must come again as a musician, a philosopher as a philosopher, a gardener as a gardener, and so forth. By no means is it so. The forces that are carried over from one incarnation into another lie on far deeper levels of the life of soul…”
Referring to Halle Berry in “Cloud Atlas”(Click Link) and Reincarnation, costume, casting and story coherence, “Lana (Wachowskis) picked up the story, saying, “She would only ever get to be a slave or a servant, and she said it was an interesting thing to her because as an actor, and acting is always about transcending to some degree, she’s always been segregated. History remains segregated to actors. They can’t… they’re not allowed, they’re banned, whites only for certain roles. And this movie, which is about transcending convention and transcending boundaries, allowed her just in the physical choice of giving her this part to transcend and claim a part of history through that transcendence that had always been denied to her.”
“My other favorite film so far this year, “Holy Motors,” is about the way performers slip in and out of identities and how they transform themselves, and how it feels like this is a discussion worth having right now as technology allows us to redefine ourselves through online identities and avatars and we are discussing things like outliving our bodies by downloading our personalities, separating soul from form.”
Each of our karmic histories and each of our karmic stories are woven into the great tapestry of human history. It is Artistic, it is subtle and above all each of our stories are ripped from the heart of the great story of the journey of the Tenth Hierarchy. The many parts we play in the unfolding of our human destinies are part of the intimate fabric of how our own ‘ I AM’ played it’s part through all the chapters of all the many lives we lived and shared together through time.
“Cloud Atlas” presents “… a plot of MORAL OR KARMIC PROGRESSION, so that Mr. Hanks, the lead, goes from being the movie’s worst character, a doctor trying to poison the 19th-century notary, to its best, the futuristic goatherd, Zachry, who saves humanity, or what remains of it. Mr. Grant, on the other hand, goes in the opposite direction, starting out bad as a racist missionary in the 19th-century story and winding up worse as a slobbering cannibal in the post-apocalyptic one. Some actors even play members of the opposite sex.”
“Cloud Atlas” begins a journey that awakens the hidden mystery behind THE DRAMATIC ARTS AND SCIENCES. This schooling in understanding the Science of Human relationships, of Karmic Groups and how we incarnate together over time and what lessons we discover on our journey’s together, is part of the science of Karma and Reincarnation. The schooling that awakens this dormant organ of Karma Cognition is none other than THE DRAMATIC ARTS.
Karmic Groups of TWELVE
In the Science of the Dramatic Arts and in Spiritual Science, – “We look back at earlier incarnations of man of races and civilizations, as well as of the earth itself. We build up within ourselves an idea of what will happen in the future i.e. time. And we shall always see our way if we judge of evolution in time from a framework built up by means of the number seven. On the other hand the number TWELVE is a clue for all things that co-exist in space. Science which at the same time was wisdom was always conscious of this. It said: ‘ It is possible to find the right way by connecting the spatial relationship of everything that occurs upon the earth with TWELVE permanent points in space – the TWELVE signs of the Zodiac in the cosmos!’
“These are the TWELVE basic points with which everything in space is connected.
This declaration was not an arbitrary yield of human thinking; but the power of thought in those early times had learned from reality and so ascertained the fact that space was best understood when it was divided into TWELVE constituent parts, thus making the number TWELVE a clue for all spatial relations. But where the question of changes came in, that is to say in the time element, the seven planets were given as a clue by a still older science. Seven is here the clue.” Rudolf Steiner “The East in the Light of the West” Chapter 9
In our previous study of Eurythmy, Speech, The Word and the study of Etheric Phytology (CLICK LINK) we opened a small window into the Egyptian Mysteries of the “Soul’s Awakening” from the Four Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner. We also examined some of the more hidden secrets of “The Tempest” by Shakespeare.
Shakespeare, in his “The Tempest”, resets the Karma of TWELVE characters, a cast of TWELVE, by using a recapitulation of a Jupiter Planetary orbital rhythm based on 12 years. In “The Tempest” , one of the first conscious teaching tools of the higher mission of The Dramatic Arts, revealed the hidden reality of how Karma and Cosmology, how clusters and karmic circles can be changed and altered by a conscious higher moral perception of synchronicity and the workings and patterns of human destiny.
Similarities of how isolated case studies, under a magnifying glass of human spiritual relationships, appear in the realism of “Cloud Atlas” or in the pure IMAGINATION of “The Tempest”, brings us clearly, if we have developed a certain depth of insight, right into the hidden mysteries of karma dynamics. This study is going to give us clues into how we may open the door into the dawning experimentation of tracking the mystery of Karma Cognition, Karmic Groups and awakening an inkling of the deeds of the Lord of Karma, who rules over the highest mysteries of The Dramatic Arts.
The Lord of Karma is the writer and director that brings human destinies together, in a location, in a future time, and we shall show in this essay how those future times of meeting are foreshadowed and projected back into our human souls. We shall study one of the deepest mysteries of The Lord of Karma and the science of The Dramatic Arts.
Through “The Tempest” we learn that a very specific Karmic Group all incarnated together in blood lines and heredity in Italy and an Initiate, Prospero, who was well schooled in the esoteric sciences, the intimate woven pattern of connections out of the stars that brought a cluster of souls together in a specific region where destiny could be studied with intensity, find themselves in a catastrophe of unique betrayals.
Politics and leadership vs Esoteric Sciences create a family feud which requires Manichean efforts of forgiveness. Evil instincts in the political and economic sphere of fortunes and kingdoms vs Conscious perception of Karmic events and how to heal Karmic wounds caused by human betrayals of goodness, requires, in The Dramatic Sciences, an over all starry wisdom and appreciation of how to use the stars and planets to the benefit of humanity.
However it cannot be more severely brought to our human Tenth Hierarchy attention, that Black Lodges also use the conscious power of the stars and incarnation clusters of human beings to consolidate intense conscious evil out of the political and Ahrimanic sphere. (CLICK LINK FOR VIVID STUDY)
The examples of machinations into the karmic manipulations, and assassination of key figures who could do great good for humanity, who were murdered and today are still murdered, poisoned and assisted by black lodge agents to suicide because they are or were agents of good, is keyed and triggered by THINK TANKS who also use the starry regions and starry planetary forces.
Black Lodge groups and Black Lodge directed clusters also incarnate and miss-use and abuse the higher Star Forces in human destiny to consciously dismantle, re-direct and destroy the future paths that goodness could take. It is not even the least bit difficult to see how the extermination of JFK-RFK-JFK jr. were the work of Black Lodges to exterminate an entire direction, root and branch, of potential goodness and idealism and re-direct that path of goodness, through the elimination of the actual incarnation, through the murder of key human individualities, with the intent to divert human goodness into the darkest channels of global deception and degradation.
Therefore a Manichean battle of conscious good vs conscious evil IS, as they say, IN THE HOUSE. I shall connect to this Manichean thread later on. (In depth study link Adriana Koulias here)
A Precise Course Study in the History of the Dramatic Arts
Rudolf Steiner on the History of Dramatic Art (CLICK LINK) – “Art emerges from the spiritual, its original source of knowledge. Spiritual vision withdraws more and more in proportion as the sense-world commands ever-wider attention, thereby stimulating the development of the ego. Human consciousness follows the course of world evolution and so has to make the journey from the spiritual world to the world of the ego and the senses. If man were to study the world of the senses only through the eyes of external science, he would come to understand it only intellectually in scientific terms. But in place of clairvoyance, when this passes away, he is granted IMAGINATION, which creates for him a kind of shadowy reflection of what he can no longer perceive. IMAGINATION has had to follow the same path as man, entering eventually into his self-awareness, as with Dante. But the threads that link humanity to the spiritual world can never break, not even when art descends into the isolation of the human ego. Man takes IMAGINATION with him on his way;”
“Thy messengers will be the skalds and the poets of all the ages”
“Prospero makes a rather strange claim in this act (ACT V), that is brought up nowhere else in the play; he echoes Medea’s claim in the Metamorphoses that he can call up dead men from their graves, which seems to be included merely to further identify Prospero with the figure of Medea. Sycorax, the witch whom Prospero takes every opportunity to disparage but whom he resembles in his use of force, manipulative use of his magic, and past history, is actually based upon Ovid’s portrayal of Medea; and, the relation between Prospero and Sycorax/Medea becomes more apparent in Prospero’s speech, based upon the words of Medea.
“Prospero’s speech, is very much reminiscent of one of Medea’s speeches in the Metamorphoses: both speeches run roughly “ye elves by whose aid I have bedimmed, called forth,given fire, and rifted,” and Shakespeare’s language is too similar to Ovid’s in its syntax, commanding and formal tone, and implications to be merely incidental.”
JUPITER and the Transformation of Human Destiny
In the Vowel ‘UH’ – SATURN – a study in Western Cosmology (CLICK LINK) we researched Saturn. We now bring Jupiter into the focus of our considerations. Jupiter is the Vowel Sound ‘O ‘.
Jupiter runs in a rhythm and orbital pattern of approximately 12 years as it sings it’s song around the Sun. In education we have these TWELVE YEARS from 1st grade to 12th grade, compressed, as our zone and time sphere for reawakening and reintegrating the history of our karma, education and planting the seeds of history and catching up with our current cultural TIME, currently under the ZeitGeist Archae Michael, three stages above humanity.
In those short TWELVE YEARS we are given a Zeus like recapitulation and reintroduction to the history of events we have each and everyone of us participated in, in the past history of the karma of humanity. In those TWELVE YEARS we gain a faint insight into the inner ‘ INTUITION’ of the unique gifts and talents we brought with us into incarnation.
In those TWELVE EDUCATIONAL YEARS all of us who start the journey, say from 1st grade, we all enter at a precise moment where Jupiter is positioned and by the end of those Twelve Years, we have all of us completed an entire Jupiter cycle that spiraled down deep into the core of all that is under the surface, stirring dynamic points of inner gifts we have from the past that now sling-shot us forwards into the future. Hopefully we find our unique key and gift, which requires our heightened sense of intuition to navigate through the life lessons that will be thrown at us in the process of self discovery.
That entire beneficent Jupiter period, if we are lucky, gets us back into finding ourselves and finding our karmic path and eventually finding and meeting the people who are part of our karmic Group. “The Tempest” was an excellent example of astral, planetary physics using the dynamic of Jupiter and Jupiter’s TWELVE YEAR rhythm to transform and readjust a karmic event.
Why Western Cosmology Sciences fall so far short of the mark is because our human thinking fails to put together certain precise connections. In “The Tempest” Prospero performs a deed which is higher and more powerful than the magnificent programming and technology we use in Space Exploration. Prospero uses a SLING SHOT event, a pattern of conscious karmic coincidence to transform a negative karmic spiral into a positive, transformed and restored karmic loop. What we term retrograde events are in actual potential recapitulation events with potent potential for transformation. We must learn to look at forces of the Planets themselves with higher intuition or we will never overcome DEAD COSMOLOGY.
Gravitational Slingshot |
The Jupiter Sling Shot and the conscious transformation of karmic clusters
“Hail, many-colored messenger, that ne’er
Dost disobey the wife of Jupiter;”
CERES | High’st queen of state, |
Great Juno, comes; I know her by her gait. |
Juno was a daughter of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter. In order to intersect with Jupiter and change the negative aspects of karma into positive aspects of karma through IMAGINATION, the feminine side of Jupiter, his wife, is brought in to help sway Jupiter to resolve the future and happiness of two souls meant to be karmically united.
Juno was the mother of Mars and Vulcan. Connecting Mars the War god to the future of humanity and the distant Vulcan evolution – we have to pass through, TODAY, the current devastation of global economy. Juno was the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman empire. As Juno Moneta , where the term MONEY comes from, Juno guarded over the finances of the empire and had a temple on the Arx (one of two Capitoline hills), close to the Royal Mint.
In other words printing money from our current false Ahrimanic Federal Reserve and the deviations from the path of Goodness and throwing human karma into deliberate disorder is not what Juno the wife of Jupiter was meant to become. The wife of Jupiter has now become the significant Whore of Babylon serving commerce and congress. Every underhanded purveyor of lies and betrayals of the Tenth Hierarchy can now have congress with Juno. Science has learned to fornicate the false values and genetic codes of the plants, animals and humans. Human beings have corrupted the use of finances and corrupted the beneficent forces of Zeus. Human wisdom, have since Shakespeare’s time, darkened and corrupted Mars, War, Money and Matter Herself.
Another theme, along with Manicheanism is the deliberate disruption of karmic paths and through human manipulation, throwing human Karma into massive disorder (Click Link get Netflix and study whole T.V. series “TOUCH” CLICK LINK) . This is another branch of Karma Cognition and part of the Lord of Karma’s powerful Imaginations that literally project into actual human beings, an After Image, a polar image, of a future event, that will adjust the present event. We have made MONEY and War and big Pharma into the massive Imagination of a WHORE for Ahrimanic Corporatocracy and further weighed down humanity under Saturn with newly invented catastrophic karma and sadism that presses humanity deeper into Manichean territory.
Rudolf Steiner
“It is a thing of untold significance that has already happened and is happening more and more: the Angel of the one human being, of the one human soul who was karmically connected with another human soul, did not go on with the Angel of that other soul. Of two human souls karmically united with one another, the one Angel remained with Michael while the other went down to earth. What was bound to happen as a result? In the time between the founding of Christianity and the age of the Consciousness Soul, which was signaled above all by the 9th century and the year 869 A.D., the KARMA OF HUMAN BEINGS CAME INTO DISORDER (Study This Link). This is to pronounce one of the deepest and most important words that can possibly be uttered with regard to the modern history of mankind. DISORDER CAME INTO THE KARMA OF PRESENT-DAY HUMANITY. In the following lives on earth the experiences of men were no longer all of them rightly coordinated with their karma. This is the chaotic element in the history of recent times. This has brought into the history of recent times more and more social chaos, chaos of civilization; and the disorder that has come into human karma can find no end. For a split has taken place in the Hierarchy of Angeloi belonging to Michael.”
Prospero and all of us who wish to Prosper are faced with the enormous task of bringing some sort of order back into human karma. (Unique Human Beings are being sent into Incarnation to bring Order back into Human Karma (Click Link) “Touch” T.V. series) Human Destiny sits as a complete dynamic and planetary functioning field of forces, as separate and yet part of Nature.
“An important thread in the theme of the Cosmic Intelligence is the relation of beings who bear karma to the Christ Being, who now works in the atmosphere of the earth in the form of an angel, the Etheric Christ. This Etheric Christ is the Lord of Karma [21, Oct. 7, 1911]. For the karmic will — inherent in each being that bears karma — to come about means that the beings in question come into a proper relation with the Lord of Karma. The set of relationships between the Lord of Karma and each set of people who have karma to work through is a subset of the Cosmic Intelligence.
Rudolf Steiner explained that as a result of the ahrimanic influences on the Cosmic Intelligence, karma has come into disorder. The ahrimanized angels refuse to carry out their duties in connection with karma. These duties can be described thus: when karma between two human beings requires adjustment, the angels of the two people must first meet and arrange the details. The Lord of Karma oversees the arrangements so the karma is worked out in the way most beneficial to the human community. The ahrimanized angels refuse to follow the will of the karma — the will inherent in the human beings with whom they are connected — and thus fail to guide the karma on its true path.”
Nature appears to run independently, stone, plant, and animal, stars, weather and what appears to be life, runs independently under HUMAN DESTINY. Nature is the footstool, but the diagnostic science of destiny sits as a layer of powerful forces that rides nature like cowboy’s ride horses.
Our miss-use and abuse of the cosmic forces of Human Destiny have been projected back to humanity through the vivid Imagination of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Humanity gained insight into powerful forces above nature and rode our human destiny to destruction. More on that later, but it is clear that to be Prosperous, Prospero is going to have to re-set what human destiny has forced into disorder. Prospero will attempt to bring his daughter’s destiny from disorder back into order.
The hour’s now come;
The very minute bids thee ope thine ear;
Obey, and be attentive. Canst thou remember
A time before we came unto this cell?
I do not think thou canst, for then thou wast not
Out three years old.
Certainly, sir, I can.
Pros. By what? by any other house or person?
Of any thing the image tell me that
’Tis far off,
And rather like a dream than an assurance
That my remembrance warrants. Had I not
Four or five women once that tended me?
Pros. Thou hadst, and more, Miranda. But how is
That this lives in thy mind? What seest thou else
In the dark backward and abysm of time?
If thou remember’st ought ere thou camest here,
How thou camest here thou mayst.
But that I do not.
Pros. Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since,
Thy father was the Duke of Milan, and
A prince of power.
Know thus far forth.
By accident most strange, bountiful Fortune,
Now my dear lady, hath mine enemies
Brought to this shore; and by my prescience
I find my zenith doth depend upon
A most auspicious star, whose influence
If now I court not, but omit, my fortunes
Will ever after droop.
The Science of Karma Cognition developed through the Dramatic Arts
Rudolf Steiner
“If, in the near future, in four times TWELVE HUMAN BEINGS, the Michael Thought becomes fully alive — four times TWELVE HUMAN BEINGS, that is, who are recognized not by themselves but by the Leadership of the Goetheanum in Dornach — if in four times TWELVE HUMAN BEINGS, leaders arise having the mood of soul that belongs to the Michael festival, then we can look up to the light that through the Michael stream and the Michael activity will be shed abroad in the future among mankind.”
Springing from Powers of the Sun,
Radiant Spirit-powers, blessing all Worlds!
For Michael’s garment of rays
Ye are predestined by Thought Divine.He, the Christ-messenger, revealeth in you —
Bearing mankind aloft — the sacred Will of Worlds.
Ye, the radiant Beings of Aether-Worlds,
Bear the Christ-Word to Man.Thus shall the Heralds of Christ appear
To the thirstily waiting souls,
To whom your Word of Light shines forth
In cosmic age of Spirit-Man.Ye, the disciples of Spirit-Knowledge,
Take Michael’s Wisdom beckoning,
Take the Word of Love of the Will of Worlds
Into your soul’s aspiring, a c t i v e l y !
Playing on a vaster Time Field than Shakespeare used, by using the real physics of Time and our current Time Spirit regent, the Archae Michael, a series of so called “Mystery Dramas” were written that track TWELVE INDIVIDUALS, interwoven and interconnected who have moved through Time and Incarnations together. It remains one of the most advanced Dramatic Models of the interplay between astral karmic physics and Earthly human destiny ever presented. TWELVE Spiritual stand-points, 4-Groups of Twelve are needed desperately who recognize each other over the Earth; Each human being has TWELVE SENSES not merely five.
The Riddle of Conscious Karma Cognition
“You have been joined by destiny
together to unfold the powers
which are to serve the good in active work.
And while you journey on the path of soul,
wisdom itself will teach you
that the highest goal can be achieved
when souls will give each other spirit certainty,
will join themselves in faithfulness
for the healing of the world.
The spirit’s guidance has united you in knowledge;
so now unite yourselves for spirit work.
The rulers of this realm bestow on you,
through me, these words of strength:
“Light’s weaving essence radiates
from person to person
to fill the world with truth.
Love’s blessing gives its warmth
to souls through souls
to work and weave the bliss of all the worlds.
And messengers of spirit
join human works of blessing
with purposes of worlds.
And when those who find themselves in others
join with each other
the light of spirit radiates through warmth of soul.”
The inconceivable Science of Shakespeare, how he managed a ‘gravitational sling-shot’ event using the forces of Jupiter and reading the incidence of Synchronicity and Jungian Coincidence into advanced karma perception and cognition and advanced psychology, is all in the difference between white and black magic. Darkened, anti-human and Evil Psychology methodology used and developed everywhere today has everything to do with the WORD and fallen Ahrimanic-Luciferic sciences Shakespeare opposed, called SYCORAX (Click Link).
Today and far into the future we will be engaged in a Manichean battle of education, pharmaceuticals, torture and Ahrimanic intrusions, so devilish and so devastating, that seeks to grab our offspring, our children, before they are even born, and twist them into Sci-Ops SYCORAX products suited only for mass cultural insanity and perversion. Karma schooling and Karma cognition are critical and every effort in the Dramatic Arts that strides forwards into the frontiers of Moral Imagination, is a step forward in the Science of Karma Cognition and a step forwards into the depths of vision of the Lord of Karma.
The Transformation of Evil and the Manichean Mystery of the Future
In “Cloud Atlas” and in most of the Wachowski Brands, “The Matrix” and “V for Vendetta” we deal with some of the first powerful and astonishing revelations of a kind of Manichean Warrior Initiation into courage. (Click This Link for Manichean Initiation Into a Christo Morimur cry for blessing for the soul) We are going to need this courage and the Wachowski Siblings are correct in the package they offer it in. In “Cloud Atlas” one of the most difficult projected attacks against humanity, that is forming today, is the mystery of genetic cloning and the human I AM.
The human I AM, as Ahrimanic Science progresses, as Ahriman Himself Incarnates (Click Link), the aim is to sever the I AM from the Spiritual World, bring disorder into the karma of civilization so that it no longer even resembles civilization and bring retaliation by the fallen Ahrimanic angels, with the intent to drag down the rest of the Angelic Community. The degeneracy of Ahrimanic Sciences are likely to continue to meddle with genetic manipulation and cloning and thereby fracture the forces of the Angelic Kingdom even further into the future.
The Dramatic Arts has the distinct mission to stir humanity into action. Our education and university training, medical and scientific efforts, all coated over with the thick goo of militaristic fallen fascist agendas, will very likely sink humanity into the snares of the worst catastrophe of the Fifth Epoch of Ahrimanic social Evil ever imagined. Ahrimanic intents, are hell-bent on severing humanity from the upper sphere of Incarnation. Ahriman intends to distort and shatter The Laws of Reincarnation. The Dramatic Arts and Spiritual Science are the narrowest of bridges over this frightful abyss.
There is a map, a “Cloud Atlas” that most of us, including the intimate karma of David Mitchell, of the Wachowski siblings, myself, also born out of Chicago (I will track our Karma and our specific “Cloud Atlas” road-map out of Chicago later in the essay) and the entire School of Spiritual Science known as the Michael School, all planned our road-trip to Earthly life with the “Cloud Atlas”, supplied by a pre-birth gathering of a huge karmic school that took place in the Spiritual World.
What we might achieve with our freedom and our destinies on Earth, were part of a mighty panorama, a “Cloud Atlas” in which millions of souls are participating. Recognizing ourselves on Earth and cherishing our intentions and works is to gain the capacity to become fully conscious of the “Cloud Atlas” School we attended together before we all decided to incarnate. I will address this magnificent theme, of how the Risen Etheric Christ rose into the Clouds and a “Cloud Atlas”, an incarnation map of millions of souls are now the working strategies of humanity, the Archae Michael and the Lord of Karma. (more on that later)
Ahriman intends to create a placebo spiritual world, a virtual-world of Astral forces robbed from the Fallen Devachan (Click Link). Ahriman intends to fabricate a wholly disconnected Nature Nutrition from the laws of nature and create a controlled Etheric and Destiny tag and tracking technology, sometimes called RFID chips. But those are kiddie toys compared to the meddling into Cloning and homogenizing the I AM of each human spiritual being into faceless functioning ahrimanically controlled sentient life form. A carbon based I AM, emptied of individual soul identity, easily controlled from pre-birth to the end of the Fabricants life is what the Manichean of TODAY faces.
Numbed and amazingly naive, except for those Artists, Film Makers, Novelists and profound Philosophers, who get it, every inch of our defeat and our daily compromising our humanity, our dignity, the very foundations of THE TENTH HIERARCHY, which we are, will incrementally shatter the stars, further decimate the Angelic Community of THE NINTH HIERARCHY and enslave humanity in a nightmare severed from the Spiritual World and severed from the cohesion of our own I AM. Unless we start fighting back NOW.
“…an enormous red dragon…His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth…the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth,and his angels with him” (Revelation 12:3-9).
It is through this Manichean moment, where a manufactured, “Fabricated” clone awakens as an I AM that Sonmi-451 defeats the Ahrimanic forces. The smothered, fabricated, depleted empty vessel of Darwin’s worst nightmare, the thing that Ahriman had locked down and eradicated, eviscerated, our humanity, reduced to mulched flesh and a delicious foamy malt called soap. Humanity, cloned and mass produced and living in mass confinement human factory farming global operations, where humans were treated in the efficient Darwinian end game as cattle and poultry farms treat livestock for fast food hamburgers and quick chicken where bones, eggs, shells, are mulched and repackaged as nourishment is envisioned. In this diabolical, demonic future, the I AM, awakens in a clone (Click Link), in Sonmi-451 and precipitates the fall of the dominating Ahrimanic culture.
The “Cloud Atlas” story focuses on a genetically-engineered “fabricant” clone named Sonmi~451 who is one of millions raised in an artificial “wombtank,” destined to serve from birth. Such fabricants do practically every kind of manual or service labor, work as soldiers and prostitutes, and even act as “living doll” toys for “pureblood” kids in the futuristic society of Nea So Copros — an ultra-corporate version of a unified Korea that has grown to include much of Asia.
We are on our way to get to this Ahrimanic nightmare incrementally, day by day. It is dawning before our very eyes. When Sonmi-451 awakens Ahriman’s Earthly Ruler-ship finally collapses, caves in on itself. Humanity has been nearly eradicated in the process.
To prevent the stages that are without a doubt going to bring these things to fruition, the full thrust of Manichean Christianity must come to the aide of a slumbering, sickened society. The Dramatic Arts knows this, sees this and is aware of the type of courage needed NOW to deflect what is undoubtedly coming towards us and is nearly upon us.
Raising up of the Son of the Widow – The Youth of Nain – and the future of Manicheanism
“In his lectures on the Gospel of St. Luke, Rudolf Steiner speaks about this ” Raising from the Dead “, as it is related in St. Luke, Chapter 7, verses 11 -17. Rudolf Steiner Characterizes it as a very special form of Initiation: an Initiation, namely, in which the forces awakened in the soul do not become active at once, and in which there is no consciousness, as yet, of the change which has taken place. The effects of the accomplished spiritual awakening repose within the soul like a seed, and reach full development only in the next incarnation. In this Initiation of the Widow of Nain’s Son, Christ prepared something for future Ages – so Rudolf Steiner explains to us. He awakened, in this case, an individuality “would bring to mankind, in accordance with its further evolution, and in an entirely objective way, something for which human beings will be ripe only in the future”. What we read concerning the awakening of the Widow of Nain’s Son, arose anew as a powerful Teacher of religion, and that in this way in a later age, a new Teacher of Christianity could arise, endowed with the power which had been implanted at that earlier time in his soul.” Adelheid v. Sybel-Petersen 1935
Which brings us to a brand new re-framing of the new Joan of Arcs under Michael the Archae and the unfolding Manichean Mystery. It is THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (Click Link) starring Noomi Rapace that brings us into the current issues of sadism, abuse, savvy computer technology, well schooled, disciplined, with enormous anti-social I AM wisdom, an outcast, the new Anti-Heroine or Hero is the new real deal.
A new Manichean Identity emerged as a type, a type that appears to reject all the old conservative visual identity markers that make people THINK, assume, they are all safe amidst homogenized happy political consumers. Or are they? So a new rejected TYPE of Manichean Dramatic Character was created, whose complex intelligence, cunning and human courage can take the power back from the bankers, reverse the sadistic rapers and seducers and make them into the quivering cowards that they absolutely are.
The New Manichean Warrior overcomes all Identity limitations, passport and legal Matrix’s of power, travel, and can change their whole temperament and dress and assume a new identity if it suits their purpose. The New Manichean can handle the roar of an intense high-powered bike, move like a high-speed lightening bolt through every layer of culture. The New Manichean can go unobserved or dismissed, marginalized but retains their innate integrity, ethical courageous content and independence, to what all appearances seems the epitome of a Loki-like intensified Luciferic force bottled in a highly carbonated Manichean disguise. The New Manichean has fully, flatly rejected everything phony or laced with hypocrisy or at least appears to see right through it.
The entire edifice of abstract cultural lies are rejected, yet The New Manichean turns the weapons of Ahrimanic abuse back, spiritually reverses those forces and puts them right up against Ahriman’s own throat. It forces a massive Catharsis in real time against human souls who have fallen into actual demonic possession.
The Manichean Warrior uses the Information Super-Highway and the Global Information codes to Hack all the way to truth and restore the balance of power, rightness and righteousness via the very laws that Ahriman has slowly evolved to enslave us. These are consciously reversed and used against the Ahrimanic in a new Manichean Hackers Code of Knight Templar vengeance.
Cathari – Catharsis-and Manichean catastrophes colliding in our current Fifth Epoch
“What is the meaning of the utterance of Manes that he is the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, The Son of the Widow? It means that he will prepare for that epoch in which the men of the Sixth Root Race will be led by themselves, by the light of their own souls. Manes will create an overlapping stream, a stream which goes further than the stream of the Rosicrucians. The stream of Manes goes over to the Sixth Root Race which has been in preparation since the founding of Christianity. Christianity will appear in its perfected form in the Sixth Root Race.”
“Christian Life of the Sixth Root Race must be prepared. A number of human beings must be formed into an organization, a Form, in which the Christianity of the Sixth Root Race can find its place. This Form, this external Form of Society must spring from a handful of human beings whom Manes prepares. This is the community that Manes prepares.
“Therefore the first Endeavor of Manicheanism is to shape external life in its pure form. That is why Manicheanism laid such great stress on purity. The Cathari were a sect which appeared like a meteor. They gave themselves this name, Cathari, because Cathari means ‘the Pure Ones.’ They were human beings who had to keep themselves pure in their mode of life and in their moral relationships.
“In Manicheanism, it was less a question of the cultivation of Life but rather of the cultivation of the external Form of Life for the Sixth Root Race. In this Sixth Root Race, Good and Evil will form a far greater contrast than they do today. What will appear in the Fifth Round for the whole of humanity, i.e., that the physiognomy will be a direct expression for that which karma has created in man, so, in the Sixth Root Race, Evil will appear, especially in the Spiritual.
“There will be human beings who are mighty in Love and Goodness. But Evil will also be there as a mood and a disposition (Gesinnung) without any covering, within a large number of human beings. They will extol Evil. Some inkling in regard to the Evil in the Sixth Root Race glimmers in many human beings of cunning and genius. (Nietzsche’s Blond Beast was a portent of this Evil in the Sixth Root Race.) The task of the Sixth Root Race is to draw Evil again into itself through gentleness (Milde). In those who are the followers of the Sons of the Widow there will live the inviolable principle that Evil must be overcome through gentleness. That is the task of the Manichean Spiritual Stream. It appears in forms which many can call to mind, and need not be mentioned. It must express itself in the forming of a community which has to spread above all things: Peace, Love, and Non-resistance to Evil. It must create a Form for the Life that is to come later.”
In other-words what is required this very instant, Today, right NOW is not only Occupy this and Occupy that peacefully getting pounded, sprayed and shot at by police, or locked in Free Speech Zones, but the vivid Manichean Warrior (See Important Link) is required to deflect as much as possible the approaching Ahrimanic storm we have invoked for THIS our current Fifth Epoch or Fifth Age. This is us now and as you can read for yourself, all of us, all of humanity, we are not going to be allowed to glide by the catastrophe’s we are currently creating for ourselves and the future of humanity.
Adriana Koulias
“The Cathars, whose Manichean knowledge concerning good and evil stood in opposition to Sorath’s goals were also hunted down, tortured and burnt. Their spiritual cousins the Templars whose task of inaugurating a ‘Christened’ social order in preparation for the 6th Epoch were incarcerated tortured made to confess to despicable crimes and murdered. The Order was abolished through the co-operation of Pope Clement (possessed by a Luciferic spirit) and Philip king of France (possessed by an Ahrimanic Spirit).
In our times the above two attacks, the establishment of the Academy of Gondishapur and the destruction of the Cathars and the Templar order have been greatly strengthened by the entry of a new being in the service of the Sun Demon, Asuras who wishes to destroy humanity’s connection with the Ego through the Consciousness or Spiritual soul[10]. It is the action of all three categories of beings: Luciferic, Ahrimanic and Asuric in the service of Sorath that resulted in the reflection of the above two attacks in Bolshevism (Gondishapur) and Nazism (Destruction of Templar order)[11] – National Socialism. The development of secret lodges over and against the impulse of Rosicrucianism and the rise of Jesuitism in opposition to the Grail impulses have been other incursions into the development of the human spirit.”
The majority of humanity wishes to sleep into what is coming but in the character created from (Click Link) THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO an entirely new Manichean Impulse has been set into the mold of a Modern Manichean Knight, an absolutely no nonsense new Joan of Arc.
A sub-culture has arisen around us. Most of it is just fad, fermented foam and fickle fashion that fits in with the tacky tribal Rites of Passage, ‘Same as it Ever Was’. Gang tattoos have become sub-cultures playground of visual body philosophies that are actually blandly typical, superficially cliquish Christmas Tree decorations so that the holy and divine human form, our naked bodies, would not appear so boring. This is the very height of the epitome of cynicism that our materialism produces. Lavish Luciferic mediocre debasements of the organic and Etheric truth behind the true IMAGINATION of our human forms is the pitiful result of our intellectualized reductionism of spiritual reality. The vehicles for the realism of our concrete Incarnations, that were formed out of Divine Imaginations, became a billboard for fallen NASCAR cosmic Clichés. And it will get worse, much worse.
And if nothing else, if you have low self-esteem you may be able to fit in with some well placed tattoos, piercings, for your eyebrows, nose and tongue, various sex teasers for those boring moments when we just stare at each other in our nakedness. All this, basic sublimated philosophy of sex is the meaning of life that has flowed as blow-back and back-wash into the drab soul life of our Average Joe and Jane. Mohawks and brightly dyed hair also worked their way into the sub-culture of suburbia as well as ‘so-what’ and ‘whatever’.
Materialism and university education, any education now under Ahrimanic jurisdiction has spewed forth a copy of meaningless spam into the hearts and minds of nearly everyone. This mediocre spam floating like turds in the soul life of the majority of humanity cannot find the traction of inner cognition or depth of discernment needed to flush it out of the system. Rather this Soap, this Spam regenerates itself and spews forth the homogenized foaming froth of the continuous meaninglessness of the individuality.
So lacking in any depth of interest or skill sets to discover the I AM in ourselves we must use signs painted on our bodies to claim that we are Toyota’s, Fords, Porsche, Honda’s, Mitsubishi, bi-sexual, Harley, transsexual, hetro or metro sexual users and abusers. Literally the draining and deadening materialism of Ahriman’s brand of homogenization reduces all life to a series of accidents and Clichés for the bland, the bored, the blasé, the apathetic, the cynical, the indifferent and of course, the disillusioned.
So how will sub-culture generations awaken? That is one of the big questions Lana and Andy Wachowski have wrestled with since they incarnated together. They have presented numerous Manichean models and there is of course the sub-culture model of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, Noomi Rapace. Rapace was extraordinary as the damaged but awesome Lisbeth Salander genius computer hacker, female ninja and emotional anti-social iceberg. A case study in the hidden germinating seed force of a new type of Manichean Warrior.
Noomi Rapace just happened to have the chance to study in a Waldorf School where Michael thoughts, Michael Intelligence and Michael impulses flow through every Waldorf School in the world. Waldorf Education is the largest private school system in the World.
Joan of Arc’s relation to the Archangel Michael at the time of Joan’s mission and deed, were directed completely against the ongoing tides of decadent Power. Joan was subjected to a martyrs death. Waldorf Education is a direct result of Michael Intelligence flowing strongly through our current world.
“the family returned to Sweden to enroll Rapace in a Rudolf Steiner School. ‘They didn’t want to put me in a normal school because I was so wild,’ she says. ‘I grew up in nature. I was always out playing with the horses, building and creating things, and Steiner schools give you a bit more freedom.”
The New Manichean heroines rise from the ashes of Joan and shine forth in Sonmi~451, Lisbeth Salander. These are examples of some of the brilliant reflections of the true Mission of the future of the Dramatic Arts. These examples have blazed into flaming life with (Click Link) in “V for Vendetta” and “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and of course “Cloud Atlas”.
Rudolf Steiner
“…in place of clairvoyance, when this passes away, he is granted IMAGINATION, which creates for him a kind of shadowy reflection of what he can no longer perceive. ”
The basis for elevating Karma Cognition requires us to review Consciously, the vivid blueprints of how Reincarnation and Karma technically operate. Groups of Karmically connected individuals are even now preparing for incarnation. Say for instance, given a specific event that tied people together, the Sinking of the Titanic for instance. The example of Human Imagination and the actual Clairvoyance of the Lord of Karma at the threshold of Death, appear vividly and bring to Life the prime reality of the Dramatic Arts.
All those that lost their lives in the Titanic meet under the clock (Click Link Intuition and the Lord of Karma). The Midnight Hour of Life after Death deserves to be studied. Such an intense study can be started (HERE CLICK LINK). The Artistic Intuition of the Lord of Karma reveals how Clairvoyance and Imagination work directly together through the arts. And to understand Karma Cognition, the biography of such a full life and full destiny and those who were cut short in tragedy, such rich bonds of love and courage, we may witness the gathering of NEW KARMA, The Science of Destiny and Reincarnation, how humanity understands the generous and benevolent Lord of Karma is part of the most exquisite realities behind the Mission of The Dramatic Arts.
We can take another wrenching example. We understand, The Dramatic Arts understands how all those that may have boarded an airplane together, all who partook of such a destiny, all who crossed the threshold of death together share an intangible bond. (ABSOLUTELY STUDY THIS MOVIE RENT THIS MOVIE AND CLICK THIS LINK TO UNDERSTAND RELIGIOUS AND ANGELIC THINKING AT THE THRESHOLD). The film is called “Fearless” with Jeff Bridges. A reordering of destiny and reuniting of our Angels to the Christ and Lord of Destiny takes place. NEW karmic Groups, new Angelic and human unions are re-fashioned, reformed and re-focused towards a future where Karmic Groups will be able to realign their and our Angels to the goals of the magnificent striving of the Tenth Hierarchy.
Earthquakes that swallow whole groups, Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims, Dresden Bombings author Kurt Vonnegut (See Link). Massive events that swept thousands up together in flame. They crossed the Threshold of Death and met with the New Etheric Christ Mysteries that seek whole new karmic constellations to re-orchestrate and bring order back into human karma.
There is a powerful and emotional potency that crosses the boundaries of Life and Death, brings us back into union with our Good Angels and order back into human karma. Drama has the powerful task to witness and school the soul in the reordering of destiny and human karma. The Dramatic Arts are able to use Moral Imagination as a stage towards higher clairvoyance while awakening the dormant organs of Karma Cognition.
We find some of these reconstituted, nurturing and rejuvenating Karmic Groups attracted to and joining Symphony Orchestras, where the echo of the Music of the Spheres, drew them all into a New Karmic System as they crossed the threshold of death. We find some of these absolutely NEW groups, who met the Etheric Christ Event together, forming themselves into Eurythmy Groups around the world. Some tragedies create new possibilities, new Constellations of Souls and Spirits who will learn together and slowly unfold together and slowly learn to reverse the trends of our current plunge into conscious psychological evil.
We are in the territory where we can indicate samples of Karma Science and Karma education that we can immediately understand and embrace from the Dramatic Arts, films, screenplays and intuitions out of the realm of the arts and sciences. (SEE LINK AND GET THE MOVIE) “WHAT DREAMS MAY COME” with Robin Williams is a jewel in the crown of the research into our journey through Karma and Reincarnation.
“For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause; there’s the respect That makes calamity of so long life”
There is an educational systems elaboration that I have prepared for myself so that I would remember to remind myself of how the technical system of Reincarnation, through the Mid-Night hour where we trek into the high regions of the Spiritual World, to our deepest penetration, back to Earth, down into our biographies, where we arrive at Mid-Day around our 35th year, having forgotten nearly everything about our journey. To get a firm foundation in Embryology and Reincarnation you may want to explore HERE – (Click Link).
Another example where Film and The Dramatic Arts takes us behind the scenes in a sketch on Reincarnation and Karma that makes a warm impression, as a Dramatic Sketch of events, prior to our incarnation and events leading to fulfillment of meeting the people we chose to meet on Earth, is the film “Made In Heaven” (See film and Click Link for sample) with Timothy Hutton and Kelly McGillis contains a wistful but deeply intuitive insight into the facts of Life after Death and how we prepare for a New Incarnation.
And then we have “Cloud Atlas” which leaves out the part about our journey through the Spiritual World after death, but skips to the inter-connectivity of our karmic connections as part of the obscure truth about Earth History and The Lord of Karma. So many billions of Souls, all playing important-minor roles in the vast life Drama of The Tenth Hierarchy are meeting constantly and will continue to encounter each other into the future in many different disguises. And this is sketched in a “Cloud Atlas”, the examples above and powerfully and profoundly in The Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner.
“(Tom)Hanks carries certain expectations with him when he’s cast in a role, and for some audiences, they may not be prepared for what he does in “Cloud Atlas.” I asked if part of the reason they cast him was specifically so they could play against that iconic weight he carries.
“Tom (Tykwer) answered, “The whole idea of him being the most relevant everyman actor since Jimmy Stewart invited even more this idea that the characters he’s playing are having this very particular evolution, the idea that the best of us can come from the worst of us. He’s an evil murderer, but there’s this learning process, and meeting this girl once, twice, and then finally realizing he’s going to have to change, and when he meets her in the ’70s, there’s that feeling that even though he’s working for the, you know, the evil empire, maybe he can help her. Maybe he can do something better. And then he fails and he dies, and so he comes back as the writer, and do you remember the moment when he sees Halle Berry in the bar, and you think, ‘Oh, there she is! Go! Go!’ But he doesn’t. He decides to do bad instead. He decides to do something very bad and kill the critic instead.”
“Tom stopped and fixed me with a pointed stare as he realized what he’d just said. “Well, I don’t know how bad you can consider that to be.”
“Both of the Wachowskis started laughing at that, all of them looking at me, and finally Tom regained some composure and continued. “So he keeps going, and ultimately he meets her again in the far future, and he gets to really, really change. He gets to change perspective. He becomes this new being who sees the moral consequences of things.”
Our LOVE and our INTUITION, and how we trained ourselves in the Science of The Dramatic Arts will all serve our future and present Karma Cognition so that we may recognize those we have loved in the past and those we shall meet again in the future, who have loved us. This is all part of The Science of Drama and the Lord of Karma, by concrete definition, the working forces of the Risen Etheric Christ Being are fully operative in the present and future ongoing development of our precious humanity.
But then we have the kernel of the entire scope and focus of how The Dramatic Arts have the mission to serve the higher cognitive sciences of Reincarnation. We learn how our own special Groups are drawn together and grow together so that these vast connections of souls that we are connected with, are groomed through all of our vivid Life tales, Life stories, an endless, moving panorama capped with an individual LIFE TABLEAU full of secrets (CLICK LINK).
The Perfect film and the Occult Schooling of the Life Tableau
“However, when we go through the gate of death our life on earth is followed by a few days in which pictures of the life just ended come before us in a gigantic perspective. These pictures are suddenly there: the events of years long past and of the last few days are there simultaneously. As the spatial exists side by side and only possesses spatial perspective, so the temporal events of our earthly life are now seen side by side and possess ‘time-perspective’. This tableau appears suddenly, but, during the short time it is there, it becomes more and more shadowy, weaker and weaker. Whereas in earthly life we look into ourselves and feel that we have our memory-pictures ‘rolled up’ within us, these pictures now become greater and greater. We feel as if they were being received by the universe. What is at first comprised within the memory tableau as in a narrow space, becomes greater and greater, more and more shadowy, until we find it has expanded to a universe, becoming so faint that we can scarcely decipher what we first saw plainly. We can still divine it; then it vanishes in the far spaces and is no longer there.”
Robin Williams and “The Final Cut” (See film clip)
A Zoë Chip is a chip placed in your brain at birth to record your entire life. When you die, the footage from your life is edited into a “Rememory”–a film shown at your funeral pieced together by an editor. A toy for the privileged, Zoë Chips are changing the face of human interaction, but there are those who are against this emerging technology, and believe that memories are meant to fade.
“Defending your Life” Albert Brooks
“It is Albert Brooks‘ notion in this film that after death we pass on to a sort of heavenly way station where we are given the opportunity to defend our actions during our most recent lifetime.”
“After every incarnation a new page is added to the Book of Life” Rudolf Steiner (Click Link)
“The period immediately following death is of great importance for the human being. It lasts for many hours, even days, during which the whole of the incarnation that is just over comes before the soul of the dead as in a great tableau of memories. This happens to every human being after death. The peculiarity of this tableau is that as long as it remains in the form in which it appears immediately after death, all the subjective experiences of the man during his life are expunged.
“Our experiences are always accompanied by feelings either of joy or pain, upliftment of sorrow, in other words our outer life is always associated with an inner life. The joys and sorrows connected with the pictures of the past life are not present in the memory-tableau. The human being confronts this memory-tableau as objectively as he confronts a painting; even if this painting depicts a man who is sorrowful or full of pain, we still look at him quite objectively; we can, it is true, discern his sorrow, but we do not experience it directly. So it is with these pictures immediately after death. The tableau widens out and in an astonishingly brief span of time man sees all the detailed events of his life.
“Separation of the physical body from the etheric body during life can take place only in an initiate, but there are certain moments when the etheric body suddenly loosens from the physical body. This occurs when a man has had terrible experiences, for instance, a dreadful fall or has been in danger of drowning.— The shock causes a kind of loosening of the etheric body from the physical body and the consequence is that in such a moment the whole of the previous life stands before the soul like a memory-picture. This is analogous to the experience after death.
“Partial separations of the etheric body also occur when a limb has “gone to sleep” as we say if a hand, for instance, has gone to sleep, the seer can perceive the etheric part of the hand protruding like a glove; parts of the etheric brain also protrude when a man is in a state of hypnosis. Because the etheric body is woven in the physical body in tiny, pinpoint formations, there arises in the physical body the well-known sensation of prickling in a limb that has gone to sleep.
“After the lapse of the time during which the etheric body together with the astral body is emerging from the physical body after death, there comes the moment when the astral body, with the higher members, leaves the etheric body. The latter separates off and the memory-tableau fades away; but something of it remains; it is not wholly lost. What may be called ether- or life-substance dissipates in the cosmic ether, but a kind of essence remains and this can never be lost to the human being through his further journeyings. He bears this with him into all his future incarnations as a kind of extract from the life-tableau, even though he has no remembrance of it. Out of this extract is formed what is called, with concrete reality, the “Causal Body.” After every incarnation a new page is added to the Book of Life. This augments the life-essence and, if the past lives were fruitful, causes the next life to develop in the proper way. This is what causes a life to be rich or poor in talents, qualities and the like.”
We share a deeply rich journey of how we learned together, through LOVE, to become conscious co-workers with the Etheric Christ, in the adventure of The Tenth Hierarchy. That kernel, core and Conscious Science of Drama and Karma Cognition is sourced with tremendous resources to review and learn how the Dramatic Sciences work from the House of the Word, from the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland and also from those of us who have been rocked to our foundations by the mystery and majesty of Drama itself.
Learning the laws of Drama and awakening the dormant organ of Karma Cognition is the corner stone of the mission of the New Mystery of The Dramatic Arts. In The Four Mystery Dramas, by Rudolf Steiner the first complete “Cloud Atlas” kernel of following the seed kernel of a Karmic Group through Real History and Real Events, through all that transpires that make our human relationships so important, and so powerful, was achieved.
Lord of Destiny (Ordnung des Schicksaals)
The Dramatic Arts – Karma Cognition and the reshaping of Human Destiny
The Dramatic Arts awaken in humanity – ” soul-spiritual organs, predisposed but not active so far; in a clearly surveyable and therefore fully justified manner, without ever impairing freedom, it throws light upon that region where otherwise only the more or less blind will dominates. It purifies the will through thinking. The human being who attains more and more freedom discovers within him the capacity of moral imagination or moral phantasy as a first stage on his spiritual path. By increasing our human forces, we reach, at a second stage, the ethical experience of sense-impressions (perhaps beginning with the sensory-ethical effects of colors and their AFTER IMAGES. (Study Link Adriana Koulias )
“As serious students of the Dramatic Arts we may then decide to devote ourselves, in concentrated activity with our whole personality to the study of re-ordering our destiny. This would be a third stage accessible through studies in Spiritual Science that outline accurate Karma Research, without the the danger of falling into illusion or error.
“Rudolf Steiner brought the mystery of Cosmic Intelligence and the new ART of ordering and reshaping human destiny not only from a universal human POV, but brought specific karmic destinies, examples taken right out of the history of humanity with vividness and clarity unsurpassed, but he also set forth artistically, in his Mystery Plays, characters engaged in such actions and thoughts, who live through corresponding destinies. It was the first time that this was ever done in Literature and The Dramatic Arts.
“Two entirely new motifs thus enter Dramatic Art. Cosmic Intelligence, that is, the world-wisdom-filled relationship we have to the Hierarchies that continue to urge and bring forth Truth, Beauty, Goodness to circulate through human thoughts, hearts and will impulses which leads towards the second motif, a vivid Christ experience that not only rests upon Gospel tradition, but which is now dawning in the Science of the Dramatic Arts as a new form of Risen Etheric Christ Experience.
The re-ordering and understanding of human destiny on Earth results as the great gift of the Dramatic Arts that reveal some of the more intimate laws of reincarnation, in which Christ is the Lord of Karma.
“Both these dynamic motives based on KNOWLEDGE and LOVE, may be found in the first Mystery Play, in fact already in its exposition, where we hear of “the truth of life’s return” and of “the way to live with the awakening of Spirit-Self”, and where one of the characters of the Drama – THEODORA – appears, who proclaims the following first seed of the dawning revelation of the Lord of Karma.
“The Christ once lived upon the earth, And from this life it follows That He encircles in soul form ALL GROWTH OF HUMANITY. He is united with the Spirit part of the Earth. But human beings could not yet behold Him As He revealed Himself in such existence, Because their being lacked the eyes of spirit Which shall in future show themselves. But near is now the future When with new power of sight The men on earth shall be endowed, What once the senses saw When Christ trod on the earth Shall human souls one day behold When soon the time shall be fulfilled.”“It will be the task of future generations of poets to shape such destinies by viewing them from the standpoint of the spirit and leading them to the spirit. Rudolf Steiner and Spiritual Science inaugurated the Science of Karma Cognition and the great task that await all of us, as spectators or participants in the future of The Dramatic Arts and Sciences. ” Albert Steffen in the year 1948
There are vast spiritual dynamics, Dramatic Science insights woven through all Four of the Mystery Dramas that validate and reveal the truth behind the (CLICK LINK)Three Soul forces, Philia-Astrid-Luna that reveal the unique, objective division and separation of the higher Science of our Soul lives. – The potent forces of the Three Norns of Norse Mythology –
The three fates, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos – Three Precog’s (Precognition reestablishment of the Three Norns in “The Minority Report”) – Three Witches of Macbeth – The Three fallen soul forces of Dracula from Bram Stoker.
Moving forward and backward in Time connecting past events to current events the Four Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner were the first accurate and dynamic systems study of a vast Karmic Seed Group of TWELVE INDIVIDUALS evolving and moving together through time and history.
Friedrich Hiebel 1937
“Lear, the mythical, legendary king, and his three daughters, symbolize the human ego and the three forces of the soul.
“Lear (and Gloucester in the by-play) stand in the center of events. On the one side, are the dark characters who follow evil: Goneril, Regan, Edmund, Oswald, Cornwall. On the other side, are the characters who break their way through to the light, to the good: Cordelia, the Fool, Edgar, Kent, the Duke of Albany.
“A world symphony envelops Lear. The broken harmony of the three soul-forces, due to the unfortunate division and three-partition of Lear’s kingdom, has split the world into a higher and into a lower world, into right and left, light and darkness. The very essence of the Consciousness-Soul appears in King Lear, in the form of a mythical mystery-play.
“Lear’s two older daughters represent the stubborn, degenerated forces of the sentient soul and of the feeling soul, appearing as hardened pride and flaming jealousy. Everything depends upon the third daughter,
Cordelia, the youngest, and Lear’s favorite. “I cannot heave my heart into my mouth”, is her answer to Lear’s question: “What can you say to draw a third more opulent than your sisters?” Twice she answers “Nothing”, and Lear, troubled and perplexed, replies: “Nothing will come of nothing.”
“This threefold “Nothing” is the opening motif of this symphony of humanity. The fact that the soul’s youthful forces are not recognized, that the element of the Consciousness-Soul is driven away, the only element which lead to a real self-contemplation and to the path of truth and safety, the fact that Cordelia is banished, brings about misfortunes which cannot be checked. Blood-ties lose their power, paternal duties are disregarded, sons and daughters rise up against their fathers, sisters against sisters, brothers against brothers…
“Shakespeare continues the modern ego’s descent into hell in Macbeth. This terrible nightmare-drama, this unsurpassed tragedy of an evil conscience, leads us into the witches’ kingdom. Shakespeare consciously enters the lowest demoniacal spheres. In the witches’ kingdom every human ideal changes its value: “Fair is foul and foul is fair” (nine layers of the inner earth studies of the reversal layer everything turns to it’s opposite (study link here), sing the witches at the beginning of the play.
“These three witches almost resemble three unredeemed counter-images of the three soul-forces of man, and Hecate, their mistress, is the counter-force of the true ego. Nevertheless, this tragedy, involving the most fearful journey to hell, closes with a victory of moral law and human conscience.
“In his comment for Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts of April 12, 1925 (the last lines which he wrote before his death CLICK LINK), Rudolf Steiner gave the following explanation concerning the path of modern self-consciousness, and these words can be of a great help to us if we study Shakespeare’s Macbeth: “For the development of his Consciousness-Soul, the human being needs the connection with what pertains exclusively to the earth. When entering into that which pertains exclusively to the earth, he encounters the Ahrimanic. He must bring his own being into a right connection with this Ahrimanic element.”
“Wearing Prospero’s mask, Shakespeare says farewell to his dramatic work at the age of 47. He closes the circle and returns consciously to the images and forces of his early years.
“Prospero has two spirits who serve him: Ariel, the sylph spirit of the air, and Caliban, the son of the soil, the son of the underworld, of the witch Sycorax.
We find in them the forces which are already portrayed in the Fair Youth and in the Dark Lady of the Sonnets. Prospero emancipates himself from these two magical enticing powers, he sends them away, allows them to rule their spheres, and buries his magic wand. Prospero’s farewell is Shakespeare’s farewell to his work, followed, soon after, by his farewell to London, the return to his native town and his farewell to earthly life.
“As an actor, Shakespeare was the strongest opponent of Bacon of Verulam. Words which do not express physical qualities had no value for Bacon. Words were mere idols for Bacon, idols of the race, of the nation, of the market-place, of science and knowledge, and science was for Bacon a mere spectaculum (a play) of thoughts, of idols. Free yourselves from your idols, from your words – this was Bacon’s message, and it flowed into the philosophy and education of the times which followed.
“There is no greater contrast than Bacon and Shakespeare. What a tragedy is contained in the lie of history, which stubbornly sought to prove, for a long time, that these two men were identical!! What a tragedy lies in the fact that Shakespeare, the master of individual faculties, the father and creator of unsurpassed individualities should have disappeared completely as an individuality.
“Shakespeare’s world is the world of his time and of his nation, as Rudolf Steiner once explained in a public lecture which he delivered at Stratford-on-Avon, the 23rd of April 1922, the anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. “Shakespeare stood in the evolution of contemporary drama, he stood in the midst of a world which was seeking a new form of drama, containing something which surpassed ordinary human concerns. Shakespeare entered this world, and, stimulated by the dramatic forces of his time, which man was still able to experience, he surrendered himself to something which was active in such a way that we can feel: The Spirit of the Century works in Shakespeare, and this, after all, is the Spirit of the whole evolution of humanity.” Friedrich Hiebel 1937
Karma Cognition and a “Cloud Atlas”
The Composer VYVYAN AYRS – “I dreamt of a … nightmarish cafe, brilliantly lit, but underground, with no way out. I’d been dead a long, long time. The waitresses all had the same face. The food was soap, the only drink was cups of lather.
The music in the cafe was” – he wagged an exhausted finger at the MS – “this.” (Click Link) ‘This’ would be the music heard, the lost music of a Cloud Symphony heard and seen of a future event based on the karma between an older composer and a younger composer. The karma event literally rays in from the physics of the higher spiritual development, of a new organ of perception rooted in the deeds of Risen Etheric Christ, Precognition and the workings of The Lord of Karma.
Notes from a “Cloud Atlas”
“Exposition: the workings of the actual past + the virtual past may be illustrated by an event wll known to collective history, such as the sinking of the Titanic. The disaster as it actually occurred descends into obscurity as its eyewitnesses die off, documents perish + the wreck of the ship dissolves in its Atlantic grave. Yet a virtual sinking of the Titanic, created from reworked memories, papers, hearsay, fiction – in short, belief – grows ever “truer.” The actual past is brittle, ever-dimming + ever more problematic to access + reconstruct: in contrast, the virtual past is malleable, ever-brightening + ever more difficult to circumvent/expose as fraudulent.
“The present pressed the virtual past into its own service, to lend credence to its mythologies + legitimacy to the imposition of will. Power seeks + is the right to “landscape” the virtual past. (He who pays the historian calls the tune)
“Symmetry demands and actual + virtual future, too. We imagine how next week, next year, or 2225 will shape up – a virtual future, constructed by wishes, prophecies + daydreams. This virtual future may influence the actual future, as in a self-fulfilling prophecy, but the actual future will eclipse our virtual one as surely as tomorrow eclipses today. Like Utopia, the actual future + the actual past exist only in the hazy distance, where they are no good to anyone.
“Q: Is there a meaningful distinction between one simulacrum of smoke, mirrors + shadows – the actual past – from another such simulacrum – the actual future?
“One model of time: an infinite matryoshka doll of painted moments, each “shell” (the present) encased inside a nest of “shells” (previous presents) I call the actual past but which we perceive as the virtual past. The doll of “now” likewise encases a nest of presents yet to be, which I call the actual future but which we perceive as the virtual future…”
Currently there is a precise signature to Pre-Cognition and Seeing an event arise in our inner sight that is directly linked – Cause and Effect – Linked to the Moral forces of a FUTURE EVENT. The FUTURE EVENTS are with precise unfolding Karmic events linked to the future of the Earth.Yes, we could do the right thing as humans, but we seldom do. Humanities unfolding future, like St. John’s unfolding Time Vision of the Apocalypse are tied directly to the real existence of the Lord of Karma, the Christ Being.
Examples, indeed. This projecting in from the future and revealing an event to us, that has not taken place yet, but will, is precisely what VYVYAN AYRS experiences in a “Cloud Atlas”(Click Link). Examples, yes, this New Capacity of Karma Cognition is on the front lines grinding in on us, but most of the population have no idea how it actually works.
The Ahrimanic forces know that such a pre cog capacity is latent in the soul life. Ahriman’s answer to Pre-Cognition is arming the military and law enforcement to over ride human freedom. Big Pharma has the intent of distorting and disturbing, corrupting and shattering the deeper psychic structure of the human soul. Example (See Link) “The Minority Report” uses Three Super Psychic Drug mistakes, produced by Big Pharma, to try to disrupt society and snatch this capacity before it has fully time to ripen. Here the Ahrimanic transformation of the Three Norns and Macbeth’s Three Pre-Cog Witches attempt to snatch Karma Cognition from the realm of Humanity and the Lord of Karma.
Let us now establish the domain of the laws of pre-cognition from the unfolding capacities of the Lord of Karma. The inner psychic structure of every human being has an inner access point which is open to the unfolding revelation of Karma Cognition that is quickly arising from the realm of the Risen Etheric Christ and flowing through all of humanity. The actual forces of the Etheric Body, our mirroring apparatus, creates literal AFTER IMAGES (Click Link Study of Etheric After Images). However these AFTER IMAGES are part of the new developments in Karma Cognition that the Lord of Karma is in command of, for all of humanity.
“At present morality is, in a certain sense, imposed on people from the outside by way of laws. In
the future this will not be so. Enough higher concepts will have been created in the soul to
inspire morality purely out of an inner understanding of what morality is and what it is not. Just
like we say a square has four sides because we have created the concepts that recognize this
inwardly, one day we will recognize morality through moral concepts that shall live in us.”
I believe everyone who loves someone or who needs to keep their spiritual and karmic friends Etheric Soul Image alive should use a different face than the one I shall offer as a precise objective experience of how the AFTER IMAGE functions. In other words if you have a loved one and you wish to have their spiritual image imprinted into your etheric memory forces, recreate the picture below using your own highest choice.
However with this example you will see precisely how the After Image functions. However, there is something much more potent behind this experience. The direct inner connection we have to our Karma and our I AM is accessed via a new vivid capacity that is part of the legacy of the Risen Etheric Christ. That is, the moral compensation-given in a clear cut dynamic event picture, that is deposited into the soul life. Film is one thing and Imagination is another, but to have before our gaze a future event, as it appears almost as a dream picture, will cause immense disturbances if these events are not addressed with our conscious understanding.
Here is the abstract exercise, we will then consider concrete instances and applications.
Firstly let us find the rule and then we will give adequate examples that lead us to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the shocking disturbances and disorders that will arise when people fail to grasp the deep foundations of the laws of Karma and the Physics of how Déjà vu operates in every human being.
The Lord of Karma and the After Image of Future Karmic Restitution
“After taking part in some action they will withdraw from it, and will have before them a picture which arises from the act in question. At first, they will not recognize it; they will not find in it any relation to what they have done. In the end they will see that this picture, which appears to them as a sort of conscious dream-picture, is the counterpart of their own action; it is the picture of the action which must take place, in order that the karmic compensation of the previous action may be brought about. Thus we are approaching an age in which men will begin to understand karma not only from the teachings and presentations of Spiritual Science, but in which they will begin actually to see karma.” Rudolf Steiner
“Cloud Atlas” can be liked or disliked and that isn’t the point. The point is that “Cloud Atlas” opens the window into the workings of the Lord of Karma in the psychic structure of every human being. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not, the laws, like gravity, the physics of the psychic structure of the human being, has an access gateway point that reveals future Pre-Cognition events. It is astonishing what the human spirit is allowed to see and how immortality and vast vistas of time into the future can be witnessed. St. John was absolutely correct.
Technically it has to do with our Astral body and how we leave our physical and etheric bodies when we sleep, (note Sleep Disorders) and what we bring with us from the stars when we wake in the morning. Déjà vu in it’s pristine form arises in what is called a waking or morning vision.
Technically we can get very precise with Pre-cognition by every evening reviewing our days in reverse order. Starting at the finish of the day and going back through to the start of the day and precisely recall the details of what everyone else experienced and said, not in the least just focused on our own pompous responses, but recalling and listening with deep layers of recollection, what others felt and experienced and understanding the overlooked details we missed. This exercise known as the Ruckshau or Backwards Evening Recall unlocks the Astral World of our own personal Angelic Physics.
Our astral bodies and our daily Karma events, that hold the secrets of our destiny, unfold in a triangulation of PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE linked events. However this triangulation always takes the PRESENT AS THE POINT of our exit at sleep. While down below FROM OUR OWN STAR, FROM OUR OWN POV, we look backwards into the Past or equally forwards into the future. We literally converse and consult with our Angels in the editing chamber of the stars.
I joke not! We bring the pictures, the rushes in film language of our day’s shooting, up to our Angels. What we did or didn’t do or did or didn’t say has reverberating moral consequences into the ripple of future events.
These future pictorial events reveal clear cut, absolute concrete pictures, that are absolutely real, but they haven’t happened yet. And the facts I have described will be the source of vast psychotic PTSD and intense sleep disorders because we have refused to meet our Angel and the Lord of Karma consciously.
We get the benefit of film in our daily actual real world. There is science of image production, but this film and cinema development for culture has a much higher task. It is a gift of schooling with a technological basis but it also has a higher level of meaning and spiritual schooling if we know how to incorporate it into our personal lives. On one side we have DEAD COSMOLOGY (See Link) that fails to take up the inner aspect of the Planets and Constellations and on the other side we have the schooling of film science and our connection to our actual Angels. We fail to use our healthy connections to our Angels as our conscious higher schooling of the Soul and Spirit. Our healthy relation to our Angels helps unlock the mystery of PTSD and opens up the inner organ of Karma Schooling and Karma Cognition.
However this Cinéma vérité that we design our IMAGINATIONS with has a much deeper source. Certainly we have learned editing, poignancy, catharsis, special effects, and we learn to see how motives and human impulses appear within events of human destinies. But that is the surface study, the internal schooling reaches, soars every evening, if we understand the profundity of our astral bodies and I AM, soars into the Stars and directly into the Kingdom of the Angelic Ninth Hierarchy that is intimate to each one of us.
Drama and advanced film studies have been rehearsals for understanding a deeper psychic force that exists between our Angels and the Moral Realities of Karma in our individual lives and our individual destinies. The future capacity that is part of the Risen Etheric Christ, which is part of us, is breaking into our self-satisfied, self-absorbed egotism. The unique I AM that awakens in Sonmi–451 breaks through the surface of our intention to disregard, annihilate and standardize our Singularity.
Singularity is an Ahrimanized concept that envisions humanity rushing towards a point where the unique I am will be over taken by computerization of the soul and spirit. The Singularity concepts are presented under Ray Kurzweil’s ahrimanization of the human spirit (CLICK LINK). We have scoffed at and rejected the most sacred and intimate internal I AM that we all possess. The physics of the human soul and spirit, as St. John fully understood, is a vast Time Revelation. And understanding that Time Revelation is in our immediate and most intimate grasp.
The powerful laws of Reincarnation and the Spiritual World are constantly placed in the dumpster in favor of the race to dismiss the relevance of each human being with the more practical, utilitarian service of Fabricants and fallen Devachan technology. Of course cloning is the very height of the debasement of humanity and nature that we are rushing towards.
So the individual hard work of Karma Cognition is a 2-way street. The old statement of what goes around comes around should no longer stand as cliché in our hazy assessment of comfortably sitting around staring into space thinking is our life a ‘movie’ or is our life a ‘sit-com’? We are in the serious business of Karmic traffic, Earth Evolution, the destiny of our Angels and our individual position within the framework of cosmic development.The rest of the people we love are hindered or elevated by our own efforts in development. “Cloud Atlas” and The Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner testify together and in accord that humanity will only succeed if each person strives to unlock their higher development.
Is there a Science of Karma Cognition? There is. The following will lay out for us a Present Karmic Event and how it connects to a Past Karmic Event. How do we, as striving individuals train ourselves to SEE and experience a PAST karmic event that is suddenly hitting us in the PRESENT? Well now we know the Science, but we have yet to attempt the soul discipline.
Oh, maybe you thought this would all be handed to us without effort on our parts. Well that is the entire problem and disaster we are facing. Ahriman wishes to hand everything to us without our inner striving. Our faculties will remain dormant and unawakened. Ahriman will lead us far, far away from the reality of what the human Soul and Spirit are and will become in EVERY INDIVIDUAL HUMAN DESTINY AND EVERY HUMAN BEING. Both “Cloud Atlas” and The Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner reveal this fundamental spiritual truth.
Rudolf Steiner outlines the Process of locating a Past Karmic Event in the Present
“Suppose I have an experience to-day that is karmically caused in a preceding incarnation. I will make a diagrammatic sketch. Here I am, here is my experience, the experience of to-day (right). This is caused by the quite differently-constituted personality in the same I in a previous earth-life (left). There it is. It has long ceased to belong to my personality, but it is stamped into the etheric world, or into the astral world, which lies behind the etheric world. Now I have to go back, to retrace the way backwards.”
This retracing a past karmic event can become habit in the Ruckshau but it still requires a TRIANGULATION that scans the past and present and requires a method of approach from the inner discipline and focused forces of our Souls and Spirits.
So when we do the Ruckshau exercise regularly, we launch ourselves into the Astral and starry worlds of the Lord of Karma and our Angels and often in the mornings we wake with a clear vision of a future event. It is very precise. We recognize ourselves but since the event has not yet happened, we know we haven’t met those people yet. We see, hear, know the event in precise pre-cognition which is defined as Déjà vu when our consciousness is jogged into a faint stirred recollection that we have seen this event before. We recall it, but we hadn’t remembered that we recalled it until the moment we walk into it. We think, I’ve been here before.
With practice of the Ruckshau review, in about a year, you will be pretty good with pre-cognition. Now the secret we are dealing with is upsetting and shocking only to those who wander unconsciously through their destinies. Some victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and those with severe sleep disorders and requiring heavy Pharma numbing of the astral body and nervous system, they have seen what is coming UNCONSCIOUSLY.
Let’s give some concrete examples of AFTER IMAGE Etheric Karma Cognition. Many of these events come back at us because of an immoral, horrific crime, we thought we got away with. It always makes for great detective stories. Who thinks they got away with what-when, and what makes a serial killer or soldier (Click Link soldier PTSD) or a hit and run driver or a bully into a quivering sleepless nervous wreck, is the subject for psychopath studies and extreme, defensive personality nervous disorders.
As Lady Macbeth’s waiting gentlewoman and a doctor observe, the lady walks and talks in her sleep. She rubs her hands together, as though she is trying to wash them. As it turns out, it is King Duncan’s blood she is trying to wash away. She continues to “wash” her hands until she is interrupted by the memory of the bell that she herself rang to summon her husband to the murder of King Duncan:
Lady Macbeth had thought that once her husband was king, it wouldn’t matter who knew that they murdered King Duncan, because no one would be able to challenge Macbeth’s power as king, to “call our power to account.”
As the sleepwalking scene continues, Lady Macbeth twice more complains that she can’t get the blood off of her hands. “What, will these hands ne’er be clean?” (5.1.44), she asks, and then she is devastated when she realizes that the blood will never come out: “Here’s the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. O, O, O!” (5.1.50-52). [Scene Summary]
Our Angels and The Lord of Karma penetrate the very core of our I AM, and a disturbing future recompensing, restitution and compensating event is literally written into the karmic scroll and future of our soul and spirit.
This creates insomnia and begins a horrible nightmare of severe nervous disorders that progress the more we push the event we participated in, down into our sub- and unconsciousness. Or the more we relish getting away with psychotic behavior, because humanity, Justice, and cognition are too lame to recognize or apprehend us, is the more we dare our Angels to intervene. (Study link of the Severity of the Fall of our own Angels) Or, our very own Angels have been poisoned by our deeds and must fall with the souls they have cared for and nurtured for a hundred incarnations. Our Angels sink into us and we use their higher spiritual forces for our own cunning, cleverness, evil and destructive-pathological behavior. This is the prognosis of the current psychopaths and sociopaths we have elected to rule us.
We have the nightmarish fascist wish that our children and un-born generations will also succumb and be ruled by our fallen Angels. Why? Two reasons. One – Grotesque powers of the Angelic Kingdom are driven down into our human doubles. Two – We are acting out our own and humanities destruction because we crave and have the conceit that we covet the gifts of the divine world but are unwilling to control our instincts and our doubles, our shadows, because we think it should all be done for us. Without our own I AM efforts to rise to the Angelic Kingdom, we pull our Angels down with us into a second more horrific fall. It is this temptation and seduction that WE THE PEOPLE will succumb to. We may forfeit humanities higher spiritual potential for Ahriman’s social-consumer-animal playground.
There are thousands of current PTSD and sleep disorder examples and Pre-Cognition events to choose from. let’s look at an AFTER IMAGE of the same horrific deed of murder.
We must remember that it is DRAMA that portrayed and foreshadowed both the medical and psychic issues that have become today epidemic and will continue to be marketed and distorted by the bio- engineering of the pharmaceutical monopolies. Normal unfolding of our higher human capacities will be looked upon as psychic and nervous system disorders.The concrete realities and physics of the human spirit will be looked upon as an illness. Ahrimanic Pharma is already having a field day destroying and aggravating the human astral and etheric body from embryo to old age.
Ahrimanic medical and military torture experts have combined with giant Pharmacological multinational corporations that have all rushed to create a beach-head and covert infiltration network to cut humanity and education off from what we have shown as healthy Karmic and Cognitive forces that are arising in humanity naturally.
It is our current battle for who owns the future of our human spirit – recognition of the Lord of Karma and the lofty gift of our unfolding spiritual capacities, our freedom; OR – will we choose Ahriman and the enslavement of our higher faculties by forcing our children and the un-born future into the fall of their and our own Angels?
The Dramatic Arts have not been sleeping through these vital and immediate, battles. MORAL AFTER IMAGE
“Macbeth goes to sit at the head of the royal table but finds Banquo’s ghost sitting in his chair. Horror-struck, Macbeth speaks to the ghost, which is invisible to the rest of the company. Lady Macbeth makes excuses for her husband, saying that he occasionally has such “visions” and that the guests should simply ignore his behavior.
Then she speaks to Macbeth, questioning his manhood and urging him to snap out of his trance. The ghost disappears, and Macbeth recovers, telling his company: “I have a strange infirmity which is nothing / To those that know me” (3.4.85–86). As he offers a toast to company, however, Banquo’s specter reappears and shocks Macbeth into further reckless outbursts. Continuing to make excuses for her husband, Lady Macbeth sends the alarmed guests out of the room as the ghost vanishes again.”
Macbeth tells himself that it’s not his fault that the ghost showed up. He says that men have been killing men for a long time, since before there were even laws against it: “Blood hath been shed ere now, i’ the olden time, / Ere human statute purged the gentle weal” (3.4.74-75). It’s a natural thing to shed blood; what’s not natural is that now the dead “rise again, / With twenty mortal murders [deadly wounds] on their crowns [heads], / And push us from our stools” (3.4.81)
In my essay on Fukushima Daiichi (Click Link) I show what was very obvious to everyone that Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams, where nuclear reactors explode and Japan is irradiated in an horrific tragedy, was a prime example of Pre-Cognitive Karmic vision of a future event that Kurosawa saw in his soul life. When in the history of Japan after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Kurosawa left a disturbing KARMIC DREAM COGNITION of future events he would not live to see, but he had seen them ahead because of his schooling as a film maker and his in depth spiritual connections to the Language and Archangel of Japan itself in all his many films.
However every youtube that I placed to show that Kurosawa vision, of the nuclear event, has been censored, removed and forbidden to be shown because it was a chilling example of something that certain giant monopolies of the nuclear industry, enormous Ahrimanic monsters over the globe wish to divert humanity from a study and celebration of the conscious awakening of our higher faculties. That specific section of the film is constantly removed, so I can’t show you the film clip but you can see the actual film.
The entire series of “Final Destination” Brand of franchise films are based on instant pre-cognitive future events, during a nap or sleep, where the higher Angel rips a sharp, vivid future, precise scenario, short film sequence, that is bee-lined directly to the inner core of the astral and I AM system of some receptive, unconscious and ‘oops we missed our rendezvous with death’ soon to be victim.
To divert our serious attention from such a cutting edge breaking phenomena, “Final Destination” films have wrapped themselves in a package of the Astral body and Nightmare on Elm Street styled sleep disorders based on previous karmic events and general shocking box office gore. Recurrent nightmares are the most defining symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder and are associated with other more extreme psychiatric illnesses.
Our encounters with War and wholesale murder have brought hundreds of thousands of souls into PTSD, sleep disorder and mental and spiritual imbalance. Suicides currently, currently, as of today, suicides in the military in the U.S. outnumber casualties from the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. This doesn’t even measure Depleted Uranium deformities passed down through generations, well after participation with Iraq. It does not count the immense experimental injections that have caused hundreds of thousands of Vets to become incapacitated because of Gulf War Syndrome lethal injections supposed to fight Anthrax or other bio-logical War agents. The U.S. military itself has caused these horrific nightmares. The following old, old, film clip takes us into PTSD syndromes before it even had such a name. Before we grasped that such nightmares and disorientation’s of the astral body had such profound implications. (Check Link for older B/W study in PTSD)
Instead of coming to terms with our Evening Review, or learning to meet our Angels and bringing our Karma back into some sort of Semblance of Order, we rather rush to the loving arms of Pharmaceutical Numbing of our higher faculties, which literally poisons our own intimacy with our Angels. We avoid bringing humanities higher faculties into any healthy educational focus and we condemn our children to Ahriman’s catastrophic, current, on-going agenda.
THE DRAMATIC ARTS HAVE FORESEEN THIS while our numbed ENTROPY – In sociology, entropy is the natural decay of structure (such as law, organization, and convention) in a social system. Our human striving to have our moral-higher and spiritual systems keep pace with our technology, continues to confront Ahriman’s power-bloc of socially co-dependent spiritual entropy.
The Atlas in the Clouds
The Mystery of the Atlas and Roadmap of human Karma and Destiny, “A Cloud Atlas” prepared before our births
All of us have participated in “…an Imaginative cult or ritual (Cultus) that took shape in the supersensible at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, when all that the Michael pupils had learned in the supersensible School before, was cast into mighty pictures and Imaginations. Thus were the souls prepared, who afterwards descended into the physical world, being destined through all these preparations to feel the inner impulse to seek for what would work as Anthroposophy on earth.”
Rudolf Steiner (See Link)
“…whoever really has the impulse towards Anthroposophy — (though it be unconsciously as yet, for men do not know it yet, but they will learn it in good time) — whoever has this impulse within him, still bears in his soul the echoes, the after-echoes of the fact that in the circle of Michael he received yonder heavenly Anthroposophy. For the heavenly Anthroposophy went before the earthly. The teachings given at that time were to prepare for what is now to become Anthroposophy on the earth.
“Thus we have a double supersensible preparation for what is to become Anthroposophy on the earth. We have the preparation in the great supersensible School from the 15th century onward, and then we have what I have described as an Imaginative cult or ritual (Cultus) that took shape in the supersensible at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, when all that the Michael pupils had learned in the supersensible School before, was cast into mighty pictures and Imaginations. Thus were the souls prepared, who afterwards descended into the physical world, being destined through all these preparations to feel the inner impulse to seek for what would work as Anthroposophy on earth.
“Think of them all! The great teachers of Chartres took part. They, as you know from my last descriptions, have not yet come down again, but they sent out before them those who worked above all in the Dominican Order, having held a kind of conference with them at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries. All these souls afterwards came together again — those who with fiery lips had declared ancient and sacred teachings in the School of Chartres, and those again who had wrestled in the cold and clear, but heart-devoted works of Scholasticism, to master the true meaning of Intelligence. All these were among the hosts of Michael, learning the lessons of the School which I have indicated.
“We have this School of Michael, and we have the great Imaginative ritual at the beginning of the 19th century, of the effects of which I have also spoken. Then we have the significant fact that at the end of the eighteen-seventies the dominion of Michael began again. Michael prepares once more to receive, down here on earth, the Intelligence that fell away from him in the intervening time. Intelligence must become Michael-like again. We must understand the sense of the new Age of Michael. Those who come today with the inner urge to a spirituality that already shows such Intelligence within it, as in the Anthroposophical Movement, are souls who are already here at this day according to their karma, to pay heed to what is taking place on earth in the beginning of the Age of Michael. But they are connected with all those who have not yet come down again.”
I shall sketch an incarnation tracking from the Atlas in the Clouds, the road-map for incarnations that includes Andy and Lana Wachowski and German director Tom Tykwer and my own incarnation track out of Chicago. Why Chicago? My own karmic opportunities presented themselves in a curious, confused manner out of Chicago. It also appears that the Wachowski Siblings had something special, they had each other to confer and confirm something that is much deeper down, when we have to find it and dig it out of our cosmic tracking and navigation.
What did we bring with us from the Spiritual World and what is it we sought to discover on our path through destiny? This never amounts to a pre-conditioned, fully paved, yellow-brick-road of straight forward destiny stages that seem obvious to anyone. Tom Tykwer born in Wuppertal at least was somewhat close to the name Rudolf Steiner. There is a fine Waldorf School, a Rudolf Steiner School in Wuppertal (see link).
Emil Bock was born in Wuppertal, Germany in 1895. He was one of the foremost theologians of his day and had an important role in starting The Christian Community, founded under the guidance of Rudolf Steiner in 1992.
However there wasn’t much of that in Chicago or the outskirts of Chicago where I grew up. I didn’t attend a Waldorf or Rudolf Steiner School. So if we enjoy nerve wracking adventures where we have to find the deeper trails that our I AM sought and where they lead, we finally come to the Theory of a Cloud Atlas that conjoins several generations of vital, seeking, contingencies of Souls, over the whole world, in all sorts of Karmic Conditions and all sorts of Karmic Cognition, but with an underlying theme which as the saying goes, We Know Them By Their Works!
“Those who come today with the inner urge to a spirituality that already shows such Intelligence within it, as in the Anthroposophical Movement, are souls who are already here at this day according to their karma, to pay heed to what is taking place on earth in the beginning of the Age of Michael. But they are connected with all those who have not yet come down again.”
Leo Strauss made his escape from Weimar with a Poison Platonic Pill, this age-old Aristotle and Plato pathology and true Platonists, like myself, sought an assignment and were given a tracking, hunting field that placed me in the wilds of the outskirts of Chicago, but born in Cook County Hospital. First jolt, Mother murdered. Adopted into the family of my Great Uncle with a stable, humble, life out by the lakes and woods of Fox Lake and McHenry Illinois.
Platonism and Leo Strauss and the School of Michael were pieces of a gigantic puzzle directly out of the fantastic FALSE FLAG of the burning of the Reichstag, Leo Strauss out of Weimar, brought his Poison Plato Pill to Chicago. Weimar was a place both Michael and Ahriman have taken a great interest in. If Ahriman was to do battle with incoming Platonist he needed his own horse in the race. Ahrimanic Intelligence knew full well what Michael Intelligence hoped to achieve. Michael Intelligence plunges into Freedom and human Consciousness with an awakening power. Ahrimanic Intelligence gathered souls inclined toward materialism and nursed them unconsciously and instinctively toward spinning Platonism away from the Michael School, while bringing massive disorder into human Karma.
“Strauss believed that societies should be hierarchical – divided between an elite who should lead, and the masses who should follow. But unlike fellow elitists like PLATO (See Link), he was less concerned with the moral character of these leaders. According to Shadia Drury, who teaches politics at the University of Calgary, Strauss believed that “those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior.”
Who knew? Who was Plato? Where was Plato? Well that is part of the Cloud Atlas tracking system. No, it wasn’t Leo Strauss, but Leo would gather to himself, and host a whole school of Ahrimanic Plato despisers, and Plato betrayers. Ahriman is literally gathering together his own earthly school to oppose Michael. Ahrimanic beings worked as unconscious instincts and gathered souls with his Ahrimanic signature and leanings into a pre-emptive attack against the School of Michael.
Souls arriving from the Michael School -Cloud Atlas- along with their Angels were organizing and aiming to arrive on the Earth and enter into incarnation. Once incarnated, sorting out life on Earth, drug culture, university materialism, Ahrimanic patriotism and nationalism, sorting through heredity issues, addiction issues, propaganda and brain washing issues and getting to the core of our true destiny direction, what we brought with us from the spiritual world, is a daunting, twisting, turning, psychological roller coaster ride.
Leo Strauss gathered around him the Neo-Con school of Ahrimanic opponents, opponents of anything to do with the Michael School, and he gathered some intense political misfits who heard in their souls the echo of Ahrimanic Platonism. These misfits were attracted in their instincts to the weak points of Platonism and how Platonism could serve Ahriman.
But Chicago also had a Nobel Prize winning Platonist who connected directly with Rudolf Steiner, Saul Bellow. He was invited to the Goetheanum by Hagen Biesantz (1924–1996). Hagen Biesantz played a significant role in my own arrival at the Goetheanum as well.
From 1966 Hagen Biesantz was trying to get the pulse on the new generation of Platonist’s and Aristotelian’s who were arriving out of the School of Michael, gathering as many as possible, and moving as many as possible towards the rediscovery of their own Michael School impulses. Biesantz had a dynamic personality and had a real connection to everything from the Beatles to the musical “Hair”.
Hagen Biesantz was a member of the Executive Council of the General Anthroposophical Society and also leader of the Art Section. He spoke easy English, was enthusiastic and daring. We had a good relationship and he enjoyed some of our more experimental theater endeavors that we tried out at the Goetheanum when I was in school there. Hagen didn’t miss a beat but invited the Nobel prize winning Saul Bellow to the Goetheanum.
“In the early 1970s, novelist Bellow discovered anthroposophy, the “spiritual science” developed by Austrian thinker Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). According to Bellow biographer James Atlas, the wiseguy Chicago writer regularly attended Windy City sessions of the Anthroposophical Society, kept a photo of Steiner on his desk, practiced Steiner’s meditation exercises, bought his books by the bagful, and pursued the Steiner scholar Owen Barfield for further illumination. Charlie Citrine, the Bellowish protagonist of the future Nobel laureate’s next novel, Humboldt’s Gift, could be found intently studying Steiner’s Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment in a Madrid hotel room.”
The road-map of the Cloud Atlas includes what we would rightly call “The School of Athens” problem. What did Raphael the painter know and when did he know it? If true education was the ability to follow the track of Plato and Aristotle to their next incarnations, huh? Wouldn’t that be something? So who was Plato? Where was he?
The Neo-Cons who gathered around Leo Strauss were interested in two things. Leo Strauss (see link) came out of Weimar. Goethe, Nietzsche and Rudolf Steiner all came out of Weimar. A large Ahrimanic group of souls were on assignment to bring about the most powerful false flag in Western History.This Ahrimanic Group Incarnation were on assignment to create diversions that would destroy humanities higher potentials. And the beat goes on.
The Neo-Cons gathered around Leo Strauss because they were to spear-head the gigantic surge of Sorathian Events that were cresting towards the year 1998.They were to bring disorder into Karma and find for themselves the recognition through their own destiny paths in politically deadly Ahrimanic super-cells, strategic Ahrimanic think-tanks that would clearly and intuitively recognize those who brought Fallen Spirits of Darkness with Them into their psyche (see link). Make no mistake, it was and IS today a devastating field of conflict we are in.
So the problem becomes rather clear. If you attended the Cloud Atlas Michael School, you had the assignment to find the core mystery behind “The School of Athens”. If you were the Neo-Cons who gathered themselves around false Platonism, your assignment was to smash any ‘airy-fairy’ liberalism and idealism connected to the magnificent vision of “The School of Athens” . In this Raphael/Novalis vision (Absolutely Clink Link), humanity could once more unite wisdom (SOPHIA) together with Plato and Aristotle, and achieve Anthroposophia.
The Wachowski Siblings out of Chicago, also brought this sub-Angelic and Fallen Angelic vast conflict we are engaged in with them into incarnation. “THE MATRIX” and “V FOR VENDETTA” and “CLOUD ATLAS” are sharpened works aimed at a punch back at the School of Ahriman. These are startling works that carry the surge of a new generation of sharp clarity and a whole new wave of strategic defense offered for the benefit of humanity.
The works of the Wachowski Siblings are cutting edge tools that penetrate deep under the skin of the dragon. The Siblings were bound to stay together and support each other and keep their karma and their Angels secure during the rough ride into incarnation. The Wachowski Siblings are critical idealists whose intellects span the depths of materialistic brilliance to the heights of the potentials that uplift our humanity. Orwell who delineated a living profile of Ahrimanic psychology on the Earth, it’s style and intent, could not have produced more informed or enlightened pupils. Ahrimanic Materialism has established it’s brand-name and virtues on the Earth but the majority of souls fail to get a clue.
In this vast School of the Cloud Atlas millions were given the task to pursue a new revelation of education that would inspire humanity to ascend to a crystal clear vision of it’s future. But destiny, Art, and the clues of intuition are Angelically subtle. Our clues require us, all along the path, to build our sense of clarity and intuition on the solidity of our own freedom and and the objectivity of the soul and spirit. This, as Hamlet says, is the rub.
The Michael School knows it’s own and the Ahrimanic School knows it’s own. There are distinct psychic signatures that identify them and they oppose each other only in the context of extreme materialism vs the Science of the Spirit. Yet each of the two vast contingencies participated in massive shattering events in the Spiritual World before either of the two groups found themselves reincarnated.
In the case of the Ahrimanic fallen Angels, Angels that are separating themselves from the future progress of humanity, (which appear clearly in “Cloud Atlas”) have been reassigned to continue their blistering attacks against humanity. Ahrimanic Beings attach themselves to the sub-intellectual structure that is nourished on cold, calculated cunning and cleverness without conscience, instincts without moral science.
Incarnation is not easy. So let us dispel the issue of Plato. A great sorrow or a great awakening of just how difficult incarnation is to any of us, especially those of us who are Platonists, strikes us when we learn the destiny of Plato. Will the idealism of humanity hold through Platonism without the anchor and structural strength of Aristotle?
“Through his literature tutor, Karl Schröer, who opened his mind to Goethe’s importance, Steiner was offered what must have seemed the chance of a lifetime. At 22, he was headhunted as the editor of Goethe’s scientific writings for a major edition of the great man’s work.”
We really have three major Greek spirits who, like any of us here now, don’t necessarily recognize each other. Aren’t the same age, aren’t friends on FB or tweet and twitter, they don’t attend the same university or share the same football team interests. Everyone has to discover the secrets of Karma Cognition for themselves. Whatever sparks it, it resonates with the interior of the I AM and recognizes humanity as The Tenth Hierarchy.
Karl Schröer had the difficult assignment of being literally the I AM of Plato in a former incarnation, but unable to lift that recognition into consciousness and join Aristotle in the unfolding of the mystery of “The School of Athens” for the 20th and 21st century. Here is an issue. Platonism will be lamed unless recognition arises in the Platonists with inspired strength.
“Steiner’s work on Goethe opened many doors. One led to Weimar, Goethe’s city, where he was asked to work on the Goethe Archive, another prestigious task. Although Steiner found few congenial colleagues, the work had other compensations. He was introduced to the city’s literary and cultural life and made many acquaintances. One in particular led to a momentous meeting. Elizabeth Forster Nietzsche, sister of the ill-fated philosopher (and herself a rabid anti-Semite), approached Steiner to work with her in establishing a Nietzsche Archive. This led to Elizabeth introducing Steiner to her brother, who had been insane – some claim from syphilis, although this has been disputed – for several years. Elizabeth had taken to dressing the defenseless Friedrich in a toga, and positioning him by the window, where his blank stare and unkempt appearance provided the impression of a great prophet. Steiner, aware of Nietzsche’s madness, was nevertheless impressed – not with the figure before him, but with its spiritual aura. He saw Nietzsche’s soul “hovering over his head, infinitely beautiful in its spiritual sight…” It was a soul that “brought from former lives on Earth golden riches of great spirituality…” If mention of Nietzsche’s “soul” brimming with “golden riches of great spirituality” suggests to readers familiar with the author of Beyond Good and Evil and The Antichrist that Steiner was as ignorant of Nietzsche’s philosophy as his sister Elizabeth notoriously was, they should have a look at Steiner’s book Friedrich Nietzsche: Fighter for Freedom (1895), a remarkably perceptive study which at times actually reads like Nietzsche. Throughout his career, Steiner had an uncanny knack of entering into and defending the ideas of thinkers with whom he had profound disagreements – like the staunch materialist Ernst Haeckel – a critical sympathy that often led to much misunderstanding.
“When his work at Weimar was ending, rather than embark on an academic career (Steiner had received his doctorate in philosophy during his stay and could easily have found a comfortable niche somewhere), he decided instead to move to Berlin, home of Germany’s nascent avant-garde.”
Through my incarnation in Chicago I found my way to theater in New York by the time I was 18 1/2 years old. Andy Warhol, Hair, LaMaMa 1968 and all the cultural forces of experimental theater in front of my eyes, I started to write and direct as well as perform in Off B’way productions, films, t.v. commercials.
I got launched to London with one of the Off B’way plays by Tom Eyen and from London I was invited to the Goetheanum. I had no idea about Leo Strauss or what a guy like me was doing with ELEVEN other artists all invited to the Goetheanum in Dornach Switzerland. TWELVE OF US FOUND OURSELVES ASSEMBLED TOGETHER AT THE GOETHEANUM. I was out of my league, over my head.
Here I arrive in Dornach, Switzerland certainly not the center of underground or avant-garde theater, experimental or cutting edge theater. However it was the central mystery location for the future forces of The Higher Mission of the Dramatic Arts. It was the central point of revelation for the Arts and the center of the cutting edge insights of the Michael School. I landed in 1972 like an abandoned waif dropped on the doorstep of some modern uncharted Cathedral.
There were TWELVE OF US, there had been a world-wide sweep to gather young people of initiative and talent and bring them to the Goetheanum and shatter us with the depth and enormity of Spiritual Science and the Mission of the Dramatic Arts. (Oh I am the one standing on the far left). Next to me is Annika, along back top row Herma Reeskamp, Graham Hope, Robin, Penelope – Middle row – Norman, Maxine, Christopher and Deborah – bottom sitting – Graham Dixon and Karin Hege.
“In his work The Theatre and Contemporary Drama, (See Link) (Andrei) Bely stated his belief that theater was the highest form of poetic art (symphonic music being the highest form of all art, because as pure movement it is the furthest removed from reality and the closest to the ultimate secret of being), as drama holds a transcendent, atmospheric quality.”
Annika Jaensch Benson
Annika Jaensch (Benson), Ruth Marx, Graham Dixon came out of Australia. Both Annika Jaensch Benson and Graham Dixon were part of our drama group. Else Klink Eurythmeum Stuttgart “Most engaging,… was the “Peer Gynt” entry. Because it employed two exceptionally skilled narrators, Annika Jaensch and Martin Porteous, who could convincingly portray all the characters…”
Herma Reeskamp Dutch (No current picture)
HBS-B, School voor Bewegingstheater, Eurythmieschule am Goetheanum en London School of Eurythmy. Diploma 1970. Heil-eurythmie Opleiding. Diploma 1975. Werkzaamheden als Eurythmiste en Heileurythmiste. Universiteit Utrecht: Klinische- enontwikkelingspsychologie, psychologie van de organisatie. Doctoraal 1990. Rino beroepsopleiding psychotherapeut 1991-1996. Werkzaam als psychotherapeut vanaf 1992 tot 2009.
Working with dreams in a clinical setting.
Reeskamp H.
Centrum ’45, Oegstgeest, the Netherlands. [email protected]
A disturbed sleep pattern, nightmares, and anxiety-filled dreams form a cluster of symptoms belonging to the DSM- IV diagnosis of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. A psychotherapeutic group approach aimed at reducing these symptoms was undertaken in the form of a workshop. The workshop was not a regular part of the treatment program, but an experimental endeavor, offered to the patients during special occasions in the year (around holidays). The therapist was primarily interested in investigating possibilities for improving the quality of sleep and influencing the patterns of recurring anxiety-filled dreams and nightmares. The method has both structured and psychodynamic elements. The work carried out during the dream group was embedded in the total treatment program. This was crucial to allow personal themes to be continued in the regular treatment program.
Graham Hope – (Still trying to catch up with him)
Robin Labron-Johnson
In 1973 the Studio moved to Willoughby and was renamed The Harkness Studio, thus associating it with Alan Harkness who pioneered the very beginnings of experimental theatre in Australia. Work continued at Willoughby and later at Cremorne supported by Dennis Glenny (improvisation and drama), Graham Dixon (drama) and Robin Labron-Johnson (Speech, Drama and Greek Gymnastics). Both of the latter completed their diplomas with Mechthild.
“My first meeting with Robin Labron-Johnson, in his words: “This takes me back when I first saw you in Steiner House, London, where I was struggling in the London School of Speech Formation [ can’t you hear the grinding of teeth and the chewing!] with Maisie Jones and you were upstairs all colorful covered in beads and long hair straight out of Woodstock and you wanted to join the Anthroposophical Society and Cecil Harwood’s secretary – who we called the dragon, all in black stood in your way and then Cecil came out and signed you up there and then.
“Then there was darling Jean Lynch (Jean Lynch a true Rosicrucian I refer to her in part 1 (see link) who taught us her special way of eurythmy: she had a very hard time with Marguerite Lundgren who was a bit of a martinet and Jean was quite poor. We clubbed together and bought her a moped so she could travel back and forth from the Christian Community where I think she had a room. She was brilliant and it was fun! Not some awful Germanic thou shalt do zis like so! way.
“There was the Red Buddha Theatre up at the Roundhouse with Stomo Yamatsu. That was an experience.
I think you had been living in Dormillouse, in France. Then Dornach, and we met up again. I used to visit my Dutch gypsy friend, who had a room next to you – Swiss frugality, one room divided into two – who I was in love with, the beautiful Petronella and we used to listen to Neil Young. Those were the days.”
Penelope Snowdon-Lait –
Spirit of the Word – Penelope has taught, acted, and directed in Europe, USA, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. She is involved with professional as well as community theater and has received public funding for three mixed ability shows. She has been a faculty member of Rudolf Steiner-based trainings in Switzerland, Australia and England and has lived and worked in Christchurch, New Zealand since 1983. Christchurch since the 2010 September earthquake and been much moved by the determination of those there to cope with what has been a devastating period. Life goes on and the earthquakes, now some 11,000, have subsided.
Norman Koeth
“Quartet” is a contemporary dramatic comedy about three friends – Cissy, Reg & Wilf – who are retired professional opera singers struggling to make a meaningful life for themselves in a home for aging singers and musicians. Their equilibrium is threatened by the unexpected arrival of Jean, Reg’s ex-wife from a brief and disastrous marriage.
Jean: Diana Zuger
Reg: Norman Koeth
Wilf: Eric Collino
Cissy: Liz Shaw
Café Brel Mrs. Crocodile
Maxine Herz – (Still trying to catch up to her)
“Christopher Marcus trained at the Crama Centre in London and, later, at the Goetheanum in Switzerland, before establishing his own theater group, Theatre of the Word. Since 1985, he has worked fulltime as a director specializing in mystery theater, and has written several plays. His productions include Teniko, Gilgamesh, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Passion of Kaspar Hauser, Hamlet, and many others, including Steiner’s mystery dramas.”
Christopher’s ministry (see link) is built on the foundation of 34 years of research into and the practice of Spiritual Theatre based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. As a director and teacher he has taken performers from all walks of life and diverse disciplines on a path of spiritual development through the Mystery of the spoken Word. This work has led him to the borders of what can be called entertainment, and to the core question of what it means to be ones true Self. Going through the portal of ordination at the Interfaith Seminary has been the answer to his search for authenticity, enabling him to help others come closer to themselves through the discipline of Spiritual Counselling. This process creates the container for deepening one’s relation to The Divine through ritual and ceremony as well as nurturing the wonder of human interaction in the intense group work offered by the seminary’s curriculum. Christopher is married with three children and lives in the Forest of Dean.
Deborah Morris (no current picture)
Remarkable in reviewing the journey of my fellow karmic companions, Herma Reeskamp and Deborah Morris find themselves doing very similar exploratory regions of Theater and Therapy. Deborah has as well a Eurythmy training and musical background. Like Herma Reeskamp she has worked with psycho-therapy and theater. Deborah’s husband, Francis, was a violin maker student when we were in Dornach together. (see link ) Francis now has his own studio where he makes violins. This unique interesting career takes us back into the second essay on our 100 years of Eurythmy study, that is the link to the Vowel sound UH – and Saturn study (Click Link) where I examine violin construction, and the resonating tonal structure of the 1st Goetheanum. Sound Construction and the film THE RED VIOLIN are studied in the link to the second essay.
My son, Silver, (both Christal and Silver were in Dornach at the Goetheanum with Susan and I) – Silver for the longest time lived in Great Barrington where Deborah and Francis had their home and violin studio. My son has only recently moved to Washington State. It is largely due to both Deborah Morris and Penelope Snowdon-Lait that my family and I survived at all in Dornach. These two, Penelope and Deborah fought the hardest to make it possible that I could complete my training in Switzerland. My family and I owe them both a tremendous Karmic THANK-YOU BOTH shout out.
Graham Dixon (See Link)
“The Great Russian actor, director and teacher Michael Chekhov related to the famous playwright Anton Chekhov gives his final testament on Theater and The Art of Acting personally from his lecture hall in Hollywood, California. To the last year of his life he Was Konstantin Stanislavsky Greatest Disciple. He went on to further and even surpass his Masters Techniques and ideas. He incorporated world philosophy and spiritual ideas called Anthroposophy into his Art. He accidentally stumbled upon the famous German Philosopher Rudolf Steiner, and met him for the first time a few years later. This was as close as one could get to personally knowing Rudolf Steiner himself. One of his greatest pupils, Chekhov quietly continued his Anthroposophical Theater Work up until his death. Some of Chekhov’s many students include Anthony Quinn, Gregory Peck, Jack Nicholson, Marilyn Monroe, Ingrid Bergman, Jack Palance, Anthony Hopkins, Elia Kazan, Clint Eastwood, Gary Cooper, and Yul Brynner. Chekhov’s colleagues, friends and associates include Sergei Rachmaninov, Max Reinhardt, Stella Adler, Edouard Schuré, Alfred Hitch, and Marie Von Sivers Marie Steiner.”
Graham Dixon follow up link – Click Link
Karin Hege Swiss
Karin was born in 1941 in Basle, Switzerland. After completeing her eurythmy training with the Rudolf Steiner School at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, Karin did stage work in Dornach and Berlin. She later undertook speech training in Dornach and subsequently toured as speaker for eurythmy productions in several European countries, including Russia and Ukraine. Included in her credits are anthroposophic therapeutic speech (ATS) practitioner with patients in the Ita Wegman Clinic, Arlesheim, Switzerland; tutor in ATS training in Dornach and Stroud, England; and ATS teacher in the Ukraine.
Fraeulein Lehn was our Eurythmy Instructor
Concluding our Narrative on Karma Cognition and Seed Groups of 12
Let’s further examine a clue of the significance of Rudolf Steiner. You know humility is a magnificent quality. What was in store for us and what was in store for the Michael School, if we weren’t to have Plato at the side of Aristotle? What then? Would Aristotle alone be challenged to take up the burden of Michael Intelligence? We are inheritors of the wide flow of human inspiration that has spread itself out over time, inspiring souls still unborn, and those that are even now churning out revelations and budding potentials. Shall we find them and recognize them before it is too late? Might we learn to recognize certain specific events and specific signatures that reveal the great conflict between Michael and Ahriman taking place?
So here is one of those signature events that draw a spiritual line in the sand. We have to learn to read such events. Just as we have to learn to read about Leo Strauss and true Terrorism that has arisen through Ahrimanically inspired human beings who are directly opposed to knowledge of Reincarnation that is brilliantly illuminated in a “Cloud Atlas”.
The opposing Ahrimanic/Orwellian signature is meant to rob humanity of their higher Intelligence and Freedom. Ahriman’s brutal signatures, psychopaths and sociopaths ruling in the political sphere, business sphere, education, science, a culture described clearly in “V for Vendetta” were all started with the cunning deception of initiating False Flags.Particularly the date of the Reichstag false flag carries a powerful signature that coincides with the birth of Rudolf Steiner.
Ahriman carves a bloody claw into the face of history just at the dawning date of the Rise of the Etheric Christ and Lord of Karma in 1933. Ahriman will do everything in it’s power to oppose Karma Cognition and the awakening of healthy pre-cognition. Ahriman will oppose with pharmaceutical astral poisoning the healthy development of the higher faculties of humanity.
On the night of Feb. 27, 1933 the Reichstag building was set on fire. At the urging of Hitler, Hindenburg responded the next day by issuing an emergency decree “for the Protection of the people and the State,” which stated: “Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”
Finally through Virginia Brett and Hagen Biesantz (1924–1996) I completed my training in Speech and The Dramatic Arts in 1980 and graduated from the Goetheanum. I went straight to Spring Valley N.Y. or Chestnut Ridge as it is called and met up with Peter Menaker,
another Chicago born native. It was invigorating, we were both young and enthusiastic and Peter at 29 was the Golden Boy. He had a wonderful family and he was marked for greatness. He was going to be the Administrator for the Threefold Community. His sterling reputation and solidness was set to lead the charge of bringing the Anthropsophical Society together, with an emphasis on young people flowing into the society. Hopes and plans were all moving in the right direction.
So Peter and I directed, acted, taught, performed and spoke for Eurythmy in the beautifully designed Theater and Lecture Hall of Spring Valley New York. Peter and I put together a three character play by Yeats called “At the Hawk’s Well” (see Link). I brought Julie Portman from Tufts University into our cast. (See Link) She was a Professor of Drama at Tufts and she was also trained in the Indian Dance, Kathakali. Julie had gone to India to train with masters.
I knew from seeing Eurythmy and her work with Kathakali that the various forces of thinking – feeling – willing and Warrior and Priest and Poet, that the movements were part of how the Threefold structure of the human being was first perceived in ancient times. It was powerful to see and showed the ancient roots of Dance and how Eurythmy arose out of the mysteries of the Threefold Human Being. Julie was our Guardian of the ancient Well from “At the Hawk’s Well”.
Peter Menaker was the Old Man at the Well and I was the young man. We had found our way to an ancient Celtic Island where the mystery of immortality had to do with drinking from the Well before the Guardian of the ancient Spring could destroy us. Who ever drank first gained the inspirations of knowledge and immortality, the loser would die. The Old man, Peter Menaker had been waiting for years at the well and then the young warrior shows up. The upstart, me playing the mythic Irish/Celtic hero Cuchulain.
The Old Man and the young quest adventurer Cuchulain seek the same thing: a drop of the well’s sacred waters, which grant immortality. The Old Man has wasted his life waiting for a chance to imbibe eternal life, and scorns his fate; Cuchulain arrives cockily, feeling that fortune is on his side. A dormant she-hawk protects the well’s prowess.
Peter and I circled the Well doing the Cosmic Eurythmy gestures, the TWELVEFOLD gestures of the New Mysteries and Julie Portman did the ancient, threatening, intimidating Kathakali. It was both a lesson in Eurythmy and how actors could use these magnificent gestures as well as Eurythmy students.
Peter and I were both Speech Instructors for the Eurythmy students who studied at the Threefold Community. Peter and I were experimenting with delving back into the ancient gesture of India and showing the metamorphosis of the higher valuation of the Eurythmy Gestures from the Constellations.
We didn’t use the vowels, but we did use the circle that surrounded the Sacred Well, so that Peter and I were on opposite sides and circled together through the Cosmic Eurythmy gestures and Signs of the Zodiac using the various Consonant and Eurythmy movements.
It was magnificent. We toured the piece through New England. We got back for our last performance at the Threefold Auditorium. Well we were all magnificent, if I do say so myself. It was a magnificent experiment in Cosmic Eurythmy Gestures, the Eurythmy Consonants and the ancient pagan origins of Dance.
Then the oddest Karmic Event happened. Peter died of a Heart Attack, on the spot, immediately following our performance. It was shattering. I was grief stricken. The entire Threefold Community was lifted off it’s hinges and dropped like a stone. One individuality, like Peter Menaker, who had graduated from the Goetheanum, was as solid as a rock and fully prepared to do everything possible to keep Spiritual Science revved and alive in the U.S.. He was Dead at 29 1/2 years, 30 years old, with two wonderful children, his wife and the profound impulses of Anthroposophy and Spiritual Science blossoming upwards like a rose in his soul.
He crossed the threshold of death immediately after our performance of “At the Hawks Well” Everything changed, Saturn Karma had spoken.(Understanding Saturn Karma See Link) Karma had spoken in my soul as well. I wended my way once again through New York City, teaching, opening up an Arts Center in lower Manhattan and was finally invited to Atlanta, Georgia to inaugurate my own production company. Tragedy is a curious awakener. My Chicago karma had reached a crescendo and it felt like part of my whole world had also shattered with the death of Peter Menaker.
Ahriman – Politics – Disturbing the Status Quo
Holding a mirror up to our souls. A Spiritual Litmus Test for self-knowledge
Scene 8
Strader: (In all three 100 years of Eurythmy essays so far, we have looked into the depths of Strader’s karma SEE LINK)
And all these folk, why do I find them here
Within thy darksome realm?
‘Tis but as souls
That they are in this place: they do not know
Aught of themselves when here, since in their homes
Sunk now in deepest sleep they would be found.
But here quite clearly all will be revealed
That lives within their souls, though they would scarce
On waking think such thoughts could be their own.
So too, they cannot hear us when we speak.
Louisa Fear-God:
The soul should not in blind devotion think
That it can raise itself in haughty pride
Up to the light, or that it can unfold
Unto its full extent its own true self.
I will but recognize what I do know.
Ahriman (audible only to Strader):
And dost not know how bluntly thou dost lead
In haughty pride thyself into the dark.
She too will serve thee, Strader, in the work
That thou hast wrung so boldly from my powers.
She doth not need for that the spirit-faith
Which seems so ill-accorded with her pride.
Frederick Clear-Mind:
Entrancing are indeed these mystic paths;
Nor will I henceforth fail in diligence,
But give myself completely to the lore
That I can gather from the Temple’s words.
Michael Nobleman:
The impulse after truth within my soul
Is drawing me toward the spirit-light;
The noble teaching which now shines so clear
In human life, will surely find that I
Am the best pupil that it ever had.
George Candid:
I ever have been deeply moved by all
That hath revealed itself from many a source
Of noble mystic spirit-treasuries.
With all my heart would I yet further strive.
Ahriman (audible only to Strader):
Such men mean well: yet doth their striving stay
But in the upper layers of their souls.
And so can I make use for many years
Of all these mighty treasures which lie hid
Unconsciously within their spirits’ depths.
They too seem useful to my constant aim
That Strader’s work in mankind’s life on earth
Shall with proud brilliance unfold itself.
Mary Steadfast:
A healthy view of life will of itself
Bring to the soul the fruits of spirit-realms
When men join reverence for the universe
To a clear view of sense-reality.
Ahriman (audible only to Strader):
She speaks in dreams of this reality;
She’ll dream so much the better when she wakes.
Yet she will be of little service now.
Perchance in her next life she’ll help me more,
For then she will appear as occultist
And as need may arise will teach mankind
About their life since first the Earth began.
And yet she scarce will treasure truth aright;
In former lives she oft did Strader chide
And now she praiseth him: so doth she change,
And Lucifer will be more glad of her.
Francesca Humble:
The sacred mystic realm shall one day make
Man’s being truly a harmonious whole,
When thought through feeling shall express itself
And feeling let itself be led by thought.
Katharine Counsel:
Unkind, ’tis true, doth strive to see the light;
But strange indeed the methods he pursues,
For first he quencheth it, and is surprised
That he can find it nowhere in the dark.
Ahriman (audible only to Strader):
So too with souls: they find it good to talk
As voicing the well-being of their mind,
But underneath they fail in constancy.
Such are for me quite unapproachable,
And yet they will in future much achieve
From which I’ll reap a harvest of good fruit.
They are by no means what they think themselves.
Bernard Straight:
If knowledge is not gained through cautious search
Then fantasy brings nought but airy forms
To solve the riddle of the universe,
Which only can be mastered by strict thought.
Erminia Stay-at-Home:
The cosmic substance must for ever change
That all existence may unfold itself;
And he who fain would keep all things the same
Will lack the power to understand life’s aims.
Casper Hotspur:
To live in fantasy, doth only mean
To rob men’s souls of every power in life
Through which they can grow strong to serve themselves
And do true service to their fellow men.
Mary Dauntless:
Souls that would stunt their own inherent strength
May let external powers mould their life
True man will only seek development
From his own deepest personality.
Ahriman (audible only to Strader):
It is but human what these souls conceal.
One cannot tell what they may yet achieve;
For Lucifer may try his power on them,
And make them think they are but working out
Each his own powers of soul with steadfast aim;
And so perchance he hath not lost them yet.
Ferdinand Fox:
He who would cosmic riddles rightly read
Must wait till understanding and right thought
Reveal themselves through powers within his life,
And he who fain would find his way aright
Must seize all he can use that gives him joy.
Above all else the search for wisdom’s lore
To give high aims to weak humanity —
This leads to nothing on this Earth of ours.
Ahriman (audible only to Strader):
He hath been chosen as philosopher,
And such he will appear in his next life —
With him I do but balance my account.
Seven of twelve I ever need myself
And five I give to Brother Lucifer.
From time to time I take account of men
And see both what they are and what they do.
And when I once have chosen out my twelve
I do not need to search for any more.
For if I come in number to thirteen
The last is just exactly like the first.
When I have got these twelve within my realm
And can through their soul-nature fashion them,
Then others too must ever follow them.
(To himself holding his hands over Strader’s ears so that he shall not hear.)
True, none of this have I achieved as yet,
Since Earth refused to give herself to me.
But I shall strive throughout eternity,
Until — perchance — I gain the victory.[1]
One must make use of what is not yet lost.
(The following so that it is again audible to Strader):
Thou seest I do not flatter with fine words,
Indeed I do not wish to please mankind.
He who would inspiration seek for lofty aims
In speech well-regulated and arranged,
Needs must betake himself to other worlds.
But, who with reason and a sense for truth
Perceives the things which here I bring to pass,
He can acknowledge that it is with me
The powers are found, without which human souls
Must lose themselves whilst living on the Earth.
The very worlds of gods make use of me,
And only seek to draw souls from my grasp
When I grow active in their own domain.
And then if my Opponent doth succeed
In leading men astray with this belief
That my existence hath been proved to be
Unnecessary for the universe,
Then souls may dream indeed of higher worlds,
And strength and power decay in earthly life.
Thou seest in me one who would follow thee
And give his powers to thee to use at will.
What I have witnessed here doth seem to show
That all that makes mankind thine enemy
Is lack of reason’s power and strength of mind.
In truth thou didst not flatter with fine words;
For thou didst well-nigh mock these poor weak men
When it did please thee to portray their fate.
I must confess that it seems good to me
What thou wouldst give unto the souls of men,
For they will only be enriched with strength
For what is good through thee; they will but gain
The bad from thee if they were bad before.
If only men did better know themselves
They must for certain feel with all their hearts
The bitter scorn that thou dost cast on them.
But what is here wrung forth from out my soul?
I speak such words as would destroy my life
If on the Earth I found that they were true.
Thou must so think; I cannot otherwise
Than find that what thou hast just said is true;
Yet ’tis but truth when in this realm of thine
It would be error for the world of Earth
If it prove there to be what it seems here.
I must no further trace my human thoughts
Within this place-they now must have an end.
In thy rough words there soundeth pain for thee,
And they are painful too in mine own soul.
I can–whilst facing thee — but weep — and cry —
The Science kernel of the highest goal of The Dramatic Arts, the science of Karma Cognition has been kept AS IS at the Goetheanum. I worked as a Stage Hand for the productions when I was a student at the Goetheanum. I participated in viewing these massive full productions several times through as an audience member. I studied and took notes and helped bring these performances back to the United States. Today, we have the artists and research groups that could take the Four Mystery Dramas and flesh them out as historical novels. That is partly why I have been impressed with the Book “Cloud Atlas”. The Mystery Dramas, rightly so, have been preserved with a museum curators care. As artists and graduates from the Goetheanum many of us have experimented with different methods of presentations. To track and flesh out in novel form and than reverse the process from the novel to the magnificent special effects in film, the outstanding journey of THE FOUR MYSTERY DRAMAS, loaded, jam packed, with the Science of the Spiritual World, the Science of actual Karma events through history, the accurate tracking of a Karma Group through Time, has waited, not exactly dormant, but held fixated as one of the highest treasures of Drama the World has seen. So to historically elaborate a full book and novel of the tracking of these twelve individual through time, each with their stories, filming those locations and those times and places and the experiences of the Spiritual Worlds that moves along with them through the unfolding of time – with the unfolding of “Cloud Atlas”, THE FOUR MYSTERY DRAMAS (CLICK LINK FOR MYSTERY DRAMA STAGE PERFORMANCE – IN ORIGINAL GERMAN) could be and are nearly ready to step out of the museum of Initiation Science and the Science of Drama and Karma cognition into the laps of the viewing public.
The Indigo Girls – Galileo gives a rousing nod to considering Reincarnation. Anyone who evolves properly begins to comprehend that Reincarnation is the very thing that is left out of the mix of our confined, restricted and conditioned education. The Science of Reincarnation is not some new age bounce around from insect to butterfly to human. On the contrary, human beings are a category of beings who carry an I AM and are part of the Tenth Hierarchy. Be uplifted, get an earful of a little Reincarnation Theory. (Click Link)
JENNIFER ANISTON, who is of Greek descent, spent a year of her childhood living in Greece with her family, but relocated to New York when her father landed a role on the daytime drama LOVE OF LIFE. She had her first taste of acting at age 11 when she joined the Rudolf Steiner School’s drama club. Aniston said: “I was always fascinated by acting, but my experience at Rudolf Steiner encouraged me to pursue it as a career.” She added: “Steiner was a free-spirited school that encouraged creativity and individualism.” Her experience at the Rudolf Steiner School also helped Aniston develop a passion for art. At age 11, one of Aniston’s paintings was selected to be on display in an exhibit at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.
German actress Floriane Daniel attended Rudolf Steiner Schools and got a taste for acting and the arts. Karoline Herfurth went to a Waldorf school in Berlin and graduated from Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts.
“Part of the genius of the Matrix (SEE LINK) is its correspondence with the indications given by Steiner concerning the nature of Christ’s Second Coming, that it is not in another outward physical form that we can expect him, but within the depths of our own selves, as we begin to awaken to the Christ within, and begin to ascend in our consciousness to the level which he already occupies. According to Steiner it is Ahriman who physically incarnates, as Anti-christ to entrap those who think that salvation lies outside of themselves. (6) For a long time NEO is also unable to believe fully in himself. NEO is not The Christ, he ‘only’ wakes up to the Christ within himself, and this is the great power of the film, for the illusionary world of the Matrix, where the ‘powerful’ are as manipulated as much as the powerless, is not some fantastical world, but our own every day world. In this way the film points to the fact that enlightenment is to be found within our own self, and as such it is very self-empowering. It is a call to a generation to begin to wake up.” Another perspective – More Insight on the Matrix (See Link)
Manichaeism is a powerful arising dilemma and Christine Gruwez has dove down right into the middle of this theme with her book and blog post. (For Book Click Link) For her blog post (click this Link).
Dear Rileybrad,
Your Dramatic Arts, Film, and Destiny of Humanity 1 (DAFDH 1) is An Unparalleled MORAL CONTEMPORARY MASTERPIECE of the Alchemical Marriage of the Philosophic Art Stream, with the Hygienic Science Stream. Rudolf Steiner, IN HIS RS INCARNATION, would have been, joyously fulfilled, with the “future” foreknowledge that an ever youthful soul, such as yourself — after freely self-imposing to undertake his spiritual scientific indications — that, finally, finally, one Individual, has the bull-dog toughness to blaze forward and COURAGEOUSLY stand as YOU, as only you can uniquely do, who demonstrates in Method-Path-Way, and epi-generically grounded in Nature, Human and Divine, and with a “show me” state of Will-Mood of the Heart, AND demonstrating BOTH a Planetary Michael-Rosicrucian Spiritual Scientific collaboration (with all of the higher planes of the spiritual hierarchies of good telescoped within you, intra-pyshically), AND WITH a great, occult, “mechanical” dose of the Platonic Artistry of Anthroposophy: DIVINE LOVE (or “Wrath” to the faint-hearted!). Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
True friendship is an altruistic gift,
The Divine Love of the Sophia, is faithfully immanent from the future, SO THAT we can ever meet those that we can be altruistically loving now,
Thanxs, Leroy Jacobowski.
PS– I gotta go and put on the din-din feed bag now, me consort girl friend of life has beckoned!!
You were always a better Wordsmith my friend.
Dear Rileybrad,
If my overworked guardian angel ever lets me have a “rest” in kama loka, I’ll welcome that opportunity for an extended stay! And after I confess to all of my sins, mistakes, errors, and omissions of duty (whew!), there certainly will be an extremely long wait for those anxious to get in the “life review” oven!
Just a note: I left a reply to your reply to my reply in reply to Intuition Windows: About (Comment 9).
Rileybrad, you were in the past, and are now, a one of kind
proto-creative master poet, among other artistries of yours. (I’m only a lowly second rate secretary that takes dictation.)
When you were being air-mailed special delivery by the Michael-Sophia-Paraclete-Comforter Angelic-Archanglic Stork in 1949, my already overworked guardian angel timed it so that I was in the Windy City, feelin” the Hawk thundering across Chi-Town from atop the thunderous waves of Lake Michigan. So, at the time that you were on your way to being dropped off by stork central, in the Northern Heart of the Constitutional Republic, I was five-years old, and watching you float down like a beautiful golden, astral-etheric bell. Now, when a courageous stork dropped me off at my birth place in a Bolshie, look-alike prison, located in the extreme American Southwest, I was born a son of a widow. My genetic father had died. I was born in a war concentration camp, complete with military guards with fifty caliber machine gun posts. This was not the first time that I had been born into the throes of the ominously evil machinations of the EconoFreaks (i.e. the World Shadow Societies), who had begun their ever accelerating climb out of the abyss Two-Milleniums ago (after the Ancient Hebrews had finished, via miracles and graces, their Herculean mission of eugenically co-evolving the perfect Grail Vessel, for the Macro-Cosmic Stellar Word to be welcomed, finally, AT THE BAPTISM — so that the Alchemical Interweaving of Co-Creating Spiritual Velocities, could dynamically Metamorphose, and Harmonize. the future-now, unlimited potentialities of the Spirit I AM, and the Holy Soul in the WORD MADE FLESH!
My adopted, (generic,) God-Father pointed out the Big Dipper to me when I was a little boy. I asked him how those Stars (i.e. the Seven Holy Rishis Stars) got “there”? The Grey-Haired Sage told me that God made “them”! One week later, my adopted, (generic,) God-Mother took me to her family garden on the side of her house. There, she pointed to a tomato plant, and immediately picked a ripe, red tomato right off of the vine. She deftly sliced two pieces from the tomato and gave one to me. I ate it in a couple of bites. It tasted good. I asked my Wise God-Mother who made the tomato? She said that Mother-Nature did. Within a month of eating the tomato, I had an peculiar idea, a new thought, that lighted up in me: the God of the Stars, and the Mother of Nature, must be Husband and Wife. The Father and tMother of the Stars and of Nature. This was to be my only “official” religion that I knew until three years later when I turned nine. It was at that age, while reading my favorite comic books, the super hero ones, where each super hero had two identities, a secret everyday “blue collar” identity, and a secret emergency super hero identity. For example, I liked the Super Boy, Super Man, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Straight Arrow, The Flash, etc., kinds of Super Heroes. And, it was while reading a Straight Arrow comic book, in which the Native American super hero would talk about his “God”, the Manitou, the Sun God. I had also saw a movie on television about the greatest story ever told, a story about the Son of God, Christ Jesus, earlier the same year. After I read about the Manitou God of Straight Arrow, the Sun God. It eventually, dawned on me, after a little wrestling about the two, seemingly “different” Gods, that they were both one and the same: Son God, Sun God, the WORDS meant the same to me in my nine year old Heart!
Cloud Atlas: Chicago 1949: I remembered that I was reading a Captain Marvel comic book that I found wedged between an arm rest and the inner wall of the very train in which my mother and I were passengers in in our journey from San Francisco to Detroit.
In that particular comic, there were three great stories about the challenges of Captain Marvel in battling his arch nemesis: the Evil Magician. However, it was in between the chapters of the stories, that a mysterious ad had caught my “eye”: A “eye” that was floating above the chief cornerstone-less, flat-top of an egyptian pyramid, the Great Pyramid of Giza! I couldn’t pronounce the name of the writing below the Great Pyramid. I didn’t understand what the ad meant. I had an aversion to the ad, yet it was curiously mysterious and puzzling to me.
When I was nine, I still couldn’t utter the main name of the ad. I only could pronounce the smaller, and more common words: Secrets of the Universe, send only a dime to: …the address.
The R-o-s-i-c-r-u-c-i-a-n-s: I could not pronounce this word properly until I was forty years old. Prior to that time, I had an aversion to this name in that I thought it was an “ugly” name, or word. Yet, it was always curiously mysterious land puzzling to me.
I always silently thought to myself when I would see the ad in 10’s of 10’s of 10’s of 10’s of Super Hero comic books that I had read from the age of five to nine, “That is one sure ‘ugly’ unpronounceable word to me! I won’t have anything to do with that mysterious ‘stuff’!”
This deviated human creature, me, a no-one special, stands, firmly, in his, “other” I AM, representing, not me, but the planetary Michael School, the Rosicrucian School of Social Art, and the Goethe-Novalis Earth-Centered Mother, and the Daughter of the Living God, the Divine Sophia, and the Holy Soul,
Keep your eyes and hears dynamically centered in altruistic anonymity,
May each of you have healthy, objective “Other” consciousness,
The Whirl Wind is coming,
True friendship is an altruistic gift,
Thanxs, Leroy Jacobowski.
Holy Moly, Bradford, what a post! I am enjoying your blog, as I am a long time student and admirer of Rudolph Steiner. FYI, I just added you to the blogroll of my new blog at http://shiningstranger.wordpress.com/. Feel free to come on over and check it out. Peace!
Humble thanks fellow seeker. I took your invitation and am reading your insights. I’ll share with you as I get deeper into them. Many thanks that you are on the watchtower, keeping your spiritual eyes and ears open. Get back to you soon.
Thanks, Bradford. I would most assuredly appreciate any insights you would be gracious enough to share!